Troop Types & Nuances | Game of Thrones: Conquest (2024)

Troop Types & Nuances | Game of Thrones: Conquest (1)

“If it is the swordsmen who rule us in truth, why do we pretend our kings hold the power?”

– Lord Varys

Guide Index

  • Troop Statistics
  • Types of Troops
    • Infantry
    • Cavalry
    • Ranged
    • Siege Weapons
    • Traps
  • What Troops Should I Use?

Troop Statistics

To learn more about your troops, take a look at the stats screen. You can find this by clicking any one of your troop training buildings, selecting a troop, and then pressing the Troop Types & Nuances | Game of Thrones: Conquest (2)stats button Troop Types & Nuances | Game of Thrones: Conquest (3) on the top left.

When you do, you’ll be greeted with this screen:

Troop Types & Nuances | Game of Thrones: Conquest (4)

This screen lays out everything you need to know about the strengths, weaknesses, and capabilities of this particular troop type. The icons on the left break down the troop’s statistics, while the list at the bottom shows its traits.

Here are the different troop statistics, and what they mean:

Power Troop Types & Nuances | Game of Thrones: Conquest (5): This number is an overall estimate of the strength of the troop. This number is used as shorthand to compare the approximate combined strength of two opposing forces, but remember: This number does not take into account special bonuses, traits, or boosts that you (or your opponent) may have used! For example, the sell-sword above has the Fortitude trait, which gives him a bonus against cavalry. If the Sell-sword went up against a cavalry troop of the exact same power, the Sell-sword would still win.

Attack Troop Types & Nuances | Game of Thrones: Conquest (6): This stat represents how much damage the troop can dish out in combat.

Defense Troop Types & Nuances | Game of Thrones: Conquest (7): This stat represents how well the troop can mitigate incoming damage.

Health Troop Types & Nuances | Game of Thrones: Conquest (8): This stat represents how much damage the troop can withstand before being wounded, or dying.

Speed Troop Types & Nuances | Game of Thrones: Conquest (9): This stat affects both the speed that your troops march at, as well as how quickly they gather resources once they arrive.

Load Troop Types & Nuances | Game of Thrones: Conquest (10): This stat represents how many resources the troop can carry back from an expedition. Any time you send troops out to gather resources, or attack other players, you’ll need to make sure you send enough troops to carry back the resources you acquire.

Range Troop Types & Nuances | Game of Thrones: Conquest (11): This stat represents the distance from which this troop can effectively fight. All Infantry will have a range of 1, but different archers might be able to fire from longer distances, and some cavalry have ranges greater than 1. Troops with a higher range tend to do more damage to troops with a lower one, and vice versa.

Upkeep Troop Types & Nuances | Game of Thrones: Conquest (12): This stat represents how much food this troop depends on to stay active. An army marches on its stomach, after all, and soldiers need to eat.

Note: Any food that is contained in your Storehouse, or food that is still in boxes in your inventory, will not be consumed by your troops.

Wall Damage Troop Types & Nuances | Game of Thrones: Conquest (13): This stat represents the amount of damage this troop can do to the walls of a Keep. Only Siege troops can damage Keep walls. Every other troop type will always have a “Wall Damage” score of 0.

Types of Troops

In Game of Thrones: Conquest there are a number of different types of troops, including Infantry, Ranged, and Cavalry. You can also make Siege and Trap troop types, and each one works a little differently.

Between the three main troop types (Infantry, Ranged, and Cavalry), each one is strong against one type and weak against the other, similar to a game of Rock Paper Scissors. The basic idea is that Infantry beats Cavalry, Cavalry beats Ranged, and Ranged beats Infantry.

Troop Types & Nuances | Game of Thrones: Conquest (14)

There are a wide number of other factors that can have an effect on how combat plays out, but everything else being equal, when two armies of identical Strength face each other in combat, an army made of Infantry will beat an army made of Cavalry, and so on. Siege engines and Traps both exist outside of this dynamic—we’ll break those down further into the guide.

Tip: Game of Thrones: Conquest includes a huge number of ways to boost the effectiveness of your troops, including gear, talents for your Dragon, and research at the Maester’s Tower—not to mention consumable boosts. Because of this, it is helpful to decide early on which one or two of the troop types you want to focus your investments on.


Troop Types & Nuances | Game of Thrones: Conquest (15)

When you need to make your fellow Nobles come around to your way of thinking, a large group of burly men with swords goes a long way. Infantry troops have an innate advantage against Cavalry. They tend to be particularly strong defensively, although they also tend to have a low speed—this can make them a sub-optimal choice to send on missions to gather resources.


Troop Types & Nuances | Game of Thrones: Conquest (16)

Relying on a team of archers to best your opponents in battle is often more subtle and crafty than smashing them with hordes of infantry—but as any noble Lord or Lady knows, relying on subtlety has its limits. Ranged troops are particularly strong against Infantry, despite a tendency to have somewhat lower base Defense scores. Like Infantry, they tend to have lower Speed, but can make up for both with their bonus against Infantry and their wide variety of Gear options.


Troop Types & Nuances | Game of Thrones: Conquest (17)

Cavalry troops are significantly faster and more mobile than other troops, which gives them an advantage in long marches or gathering missions—after all, the size of your army doesn’t matter if you can’t deploy them where you need them, when you need them. Cavalry also have strong base attack stats. They tend to be weak against Infantry, though, so be careful where and how you deploy them.

Siege Weapons

Troop Types & Nuances | Game of Thrones: Conquest (18)

Siege weapons lie outside the “Rock-Paper-Scissors” dynamic of the three standard troop types. Siege weapons have extremely high Range, Health, and Load scores, but they also have a unique disadvantage against all other troop types—catapults and ballistae aren’t intended to be used against armies, after all. Siege weapons make up for this by being the only troops that are capable of damaging the actual walls of a Keep, and the only units capable of destroying Traps.


Troop Types & Nuances | Game of Thrones: Conquest (19)

Traps aren’t technically troops—they can’t be sent on marches, and they can’t operate autonomously, but they share similar stats and are built in a similar way, so it’s important to include them here. Traps can only defend your Keep—they can’t be sent off to war—but a few well-placed Traps can do wonders on defense. When you’re attacked, Traps serve as Troops to defend your Keep. Each type of Trap can only damage one type of attacking Troop—Scalding Oil damages Infantry, Bolts damage Ranged, and Wood Spikes damage Cavalry.

Note: Even though Traps behave similarly to Troops when defending your Keep, they’re not soldiers and they can’t fight on their own. Your Traps can’t defend your Keep if there aren’t any Troops left to set them off!

Which troops should I use?

Because there are so many different ways to improve the capabilities of your troops in combat, it can be extremely helpful to choose to specialize where you want to invest your resources. Some careful research in the Maester’s Tower or a well-chosen piece of gear can make the difference between winning or losing a battle, and some of those upgrades require tremendous investment—so how do you choose which Troops you want to focus your efforts on?

  • Pay attention to your Kingdom. With a little bit of investigation, you’re likely to find that there are more players in your Kingdom focusing on one type of Troop versus another. For instance, if you’re playing in a Kingdom with a large number of Cavalry-heavy players, you may be better-served to focus your attention on Infantry.
  • Pay attention to your region. You’re likely to spend a lot of time tussling with other players near your Keep, so if you’re surrounded by players with Ranged-heavy armies, Cavalry may suit you well.
  • Pay attention to your Allegiance. When you begin to cooperate with other players, it can be important to take into account the overall composition of the other players in your Allegiance. If your Allegiance has very few other players investing in Infantry, for example, a clever enemy might be able to take advantage of this. We’ll go into more detail about how you should be working with your Allegiance in our Importance of Allegiances guide.
  • Pay attention to in-game Events. A changing roster of events can provide buffs and debuffs that can strongly affect the power of certain Troop types. Be sure to take into account which Events are ongoing and how long they’re expected to run.
  • Be wary of over-specializing. If you invest all of your resources into making your Infantry stronger, a Ranged-heavy army will stop you in your tracks. Many players find it helpful to invest in two different types of soldiers at a time.
  • Don’t be afraid to subdivide your armies. It might make sense to send an army of Cavalry out to gather resources, while saving your Infantry for a march on an enemy Keep.

“Who lives and who dies? Who will the swordsman obey? It’s a riddle without an answer, or rather, too many answers. All depends on the man with the sword.”

“And yet he is no one. He has neither crown nor gold nor favor of the gods, only a piece of pointed steel.”

“That piece of steel is the power of life and death.”

“Just so… yet if it is the swordsmen who rule us in truth, why do we pretend our kings hold the power?”

-Lord Varys discussing power with Tyrion Lannister

Troop Types & Nuances | Game of Thrones: Conquest (2024)


Troop Types & Nuances | Game of Thrones: Conquest? ›

There are four troop types in Game of Thrones: Conquest which are the infantry, ranged, cavalry, and siege units. The first three types work as the primary troop types that are used both offensively and defensively, whereas siege units are specialized units that are used to break the enemy's base.

What are the types of troops in Game of Thrones conquest? ›

Types of Troops. In Game of Thrones: Conquest there are a number of different types of troops, including Infantry, Ranged, and Cavalry. You can also make Siege and Trap troop types, and each one works a little differently.

How to defend your keep in Got Conquest? ›

Your City Wall is another important way of protecting your City. In order to destroy your Keep, invaders must first destroy your City Wall and other defenses. You can view your City Wall defense (maximum health) by tapping your City Wall, tapping the "i" button, and then "Stats".

Why does upgrading your building require gold in Got Conquest? ›

Building Enhancements can grant your troops tremendous power, but remember—they require resources that can only be purchased in packs or farmed up by completing Events!

What does scouting do in Game of Thrones conquest? ›

Scouting will give you invaluable info on the Quantity & Type of troops a player has focused on. It will also let you know if they have a large amount of traps and the size of their Dragon. However, it will alert the player that you are scouting them & possibly give them time to react and defend themselves.

What are the different types of troops? ›

The Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, Space Force and Coast Guard are the armed forces of the United States. The Army National Guard and the Air National Guard are reserve components of their services and operate in part under state authority.

What is the highest level in got conquest? ›

You start the game at House level 1 and while you play you will earn House Prestige which functions as experience. House level 50 is the highest level you can obtain.

How do you get a dragon in game of Thrones conquest? ›

Hatching Your Dragon. Once you've found a dragon's egg, the first thing you're going to want to do is hatch it. Dragons need heat in order to hatch, so if you're going to hatch a dragon's egg you're going to need to feed the fires. To do this, first tap on the Dragon Pit and click the Dragon button .

How do you increase power in game of Thrones conquest? ›

The Iron Throne is the Ultimate Goal
  1. Grow Your Keep. The primary method of increasing your power is to level up your Keep. ...
  2. Join/Create Allegiances. ...
  3. Attacking Seats of Power. ...
  4. Training an Army (3 types of troops) ...
  5. Attacking Creatures.
  6. Attacking Players.
  7. Frequently Asked Questions.

How to increase march speed in Got Conquest? ›

However, an action like Quick Step, which increases your march speed vs hostile players, must be activated each time you send a march. You get 4 charges of Quick Step each time you use the action, and they must be used within 1 hr. Plan your marches wisely!

How do you get writ in Game of Thrones Conquest? ›

New Recipe Components - Writs are available from Daily Quests once you reach Keep level 9. Bounties are dropped from defeated Deserter enemies (Note: only the final victory against a Deserter will award a Bounty.)

What is the point of gold in rise of kingdoms? ›

Gold is required to research all technologies unlocked after Academy level 10, as well as the training/upgrade of all Tier 3 and higher troops, though it is not used in any building upgrades.

Why did Aegon start his conquest? ›

However, the war started due to an act of hostility by the Storm King. Argilac Durrandon proposed an alliance with Aegon against the ironborn, as he feared that once Harren Hoare had completed Harrenhal, he would invade the Stormlands.

What does repel strike do in gotc? ›

Repel Strike is an ability used when your dragon is defending. This ability will harm incoming enemy troops; damaging them before they can attack. The damage amount for this ability depends on multiple factors - your dragon's level, talents you've selected, research, and more.

Is Game of Thrones: Conquest fun? ›

Game of Thrones: Conquest is a poor attempt at the casual simulation game genre, despite the official license. Sure, you can 'capture' iconic locations eventually but it's all a cynical way of making you feel like you're truly part of Game of Thrones. Instead, this is a retread of an overly familiar concept.

What are the troops in Land of Empires? ›

There are three basic types of troops in Land of Empires: Immortal – Infantry, Archer, and Cavalry. It is important to learn about the diversity that each of these troops have because they specialize in different types of combat and have very different stats.

What are the troop types in Evony? ›

Understanding the Different Types of Troops in Evony: The King's Return
  • Ground Troops – Soldiers who engage in direct combat with the enemy are known as ground troops. ...
  • Ranged Troops – Soldiers who engage in combat with adversaries from a distance.
Apr 19, 2024

What are the different types of troops in lords mobile? ›

Troop Types
  • Infantry units have the best defensive capabilities (HP and DEF), followed by cavalry, ranged, and siege.
  • Siege units have the highest attack, followed by ranged, cavalry, and infantry.
  • Cavalry units travel the fastest, followed by ranged, infantry, and siege.

What is the golden army in Game of Thrones? ›

The Golden Company, a legendary mercenary group in Game of Thrones, originated from the Free Cities of Essos, led by exiled Westerosi lords. They are known for their unwavering discipline, military prowess, and unyielding loyalty, making them significant players in the power struggles of the Seven Kingdoms.

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.