Transvestism - Mental Health Disorders - MSD Manual Consumer Version (2024)


  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment

Transvestism involves recurrent, intense sexual arousal from cross-dressing. Transvestic disorder is transvestism that causes significant distress or substantially interferes with daily functioning.

  • Most cross-dressers have transvestism rather than transvestic disorder.

  • Doctors diagnose transvestic disorder when people are greatly distressed by or cannot function well because of their desire to cross-dress.

  • No drugs are reliably effective, but psychotherapy, when needed, may help people accept themselves and control behaviors that could cause problems in their life.

Transvestism is a form of fetishism Fetishism Fetishism is use of an inanimate object (the fetish) as the preferred way to produce sexual arousal. Fetishistic disorder occurs when recurrent, intense sexual arousal from using an inanimate... read more (the clothing is the fetish), which is a type of paraphilia. In transvestism (cross-dressing), men prefer to wear women’s clothing, or, far less commonly, women prefer to wear men's clothing. However, they do not have an inner sense of belonging to the opposite sex or wish to change their sex, as do some people with severe gender dysphoria Gender Dysphoria Gender dysphoria is having feelings of significant distress or difficulty functioning related to a persistent feeling that a person's sex at birth does not match their inner sense of self as... read more do. However, men who cross-dress may have feelings of gender dysphoria when they are under stress or experience a loss.

The term cross-dressers is usually used to refer to people with transvestism. Transvestite is a less acceptable term.

Heterosexual males who dress in women’s clothing typically begin such behavior in late childhood. This behavior is associated, at least initially, with intense sexual arousal.

Cross-dressers may cross-dress for reasons other than sexual stimulation—for example, to reduce anxiety, to relax, or, in the case of male cross-dressers, to experiment with the feminine side of their otherwise male personalities.

Later in life (sometimes in their 50s or 60s), some men who were cross-dressers only in their teens and twenties develop gender dysphoria. They may seek to change their body through hormones and genital (sex-reassignment) surgery.

When a partner is cooperative, cross-dressing may not hurt a couple’s sexual relationship. In such cases, cross-dressing men may engage in sexual activity in partial or full feminine attire.

When a partner is not cooperative, cross-dressers may feel anxious, depressed, guilty, and ashamed about their desire to cross-dress. In response to these feelings, these men often purge their wardrobe of female clothing. This purging may be followed by additional cycles of accumulating female clothes, wigs, and makeup, with more feelings of guilt and shame, followed by more purges.

Diagnosis of Transvestism

  • A doctor's evaluation, based on specific criteria

Doctors diagnose transvestic disorder when

Most cross-dressers do not have transvestic disorder.

Treatment of Transvestism

  • Social and support groups

  • Sometimes psychotherapy

Transvestism is considered a disorder and thus requires treatment only if it causes distress, interferes with functioning, or leads to behavior likely to result in injury, loss of a job, or imprisonment.

Social and support groups for men who cross-dress are often very helpful.

Psychotherapy, when needed, is focused on helping people accept themselves and control behaviors that could cause problems.

No drugs are reliably effective.



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Transvestism - Mental Health Disorders - MSD Manual Consumer Version (2024)


What is transvestism disorder? ›

(Transvestic Disorder)

Transvestism involves recurrent, intense sexual arousal from cross-dressing. Transvestic disorder is transvestism that causes significant distress or substantially interferes with daily functioning. Most cross-dressers have transvestism rather than transvestic disorder.

What are the causes of transvestism? ›

This behavior is associated, at least initially, with intense sexual arousal. Cross-dressers may cross-dress for reasons other than sexual stimulation—for example, to reduce anxiety, to relax, or, in the case of male cross-dressers, to experiment with the feminine side of their otherwise male personalities.

Which of the following is true about transvestic disorder in the DSM-5? ›

Because people who cross-dress are doing it for reasons besides sexual arousal, the DSM-5 removed transvestism as a mental disorder.

What is dual role transvestism? ›

Dual-role transvestism is the formal diagnosis used by psychologists and physicians to describe people who wear clothes of the opposite sex to experience being the opposite sex temporarily, but don't have a sexual motive or want gender reassignment surgery.

Is transvestism a gender? ›

Transvestism and gender identity are two distinct, separate identities, and wearing the clothes that are associated with the gender that a person identifies with is not considered cross-dressing. Neither is transvestism necessarily related to an individual's sexual orientation.

How do I know if I am a transvestite? ›

However, certain things may indicate a Trans identity: When you don't feel comfortable when being referred to as a boy/girl, or man/woman. When a wrong pronoun is used to describe you, it may also trigger discomfort. Some people may feel that their body is not in line with their deeply felt sense of self.

Is transvestism normal? ›

Transvestism is considered a disorder and thus requires treatment only if it causes distress, interferes with functioning, or leads to behavior likely to result in injury, loss of a job, or imprisonment. Only a few people with transvestism seek medical care.

What is meant by transvestism? ›

transvestism, also called cross-dressing, practice of wearing the clothes of the opposite sex.

How common is transvestic disorder? ›

Transvestic disorder is an extremely rare diagnosis, and the DSM-5 states that fewer than 3% of men report that they have ever been sexually aroused by cross-dressing.

What is the difference between cross-dressing and transvestism? ›

The word has undergone several changes of meaning since it was first coined and is still used in a variety of senses. Today, the term transvestite is commonly considered outdated and derogatory, with the term cross-dresser used as a more appropriate replacement.

What is the difference between gender dysphoria and transvestic disorder? ›

Persons with gender dysphoria may choose to cross-dress in clothing more typically worn by members of the “opposite gender.” Persons diagnosed with a “transvestic disorder” frequently cross-dress because doing so is sexually arousing. Some individuals (e.g., “drag queens”) cross-dress for entertainment purposes.

Which of the following is a criteria for transvestic disorder? ›

To be diagnosed with transvestic disorder, according to the DSM-5, a person must experience persistent and intense sexual arousal from fantasizing about, or acting upon, urges to wear one or more pieces of clothing normally worn by the opposite gender.

What is it called when a woman dresses like a man? ›


This describes a person who wears the clothes usually associated with the "opposite "sex. This is seen as a form of gender expression. The word "transvestite" is not used much these days.

What is a cross-dressing man? ›

The term cross dresser means a person who dresses up in clothes traditionally associated with the opposite sex. Typically, it's used to refer to men who dress as women. However, it can also apply to women who wear clothes typically associated with men.

What is a cross-dressing character? ›

The act of dressing in clothing generally associated with the opposite sex, often employed in video games for comic effect or for sexual excitement.

What does the Bible say about cross-dressing? ›


There shall not be an article (keli) of a man upon a woman, and a man shall not put on a wrapper of (simlat) a woman, because everyone doing (who does) these (things) is an abomination of (unto) the Lord your God.

What is another name for a transvestite? ›

What is another word for transvestite?

How do I stop cross-dressing? ›

Finding another hobby to do will help to divert your attention away from crossdressing and provide you with something to do. Hide or donate the clothes you used to wear when you cross-dressed. You will be less likely to crossdress if you hide your clothes (out of sight out of mind).

Can a transvestite menstruate? ›

For some trans and gender diverse people, getting their period is a normal and okay part of being in their body, and for others it's uncomfortable and even an actively distressing experience.

Can transvestites get pregnant? ›

How can a transgender man conceive? For FtM patients who have frozen eggs or embryos, gestational surrogacy is an option. Transgender men who have not had a hysterectomy may also consider carrying a pregnancy themselves. Egg or embryo donation is also available.

Why do people cross-dress? ›

Folks might cross dress for fun, for political motives, for sexual reasons, or to entertain. They might dress that way full time, occasionally, or only in private. The rationale for cross-dressing isn't universal and there's limited research on common characteristics among those who do cross-dress.

What is a cross-dressing woman? ›

Those who cross-dress "use attitude, clothing, and perhaps makeup to give the appearance of belonging to the other sex or to an androgynous middle ground. Most modern women may be considered cross-dressers since they often wear clothing normally intended for men.

What is the difference between a drag queen and a transvestite? ›

The term drag queen implied "hom*osexual transvestite", but the term drag carried no such connotations. In the 1970's, drag queen is again defined as a "hom*osexual transvestite". Drag is parsed as changing one's clothes to those of a different sex, while queen is said to refer to a hom*osexual man.

How do you use transvestite in a sentence? ›

She is considered the first transvestite supermodel, and anyone who has seen her will never forget her.

What is the main difference between transvestism and transvestic disorder? ›

Transvestism involves recurrent, intense sexual arousal from cross-dressing. Transvestic disorder is transvestism that causes significant distress or substantially interferes with daily functioning.

What is transvestism in psychology? ›

Transvestism, commonly termed as cross-dressing, means to dress in the clothing of opposite sex. Cross-dressing is seen in varying degrees in paraphilias like dual role transvestism, fetishism and trans-sexualism.

How is transvestic disease treated? ›

As such, transvestic disorder should be treated with psychotherapy with a focus on negative self-perception, and the use of antidepressants, particularly serotonergic drugs, should be considered (Balon, 1998).

How many genders are there in the world? ›

There are many different gender identities, including male, female, transgender, gender neutral, non-binary, agender, pangender, genderqueer, two-spirit, third gender, and all, none or a combination of these.

What's another word for cross-dressing? ›

What is another word for cross-dressing?

What causes dysphoria? ›

Dysphoria is a psychological state that is often caused by or accompanies a mental health condition. Stress, grief, relationship difficulties, and other environmental problems can also cause dysphoria. Most often, dysphoria is a mood, which means someone can have fleeting moments of dysphoria.

What is it called when a girl likes a girl? ›

Lesbian: Refers to a woman who is emotionally, romantically, and/or physically attracted to other women.

What is sexualized clothing? ›

Sexualizing clothing reveals or emphasizes a sexualized body part, has characteristics associated with sexiness, and/or carries sexually suggestive writing. They also looked at whether clothing items had childlike characteristics e.g. polka dot patterns and ribbons.

What is it called when you don't look like a boy or girl? ›

Many people with gender dysphoria have a strong, lasting desire to live a life that "matches" or expresses their gender identity. They do this by changing the way they look and behave. Some people with gender dysphoria, but not all, may want to use hormones and sometimes surgery to express their gender identity.

Why would a man dress like a woman? ›

They usually wear women's clothes to bring out the female side of their own natures, as well as to get an erotic thrill and to modulate their anxiety. As you've undoubtedly noticed, cross-dressing can bring your husband extreme happiness and even euphoria, so it's no wonder you don't like to deny this pleasure to him.

What percentage of men are cross-dressers? ›

Cross-dressing isn't nearly as uncommon as most people think it is. Some estimates claim as many as five percent of males in America alone are cross-dressers. It's not just men dressing up in women's lingerie either. Many just enjoy experiencing life in the shoes—pun intended—of the other gender.

Is it okay to cross dress? ›

Wanting to cross dress isn't necessarily about your gender identity or sexuality and it doesn't mean that you're trans, gay or bisexual. Anyone can prefer wearing clothes their gender wouldn't often wear or choose to wear gender neutral clothes which don't have female or male labels automatically attached to them.

Is drag the same as cross-dressing? ›

While Drag is more for the person dressing as well as an audience to admire, crossdressing is more personal and often very private, a lifestyle choice if you will.

Is there a cure for transvestism? ›

Doctors diagnose transvestic disorder when people are greatly distressed by or cannot function well because of their desire to cross-dress. No drugs are reliably effective, but psychotherapy, when needed, may help people accept themselves and control behaviors that could cause problems in their life.

What is an example of cross-dressing? ›

For example, a cisgender man can wear a dress and identify that he's cross-dressing. However, if a trans woman is wearing attire that's associated with women, this can be a way to express her gender through her fashion choices.

Why do some people cross-dress? ›

Cross-dressing is the act of wearing clothes usually worn by a different gender. From as early as pre-modern history, cross-dressing has been practiced in order to disguise, comfort, entertain, and self-express oneself.

What is another word for transvestite? ›

What is another word for transvestite?

Where in the Bible does it say not to show your body? ›

1 Peter 3:3-4 tells us, Do not let your adorning be external – the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear – but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.

Where in the Bible does it say not to wear women's clothes? ›

22. [5] The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God.

What is another name for cross-dressing? ›

Transvestism is the practice of dressing in a manner traditionally associated with the opposite sex. In some cultures, transvestism is practiced for religious, traditional, or ceremonial reasons.

What is the difference between cross-dressing and drag? ›

Unlike the secrecy of cross-dressing, in which the attempt is often to pass as a woman, dragging involves performance whereby the intent is an undoing of gender norms through doing (or dressing) the part of the opposite sex. There is a rich literary tradition of men taking stage in women's clothing.

What is a cross-dresser called? ›

Definition of Cross-Dressing

Another term for cross-dressing is transvestitism. Someone who engages in transvestitism is called a transvestite. However, the term transvestite is considered a slur word within some communities.

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