Top Five Tips on How to Use a Walking Cane Correctly | Rehabilitation (2024)

5 Tips on How to Use a Walking Cane or Stick Correctly

There are correct and incorrect ways of using walking canes. Studies show that many pharmacists don’t give sufficient instructions on proper use of walking canes when people make purchases. This isn’t the best practice as improper use of a walking cane may cause additional damages to the injured leg or another part of the patient’s body instead of aiding the healing process. There is need for proper instructions on the use of a walking stick, so that the patient can reap the most benefit from it.

So, if you sustained an injury on either of your hips, knees, or feet and you’re looking for the right information on the best way to make use of a walking cane; this post provides you with a complete guide. Read on to learn the right ways of using walking canes:

1. Getting the Right Height when using a Walking Cane

You need to get the height of your cane right from onset. This will reduce pressure on your shoulders, arms and wrists. To know the right height level for you, stand with your arms relaxed by your side and observe the position of the bone on the outside of your wrist. This is the level where the top of the handle of your walking stick should reach.

2. Which Side Is Right when using a Walking Cane?

The right place to use your cane is the opposite side of the leg where you have the damage. If you use the stick on the same side of your injury, you will be leaning heavily on the stick and consequently putting much weight on the injured side. However, using the stick on the opposite side of your injury enables you to put the weight of your body more to the non-damaged side.

3. When Can I Stop Using my Walking Cane?

The best time to stop using your walking cane is when you have stop limping and no longer having pain without it. Waiting until this time before doing away with the stick will give the injured leg the proper strength required to carry you effortlessly and painlessly.

4. Which Is Better, Elbow Crutches or Walking Cane?

It is common for people to debate which is more appropriate between an elbow crutch and a walking stick after a leg injury. Without much ado, an elbow crutch will provide greater support for your body than a walking stick. More also, an elbow crutch gives a higher level of mobility, allows for a quicker gait, and support greater loads.

5. The Right Posture when using a Walking Cane or Stick

Your posture is very important when using a walking stick. Try as much as possible to keep your back straight while walking. To achieve this, do not stretch your cane too farther than your leg would normally go. Make sure that as you move, the cane and the opposite foot hit the ground at the same time. You can then carry the healthy leg without bending forward. Although this will take some time to master, walking this way will help your posture and reduce stress on the rest of your body.

See more tips on how to use a cane correctly:

Top Five Tips on How to Use a Walking Cane Correctly | Rehabilitation (2024)
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