Top 10 Types of Influencers for Your Brand | Moburst (2024)

Digital MarketingInfluencer Marketing And UGC

Top 10 Types of Influencers for Your Brand | Moburst (1)

Lital Castel

Top 10 Types of Influencers for Your Brand | Moburst (2)

Jess Ailion21 March 2024

Top 10 Types of Influencers for Your Brand | Moburst (3)

Originally Published on June 2021, Updated on March 2024

Influencer marketing has evolved from a trend to a central component of modern digital strategies, offering unmatched potential for brand engagement and audience connection.

As the digital landscape becomes more saturated, the ability to cut through the noise and build meaningful relationships with your customers has never been more critical.

  • Influencers, with their built-in audiences and trusted voices, offer a unique pathway to promote brand credibility, awareness, and ultimately, sales.

However, navigating the world of influencers and finding the right ones for your campaign can be overwhelming, especially when considering follower counts and the different niches and industries they may fall into.

In this article, we’ll cover the ten types of influencers and how to choose the best one for your marketing campaign!

Contents hide

What is an Influencer?

What is Influencer Marketing?

Types of Influencers by Follower Count

Types of Influencers By Industry or Niche

How to Choose the Right Influencer for Your Brand

Where to Find the Best Influencers

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is an Influencer?

Generally speaking, an influencer is someone who has the ability to impact the opinions, decisions, and actions of others within a specific niche or industry. They have built a reputation and following based on their expertise, knowledge, or unique perspective. Social media influencers use their platforms to develop self-brands, foster relationships, engage with followers, and share their knowledge in particular niches. The size of their following determines the category they belong to among the four we will discuss below.

Brands often employ influencers to be ambassadors, promoters, partners, or simply to promote their products in creative ways. If you want to find out more about how to work with influencers, check out our influencer campaign strategy guide.

What is Influencer Marketing?

Influencer marketing involves using influencers as part of your brand’s marketing campaign to promote a product, increase brand exposure, reach target consumers, hit certain KPIs, and more.

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Influencers and Mobile Marketing

While influencer marketing is traditionally considered as a digital marketing strategy, influencers can also play a significant role in mobile marketing by leveraging their influence and reach to promote mobile apps, products, and services. Here are some ways influencers can help promote your app:

  • Increase brand awareness: Influencers have a dedicated following who trust their recommendations. By partnering with influencers, marketers can tap into their audience and increase brand visibility, reaching potential users who may not be aware of the app or product.
  • Drive app downloads: you can utilize influencers to create engaging content around your app, showcasing its features and benefits. By sharing their experiences and opinions, they can encourage their followers to download and try out the app, which helps drive more app downloads.
Top 10 Types of Influencers for Your Brand | Moburst (4)
  • Boost user engagement: Influencers can help create buzz and excitement for your app through contests, giveaways, or challenges. Their active and engaged audience is more likely to participate, resulting in increased user engagement and interaction.
  • Provide social proof: Influencers can contribute social proof for apps, vouching for their quality and effectiveness. When influencers recommend an app, their followers perceive it as a trusted recommendation, leading to increased trust and credibility for your brand.
  • Target specific audiences: Influencers specialize in various niches and industries. By partnering with influencers relevant to your target audience, you can effectively reach and engage with a specific segment of mobile users, increasing the chances of conversion and retention.

Types of Influencers by Follower Count

There are four main different types of social media influencers, which can be defined by follower count:

  • Nano Influencers – 1-10k followers
  • Micro Influencers – 10-100k followers
  • Macro Influencers – 100k-1 Million followers
  • Mega Influencers – 1 Million+ followers

Let’s break down the different types of influencer by follower count:

1. What is a Nano Influencer?

Nano influencers are defined as having between 1k-10k followers on their social media channels. Their smaller audience does not mean their influence isn’t strong, as their followers are typically highly engaged and trust their opinion. Nano influencers foster a strong relationship with their followers, who they’re likely very connected to. As a result, their engagement rates tend to be high.

Often, nano influencers have a following within a particular community, whether that’s location-based, a specific online niche, or career-oriented.

When Should Your Brand Use Nano Influencers?

If you have a smaller budget but want to dip your toes into the successful world of influencer marketing, then yes, nano influencers are perfect for your brand. They’re less expensive than influencers with bigger followings, and their high engagement rates can bring excellent value to your brand. Nano influencers are also a cost-effective solution to testing your marketing within a new audience demographic.

In short, nano influencers can be relevant when you want to specifically target a particular user base relevant to a niche.

2. What is a Micro Influencer?

Micro influencers are defined as having between 10k-100k followers. Despite having a larger following than nano influencers, they still manage to maintain a similar “relatability” or “authenticity” factor. Which, in turn, means they still have high engagement rates. Often, micro influencers fall into a particular niche or category that can be specific to a particular location, job, or hobby.

Top 10 Types of Influencers for Your Brand | Moburst (5)

Micro influencers aren’t celebrities; they build their following based on high-value content and trust. Since people follow micro influencers for this closer relationship and the value they offer, they make for great brand ambassadors.

They produce content in a particular niche, so they’re often considered experts in this area. For a brand trying to access an audience in this niche, this can be invaluable. It can’t hurt to have a respected expert on board, can it?

When Should Your Brand Use Micro Influencers?

Brands should use micro-influencers if they are looking to take advantage of the creator’s “expert” status and close relationships with their followers for ultimate engagement. Micro influencers tend to have a following that is extremely interested in what they have to say, so your brand can benefit from their strong influence.

3. What is a Macro Influencer?

Macro influencers have between 100,000 to one million followers. Their reach is much larger than micro and nano influencers. Macro influencers are often content creators who have made careers out of their social media presence, making them ‘Internet famous.’ They could be bloggers, vloggers, podcasters, TikTok influencers, Instagram influencers, etc. What differentiates them from mega influencers is that their fame tends to arise from online growth rather than celebrity growth.

Macro influencers will have higher engagement levels than mega influencers but perhaps less engagement in a specific niche than nano or micro influencers.

When Should Your Brand Use Macro Influencers?

Consider engaging macro influencers when aiming to boost brand awareness through exposure campaigns on a moderate budget. Opting for macro influencers, instead of mega influencers, can provide a balance of exposure and engagement.

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Micro vs Macro Influencers

First and foremost, micro influencers have a smaller following than macro influencers. Beyond that, micro influencers also tend to be more invested in their audience. Perhaps it has to do with the size being more manageable, the effort to grow, or their following being dependent on that feeling of a personal relationship.

Because of this, they often have a stronger influence over their audience and can be more effective at driving results as part of an influencer marketing campaign, especially within a specific vertical or demographic.

4. What is a Mega Influencer?

Mega influencers have more than one million followers and are usually celebrities with a large online following. Due to their celebrity status and huge following, they tend to be expensive to work with.

What’s more, their audience is too large to be operating within one single niche, so their audience will be broad and span numerous demographics and interests. As such, their value for your brand may not be as high as micro-influencers, for example.

Top 10 Types of Influencers for Your Brand | Moburst (6)

It’s generally accepted that mega influencers’ fame outweighs their genuine influence. People follow them because they are famous, not necessarily because they have fostered a close relationship with them and trust their opinion. Their volume of followers makes it hard to develop these close relationships and a higher level of engagement.

For example, the Kardashian / Jenner family would be considered mega influencers as all their follower counts are in the tens of millions. However, they rose to fame from their family’s hit reality TV show rather than from posting content on social media, which came secondary to their TV fame.

Mega influencers have a huge reach, garnering tens of millions of likes and views. While their massive reach may sound like a great selling point, it may be hard to determine how much of it will come from your target users or how many people are actually influenced to make a purchase.

When Should Your Brand Use Mega Influencers?

Brands should choose mega influencers when aiming for wide-reaching brand awareness, launching new products, or targeting mainstream markets.

These influencers, with their extensive follower base, are ideal for creating buzz, elevating brand positioning, and highlighting special events or launches.

However, these collaborations are best pursued when the budget allows for high-profile endorsem*nts and when there’s a strategic alignment between the influencer’s image and the brand’s values to ensure authenticity and resonance with the target audience.

Types of Influencers By Industry or Niche

1. Lifestyle & Vloggers

Lifestyle and vloggers offer a mix of content, from travel to home decor, personal routines, and relationship advice, making them perfect for brands targeting diverse audiences.

Their versatility allows them to seamlessly promote various products and services within their content, meaning they are not limited to a single industry or niche.

These types of influencers also excel at creating relatable and engaging content that boosts brand visibility and fosters community.

  • It’s important to note that some of these influencers have transitioned from being known for a specific niche to becoming full-time vloggers, so they may lean more toward one category – which can be advantageous to leverage for your brand.
Top 10 Types of Influencers for Your Brand | Moburst (7)

For instance, Zoe Sugg (also known as “Zoella” online), became famous on YouTube by creating beauty and fashion videos, but has since become a renowned vlogger, sharing her family life and relationship advice. Capitalizing on her broad reach, many lifestyle, beauty, and fashion brands have promoted their products and services through her channel.

2. Tech & Gaming

Tech and Gaming influencers provide expert insights on the latest gadgets and video games, attracting audiences interested in the newest advancements in tech and gaming.

However – their appeal isn’t just limited to their niche. Due to the strength of their personal brands, they can effectively engage audiences across various interests, making them valuable for promoting a wide range of products and services.

For instance, gaming influencers are often sponsored by food delivery services like Factor75 or HelloFresh, tapping into gamers’ needs for quick and easy meal solutions.

  • Marques Brownlee, known as MKBHD, is a key influencer in the tech space. With over 18 million followers, he is well-known for his in-depth tech product reviews and analyses on YouTube.

Many of the largest tech brands such as Apple and Samsung, often send him their products to review, and viewers typically perceive him as the go-to source for finding an honest review of the newest products.

Top 10 Types of Influencers for Your Brand | Moburst (8)

For the gaming niche, we can look at Austin John Plays, known for his extensive guides and reviews of the latest Nintendo Switch games on YouTube. He also streams these games on Twitch to over 100K followers, revealing exclusive gaming tips and tricks to his audience.

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3. Beauty & Fashion

Beauty & Fashion influencers dictate the latest trends in makeup, skincare, and style, deeply influencing how their followers perceive their personal style and overall aesthetics.

These types of influencers typically create a mix of content that ranges from makeup tutorials, skincare routines, fashion hauls, and styling tips, to discussions about sustainability in fashion and beauty.

Their content is not just about showing the latest trends but also about instilling confidence in their audience, teaching them how to express themselves through fashion and beauty.

This trait makes them unique in the influencer marketing space, as their ability to create a personal connection with their audience makes their recommendations feel more genuine and trustworthy.

And in case it wasn’t clear by now – authenticity is the key for influencer marketing success.

A prime example of a Beauty & Fashion influencer who embodies this blend of informative content and personal touch is The Anna Edit.

  • Known for her minimalist style and approachable beauty advice, Anna has carved out a niche for herself among those seeking practical, stylish, and sustainable fashion and beauty options.
Top 10 Types of Influencers for Your Brand | Moburst (9)
  • Anna shares a wide range of content, including capsule wardrobe selections, beauty product reviews, and lifestyle tips, making her and similar influencers in her niche an influential voice for brands interested in promoting a balanced and aesthetic-driven lifestyle using their products.

4. Business & Finance

Business & Finance influencers share insights on investments, entrepreneurship, and financial planning, catering to an audience seeking expert advice.

Their advice ranges from how to manage daily expenses to how to plan for your financial future. They are often trusted because they share their own money wins and fails, making their advice feel real and doable.

A great example of these types of influencers is The Financial Diet. With over 1 million followers on YouTube, the channel focuses on personal financial experiences to teach its audience on how to make better choices in a friendly and direct manner, making it a popular go-to choice for financial advice.

Because their audience is mostly directed toward beginners and inexperienced people when it comes to finance, they are often sponsored by financial apps and services such as Betterment, which helps with managing personal finances and becoming a better investor.

  • This approach not only simplifies financial management for their audience but also opens up opportunities for brands to introduce products and services that can aid in personal finance and investment, appealing to those just starting on their financial journey.

Depending on the level of expertise your product or service requires to use, leveraging these types of influencers can be highly beneficial in driving sales and increasing conversion rates for your brand. Their ability to convey complex financial concepts in an understandable and engaging way makes them invaluable partners for brands looking to connect with audiences new to personal finance, thereby enhancing brand visibility and trust.

5. Food & Nutrition

Food & Nutrition influencers engage audiences with cooking tips, restaurant reviews, and healthy eating advice. Their platforms can serve as a bridge between brands and a diverse audience hungry for food inspiration and wellness insights.

For businesses within the food industry, whether that’s gourmet brands, innovative food services, or even companies specializing in the latest kitchen gadgets, these influencers offer a flavorful avenue for brand promotion.

Their ability to create content that resonates with food lovers and health-conscious individuals alike makes them invaluable for marketing strategies aiming to generate interest for food-related products and services.

Taking Cherie from Thriving on Plants on TikTok as a case in point, her approach to sharing vibrant, straightforward veggie recipes has captivated millions. Her success lies in her ability to make healthy eating appealing and accessible, transforming simple ingredients into visually stunning dishes that beg to be tried.

Top 10 Types of Influencers for Your Brand | Moburst (10)

Her viral videos demonstrate the power of Food & Nutrition influencers to impact food choices and preferences, showcasing their potential as partners for brands looking to connect with food enthusiasts and the health-conscious market.

6. Health & Wellness

Health & Wellness influencers focus on inspiring their audiences towards a holistic approach to health, emphasizing both physical fitness and mental well-being. They make health and wellness accessible and engaging, offering insights into effective fitness routines, mental health strategies, and overall wellness tips.

These types of influencers are key for brands within the health, fitness, and wellness industries aiming to connect with an audience actively seeking ways to improve their health.

They can seamlessly integrate products or services into their content, from workout equipment and wellness apps to nutritional supplements, providing genuine recommendations that resonate with their followers. This authenticity boosts brand visibility and trust, translating into increased engagement and potential sales.

  • For instance, influencers in this space can demonstrate the use of fitness gear in their workout routines or highlight the benefits of health supplements in their nutrition advice, effectively showcasing product relevance and benefits in a real-world context.

A notable example is Cassie of Blogilates, who has successfully built a large community around accessible workouts you can do at the comfort of your home. Her approach highlights how Health & Wellness influencers can foster a dedicated following by providing valuable content that directly impacts the audience’s lifestyle choices and well-being.

How to Choose the Right Influencer for Your Brand

The answer to this question will depend on the goals of your campaign and your budget. Is it a brand awareness campaign? Then perhaps a mega influencer might be the answer as they’ll have the biggest reach.

Do you have a small budget? In that case, you probably can’t afford a mega-influencer, and a nano-influencer or micro-influencer might be the way to go.

Consider how many followers the influencer has, their engagement rate (which you can ask them for), and whether working with your brand would look authentic for both you and them, as authenticity is key in influencer marketing. You need to also consider whether your campaign goals align with what the type of influencer can achieve for you – brand awareness, conversions, etc.

Make sure to take the influencer’s main platform into account as well. A YouTube vlogger is going to offer different potential for showcasing your app than micro influencers on Instagram because the content they create is a totally different format.

So ask yourself the following: Would your product or service come across better in the mostly visual or short form video style of Instagram and TikTok, or would it look better in a long form YouTube vlog?

Where to Find the Best Influencers

There are various influencer marketing tools and platforms that can help you find the right influencers for your brand and campaign. You can also keep tabs on influencers that already post about your brand or competitors. Or, find influencers who have an audience base that overlaps with your target user base.

However, we recommend hiring an expert influencer marketing agency like Moburst to help you master the entire marketing funnel.

At Moburst, our Creator Network boasts a diverse array of influencers spanning every industry, ready to help you achieve your goals and KPIs effectively.

Looking for an Influencer Marketing Agency?

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is an influencer?

Simply put, an influencer is someone who shares content on social media and has the ability to use their knowledge, authority, audience relationships etc. to influence the purchases of others. This can be on any platform ranging from TikTok to Facebook, and their followings can vary in size from one thousand to one million.

What are the different types of social media influencers?

In order of following (from largest to smallest), there are: mega influencers, macro influencers, micro influencers and nano influencers. There are also types of influencers by industry and niche such as gaming & tech, health & wellness, etc.

How many followers do the different types of influencers have?

Mega influencers have more than 1 million followers, macro influencers have between 100,000 to 1 million followers, micro-influencers have between 10,000 to 100,000 followers and nano influencers have between 1,000 to 10,000 followers.

Top 10 Types of Influencers for Your Brand | Moburst (11)

Lital Castel

Lital is Moburst’s Content Manager & Email Marketing Specialist. She specializes in coming up with engaging ideas and research to capture the trendiest topics in the digital and mobile marketing world. She is passionate about productivity and optimizing your day, but you can probably find her playing video games while cuddling with her dog on the couch to wind down at the end of a long day.

Top 10 Types of Influencers for Your Brand | Moburst (12)

Jess Ailion

Jess is Moburst's Content Marketing Manager who came to us all the way from the UK. After studying English Literature, she found herself writing about all things mobile marketing. When she's not spending her time writing, you can find her cooking for her friends or exploring new places.

Top 10 Types of Influencers for Your Brand | Moburst (13)

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Top 10 Types of Influencers for Your Brand | Moburst (2024)


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We asked U.S. consumers about "Most popular influencer genres" and found that "Comedy" takes the top spot, while "VIPs & celebrities" is at the other end of the ranking.

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7 Steps for Identifying the Right Influencers for Your Brand
  1. Identify the goals for your influencer marketing campaign. ...
  2. Understand your target audience. ...
  3. Decide what type of influencer you'd like to work with. ...
  4. Search for influencers. ...
  5. Know your influencer selection criteria. ...
  6. Negotiate compensation and deliverables.

What are the categories of influencers? ›

Types of Influencers By Industry or Niche
  • Lifestyle & Vloggers.
  • Tech & Gaming.
  • Beauty & Fashion.
  • Business & Finance.
  • Food & Nutrition.
  • Health & Wellness.
Mar 21, 2024

What top brand categories use influencer marketing? ›

Beauty and Fashion: The beauty and fashion category reigns supreme in the influencer marketing sphere, captivating audiences with trends, styles, and product recommendations. Beauty influencers share skincare routines, makeup tutorials, and product reviews, showcasing the latest launches from cosmetic brands.

What is a top tier influencer? ›

Micro-influencers - 10,000 to 50,000 followers. Mid-tier influencers - 50,000 to 500,000 followers. Macro-influencers - 500,000 to 1,000,000 followers. Mega influencers - 1,000,000 or more followers.

How do brands reach out to influencers? ›

Brand deals are a top income source for many influencers. These collaborations often start with a pitch, through email, DMs, or other methods. BI spoke with creators across social media on how they reach out to brands for collaborations.

How much should a brand pay an influencer? ›

X posts (formally Twitter)
Influencer TierCompensation
Micro$1,000 – $6,000
Mid-tier$6,000 – $15,000
Macro$15,000 – $30,000
Celebrity$30,000 +
1 more row

How to choose your influencer niche? ›

One of the ways to identify potential niches is to use the PIP method: Passion, Interest, Problems. Make a list of 5 things that you're passionate about, 5 things you're interested in, and 5 problems that you've had. For example, I might be passionate about equal access to education or locally grown food.

What is a Tier 3 influencer? ›

Tier 2 — Maven Influencer — 100K — 1M followers. Tier 3 — Prosumer Influencer 20K — 100K followers. Tier 4 — Up-and-Coming Influencer 5K — 20K followers. Tier 5 — Rookie Influencer 1K — 5K followers. Tier 6 — Instagram User 0–1K followers.

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Tabs: The red colored box represents tabs as “Key influencers” and “Top Segments” which can be selected for switching between views. The “Top Segments” tab shows the top segments (combination of values) contributing to the selected metric and “Key influencers” are top contributers for the selected metric.

How does a brand choose a specific influencer? ›

Research the influencer's audience to determine their degree of engagement and trust. Make sure the influencer is someone who is perceived by their audience and the general public as credible and trustworthy.

What are the four main categories of social media influencers? ›

Nano influencers (1K–10K followers) Micro influencers (10K–100K followers) Macro influencers (100K–1M followers) Mega or celebrity influencers (1M+ followers)

What are influencer groups? ›

Influencer pods are groups of influencers that work together to boost one another's engagement in a quid pro quo relationship. Because getting high-paying brand collaborations frequently depend on high engagement metrics, these influencers intentionally raise each other's likes, comments, and shares.

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Ronaldo comes out top on the highest-paid Instagram influencers list, making $3.23 million per sponsored post. His 625 million followers are privy to these sponsored posts, including his paid partnerships ranging from Nike to his own underwear line.

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The Best Lifestyle Influencers in India are ⬇️
  • Ankita Chaturvedi (Corallista)
  • Rohina.
  • Mitali & Summiyya.
  • Arshia Moorjani.
  • Debasree Banerjee.
  • Kamana Bhaskaran.
  • Rij Eappen.
  • Rizwan Bachav.

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It goes without saying that the success of your influencer marketing campaign depends on your target audience. If your audience is Generation Z (ages 16-23), you are in luck. They are the most likely to respond to your influencers. Less and less people follow influencers as they increase in age.

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Author: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

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Name: Clemencia Bogisich Ret

Birthday: 2001-07-17

Address: Suite 794 53887 Geri Spring, West Cristentown, KY 54855

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Job: Central Hospitality Director

Hobby: Yoga, Electronics, Rafting, Lockpicking, Inline skating, Puzzles, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Clemencia Bogisich Ret, I am a super, outstanding, graceful, friendly, vast, comfortable, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.