Twenty-Fifth Baam/Relationships (2024)

This article contains information about Twenty-Fifth Baam, the main character and main protagonist of Tower of God. The most updated information about Baam from the most recent chapter can be found here. If you haven't caught up with the current Tower of God webtoon story, read at your own risk.

Stars, thrones, skies, the Outside World, I don't need any of those things. But if someone tries to hurt someone precious to me, I will fight.

—Jyu Viole Grace to Urek Mazino[13]

Rachel: Baam has a deep and complicated relationship with her. They were best friends and he views her as an older sister figure. She was the reason why he entered the Tower in the first place. However, since Rachel requested Khun to lie about her identity, Baam wonders why she will not just reveal herself to him and is aware she may not want him to follow her. Baam decides to do so anyway and is eventually betrayed by her, confusing him. Therefore, he decides to climb the Tower in order to rationalise which action to take when he confronts her. When Love asks Baam about his reason for joining FUG, he responds that he is looking for someone, hinted to be Rachel. When questioned on whether or not he seeks revenge on her, he responds that he'll find out once he meets her.

After reuniting with her at the Hell Train, he becomes enraged when she refuses to answer why she pushed him down on the second floor. Leading him to go berserk and lashing out with the power of the Thorn. After this outburst and a harsh lecture from Hwa Ryun, Baam begins to question himself and wondering if he is acting just like Rachel.

During the Floor of Death arc, when Baam encounters Rachel a second time, he sees through her attempts to deceive him with relative ease and rejects her ideals and methods, showing that he has finally started to accept Rachel's corrupt character. However, he still has a soft spot for her, as shown when he tears up after he rejects her, when he gives her a fair shot to claim the thorn fragment for herself, and when he uses his one favor from Poe Bidau Gustang to cure her of a deadly poison. However, these lingering feelings are almost completely erased at the end of the Hidden Floor arc, when Rachel puts Khun in a coma. Baam confronts Rachel, admitting that he just can't understand her, and rebuking her when she claims to have done nothing wrong. He then attacks and completely overwhelms Rachel, and though he still spares her life, he states that he will kill her if she ever harms his friends again. However, before Rachel escapes, she reveals that she knows the truth about Baam's hidden identity and his past with Arlen Grace, and she says that he is not a savior, but a monster that will bring about the end of the tower, giving Baam a reason to keep chasing after her even if he doesn't have any feelings for her any more. It is also worth noting that Baam was currently unaware of the deaths of Prince and Akraptor and Rachel's role in them at the time he confronted her, and it is unknown how the situation would have gone if he was, though it is very likely Baam would have critically injured or even killed Rachel as a result.

Ha Yuri Zahard: Baam's first meeting with her was awkward, to say the least. He was kicked in the face by her due to the fact that she had jumped down from one of the higher floors to see Baam, an Irregular. To her disappointment, Baam did not look very special to her at all. However, she unreservedly helped him pass Headon's test, which would have been impossible otherwise. As a result, Baam has grown to admire and respect her. In Part II, after Viole's supposed death, Yuri continued to search for him over five years and claimed "He's not someone who'd die like that", showing she has very high expectations in his abilities. Yuri also had a desire for Baam to reach the top of the Tower. She seems to have a liking for Irregulars like Baam.

Baam's feelings towards her seem to be of respect and admiration, though he does admit she had her quirks while conversing about her with Androssi. He sees her as a kind individual because of her aid when he first entered the tower but begins seeing her as a "great" person after Lero explains to him the meaning of being a Ranker.

Khun Aguero Agnis: Baam was a little uneasy with Khun at first, but they've become good friends, despite their contrasting personalities and characteristics. He was upset when he realized that FUG had set a trap to pit Khun against him and became distraught when Khun was caught in the explosion at the Hand of Arlen. Khun has aided Baam countless times throughout various obstacles presented in the Second Floor. After learning Baam was an Irregular, Khun put his status on the line to aid him. Khun saw something within Baam which he had lost a long time ago and was determined to help Baam get to the top.

Twenty-Fifth Baam/Relationships (1)

Even after Baam's supposed death, he still wants to keep the team that Baam would've wanted to protect going asking Ship Leesoo to lead the other team. Khun is still willing to go to lengths to find out about Baam's "murderers", even having to deal with the "woman who killed his most precious friend". He likes Baam very much. In Part II, Khun, after finding out Viole was Baam, became extremely angry at FUG and frustrated with his inability to help his friend. Khun attempted to capture Beniamino Cassano and Rachel on board the Hell Train.

Due to Khun's attitude, and has expressed a clear desire to kill Rachel without Baam knowing about it, Baam has become slightly suspicious of Khun; however, this has not yet made any damage in their relationship as of yet. Their friendship has actually grown. Because of Rachel's treatment of Khun, Baam was finally able to get angry at Rachel and willing to fight her. Most notably, Rachel's act of putting Khun in a coma was the catalyst for Baam finally throwing away any lingering affections for Rachel he had. In his rage over Khun's condition, Baam was finally willing to directly confront Rachel, and if Khun had actually died, it is very likely he would have killed her. Baam is overjoyed to find out Khun has woken up, and the relationship between the two is as strong as even, with Khun providing emotional support for Baam when he started feeling overwhelmed by his newfound power. The two are also shown to work very well together and, alongside Rak, the trio was able to beat the powerful Ranker Daleet with minimal difficulty.

Like Hwaryun, Bam listens to his opinions and trusts Khun a lot (Hwaryun referring to Khun as his strategist) to a point where he calmly told Khun to give him a heads up next time after he found out White's power was revived and Khun was behind it. After a flashback Bam has with Khun telling him about Arkraptor and the others being well, it is unknown where their current friendship may stand.

Rak Wraithraiser: Baam is also friends with Rak, although Rak is a little bit annoyed by him at times. Whenever Baam is injured, Rak seems concerned about him. Rak wishes for Baam to keep climbing the Tower, claiming that it is because he could continue to hunt him. Later in Part II, the level of care and affection Rak has come to develop for Baam is apparent when they finally reunite and Rak confirms that Viole's secret identity is Baam. Rak sheds tears and embraces him, expressing his joy in Baam being truly alive and that he will never let him go nor forgive those who put Baam through such hardships.

Since then Rak has continued to climb the Tower with Baam in his hunt for Rachel, though he has grown irritated since circ*mstances have constantly left him behind while Baam moves on ahead.

Hatsu: Hatsu and Baam get along well and have an easy friendship. Baam helped him fill up his friends' list, to which Hatsu seemed grateful. After the Submerged Fish Hunt ended, he became agitated when Parakewl was only concerned about whether they passed. When Parakewl kept using the word 'dead', Hatsu threatened to kill him. He felt indebted to Baam and was the first to propose to helping Rachel climb the Tower. In Part II, when Baam found out that the "Devil of the Right Arm" had defeated Hatsu, he seemingly challenges Rapdevil, which shows that he still cares deeply for his old team.

Ship Leesoo: These two are friendly with each other. Although Leesoo knew that Khun manipulated everyone into helping Baam for the Submerged Fish Hunt, he didn't tell anyone because he too wanted to help Baam. When he thought Baam was dead, he supported the idea of helping Rachel to honour Baam's wishes and was the one to gather everyone for it.

However, their relationship hit a rough spot, with Leesoo actively trying to murder Baam after learning of the fake news of Jyu Viole Grace killing Khun broke out. They briefly fight one another during the game to gain tickets for the Workshop Battle, with Leesoo becoming confused by "Viole's" desire to protect his own teammates when he murdered Khun. Leesoo becomes increasingly confused by Baam's nature during the Workshop Battle, and it isn't until he meets Hatsu that Leesoo learns that Viole was Baam.

Since their reunion and him learning that Khun did not die, Leesoo and Baam are back on friendly turns however their time together was short because Leesoo and his team had already progressed beyond Baam's at that point.

Androssi Zahard: At first she was indifferent to Baam, but as time progressed they became friends. After learning that Baam was an Irregular, she put her status as a Zahard's Princess on the line to help him. She coached Baam on fighting in preparation for the Submerged Fish Hunt. Baam appears to have influenced her somewhat. When Ren attempted to kill Anak using her, she thought of the conversation with Baam on loneliness. After his supposed death Leesoo notes that her behavior became increasingly wild; likely her way of dealing with the grief of his death. She appears to have gained a crush on him, telling him to hurry (with ditching his team at the time) before they lose the opportunity to date during the Workshop Battle party. Before she left to return climbing the Tower with her team, she and Baam had a date and she kissed him on the cheek.[14]

Androssi joins Baam in the name hunting station after Baam helps her get her name back. She helps Baam escape from Karaka's unexpected attack and follows him into Floor of death in order to meet Garam Zahard. Then, when they get to the Hidden Floor, Androssi helps Baam escape from his 'enemy' which ends up being himself but as Viole. Androssi also saves Baam from Big Breeders using her Bong Bong. Androssi also helps Baam escape from the last station and fights on his side. When Bam was annonced to be assumed dead, she immediately decided to go to find him to confirm his safety, her current quest being a lower priority. She was very angered when she saw he was supposed to be getting married.


Arlen Grace: Arlen is Baam's mother. However, Baam hasnever met her.He heard of her from Garam Zahard, and Arlen's hand was the place where Baam was tricked and had to follow FUG's team. Baam's last name as a slayer candidate came from Arlen Grace. Arlen and V hada child though Zahard kills the baby, and Arlen attempts everything within her power to save the child's body to no avail.After nothing had worked out she decided to leave it to the Outside God to be revived. Baam is now planning revenge on Zahard since he drove V to suicide.

V: V is Arlen's lover and is insinuated to be Baam's father from the statements made by data Yu Han Sung and data Khun Eduan.[15] [16]Baam had never met him, he learned of V through Garam Zahard. It was assumed by Garam that his pseudonym Viole came from this mans name. He ended his life in despair after seeing Arlene go mad.

Team Tangsooyook

As Jyu Viole Grace, Baam met the people who would become Team Tangsooyook while taking his test for the 20th Floor. Viole's affiliation with FUG, initially standoffish demeanor and unrivalled strength made him feared and mistrusted by the Regulars, but their need to climb the Tower led them to pursue an alliance, which was eventually forced by Wangnan during the test. While far more introverted in his interactions with Team Tangsooyook than he was with his friends on the 2nd Floor, Viole would come to bond with his team as they ascended the next few floors.

Most of the members of the team continue to refer to Baam as Viole, likely out of habit.

Twenty-Fifth Baam/Relationships (2)

Ja Wangnan: Wangnan used to fear Viole to the point of avoidance. It is unknown what Baam personally thinks of Wangnan, but Wangnan thought of Baam as a monster (he called him a demon of destruction) due to his power and his stated goal. As time progressed, he learned of Baam's past and the life forced upon him. Wangnan thinks highly of Viole now that he knows Viole's reasons for fighting and appears to want to become friends. After he found out about Baam's deal with FUG, Akraptor noticed that Wangnan had become very serious about the tests and didn't joke around as much. Wangnan appears to be the most concerned over Viole, wishing to help him achieve his goals and worrying over him.

Wangnan and Baam continue to be on good terms with one another, continuing to aid each other on the Hell Train. Even after Wangnan decides to go on separate ways to capture Cassano, Baam is shown to be relieved when he hears they made it out of the train successfully from Yura.

Yeon Yihwa: After they first met and Viole tried to fail her along with the other Regulars. They had to share a room on the 20th Floor, much to Yihwa's displeasure. Yihwa thinks Viole is very suspicious but appears open to the idea that Viole might not be as bad as he appears (mostly due to her belief that "he doesn't have the face of a bad guy"). Most of their antagonism is due to the fact that Viole says he has no interest in her physically which Yihwa sees as an insult to what she believes to be her beautiful figure, and that Viole can cook better than her. Yihwa however warmed up to Viole and now sees him as a good person after he protected Miseng from Urek Mazino almost at the cost of his life. Yihwa seemed to be genuinely concerned for Viole and tried to nurse him back to health. Later on it is hinted that she has romantic feelings for him, such as when she was staring at Viole as he interacted with his old team and noted that she had never seen him make a face like that before. Later when it seems like the team might die, her immediate thought was that she doesn't want to die because she would never be able to see Viole make such a face again.

After the Workshop Battle she begins to doubt her position on the team and becomes wary of the powerful enemies they face. After some encouragement from Hwa Ryun, she decides to continue staying by Viole's side. She is also noted to be unable to get used to Viole's appearance as Baam, being surprised by the innocent-looking face he had behind his bangs.

Kang Horyang: Horyang respects Viole for his strength and was initially wary of the red exoskeleton Viole possesses, since it reminded him of a Living Ignition Weapon. He doesn't appear to think badly or hold a grudge against Viole for his actions when they first met. Later, Viole earns his respect when he protects Miseng and he now knows that Viole is definitely a good person. Before he went to find Cassano, Horyang fought Viole to force him to reveal the power he saw from the exoskeleton since if it was an ignition weapon it would mean that Viole's power came at the sacrifice of countless lives. After Viole revealed its origin, Horyang admitted that he never really thought of Viole as the type of person who would have a Living Ignition Weapon anyways and apologized.

After witnessing Horyang seemingly be killed, Viole goes into a rage and attacks Ran and Novick under the assumption that they were his killers. Though his fury soon transfers to FUG after he realizes they were responsible for the incident. After that he and Horyang work together in the "perfect team" that FUG had put together for the Workshop Battle. Once Viole tries to escape FUG he trusts Horyang to help him, and they fight their way out together, though Horyang ends up comatose in the process.

Since then Viole has been seeking Cassano, though as a secondary objective to finding Rachel, in order to wake Horyang from his coma.

Hon Akraptor: Akraptor seems to trust Viole to a certain extent. He doesn't meddle with Viole's personal affairs and doesn't seem to judge him for being part of FUG. He is the most pragmatic of the group concerning Viole and the group's position. He also treats Viole as a friend and is willing to help him after finding out the reason he is climbing the Tower.

When Baam(Viole) got to know that Akraptor (and Prince) had been eaten by White, and hence are dead, he gets too angry to forget everything around him, and only wanting to kill White even if he ends up getting killed himself, saying it's better than to lose more of his friends, signifying Akraptor was an important person and friend to him too.

Yeo Miseng: At first Miseng feared Viole but was always polite to him, even giving him some candy after he had threatened to "drop" her and Goseng in the previous test.[17] After passing the 20th Floor Test, Miseng and Viole appear much more comfortable with each other. Viole is even shown carrying Miseng on his shoulders while they rode out one of their test. Later on, when Miseng came between Viole and Mazino's attacks, Viole risked his life to protect her and nearly died in the process. The night Horyang left the group Viole comforted Miseng when she started worrying about him.

Yeo Goseng: While originally terrified of Viole for his association with FUG, she seems more comfortable with him. Even before they formed a team, she didn't think he was a murderous monster. When Viole brought over his FUG associates to their house, she was shaking so much she ended up cutting herself. Later on, during their test Zygaena emerged from the water, and she can be seen hiding behind Viole's legs the whole time.

Prince: While Viole appears to be mostly indifferent to Prince, Prince used to have a lot of antagonism for Viole. This was partly out of jealousy of Viole's strength and over him winning possession of Yeon Yihwa during the shinsu competition than rooming with her afterwards. After they formed Team Tangsooyook, Prince became more mellow and appears to accept Viole as a teammate. He is also willing to help Viole after finding out his reason for climbing the tower even though it would put him in a dangerous situation. During the Workshop Battle after his round was over, Prince found Viole in the stands and started shouting that he would bring Viole back to their team even if he had to beat him to do it while the others dragged him towards the exit.

When Baam(Viole) got to know that Prince (and Akraptor) had been eaten by White, and hence are dead, he gets too angry to forget everything around him, and only wanting to kill White even if he ends up getting killed himself, saying it's better than to lose more of his friends, signifying Prince was an important person and friend to him too.


FUG: The organization relies on his status as an Irregular for them to kill Zahard. In order for him to join their ranks, they forced him by threatening the lives of his friends. As a Slayer candidate, the members look at him as a god and as a way to solve their problems. Many respect his opinion, while some see him only as a tool, willing to go against his desire to protect his friends, conducting plans to kill them despite the fact they are the very reasons why he agreed to join them, with none of the Elders trusting or being willing to help him in particular. His popularity among FUG increased even further after his victory over the Test Ranker Pan, as many members of FUG strongly expressed FUG should help in the battle and even the Elders were forced to acknowledge and begin to support him.

Twenty-Fifth Baam/Relationships (3)

Ha Jinsung: He is a member of FUG and is Viole's personal martial arts instructor. He thinks very highly of Viole and respects his opinions. He is very proud of Viole to the point where he brags about Viole's talent and genius. He appears comedically protective of Viole, asking Viole's teammates if they picked on him or made him do any housework (noticing Viole's chapped hands). He lies to FUG in order to protect the new friends Viole made, claiming that they made good hostages; though Karaka's response to this statement implies he was lying. In a flashback, it is shown that Jinsung initially had reservations about training someone so seemingly ordinary, but quickly became impressed with Viole's ability to quickly pick up skills. He had built up a reputation of being an incredibly merciless fighter, but when he used a destruction technique on Baam to help him learn it faster during one of their first training sessions he said it made him feel vicious. He later admitted to Yu Han Sung that he hadn't felt that way in a long time and that his senses that had been dulled by rage seemed to come back to life that day.

Ha Jinsung is also revealed to be the main reason why Viole has so much freedom, with the Elders and Slayers afraid of incurring his wrath. Using his influence and that of Mirchea's to make sure the other elements of FUG don't have their way with him.

After Viole's brief coma following his confrontation with Rachel, Ha Jinsung attempts to keep Viole off the Hell Train, fearing for Viole's safety should he confront the other Slayer Candidate rumored to be on board. Once Viole makes his desire clear to get onto the train, Ha Jinsung attempts to make him stay by force, but is outwitted by Khun's plan and he begrudgingly accepts his pupil's decision.

On Viole's end of things, he seems to respect Ha Jinsung a great deal, calling him teacher even after his attempt to leave FUG. Viole appears to appreciate the strength that Ha Jinsung gave him, even if it wasn't under the best of circ*mstances.

When Viole gets to the Name Hunt Station and buys Kaiser's name, Ha Jinsung pays 10 billion points to buy Kaiser's name and says that 10 billion points are not that much for helping his dearest student, Viole. He also adds that he's not the one rescuing Kaiser, but FUG's god, which refers to Viole.

When the Hell Train arrives at the Last Station, and Zahard's Army arrives to capture Regulars on the Hell Train, Ha Jinsung blocks Kallavan's way of getting to the last station and despite Kallavan's overwhelming power, he refuses to give up even after having his hands destroyed and then stabbed by Maschenny's spear, even using the last of his power in an attempt to stop them. Kallavan teleports to the last station and tells Viole that Ha Jinsung must be dead, and Viole is overwhelmed with grief over his master's apparent death and starts attacking Kallavan. Viole keeps on attacking Kallavan, even though it is clear that Kallavan is far too powerful, though he ends up running away because Karaka told him that if Viole doesn't run away but get captured, Ha Jinsung's sacrifice will end up into nothing. Even now, Baam is seeking to rescue his mentor from Zahard's Army.

Hwa Ryun: "Currently" a member of FUG. The only interaction they had in Part I was during the Crown Game, during which Hwa Ryun had disguised herself as one of the Regulars for a mission. When she attempted to attack Rachel, Baam took the attack and the shinsu around him seemed to lash out at Hwa Ryun spontaneously. The attack cut her mask in half and grievously wounded her eye. She is later seen with an eyepatch for the rest of the series, though it seems that she does not hold it against Baam. She later revealed that it was through her advice that FUG was able to manipulate Baam into becoming Viole. Though her dialogue with him makes it unclear whether or not she helps him under FUG's orders, or a desire of her own; with her answering in ambiguous fashion when questioned. She is also one of the first to refer to him as "my god", though it is in an endearing way rather than the reverence other FUG members say it with.

In Part II the two of them have become closer, Hwa Ryun acts as Baam's Guide with the expectation that Baam will grow strong enough to one day kill Zahard. She often manipulates individual members of Team Tangsooyook in a way that benefits Baam, such as when FUG members took Viole behind her back and she informed Khun about everything that had happened to Viole so he would go to the Workshop Battle. In a flashback, it has been shown that Hwa Ryun can be cruel/helpful to Baam (restarting the lethal/training stone golem) because of her high expectations. Hwa Ryun views Viole as her God as well as a man. It is unknown whether she means he has grown since Part I to be able to protect his friends or whether she was hitting on him by calling him her man. She also seems to think highly of Viole to the point of giving him the Thorn and helping them win the Tournament. Viole seems to care for her a great deal, becoming enraged when Reflejo shows that he has taken her hostage and beaten her.

The two seem to have a strangely large amount of trust for one another despite her role in Baam's transformation into FUG's Slayer; with Viole immediately suggesting to go to her for help despite Khun's reluctance. It is noted in as they fight their way to the Hell Train that Viole has complete faith in her, shown by their charge pass the Mirotic Guardian. Once separated, Hwa Ryun notes that Viole was much easier to control (not necessarily in a negative way) than anyone else, while observing how Rachel's team doubted her advice. She later shows irritation in her inner thoughts when he doesn't immediately notice her when they are reunited on the train. She also says he is rude when he tries to walk past her without saying "hi" when he returns from the Hidden Floor and has not seen her for a week.

Viole seems to see her as a source of guidance and takes her words to heart when she admonishes him for his behavior when confronting Rachel. It is unclear whether or not their relationship is one of genuine friendship, or of mere allies of convenience at the moment. It should be noted, that even after Baam is reunited with his friends from the floor of test, Hwa Ryun still only calls him Viole.

Yu Han Sung: He was test director of the 2nd Floor. He first meets Baam in the 2nd floor as a test director, and when Baam gets betrayed by Rachel and is left alone, he is the one that teaches Baam along with Ha Jinsung. He said that if Baam doesn't become slayer candidate, they are going to kill off his friends, starting with Rachel. He teaches Baam many skills related to wave controlling, though Baam doesn't like using any of them.

They also meet each other in the hidden floor, but Yu Hansung as a regular. They meet each other in fruit of good and evil. Yu Hansung saves Baam and Androssi from getting murdered by one of the traps, though Baam hates Yu Hansung so much, Yu Hansung doesn't know that. Yu Hansung helps him meet Khun Eduan.

When the Hell Train arrives to the last station, Yu Hansung helps Baam escape through many rankers and high rankers. Yu Hansung tells Baam that he improved.

Karaka: He is 11th slayer of FUG. A fellow student of Ha Jinsung. Karaka first appears in the name hunting station with Viole, and blocking his way to the Hell Train. With Yuri, Yihwa, and many others' help, Viole escapes to the Train and Karaka fails to get him.

Then, in the last station, when Zahard's army comes and attacks Regulars in the hell train, he helps with his best, knowing that Ha Jinsung chose Viole over him, and Karaka decides to help Viole get out of the last station.

White: He is 10th slayer of FUG. He is originally from Arie Family, though he joins FUG and becomes a slayer planning revenge on Arie Hon. He first claims that he is Hoaqin, just a D rank Regular who is a slayer candidate, then fights with Viole over slayer candidate by making up a game called Dallar show in the Hell Train. He is defeated by Viole and people who were murdered by White.

Then, when White gets all his power backs, even from the last clone, he helps Viole out of the last station, and he faints twice in the process, though he managed to get his powers back. Though Viole rejects to get help from him, White still stays and helps Viole escape.

Over the years, it seems Baam's relationship with White has became a little tolerable, as Baam seemed willing to trust him and White encouraging Baam to use the power of the souls inside him so he could better fight Kallavan. When White went to Baam's field in the Cat Tower, Baam knows that White is only helping him because he wants something from him rather than helping him out of goodwill. After knowing White killed Akraptor and Prince, Baam was willing to risk his current objective and expressed a killing intent towards White to avenge his companions.

Khel Hellam: As one of the Elders of FUG, Khel Hellam initially did not have too much of an opinion towards Baam, being more than willing to kill him, but after seeing Baam was able to alter fate to defy his predictions by stripping him of his control over Doom, Hellam began seeing Baam's potential as something that could counter even Zahard's, although he would be more than willing to kill him if he proved to be dark.

Baylord Yama : He is a slayer of FUG, who Baam went to ask for help in rescuing Ha Jinsung at first. They did not get along when they first met, with Baam challenging Yama to a fight for Deng Deng's freedom and Yama in return threatening that if Baam loses, he will take the Thorn, kill him, and not help rescue Ha Jinsung. However, when Doom is awakened, they are forced to team up to stop Khel Hellam's plans to use Doom to make the Canine People his slaves, developing a more collaborative relationship, especially as Baam proved his mettle by waking up Yama, Baam offering to help Yama on how to deal with Doom without killing him by first having him and Karaka challenge Doom to a game and then offering his ability to neutralize spells to cancel the spell Khel Hellam was using to control Doom, both which Yama allowed Baam to do. After half of the canines were slaughtered, Yama joins with Baam for revenge and the two appears to have developed a cordial and friendly relationship, with Baam apologizing for his behavior in their first meeting and Yama expressing he likes Baam now for his tenacity.

Baylord Doom: Baam first met Doom in the Cage after he was awakened and wanted to take back the Cage from Yama. Baam was immediately put off by Doom's cold-hearted dismissal of Deng Deng being dead due to Doom's heart being ripped out of him, but after seeing Baam easily handling one of Paul's Rankers, Doom became interested in Baam, desiring to turn him into a Canine People and stating he will make Baam a high-ranked one. However, in process, Baam saw that Doom wanted revenge on the 10 Family Heads and Lo Po Bia Yasratcha, so when Khel Hellam uses a spell on Doom's heart to control him, Baam breaks the spell and offers an alliance, which Doom accepts out of gratitude over being saved by Baam, even giving him a lecture on how he shouldn't care so much about Gado's death after Doom kills Gado as many people have died meaninglessly in battle and what matters is what he does.

Grace Mirchea Luslec: He is the oldest and greatest of the Slayers and the leader of FUG. He has Baam adopt his family name and makes him a Slayer Candidate. It's unknown how Baam feels towards Luslec, although while he hates FUG, he doesn't seem to have antagonistic feelings for Luslec, especially considering how Luslec along with Jinsung are the only reasons why Baam is able to have a measure of freedom and later on his support on letting Baam continue with his team without FUG supervising him, which Baam may appreciate. As Sophia Tan reveals, the reason why Luslec will not act was because if he acts, the 10 Family Heads will have to move as well, starting an all-out war that will be beyond Baam's current level, and so he is waiting until Baam grows powerful enough to be able to act directly. Regardless, Luslec once again offers his support to Baam by organizing a meeting of the Slayers and Elders of FUG to ask how many of them wants to help Baam save Ha Jinsung even though he cannot participate in the battle.


Urek Mazino: He is currently in 4th rank, and he is Co-founder of Wolhaiksong. Baam and Urek first meet each other inZygaena, where Baam, at the time the Slayer Candidate Jyu Viole Grace, along with Team Tangsooyook is trying to take the flowers,bravely challenged Urekdespite knowing his power as a Ranker, impressing Urek.Although Baam is nearly killed by Urek's attack, he impresses Urek enough to be spared by him and his team is allowed to go out once Urek finds out that there is a baby of Zygaena growing. Urek learning that Baam had left a scar on his face made him even more interested, and he orders to keep an eye on him and his team.

In Floor of death, they meet again, where despite their previous meeting, they appear to have no bad blood between them and effectively worked together to defeat Hell Joe, where Baam's performance, despite being mainly supportive, impresses Urek to the point where he offers him to join Wolhaiksong, which Baam seems to consider, not rejecting it outright despite being shocked. Then, when he meets Po Bidau Gustang, and he says that Baam might stand on the equal side of Urek, Zahard, and the 10 Great Family Heads, Urek asks Baam if he is an irregular, and Baam trusts Urek with the knowledge that he is an irregular. Urek in return tells him that he should forget whatever happened in the floor of death and not lose himself before parting ways, with Urek also telling Baam about Yihwa and Danhwa surviving and climbing to meet up with them, much to Baam's gratitude.


Khun Ran: At first they were antagonistic to each other because Viole had thought Ran and Novick had killed Horyang. Because Ran and Novick were part of Khun's Team, Viole treats them kindly and tends to allow them freedom of movement, much to their confusion. Ran seems to sense that Viole is not the enemy and that he may have a friendly relationship with Khun.

Novick: Novick is confused by Viole's actions, who he sees as having no reason to treat them kindly but does so anyway. Novick mostly follows Ran's lead while they are being held prisoner by the team FUG chose for Viole. Novick has noticed several instances were Viole showed concern over their well being and doesn't understand how Khun fits into it. He has realized that Viole wasn't like the other Regulars and thinks that he "has a light" to him. They have begun to develop some trust between them, as Viole is shown asking Novick to perform actions unknown to the rest of the team, and Novick protected Viole by warning him before Reflejo could find him making contact with his old teammates.

Boro: Boro is a D-rank Regular who has teamed up with Baam to participate in the tournament at Train City. Boro has expressed an interest in Jyu Viole Grace and shows even more interest now that he knows Baam and Viole are the same person. Boro seems to be interested in what Baam has to do with FUG and also notes that Baam's martial arts style seems "familiar" to him. How Baam feels about Boro however, has not yet been made apparent as he was told by Hwa Ryun to gather teammates in which he could "throw away".

Sachi Faker: Sachi is a Top D-Rank Regular who is known as the "Ticket Hunter". He teams up with Baam against Hoaqin during the Hell Train, hoping to defeat him for revenge from a past incident on the train. He continues to help Baam even after defeating Hoaqin, during the Name Hunt and the Floor of Death.

God of guardians: Baam runs into a special guardian called "The God of Guardians" who all the guardians in the hell train worship and fear. The God of guardians notices immediately that Baam is an Irregular who had opened the gates of the tower similarly to Zahard. He reveals that he trained the Great Warriors along with Zahard and helped unlock their "true" power, which Baam later partakes in. After the Name Hunt Station, Baam trained with him again until the train reached the Floor of Death.

Lo Po Bia Elaine: Initially, Baam is determined to defeat Kaiser in order to pass Yuri's "test" and continue to the Floor of Death. Once Rak and Yihwa are captured by Kaiser, Baam becomes even more determined to defeat Kaiser, remarking that he is very angry at those who would play with the lives of his companions. Upon learning of the circ*mstances behind Kaiser's reason for being at the Name Hunt Station, Baam remarks that he feels sorry about her situation, but it still does not justify all that she has done. He remarks that if he had to choose between saving Kaiser and destroying the station, he would choose to destroy the station without any hesitation. Once the fight with Kaiser begins, he notes how skilled she is with her various abilities. Near the end of the fight with Kaiser, Baam questions why Kaiser would choose to remain at the station, eventually telling her that if she truly was thinking of her family she would change her way of thinking and refuse to be involved in a practice as disgraceful as the Name Hunt Station. After defeating Kaiser, rather than stealing her name and letting FUG take over the station, Baam decides to buy Kaiser's name, and with it, her freedom. Baam remarks that he did this to both ensure Endorsi would receive her name back and also to allow Kaiser to live as her own person, rather than as a slave to her family.

In Season 3, Kaiser is now traveling on a mission with Hockney and Baam as part of Baam's team.

David Hockney: Bam first met him on the hell train on the floor of death. Boro introduced Hockney to him. Bam had few suspicions at first. On the way, they are sucked by a current and Hockney helps him and they travel the floor of death together and become good friends.

Zahard: Being the famous true king of the Tower, it is clear that Baam has heard about him. Although he did not seem to have any personal grudge towards him and didn't seem to be inclined to follow FUG's desire to kill him, this quickly changed after learning that he was killed by Zahard, who is revealed to be a great enemy of his parents and also meeting the data Zahard, at which he quickly got on the wrong foot when he angrily questioned Zahard for his denial of knowing his mother. Having already been pondering whether he would have to fight Zahard as his greatest enemy, Baam quickly began to resent but also fear Zahard for his immense power and skill as well as his seemingly iron-fisted and forceful rule, as he trained hard for an entire month to face Data Zahard in combat. When they fought, Baam soon lost any fear he had of him and battled him bravely and unhesitantly, even expressing a desire to fight the real Zahard and stop him for his tyrannical rule. Soon enough after his victory over the Data Zahard, he was confronted by the real Zahard, who relished the chance to kill him just like he did before as the son of the woman who never returned his love and would have done so had he not been stopped by Data Eduan and the spatial control skill of the Thorn. This along with Zahard's other despicable actions that Baam learns has sealed the enmity Baam feels towards Zahard.

Kallavan: While they only met each other for a short while on the massive battlefield, Kallavan told Baam that his master is probably dead. Baam asks Kallavan aggressively on how did he know Ha Jinsung, and Kallavan talked about him tearing his master's arm off and killing him. Baam who was in denial immediately attacks Kallavan, but none of his attacks did any damage. Even at a crucial moment where the crew needed to escape, Baam insists to stay and keep fighting even if he dies. Baam resents Kallavan for hurting and possibly even killed his master. Baam escapes the battlefield in order to come back stronger to fight him.

Garam Zahard: She is one of the chosen Zahard's Princess. She owns Indigo July and Blue August. She help Baam by telling him who made him be in this world. She also hands him Arlen's pocket, and tells him that Arlen and V is his parents. She helps him get into Floor of death containing his soul inside him, and help him defeat Hell Joe.

Khun Eduan: Though Baam never met him in real life, Baam met him in the hidden floor as his young data. He saves Baam from Zahard's data and promises Zahard that he's going to teach Baam and make him be able to battle with him. He helps Baam by making him be able to control orb, and also helps him do revolution. Then, after the battle is over and Zahard's data says Baam won, and real Zahard comes in, Khun Eduan's data gives his life up in order to save Baam from real Zahard.

Po Bidau Gustang: He is one of the 10 great warriors. He helps Baam and his team escape from FUG safely from the workshop battle. He claims that Baam will stand in equal spot as 10 great warriors, Zahard, and Urek. Gustang gives Baam the second thorn and heals Rachel and make Baam promise to give him something from Zahard from the hidden floor.

Lo Po Bia Traumerei: Traumerei considered baam as a worth successor, his actively trying to recruit baam into his family, by offering Lo Po Bia Lilial Zahard and Lo Po Bia Shilial Zahard as potential married partner.


  1. Vol.2 Ch.240: 43F - Hell Train: The Floor of Death (9)
  2. 2.0 2.1 SIU FanCafe Question And Answer (By Bunnyasbanana)
  3. (Currently)REDDIT: Translation of SIU's tweets 2016 july-2017
  4. Compilation of all additional materials (2011)
  5. Vol.2 Ch.305:??F - Hell Train: Power (4)
  6. Vol.3 Ch.01: 52F - Deng Deng (0)
  7. Vol.2 Ch.118: 30F - Hell Train: Revolution Road (6)
  8. Vol.2 Ch.01: 20F – Last Chance (1)
  9. Ch.04: 1F - Headon's Floor (4)
  10. Ch.28: 2F - Position Test (1)
  13. Vol.2 Ch.32: 21F – Flower of Zygaena (4)
  14. Vol.2 Ch.109: 30F - Epilogue (2)
  15. Vol.2 Ch.302:??F - Hell Train: Power (1)
  16. Vol.2 Ch.305:??F - Hell Train: Power (4)
  17. Vol.2 Ch.05: 20F – Last Chance (5)



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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.