TPU vs TPH vs PVC PPF (Paint Protection Film) Compared (2024)

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    Your car’s colour may not have been the primary motivator for purchase, but it is the reason you feel so darn good while driving. You can look for ppf in delhi. One of the most crucial things you can do is to safeguard it because of this. You already know that the best approach to keep your paint work appearing brand-new is to maintain your paint protection film. However, there are many of possibilities available while choosing paint protection film delhi. Make sure you are aware of your possibilities before choosing a brand.

    Although purchasing a brand-new, glossy car is a wonderful experience, watching it decay in front of your eyes is what kills millions of car owners. In little time, your brand-new car can have scratches and swirl marks that make it appear ancient. Paint protection films can save the day in this situation. But first, let’s compare three of the most popular PPF types before you proceed to apply for one. There are many benefits of going to Ceramic Coating In Delhi Ncr.

    Table of Contents

    Know about paint protection film

    TPU vs TPH vs PVC PPF (Paint Protection Film) Compared (1)

    Paint Protection Films (PPFs), which were initially created for use in military activities, have since become one of the most popular items in the automobile sector. PPFs are high-grade thermoplastic urethane films that are professionally put over the top layer of a vehicle’s paint and are either colored or clear. The history, genesis, and evolution of modern paint protection films is a story unto itself. You should always prefer reputed Ceramic Coatings In Delhi .

    PPF films are recognized for having the ability to recover them from whatever scratches they acquire. An elastomeric polymer is a component of the PPF laminate that enables the film to keep its shape even when stretched. It is always tempting to apply the best automobile paint protection coating yourself as a protective layer to your car. However, in order to do this and shield your ceramic coating and paint surface from anything, including bird droppings, we strongly advise using a professional film installation. Always keep in mind that the method of installation is more crucial than the manufacturer you pick.

    Also Read – Pros and Cons of Installing PPF on New Cars

    Comparison of the 3 Most Popular Paint Protection Films

    TPU, TPH, and PVC PPFs are three of the most popular PPF varieties on the market. The three of them are contrasted as follows:

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    Thermoplastic Polyurethane, also known as TPU, is the answer to every issue PVC Films presented and is referred to as the new generation paint protection film. TPU has a different chemical structure than conventional PVC, which makes it far more flexible and long-lasting. TPU Films are simple to install without the use of heat guns or other tools thanks to their exceptional flexibility. TPU films are extremely durable; they do not lose their elasticity over time or develop cracks or discoloration. TPU Films are easy to apply and remove without causing any harm to the original paint.


    The third most utilized synthetic plastic polymer in the world is PVC, or polyvinyl chloride. Since PVC PPF was the earliest and most widely utilized form of PPF, PVC films are often referred to as first-generation PPF. While PVC Films do offer some paint protection for your car, they are challenging to install due to their hard structure. Additionally, PVC typically hardens within 1 to 3 years of life and tends to lose both its elasticity and colour over time. Another serious drawback

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    TPH is a polymer using Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) as its foundation that is less expensive than TPU and more effective than PVC Films. Although PVC serves as the foundation of the TPH Film, the technology employed enhances PVC’s flexibility and chemical characteristics. The result is that the TPH material is more flexible than PVC and does not discolor. However, in terms of general flexibility, toughness, and life, TPU outperforms it.


    • 1.Which PPF is better TPU or TPH?

      Compared to TPH, RODIM TPU PPF is a more flexible material. It can stretch up to 300% further than TPH because of this. As a result, it is incredibly difficult to puncture with a screwdriver. Compared to PVC Films, it is also a more durable option.

    • 2.Is TPU better than PVC?

      Compared to PVC, TPU performs better. TPU can take the place of PVC because of this as well. TPU coated webbing and PVC coated webbing both have strengths and weaknesses in terms of their different performances.

    • 3.What is the best PPF material?

      The most hydrophobic paint protection film available is TPU. This is as a result of the modern top coat.

    • 4.Is TPU more expensive than PVC?

      TPU-produced products look more premium than those manufactured of conventional polymers. Of course, TPU is more expensive than PVC by 30% to 40%. Designers and sellers are frequently prevented from using such nice materials by high cost.

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      TPU vs TPH vs PVC PPF (Paint Protection Film) Compared (2)

      John Doe

      Ashish is the Brand Manager of wheelforcestudio.

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      TPU vs TPH vs PVC PPF (Paint Protection Film) Compared (2024)
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      Name: Roderick King

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