Top 2.0 GPA Scholarships to Apply for in December 2023 (2024)

About scholarships for students with a 2.0 GPA

Not all high school seniors who are beginning the college search are working with a history that makes it easy for them to afford higher education. The national average GPA is2.9, and as a result, average students with lower GPAs who are looking for college scholarships might be frustrated that so many scholarships have high minimum GPA requirements.

A 2.0 is aC average grade, and high school seniors looking to attend college have run out of time to increase their GPA. However, there are opportunities for high school graduates who have had difficulty keeping their GPA up.

In fact, in many states and high schools, a2.0 is the minimum grade point average students may have to graduate. Some students with a 2.0 GPA have just celebrated their triumph of receiving their high school diploma, but are now facing worse odds than their peers as they begin to plan for their future in higher education.

If students know where to look, there are many scholarships that provide aid to more students than just the top-performing ones who have financial need. These scholarships are available to both high school and college students who are looking for ways to pay for their bachelor's degree or other higher education such as vocational school.

These scholarships tend to not focus on academics, and instead ask average students to discuss other things they are passionate about. Scholarship prompts may ask students to demonstrate leadership or talk about their dream careers.

Additionally, a scholarship program with no GPA requirement or a lower GPA requirement is often aimed toward demographics that tend to struggle to afford going through a degree program. Some target female students, young adults, home-schooled students, underrepresented races, and more.

While some of the scholarships available onBold.orgdo have high grade point average requirements, others have lower requirements, and even more have no requirements for GPA whatsoever.

What is a 2.0 GPA scholarship?

A 2.0 GPA scholarship is a scholarship program intended for students who have a minimum GPA of 2.0. These scholarships are usually aimed at students who have a GPA in the range of 2.0 - 3.0 and are intended to provide scholarship funding to students who may not be able to apply to scholarships with higher minimum GPA requirements.

However, students with a GPA higher than 3.0 are still welcome to apply. There are also numerous scholarships that have no minimum grade point average requirements and are open to all students.

Furthermore, there are 2.0 GPA scholarships that are open to any undergraduate, graduate student, or even high school students who wants to apply so they can attend their accredited college.

Some scholarship opportunities are easy application, no-essay scholarships, while others require an essay. Essay requirements can vary in length and topic, and sometimes ask students to write about their major, future career, hobbies, sports, volunteer work, and more. Some scholarship applications require different mediums, such as a video or social media post.

Can you get a scholarship with a 2.0 GPA?

Anyone can make an account withBold.organd begin applying for scholarships if they meet the eligibility requirements. To increase your chances of winning a scholarship, make sure to apply early and to multiple scholarships.

Additionally, make sure each essay answers the prompt given, and's writing tips for creating a great essay. There are plenty of opportunities for students with 2.0 GPAs to win scholarships, so click on any of the scholarships listed here to start applying.

Furthermore, keep in mind that you can easily find a scholarship program that has no GPA requirement and instead looks at other types of application materials.

How to apply for 2.0 GPA scholarships

With aBold.orgprofile, you can browse and apply for any scholarship program you are eligible for. Search scholarships and use the filters to find scholarships that have a 2.0 minimum GPA requirement or no GPA requirement to apply, and use any other categories you fit in to find scholarships to apply for. Check all the eligibility requirements and the description of the scholarship to make sure you qualify.

As you apply to your scholarship program of choice, be sure to complete all of the application requirements in a timely fashion. This could include an application essay, an art portfolio, a letter of recommendation, or something else entirely. Once you submit everything correctly, you can receive the funds you need to attend your accredited college.

How to get a 2.0 GPA scholarship

In order to be the best candidate possible, there are several ways you can craft your applications. When you put time and effort in, the people reviewing your applications can tell and will appreciate your passion.

Be enrolled at a university or trade school

The first and most important requirement for many scholarships is that applicants are students enrolled in a degree program, or are planning to be in the future.

Check Scholarship requirements

Some scholarships have more requirements to apply, such as gender, education level, extracurriculars, etc. Applying to scholarships that have several requirements makes your chances of winning greater because fewer people can apply.

When to apply

It is never too early to start applying for scholarships! There are even scholarships available to high school seniors. The earlier you start planning for the cost of college the better prepared you will be. It's also never too late to start applying - there are scholarships available to current college students and even graduate students.

Tips for winning scholarships

While winning a scholarship is never guaranteed and can be difficult due to the competition for scholarship aid, there are many things you can do to improve your chances of winning funding.

Make the most of your profile

Your profile onBold.orgis a great way to supplement your application. Make sure your profile is polished, free of errors, and shows off all the great things about you! Also, make sure to start collecting bold points so your profile stands out when donors are reviewing applications.

Apply early and often

The more scholarships you apply for the more chances you will have to win! Donors also often note the first few applicants, so applying early is a great way to catch some attention.

Put time and effort into your applications

You can make your application stand out from others by's writing tips.

First, grab your readers from the first sentence and make your essay personal and unique so it's memorable.

Second, stay focused on the prompt and answer all aspects of the question. Even a well-written and unique essay won't be a winner if it doesn't answer the question(s) the donors asked.

Third, write your essay in multiple paragraphs. Scholarship essays generally have to be a few hundred words or more, so readers will be able to focus more easily if the essay is broken up into smaller pieces rather than a single block of text.

Finally, use correct grammar! Proofread your application once you are done to make sure you didn't miss any errors.

Best 2.0 GPA Scholarships

There are a variety of scholarship options for students with 2.0 or higher GPAs. Depending on the other aspects of your identity, background, or goals, there is bound to be a scholarship that's perfect for you!

Scholarships for students with a 2.0 GPA

Perseverance Pays Scholarship

Amount: $1,000, 2 winners, $500 each

For: High school students or undergraduate students at a trade school or community college in North Carolina

This scholarship is for students who have experienced challenges that have made it difficult for them to pursue higher education. Applicants must submit an essay or video about how they faced a challenging situation and how it impacted them.

LiveYourDash Entrepreneurs Scholarship

Amount: $6,400, 3 winners, $2,133

For: Undergraduate students who are interested in entrepreneurship

This essay scholarship seeks to provide financial aid to students who demonstrate financial need and are pursuing degrees in entrepreneurship or who have already started their own businesses. Applicants must write an essay about what excites them about being an entrepreneur, and how they became inspired to choose this career.

Cody Cochlin Memorial Scholarship

Amount: $1,250

For: An undergraduate student who is low-income and has athletic experience in rollerblading, rollerskating, snowboarding, and/or skateboarding

This memorial scholarship seeks to provide financial aid to a student who loves their sport. With a fun application, there is no essay required. Instead, applicants must submit a video of themselves performing a trick they're proud of.

Robert F. Lawson Fund for Careers that Care

Amount: $1,000, 2 winners, $500 each

For: High school seniors or undergraduate students who are low-income and interested in healthcare, social work, government, education, or a related field

This memorial scholarship is providing scholarships to students who demonstrate financial need and are planning to pursue a career that primarily functions to care for and help others. Applicants must write about how they hope to help the world with their careers.

Gabriel Martin Memorial Annual Scholarship

Amount: $6,000, 6 winners, $1,000 each

For: High school juniors or seniors who have a medical condition

This memorial scholarship is providing financial assistance to students who may have difficulty completing higher education due to a chronic illness or medical issues. Applicants must write about how their condition has affected them and what their goals for the future are.

Lorraine Belcourt Love in the Community Scholarship

Amount: $500

For: A high school senior or undergraduate student who is from North Dakota, has experience in community service or volunteering, and is interested in a public service career

This scholarship is providing aid to students who meet certain eligibility criteria. Applicants must write about what they have done to serve their community and how they plan to continue giving back to their community.

Carlos F. Garcia Muentes Scholarship

Amount: $500

For: An undergraduate student who is a first-generation college student who is also a first or second-generation immigrant

This memorial scholarship was created to support immigrant students that have a passion for learning and want to create a better life for themselves, their families, and their communities. Applicants must write a short essay or create a video about their family and how they have shaped their worldview and career aspirations.

Karl Baehr Entrepreneurs Scholarship

Amount: $500

For: An undergraduate student in a two or four-year college who has started a business or plans to in the future

This scholarship program seeks to support young people who are an example of the American entrepreneurial spirit pay for their tuition. To apply, simply write about your business and why you're passionate about it.

Bold Science Matters Scholarship

Amount: $500

For: Any student

There are a number of scholarships onBold.orgthat are open to any student, with no GPA requirement or any other requirements. This is one of those scholarships. To apply, simply write a brief essay about which scientific discovery is your favorite and why.

Edward V. Chavez Athletic Memorial ScholarshipAmount: $1,900

For: A high school student who has lost one or both parents and is passionate about sports

This memorial scholarship seeks to support a student who has experienced the difficulty of losing one or both parents. Applicants must write about how losing a parent has affected them, how their sport has improved their life, and how they plan to pay it forward in the future.

Affordable College Prep's First Time Winners Scholarship

Amount: $500

For: A high school senior who has applied for scholarships but hasn't won any yet

This scholarship seeks to support a high school senior who is pursuing continuing education and hasn't won any scholarships yet. To apply, write about what you've learned in the process of applying for scholarships.

Michael Rudometkin Memorial Scholarship

Amount: $600

For: Any student who is selfless and involved in the community

This memorial scholarship exists to help support a student who prioritizes relationships, doing what makes them happy, and helping others. To apply, write about how you showcase selflessness, altruism, and perseverance that reflect your beliefs or passions.

Small Seed Big Flower Scholarship

Amount: $1,015

For: An undergraduate student who is BIPOC and a first-generation student

This scholarship exists to provide assistance to college students who may have trouble paying education-related expenses. To apply, eligible applicants should write about themselves, their dream future, what obstacle stands in the way of their dream, and how they will overcome this obstacle.

Freddie L Brown Sr. Scholarship

Amount: $1,000

For: High school students and undergraduate students

This scholarship exists to help students who express their wit and humor through creative outlets. This scholarship has a fun application process, and applicants are asked to submit their best original story, poem, anecdote, drawing, etc. that shows off their wit, humor, and spirit.

Curtis Holloway Memorial Scholarship

Amount: $1,200

For: A high school or undergraduate student who has lost a parent or lives in a single-parent household

This memorial scholarship exists to support students who experience financial need while trying to pay for college. To apply, write about who has supported you the most through your education and how they've helped you.

Frequently asked questions about 2.0 GPA Scholarships

How to find 2.0 GPA Scholarships

With aBold.orgprofile, you can browse and apply for the many scholarships you are eligible for. Search scholarships and use the filters to find 2.0 GPA scholarships, as well as any other categories that you fit in, to find the best scholarships to apply for. Be sure to check all of the eligibility requirements and the description of the scholarship to make sure you qualify.

When can I start applying?

It is never too early to start applying for scholarships! There are plenty of scholarships for high school seniors and there are even scholarships available to high school freshmen and sophom*ores. The earlier you start planning for the cost of college, the better prepared you will be. It's also never too late to get started. There are scholarships available to current students and even students in graduate school. Apply early and often to increase your chances of securing scholarship aid.

How do I know if I'm eligible for a scholarship?

Bold.orglists eligibility requirements on each individual scholarship page. For instance, one scholarship may be for a student attending a four year college while studying English, and another might be for a high school student planning to study biology.

As you read the eligibility requirements for your scholarship of choice, check for education level requirements, as well as any other requirements such as gender, desired major or career field, and background or hobby experience that the donor has listed in the description of the scholarship.

What do I have to do to apply?

To apply, create an account, click on any of the links to the featured scholarships in this article to find the prompts, and start writing! You can also browse through all available scholarshipshere. Once your essay is done and polished, just copy and paste it into the application and click submit!

Are scholarships counted as income?

Generally, scholarships are not considered income. Scholarship money can be used for tuition, fees, and the cost of books and required materials. For these school-related purposes, scholarships arenot taxable, unless you use them to pay for room and board or other expenses, or if you receive more scholarship money than your total eligible costs.

Top 2.0 GPA Scholarships to Apply for in December 2023 (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.