Top | Best University in Jaipur | Rajasthan | Poornima University (2024)

Mathematics has been a nightmare for school kids who have naturally developed a disliking to it. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that people who are or were bad at math never make it big in this world. The truth about math is out, and it says that one does not have to be an expert at math to be an expert in life. Being great at your own skill makes a student that best performer at their own turf, and that is what matters in life. And if you are someone who just doesn’t have the right ‘equation’ with math but have the power to tap into your creative side, then fashion designing is the right career path for you.

Fashion designing is the use of a person’s imagination and then embroidering that into a cloth, giving a new life to it. If there was ever a better way of sending out a statement, it still wouldn’t trump the art of fashion. And the best part? It does not require any hardcore mathematics. What does it require? Let’s take a look.

Top | Best University in Jaipur | Rajasthan | Poornima University (1)

What is Required for Fashion Designing?

Fashion designing does not demand expertise in complicated subjects like math or physics, but it does demand from a professional the creativity and dedication to stay true to that creativity. Apart from that, there are certain character traits or skills that are necessary for a fashion designer, and if you already can relate to these, congratulations, you are a perfect fit for becoming a fashion designer.

  • Attention to Detail: A fashion designer needs to be able to go into the minutest of details of anything that they come across. Designing clothes is not only just creating patterns but to also find inspiration for newer patterns and designs.
  • A Robust Personality: Fashion designing is not really a line of work where things are handed to a person. The results that we see happen after much hard work and deliberation. And to come out on top like this, one needs to change from mediocre to becoming a visionary. With all the highs and lows, the sleepless nights, and the times of extreme stress that are involved require someone robust enough to handle everything and still function.
  • Passion and Curiosity: Fashion designing requires a lot of passion. One needs to be getting into their creative side with full vigour and no distractions whatsoever. It needs more than just seeing dreams; it requires one to live their dreams. Most designers begin creating their ideas right out of school, so they can learn more from their own mistakes.
  • Trivia: Every field requires a professional to be aware of all the latest developments around the world. Keeping pace with the stream of information can not only give you inspiration but can also be a great source of learning from the experts of the industry.
  • People Knowledge: Eventually, fashion designing is all about dressing people up, and that requires an ample amount of people’s knowledge. A mediocre designer knows one of two facts: 1) Designers need to design clothes that look good on certain body types, and 2.) Designers can create clothes that go with any body type. An expert designer, on the other hand, knows the value of both and can create cloths required by the wearer.

Top | Best University in Jaipur | Rajasthan | Poornima University (2)For someone who can reach in and awaken their creative side, the easier path is to realize that not everyone is a scientist or an accountant, or an actor. Some of them need to design the clothes that these people wear. Poornima University, the best fashion designing college in Rajasthan, invites all those who are passionate to take their career to new heights. Enrol in our course of fashion designing and learn from some of the most experienced professionals in the field.

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Top | Best University in Jaipur | Rajasthan | Poornima University (2024)
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