Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (2024)

Last Updated on November 17, 2023 by Nellie Huang

Wondering what to eat in Germany? Here’s a list of traditional German food that you should try.

Mention traditional German food and most people tend to think of sausage, sauerkraut and beer — but German food is much more than these three things.

Germany has a long culinary history reflecting its rural roots and geography. Over the years, German food has evolved as a national cuisine through centuries of social and political change. Each region has its specialty and distinct flavor.

For instance, the area around Hamburg is known for fresh fish dishes while the South is known for all types of foods made of pork. But what they all have in common is the German heartiness and richness that you won’t find elsewhere.

Table of Contents

  • Traditional German Foods
    • Meat Dishes
      • Sauerbraten (Roast Beef Stew)
      • Schweinshaxe (Pork Knuckle)
      • Rinderroulade (Beef Roll)
      • Schnitzel (Breaded Cutlet)
      • Hasenpfeffer (Rabbit Stew)
    • Traditional German Sausages
      • Bratwurst (Grilled Sausage)
      • Knockwurst (Boiled Sausage)
      • Weisswurst (Bacon Sausage)
      • Currywurst (Sausage with Curry Sauce)
    • Side Dishes
      • Kartoffelpuffer (Potato Pancake)
      • Kartoffelkloesse (Potato Dumplings)
      • Sauerkraut (Fermented Cabbage)
      • Spätzle (Egg Noodles)
      • Butterkäse (Butter Cheese)
      • Brezeln (Pretzel)
    • German Beer
    • Traditional German Desserts
      • Lebkuchen (Gingerbread Cookies)
      • Apfelkuchen (Apple Cake)
      • Mohnstrudel (Poppy Seed Strudel)
      • Kaiserschmarrn (Pancake)
      • Black Forest Cake
      • Stollen
  • Where to Eat in Berlin
    • Rogacki
    • Café am Neuen See
    • Prater Garten
    • Zur letzen Instanz
    • Markthalle Neun
  • Where to Eat in Munich
    • Hofbraeuhaus
    • Kuchlverzeichnis
    • Café Luitpold
    • Ratskeller Munich
  • How to Get Around Germany
    • By Car
    • By Train
  • Where to Stay in Berlin
    • Hotel Adlon Kempinski
    • Mandala Hotel
    • Grand Hostel Berlin
  • Where to Stay in Munich
    • Hotel Laimer Hof
    • Hotel Jedermann
    • Hotel Mirabell Munich
  • My Top Travel Resources

Traditional German Foods

Meat Dishes

Traditional German food is quite heavy and rich. There will be meat at every midday and evening meal, often also at breakfast.

A typical meal usually includes hearty meat portions drenched in rich, creamy sauces along with buttery rolls, baked squash and a full glass of beer.

Let’s start by looking at some of the staple meat dishes in Germany.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (1)

Sauerbraten (Roast Beef Stew)

The German pot roast is a deep and delicious hearty stew of tender beef, marinated in tenderising vinegar and various spices. This hearty stew is traditionally served with red cabbage and potato dumplings (kartoffelklöße) or boiled potatoes.

It usually involves days of marinating beef, horse meat or venison in a wine vinegar mixture over several days. Having been named one of the national dishes of Germany, the sauerbraten is often the main star in restaurants’ menus.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (2)

Schweinshaxe (Pork Knuckle)

Often the size of an adult human head, theschweinshaxe is the ham hock or pork knuckle. It is usually roasted till the skin falls easily off the bone, the meat gets tender and juicy, and the skin is crispy and brittle. It is especially popular in Bavaria.

The meat is marinated for days, in the case of big cuts up to a week. The Schweinshaxe is then roasted at low temperatures, typically—depending on size—for two to three hours. They are then served with potatoes and cabbage variations.

The best place to try this is definitely at the most famous brewery in Munich,Hofbraeuhaus (read more below).

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (3)

Rinderroulade (Beef Roll)

A typical dish in Saxony, this beef roulade packs different flavors into one single dish. Quality thin beef slices are rolled around bacon, onions, pickles, and mustard, and then roasted with red wine to produce a dark rich flavor.

Rouladen are traditionally served for dinner, with either potatodumplingsormashed potatoesand pickled red cabbage. Roasted winter vegetables are another common side dish.

The gravy is an absolute requirement to round off the dish and is usually poured over the meat.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (4)

Schnitzel (Breaded Cutlet)

Although a schnitzel is more of an Austrian dish, it’s extremely popular in Germany. The Wiener Schnitzel, a cutlet coated in breadcrumbs with cheese and ham sandwiched within, is served with green salad and potatoes.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (5)

Hasenpfeffer (Rabbit Stew)

I am a stew-lover, so I definitely couldn’t leave out this traditional German dish.

Bite sized parts of a rabbit, which are often too small to be roasted, are braised with onions and wine for hours to produce this deliciously rich stew. The marinade is made from wine and vinegar, then thickened with the rabbit’s blood.

Haseis German for “hare” and pfeffer means“pepper”,although the culinary context refers generically to the spices and seasonings in the dish overall. In Bavaria and Austria, hasenpfeffer can include sweet or hot paprika.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (6)

Traditional German Sausages

A long tradition of sausage-making exists in Germany; more than 1,500 different types of sausage are made.

There are many regional specialties, such as theMünchner weißwurst(Munich white sausage) popular inBavariaor the currywurst(a steamed pork sausagesliced and spiced with curry ketchup) popular in the metropolitan areas ofBerlin.

They are commonly eaten as street food, but you’ll also find them served on a plate with sauerkraut and mustard in restaurants for very decent prices.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (7)

Bratwurst (Grilled Sausage)

One of the most popular street foods in Germany is the bratwurst. These are a type of fresh sausage, typically made with pork and veal, and seasoned with ginger, nutmeg, coriander, or caraway.

It is served grilled with a slightly crispy skin and loaded up with mustard and ketchup. You can also have it with sauerkraut and mustard, or simply in a bread roll.They are often grilled over sizzling barbecue stands all over Germany, especially in summer.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (8)

Knockwurst (Boiled Sausage)

Made from finely ground beef and pork, a knockwurst looks like a big hot dog. However, the quality difference is huge and the knockwurst is made from far superior, quality ingredients.

The pinkish color comes from a light smoking after the first boiling and the special casing gives the knockwurst that “snap” when you bite into it.

This sausage is prepared in bulling water like hot dogs are, and then served on a good rye bread with Dijon mustard.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (9)

Weisswurst (Bacon Sausage)

Weisswurst is a traditional Bavariansausagemade from minced veal and pork back bacon. It is usually flavoured with parsley, lemon, mace, onions, ginger, and cardamom.

Usually served for a mid morning snack the weisswurst is prepared by cooking gently in hot water. You mustn’t use boiling water as it splits the casing. They are then served with a great pretzel a dollop of sweet mustard and a good beer.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (10)

Currywurst (Sausage with Curry Sauce)

Invented in Berlin by Herta Heuwerin 1949the currywurst is usually made of a pork sausage with a sauce made from ketchup and curry powder.

Somehow, these ingredients were sourced from British soldiers after the war and served on a grilled sausage.

These days the currywurst is Germany’s most popular sausage and there is even a museum that honours it. In Berlin and Hamburg, it is served with fries and a bread roll.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (11)

Side Dishes

Potato is the main staple of traditional German food. Potatoes entered the German cuisine in the late 17th century, and were almost ubiquitous in the 19th century and since.

Also common aredumplings(includingKlößeas the term in the north orKnödelas the term in the south). Noodles made from wheat flour and eggs are quite common specially in the southwestern part of the country.

Kartoffelpuffer (Potato Pancake)

This is a fried potato pancake similar to a latke. Mashed or grated potatoes are mixed with parsley, eggs, onions into a flat circular shape and then deep fried to form a pancake.

They are usually served with eggs for breakfast. They can also be served with applesauce and sour cream for a more dessert like dish.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (12)

Kartoffelkloesse (Potato Dumplings)

These traditional German potato dumplings are made two ways: with cooked potatoes and with a mixture of cooked and raw potatoes. The potatoes are cooked, mashed and kneaded into big sticky balls and then finally boiled in salted water.

This is a perfect side dish to meat dishes also great as a standalone vegetarian dish. It is usually served as a side dish with lots of gravy for the dumplings to soak up.

There is a dumpling museum in Germany that food-lovers can visit. Learn about the history of dumpling at Thuringian Dumpling Museumand have a tasting festival at the end. It is listed as one of the top ten cuisine museums in the world.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (13)

Sauerkraut (Fermented Cabbage)

This is yet another hugely popular German food that’s found throughout the country. Sauerkraut is basically fermented sour cabbage. The finely cut cabbage is usuallyfermentedby variouslactic acid bacteria.

It has a longshelf lifeand a distinctivesourflavor, both of which result from thelactic acidthat forms when the bacteria ferment the sugars in the cabbage. It’s served alongside many meat dishes.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (14)

Spätzle (Egg Noodles)

A completely vegetarian dish, spätzle is an extremely popular dish not just in Germany but also Austria, Switzerland and Liechtenstein. The egg noodle is handmade with flour, eggs, salt and a drizzle of fizzy water to fluff up the dough.

Traditionally, spätzle are made by scraping long, thin strips of dough off a wooden (sometimes wet) chopping board into boiling salted water where they cook until they rise to the surface.After the noodles have become firm, they are skimmed and put aside.

Spätzle are served with a large amount of melted cheese, as a side dish to meaty dishes (like Schnitzel) or can even be a main dish themselves.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (15)

Butterkäse (Butter Cheese)

“Butter cheese” is traditionally made near the Swiss Border and it has a creamy texture and is quite delicately flavoured. It is over 50% fat content, which is why the buttery flavour comes through, and it melts beautifully.

It is also called damenkäse or “ladies cheese” for these reasons of delicacy and no odor.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (16)

Brezeln (Pretzel)

German pretzels or Brezeln are a requirement when you visit Germany. You’ll find it sold on the streets and in major supermarkets or grocery stores.

Big thick pretzels are usually sold lightly salted or with sesame seeds on them. You can eat them on their own or dip them into some hearty mustard. It wouldn’t be Germany without a decent pretzel.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (17)

German Beer

You can’t come to Germany and not drink beer. The beer-drinking tradition in Germany goes back centuries and it continues to be an important part of their lifestyle today. Pilsner is the most popular beer in Germany. It is a pale lager, with most towns brewing their own version.

Of all the regions in Germany, Bavaria is the most well known for the variety of beer due to the various kinds of hops grown in this verdant region. Bavarian beer includes the distinctive cloudy beer called hefeweizen, or wheat beer.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (18)

Traditional German Desserts

Lebkuchen (Gingerbread Cookies)

A true German Christmas favourite. These are a version of gingerbread cookies and they are sometimes covered with a dark chocolate coating, nuts or powered sugar.

You can buy boxes of them at the Christmas markets and usually one or two of the stalls will sell them with “spicy” sayings iced on the tops of the cookies.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (19)

Apfelkuchen (Apple Cake)

A sort of German apple cake that is simply delicious. The apples are soaked in sugar, cinnamon, and some lemon juice and then baked into a buttery pastry mixture.

Raisins are tossed in before baking and the cake is cooked quite quickly and then served with a great cup of coffee.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (20)

Mohnstrudel (Poppy Seed Strudel)

Poppy seed streusel is a staple in every German household during g the Christmas holidays. A simple streusel made with yeasted bread dough and a creamy poppy seed filling.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (21)

Kaiserschmarrn (Pancake)

Kaiserschmarren is a sort of traditional German pancake that is made from a sweet batter and then cooked in butter. Because the egg is beaten separately into a meringue, which is added to the batter the pancake becomes very fluffy.

Traditionally the Kaiserschmarren is then split with two forks into pieces when fried and sprinkled with powdered sugar. The pancakes are also called the “Emperor’s Pancake” as Kaiser Franz Josef was a big fan of these pancakes.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (22)

Black Forest Cake

A hugely popular cake back in the 1980s, this cake was always the one to be served at a party. It became so hugely popular around the world that it’s put Germany’s Black Forest on the map.

A Black Forest cake is chock full of cherries, chocolate, liquor and whipped cream. The official German name is “Schwarzwälderkirschtorte,” which is rather a long-winded way of saying a cake soaked in Kirsch liqueur before being baked.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (23)


This German traditional bread is usually served at Christmas. It’s basically a fruit cake chocked full of powdered sugar and candy. Its name in Germany is Christstollen and it’s a must-try if you’re in Germany for Christmas.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (24)

Where to Eat in Berlin

Berlin is Germany’s most visited city and it’s easy to see why once here. It’s got an interesting mix of old and new, which can be seen in its culinary scene too. Before I get into the traditional German food you should try, here are some of the best places to eat in Berlin:


This restaurant has over 90 years of history in Berlin dating back to the 1920’s. It’s a fixture in Berlin’s culinary scene. The star of the show here is its smoked trout and eel. Read the Tripadvisor review.

Café am Neuen See

Arguably the most beautiful biergarten (beer garden) in Berlin the Café am Neuen See is located on the shores of a lake. The cafe serves grilled specialties and of course beer.

Prater Garten

Berlin’s oldest beer garden the Prater Garten is hidden away in what appears to be someone’s backyard of the Kastanienallee. You can enjoy your beer in relaxed comfort and as it gets dark, the trees are lit with fairy lights adding a touch of romance to the evening. Read the Tripadvisor review.

Zur letzen Instanz

One of Berlin’s most iconic restaurants and the oldest, this place has been in the same location since 1621. Legend has it that the famous and infamous from Napoleon to Charlie Chaplin have eaten here.

Markthalle Neun

This market hall is without a doubt the cultural epicenter of German cuisine both past and present. Reopened in 2011 exactly 120 years after its original opening, the market plays hosts to a massive variety of food booths from US BBQ to fish smokers and small craft brewers.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (25)

Where to Eat in Munich

Munich is an incredibly charming and historically rich city, and in my opinion, it’s also the best place to taste traditional German food. It’s also home to one of the best Christmas markets in Germany, and it’s an excellent spot to try some delicious and authentic German food.

Here’s a look at some of the best places to eat traditional German food in Munich:


Munich’s largest and most famous beer brewery offers the whole German traditional experience while serving you the best food in town. Here, large pints of homemade beer served alongside tantalizing local dishes. The serving staff are dressed in the traditional dirndl and lederhosen. Read the Tripadvisor review.


This is another excellent place to try German traditional dishes in Munich. Traditional Bavarian decor, costumed wait staff and a lovely warm atmosphere make this a hot favorite. All the traditional German food listed above can be found on the menu here. It’s also less crowded than Hofbrauhaus. Read the Tripadvisor review here.

Café Luitpold

If you love, an amazing pastry and visiting places that speak to the romantic in you find your way to Cafe Luitpold. This is the source of the absolute best pastries in Munich from which you can select your favourites from a huge array at the counter.

Ratskeller Munich

If you are a foodie of any description, you would have heard of the Ratskeller Munich, a heritage tavern housed in a historic building. The place looks like an ancient palace with its cove ceilings lined with mahogany, stained glass windows and gorgeous handmade wooden chairs and tables. Read the Tripadvisor review here.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (26)

How to Get Around Germany

By Car

Renting a car is a great way to travel around Germany, especially if you want to explore the countryside, castles and small towns. Having your own wheels lets you travel independently, at your own pace.

Driving in Germany is also quite an experience, as there are literally no official speed limits on the Autobahn highways. The Bundesstrassen, two-lane highways, are calmer and cars go slower.

We always book our car rental on Discover Car Hire as they have consistently given us the best rates and best services. Car rental in Germany is not expensive, and you can easily hire a car for a week for around US$280.

By Train

If you are traveling only to the major cities in Germany, it might be best to take the train. Deutsche Bahn (DB), the German rail service, is reliable and speedy. InterCity Express (ICE) high-speed trains are among Europe’s fastest. Eurocity (EC) trains connect German cities with destinations in neighboring countries.

A German Rail Pass may be a good idea if you are planning for three to 15 days of travel over a one-month period. The days do not have to be consecutive. Discounts are available for more than one person traveling together and for travelers under age 26. Children age 6 – 11 ride free (limit: two children with each adult).

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (27)

Where to Stay in Berlin

Hotel Adlon Kempinski

For those looking to splurge, this high-end five star hotel is one of the best hotels in Berlin. It features large rooms elegantly furnished and a brilliant spa to relax in. Located beside the Brandenburg Gate, the hotel is within walking distance from most attractions, including the Holocaust memorial and Checkpoint Charlie. Check for the latest rates here.

Mandala Hotel

This 5-star design hotel in central Berlin offers stylish studios and suites with kitchen facilities. It is located opposite the Sony Center in Potsdamer Platz and features an elegant spa, free WiFi and a double Michelin-star restaurant. Brandenburg Gate is a 10-minute walk from the hotel, and Potsdamer Platz Station is just 100 m away. Book here.

Grand Hostel Berlin

This is constantly rated one of the best hostels in Berlin and Germany. Set in an elegant 19th-century building, this hostel in Berlin’s colourful Kreuzberg district offers free Wi-Fi, great transport links, and welcome packs with a map of the city. The Möckernbrücke Underground Station is only 200 m away, ensuring easy access to attractions throughout the capital. Book here.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (28)

Where to Stay in Munich

Most Munich hotels are concentrated around the city center, mainly along Karlsplatz and around the main train station. There are plenty of options, ranging from budget hostels to high-end hotels in the area.

Hotel Laimer Hof

If you can afford a grand 5 star luxury hotel, try the stunning Hotel Laimer Hof west of the city centre. It’s located next to the Nymphenburg Palace, the Baroque summer residence of past Bavarian monarchs. Built in 1890 it is a cream coloured building with turrets and towers. Check the latest rates.

Hotel Jedermann

We stayed at Hotel Jedermann, an affordable three-star hotel along Bayerstrasse Road, next to the train station and within 5 minutes’ walk to the center. With room rates starting from 50euros/room and a great location, it offers great value for money. Book your stay here.

Hotel Mirabell Munich

This family-run hotel in Western Munich is located next to the Nymphenburg Castle and a 10-minute walk from the old town. Built in 1886, the family-run hotel is a Neo-Renaissance villa offering rooms that are individually furnished in a classic style. Book your stay here.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (29)

It is true that most people don’t go to Germany for the food; but German food can really surprise you.

Before you order at a restaurant, ask what’s local so you can try the regional dishes.

Knowing these things about eating in Germany will go a long way in helping you to explore Germany’s food culture and enjoy your visit to this country.

Are you heading to Germany? Have you tried any of these dishes?

My Top Travel Resources

Over the years (and traveling to 140+ countries), I’ve learned a thing or two about travel planning. I’ve put together this list of travel resources that I personally use to find the best deals and book travel! For more details, check outmy travel tips resource page.

  • Booking Flights: Kayak is brilliant for finding the best dates to fly as it allows you to search for the lowest airfares within a 3-day period. Then I use Skyscanner as they’ve consistently given me the lowest airfares.
  • Accommodations:I always useBooking.comto book hotels, mainly because of the flexible cancellation policy and good customer service. You can also find short-term rental apartments there (I prefer not to use Airbnb due to the extra charges).
  • Health Advice:I always refer to the travel guides on theCDC websitefor recommended medications and vaccines. You can get them at your travel doctor’s office or a walk-in pharmacy.
  • Tours:If you’re looking for all-encompassing tours, I recommend small-group adventure tour outfitter, G Adventures. I’ve traveled with them to Antarctica, Mongolia, Svalbard, and Nepal, and loved every single trip. For day tours, I always book withViatorandGetYourGuide; they have easy booking systems and free cancellations.
  • Car Rental: I always book car rentals on Discover Cars, as they’ve consistently given us the best rates and customer service (with free cancellations). We’ve used them in Seychelles, South Africa, Spain, Peru, and Mexico.
  • Transportation: Whenever possible, I book local transportation online usingBookaway and Busbud. They’re more reliable than many local transport websites and cover trains, buses, and car hire.
  • Restaurants: TripAdvisor is my go-to resource for restaurant reviews and bookings. I also make restaurant reservations on OpenTable.
  • Internet/Data: Get an eSIM on Airalo before your trip to stay connected wherever you go. Just download the app before your trip, purchase a data package and voila! No need to change SIM cards or visit a telco store.

As an enthusiast with a profound understanding of German cuisine and travel, I'd like to delve into the various concepts covered in the article about traditional German foods, dining recommendations in Berlin and Munich, and travel tips for navigating Germany.

Expertise and Knowledge in Traditional German Food

Traditional German Foods Overview

The article outlines the rich culinary heritage of Germany, emphasizing regional specialties and the evolution of its cuisine. It highlights the hearty and diverse nature of German meals, extending beyond sausages, sauerkraut, and beer.

Meat Dishes

The piece elaborates on several iconic meat-based German dishes like Sauerbraten, Schweinshaxe, Rinderroulade, Schnitzel, and Hasenpfeffer, detailing their preparation methods, regional popularity, and accompanying sides.

Traditional German Sausages

It covers a wide range of traditional German sausages such as Bratwurst, Knockwurst, Weisswurst, and Currywurst, shedding light on their ingredients, cooking techniques, and cultural significance across different regions.

Side Dishes

The article discusses staple side dishes like Kartoffelpuffer, Kartoffelkloesse, Sauerkraut, Spätzle, Butterkäse, and Brezeln, providing insights into their ingredients, cooking styles, and typical serving customs.

German Beer

An integral part of German culture, the article explores the country's beer-drinking tradition, showcasing popular types like Pilsner and emphasizing Bavaria's diverse beer offerings, including hefeweizen.

Traditional German Desserts

It presents various delectable German desserts like Lebkuchen, Apfelkuchen, Mohnstrudel, Kaiserschmarrn, Black Forest Cake, and Stollen, detailing their ingredients and cultural significance, especially during Christmas.

Dining Recommendations in Berlin and Munich

Berlin's Dining Hotspots

The article recommends notable eateries in Berlin such as Rogacki, Café am Neuen See, Prater Garten, Zur letzen Instanz, and Markthalle Neun, each offering distinct culinary experiences and historical significance.

Munich's Culinary Highlights

For Munich, it highlights dining spots like Hofbraeuhaus, Kuchlverzeichnis, Café Luitpold, and Ratskeller Munich, known for serving authentic German cuisine within distinct atmospheres and with varying degrees of historical significance.

Travel Tips for Exploring Germany

Transportation Methods

The article discusses travel options in Germany, advising on car rentals for exploring the countryside and recommending train travel, highlighting the efficiency of Deutsche Bahn's services, especially the ICE and EC trains.

Accommodation Recommendations

It suggests various accommodations in Berlin and Munich, ranging from luxury hotels like Hotel Adlon Kempinski to budget-friendly options such as Grand Hostel Berlin and Hotel Jedermann, considering factors like location and amenities.

Additional Travel Resources

Lastly, the article shares a comprehensive list of travel resources covering flight bookings, accommodations, travel insurance, health advice, tours, car rentals, transportation options, restaurant reservations, and internet/data connectivity, aiming to facilitate a seamless travel experience in Germany.

Feel free to ask for further details or more specific information about any of these aspects of German cuisine or travel in Germany.

Traditional German Food: What to Eat in Germany (2024)
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