Totally Memorable '80s Fashion Trends (2024)

When you hear the words '80s Fashion'what comes to mind? Spandex? Shoulder pads?Madonna’s ripped tights? The decade was an era of bold styles and prints and as ridiculous assome of it may look now, we have the '80s to thank for many of our trends today. In honor ofthese styles making a comeback in modern fashion, let’s take a look at 10 of the most iconic,outrageous, and definitive trends from the 1980s.

10. High Waisted Jeans

Totally Memorable '80s Fashion Trends (1)

Lovingly referred to as “mom jeans,” these high waisted jeans were fashionable in the 1980s among middle aged women as well as those who wanted a figure flattering cut that had a rock-n-roll feel. Bonus points if they were acid wash.High waisted jeans are the perfect example of a trend lovinglyreclaimed from the 80s, only now the style which was once seen as unhip among the younger generation is trendy with teenagers and young women.

9. Neon

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Totally Memorable '80s Fashion Trends (3)

The 80’s were a decade of optimism and innocence. In many ways, these bold colorsrepresented a fun, playful step into the future of fashion. Neon outfits were one of the mostquintessential looks of the era and were a fun way to express your confidence and uniqueness. Neon fashion can still be seen in rave culture and may be making its return to runways before we know it.

8. Shoulder Pads

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Another bold 80s trend were shoulder pads, almost synonymous with 1980s fashion. The 1980s saw a rise of powerful women in the workplace on a scale never seen before. Some people say that shoulder pads were a way women could visually assimilate within traditionally male-dominated fields and assert their power. Others might have just liked the androgynous styles of Madonna or Grace Jones. Whatever their purpose, shoulder pads were a fun, undeniably '80s, trend.

7. Spandex

Totally Memorable '80s Fashion Trends (5)

Totally Memorable '80s Fashion Trends (6)

Spandex is another trend making its way back into modern fashion in a major way. Spandexalso symbolised the success, uniqueness, and youth that the 1980’s represented. Though most commonly seen in workout apparel, the 1980’s also introduced Spandex into the everyday fashion of average people and acted as a fun way to stand out from the crowd. Spandex is still worn today, with many young influencers sporting spandex bike shorts and oversized sweatshirts as a hot new trend.

6.Leg Warmers

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The 1980’s was a decade of fantastic dancers, from Michael Jackson to Cyndi Lauper. Manyyoung people wanted to recreate their moves and get more into dance themselves. Legwarmers, once strictly considered dancewear to keep the calves warm during practice, soon made their way into mainstream fashion. The trend boomed with the success of Fame and Flashdance, which featured leg warmers on the big screen.

5.Ripped Jeans

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Totally Memorable '80s Fashion Trends (9)

Denim really shifted during the 1980s, especially thanks to the emerging punk rock scene.Ripped jeans, created in the 1970s and popularized in the 1980’s, is a trend that’s never quitefallen out of style. It can be seen in every decade since, but was considered an alternative trend in the 1980s symbolizing the punk scene. This one hasn’t made a comeback because it’s never gone out of fashion.

4.Denim on Denim

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Totally Memorable '80s Fashion Trends (11)

Another denim trend, this look was extremely popular for men growing up in the '80s. Whether it was a denim jacket over jeans or a denim Oxford shirt tucked into your acid wash jeans, the double denim look epitomized cool at the time. Calvin Klein designed an all-denim line at the time and other fashion designers quickly followed, turning the denim trend into a worldwide phenomenon. Women were also drawn to the trend and the denim on denim look was loved by many our favorite celebrities of the time.

3.Windbreakers and Tracksuits

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Totally Memorable '80s Fashion Trends (13)1980’s nylon windbreakers and tracksuits are a staple of the generation and what often comes to mind when we picture popular street fashion of the decade. Popularized by artists like LLCool J and The Beastie Boys, this is yet another example of workout attire making its way to the street fashion scene. This trend has also made its way back into our modern lives with windbreakers making a comeback in recent years.

2.Big Hair

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While technically not a fashion trend, we can’t leave this iconic 80’s fixture off our list. One of the most memorable parts of the 80’s, these voluminous, permed, and moussed styles add to the reputation of the decade as being one of excess. Seen on celebrities like Bon Jovi and Madonna, it’s popularity took off and big hair quickly became all the rave for men and women alike. This is one 80’s trend that we don’t see making a comeback anytime soon.

1.New Wave

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Totally Memorable '80s Fashion Trends (16)

New Wave and Post-Punk had huge influences on 1980’s society and fashion. Slim-fitting suits and thin ties, bold colors and prints, and Members-Only jackets all defined the style. The genre was described as “Pop’s response to punk” and blends elements of the two resulting in a unique, edgy, colorful array of silhouettes and styles.

Totally Memorable '80s Fashion Trends (2024)


What was unique about 80s fashion? ›

Just think about it: The '80s brought us fishnets and leg warmers, served up electric colorways and the naked dress, made a case for leggings-as-pants, and inserted shoulder pads into any blazer and blouse that designers would allow.

What was the most popular trend in the 80s? ›

If you've ever wondered, “What was popular in the 80s?” then know that neon colors, big hair, the Brat-Pack, iconic toys and games like Nintendo and Transformers, as well as Madonna, Duran Duran, and MTV videos helped define the decade.

What did regular people wear in the 80s? ›

The fabrics of the 1980s were unquestionably velour, spandex, and Lycra, with comfortable cotton and natural silk also popular. Severely tailored military -style suits and jackets with padded shoulders were worn side-by-side with printed t-shirts, velvet tracksuits , and baggy harem pants or leggings.

Why were the 80s so memorable? ›

The 1980s were a time of great pop culture including some of the best movies, music, TV shows, and toys of all time. It is the decade most often associated with nostalgia and the style, and memories of the decade, continue to live on.

How was fashion in the 80s summarized? ›

Summary: When we think of 80s fashion, words like bright, bold, and loud come to our minds. It was an era of dramatic earrings, shoulder pads, big hair, and glittery fabric colors. To sum it up, the 1980s fashion trends were more about flaunting wealth and materialistic values.

What was women's fashion in the 80s? ›

The 1980s, in particular, had a major impact on modern fashion, with enduring muses like Grace Jones, Madonna, and Bianca Jagger. And today, plenty of the signature staples of the 1980s, like biker shorts, bold-shoulder blazers, and taffeta eveningwear, are everywhere.

Why was 80s fashion so colorful? ›

In the 1980s, color trends were more than just vintage color palettes, they were a way to express individuality. Additionally, the bright and vivid pop colors reflected the energetic and vibrant atmosphere of the decade.

What did outfits look like in the 80s? ›

Like women, classic collegiate styles made up the “preppy” look. This included seersucker suits, polo shirts with popped collars and knit sweaters worn thrown over the shoulders. Both men and women wore chunky knitted sweaters (Fig. 3).

What was pretty in the 80s? ›

Eighties' beauty ideals

They were tall, slender, and strong. A more muscular look for women was continuing to emerge due to advances in fitness and, in part, the feminist spirit. Muscle tone signified strength, capability, and independence.

What was the body trend in the 80s? ›

Beauty consisted around the fitness and nutrition craze in the 80s, encouraging athletically toned bodies, bodysuits, and tracksuit bottoms. Supermodel and bodybuilding became a sensation, along with leg warmers and big hair.

What was big in the 80s? ›

It was a period marked by defining events that continue to resonate. The Soviet Union began to collapse, AIDS emerged as a deadly epidemic, and work began on a little thing called the Internet. The decade is also remembered for its contributions to pop culture, which included the debut of MTV.

How was fashion different in the 1980s? ›

The 1980s was possibly the boldest decade in modern fashion history, a magical era of over-the-top silhouettes, teased perms and saturated colors. They were the years of puffed shoulders and power suits, flashy skirts and spandex leggings, velour, leg warmers and voluminous parachute pants.

What was power dressing in the 80s? ›

'Power dressing' became a new phenomenon as they wore sharp tailored, bold coloured suits with large shoulder pads reflecting their desire to project authority and success. American TV shows such as Dynasty with starts such as Joan Collins championed this look.

What does an 80s theme look like? ›

Make your own 80s outfit by wearing bright colors, a loose top, and tight-fitting pants. Thrift for 80s fashion staples like acid-washed jeans, jumpsuits, and denim jackets. Channel the spirit of the 80s with a teased hairstyle, sweatband, and heavy, bright makeup.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

Birthday: 1997-01-04

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Hobby: Mountain biking, Jewelry making, Stone skipping, Lacemaking, Knife making, Scrapbooking, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.