Vanitas no Carte Terminology (2024)

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I decided I should gather all the terminology I’ve been adding into my KiraKira comments into one same post, because I keep on having to flip back and forth between all my posts to find what I’m looking for. I’m posting it on tumblr for easy access to everyone. Hope other people also find it useful!

  • The terms are listed in alphabetical order by their ENGLISH TRANSLATION.
  • The term order within the entery: Japanese term, followed by special furigana reading in parenthesis if there is one, followed by romanisation in italics if I consider it necessary, followed by the official English translation, followed by definition after the hyphen.
  • The information on them is subdivided by chapters so that people who are not up to date with the series may also use this list without spoiling themselves. The chapter where the information first appears or where new information appears are listed as M.## right before each bit of information.
  • I’ll try to keep this post updated as much as possible.
  • If I’ve missed anything feel free to send me an ask or leave a comment and I’ll add it in!


  • 異界(アルタス),ikai (arutasu) [ Other World, Altus ] (M.6) The vampire world. A parallel dimension of sorts. Judging by the fact that “Altus Paris” exists, it most likely shares the same geographical features as the world we know. It appears written with the kanjis for “Other World” (異界) with the furigana “Altus.” In M.2, however, 異界 appears with the reading of ikai in Count Parks Orlok’s title, “Lord of the Other World". 異界 can also mean “underworld” in Japanese.
  • 血を暴く牙 (アルシヴィスト) (arushivisuto) [ Archiviste ] (M.5)The name of a clan with the power to read others’ memories by drinking their blood. It seems to be common belief that they had perished long ago. Noé is an Archiviste. In Japanese, throughout chapter 5 it appears written in two different ways: as「血を暴く牙」 chi wo abaku kiba (“fangs that reveal blood”) with the furiganaアルシヴィスト(“Archiviste”) beside it, or just as アルシヴィスト.
    • (M.7) Archiviste’s are forced to see a person’s memories when they drink their blood for the first time. Noé, an Archiviste, can change the depth and detail of the memories he sees at will. Dominique’s quick explanation suggests Noé can still see the memories of that someone next time he drinks their blood if he wishes to, but doesn’t have to.
  • 星碧石 (アストルマイト) (asutorumaito) [ Astermite ] —(M.1)Written with the kanjis for “star,” “blue”/“green,” and “stone”/“jewel.” This kanji combination does not exist, thus the furigana is the only reading. Not yet much is know about it, but it seems to be a stone that serves as the driving force for steam engines
    • (M.5) Often called a “panacea stone” (万能席 - bannouseki), Astermite is a mineral used in place of coal all over Paris in cars, steam engines, airship lift generators and many others. It appears to be non-pollutant, and did not exist before “Babel”.
    • (M.7) Astermite came into existence after“Babel.” It is believed to be a mineral created when the constitutive formula for coal was rewritten.
    • (M.16)Depending on how it’s manipulated on the outside, an astermite stone’s nature can be changed in any direction. Astermite is a mineral that changes its properties by rewriting the world formula. The stone has a pipe that connects to the world formula, just as vampires do.
  • 自動人形 jidouningyou [ Automaton ] — (M.6) Machines capable of operating on their own, carrying out a verity of functions.


  • 混沌 (バベル)[ Babel ](M.5) An outstanding “incident” that rewrote the principles of the world, creating a mineral that did not previously exist: Astermite. In Japanese it is written in kanji as “chaos”, 混沌 konton, with the katakana subtitle “babel.”
    • (M.7)"Babel" is a disaster brought upon after the alchemist Paracelsusattempted to test his “World Formula” Theory. He conducted an experiment that interfered with a large scale world formula, which brought about the disaster. Babel brought down a host of cataclysms upon the human world. Once the storm passed, people noticed the world now harboured vampires, Astermite, and luminescent flowers of a kind never seen before.
  • 蝙蝠 [ Bat ] —(M.16) A derogatory term for vampires. Vanitas spurts out one hell of a long insult (“Candy-brained, blood-sucking bat”, 「脳ミソ砂糖漬けの血吸い蝙蝠」) and it’s rather hard to tell what part specifically is the commonly used derogatory term, but I’m assuming it’s the “bat” part.
  • 女王の牙 (ビスティア) [ Beastia ] —(M.10) It is unclear what exactly is a “beastia”, but Charlatan’s minions do not want to get involved with them in a fight. Marquis Machina and Veronica are “beastias”. The kanji next to the furigana “beastia” reads, “The Queen’s fangs”, hinting that “bestias” are most likely under direct service of the Queen.“Beastia” most likely comes from the Latin word for ‘beast,’bēstia; though this is just speculation and not a confirmed fact.
  • 血液依存病 [ Blood Dependence ] —(M.23) Addiction to the taste of blood.
  • 吸血依存病 [ Hematophagic Dependence ] —(M.23) Addiction to the pleasure sucking blood produces.
  • ヴァニタスの書 vanitasu no sho [ The Book of Vanitas ] —(M.1) The name of the cursed book that appears in The Vampire of the Blue Moon. It is a creation of Vanitas “imbued with the power to interfere with vampires’ true names.” According to the legend, once it is opened “a curse more terrible than death” will befall all vampires, and whoever holds it will “become the one who will destroy all vampires."
    • (M.2) Only Vani can open and use the Book of Vanitas. In the hands of any other it is nothing more than junk.
    • (M.3) It has been called“an analytical engine in the shape of a book.”「本の形をした解析機関」
  • 境界 Kyoukai [ Boundary / Border ] — (M.2)The element that divides "this side” from “that side”, i.e.“our” world and the vampire world. Literal translation.
    • (M.6)A distortion in space that links this world with Altus, the other world where vampires live. Borders are believed to have been generated all over the world by the experimental accident known as “Babel”. Only vampires are able to cross them. If humans attempt to cross, they become unable to return to either world, but if they are touching a vampire as they cross, they can get through.
  • 処刑人 (ブロー) (buroo) [ Bourreaus ] — (M.1)They seem to be vampire “executioners” (処刑人.) 処刑人 doesn’t seem to have an official reading, though it is written with the word 処刑 shokei (execution) and the kanji 人 (person,) so the meaning is clear. Bourreau is the French word for “executioner.” For now the only difference between the bourreaus and the chasseurs is that the later work for the church.
    • (M.9) Curse-bearers are beheaded by Bourreaus. “That’s the rule.”
    • (M.21) Bourreaus are vampires who, somewhere down the line, had an ancestor who committed a great crime. In order to atone for that they are compelled to hunt their own kind, and are and object of hatred in every era.


  • カルブンクルス城 [ Carbunculus Castle ] — (M.13) Most likely the place where the queen of vampires resides. Lord Ruthven’s office is also there.
  • ジェヴォーダンの獣事件 [ The case of the Beast of Gévaudan ] — (M.22)An incident that took place during Louis XV’s reign, where over 100 people were slaughtered in the regions of Auvergne and Gévaudan. The case is based on a real-world historical case, but in the Vanitas no Carte universe it was caused by a vampire. The case is well known because it was the first time in history the Church joined hands with vampires, though unfortunately the killer vanished and the case was never solved.
  • シャルラタン[ Charlatan ] —(M.5) Charlatan’s name appears for the first time at the very end of M.4. They appears as a dark, shadowy creature, and it is assumed he is responsable for wrapping many vampire names and turning them into malnomen. The attacked vampire sees themselves suddenly surrounded by fog, when out of nowhere the “parade of Charlatan” appears. Vampires find “Charlatan” incredibly terrifying.
  • 狩人 (シャスール) [ Chasseurs ] — (M.1)They seem to be some manner of vampire “hunters” (狩人, karyuudo) working for the church. Chasseur is the French word for “hunter.”
    • (M.13)The church’s anti-vampire unit. Their crest seems to be that of a sword with six wings attached to it.
    • (M.14)When vampires ran rampant under Paris during the war, the Chasseurs wiped them out. It is said they are still based underground.
    • (M.15) Chasseurs seem to believe vampires are heretics, because they “wrap” the principles of the world God has created. Chasseurs use drugs (薬) to boost their basic combat abilities.
  • クモの巣 [ Cobwebs ] — (M.11)Though most likely just a coloquial way of referring to them, this is what Noé calls the constellation-like pattern visible in the sky of Altus.
  • 構成式 kousei-shiki [ Constitutive Formula ] — (M.7) Written with the kanjis for “composition” and “formula”, so far a subject’s “constitutive formula” seems to be what decides the makings and characteristics of it.
  • 紅いガントレット"カルペ・ディエム" [ Crimson Gauntlet “Carpe Diem” ] —(M.3) The weapon Jeanne holds. Carpe diem is a Latin aphorism.
  • 呪持ちNoroi mochi [ Curse bearers ] —(M.2) Translating literally as “curse carriers”, the noroi mochi (curse bearers) are vampires who’s names have been wrapped by the maladies.
    • “Upon discovery, curse-bearers must be isolated and beheaded by a bourreu.”
    • “After the old war, Vampires were forbidden to drink human blood, and most of the disappeared beyond the barrier.”


  • 獣達の楽団 (ディソナンス)[ Dissonance, Orchestra of Wild Beasts] — (M.10) A unique malnomen that manifests simultaneously when several people attacked by the maladies gather in the same place.Each of them raises a cry like the howl of a beast, and their voices create dissonance, driving those around them insane.
  • ダムピール / ダム [ Dhampir / Dham ] — (M.13)Half-breed vampires, supposedly half-human half-vampire if MochiJun is fully following the use of the word. Riche, Dante, and Johann are all dhampirs.
  • 不滅なる刃 (デュランダル) [ Durandal ] — (M.15)The name of Laurent’s weapon, a spear. Its Japanese name translates as “The Immortal Blade”.


  • 荊の牢獄 (エグランディーヌ) (egurantiinu) [ Eglantine, Prison of Briars] — (M.1) A malnomen with shadow briars that can inject poison into people. It manifested in Amelia Ruth.
  • “眼” me [ Eyes ] —(M.15) Vampire eyes can interfere with the “world formula,” provoking phenomena that could be termed “magic.” Vampires appear to be capable of actually seeing this formula. The concept first appears with this special meaning in M.11, and again in M.14.
  • 過激派 [ Extremist faction ] — (M.16)A faction of the chasseurs to which Moreau belonged to. It is believed they secured several underground passages.


  • “式"の書き換え "shiki” no kakikai [ “Formula” revision ] — (M.4)It is unclear what Noé exactly means by this, but it takes place the moment Lucas unleashes a type of power related to fire. The concept of “formula” (式) has frequently appeared throughout the chapters so far.


  • オリフラム大公 [ Grand Duke Oriflamme ] —(M.13) A title with rank and power second only to the queen. It is rightfully Lucius’s, though as he is yet to become of age it is his guardian and uncle, Lord Ruthven, officially takes care of his duties as Grand Duke. Grand Dukes are Her Majesty’s closest advisers. Judging by the fact that Jeanne calls Luca“Votre Altesse” (”Your Highness”) in M.3, it is likely Luca’s family is of royal blood.
  • 魔導書 Madousho [ Grimoire ] —(M.2)Written with the kanjis for “magic guidebook,” madousho translates perfectly and literally as grimoire. It also appears with the furigana グリムワール, grimoire, in M.3


  • 業火の魔女 gouka no majo [ The Hellfire Witch ] — (M.3) The nickname Jeanne is known by after she slaughtered thousands of vampires that sided with the humans during the war.
  • 人間狩り ningen-gari [ Human-hunt ] — (M.8) As the name suggests, it is the action of hunting down humans. Veronica’s speech in mémoire 8 suggests it was a practice long ago to hunt down humans who meant vampires wrong.


  • 逆演算 gyakuenzan [ Inverse Operation ] — (M.1)The method through which Vanitas makes use of the Book of Vanitas to interfere with vampires’ true names and "remove the irritant” (the maladies.) The translation is pretty much literal: 逆 gyaku (inverse) and 演算 enzan (operation.)


  • 碧玉 hekigyoku [ Jasper ] — (M.14)A green gem Roland has been honoured with as the 6th Paladin of the Chasseurs. It is, most likely, encrusted in the cross around his neck and proof of his rank.



  • 空游ぐ鯨号 (ラ・バレーヌ) (ra bareenu) [ La Baleine ] — (M.1)The airship (飛空船) Noé rides to get to Paris. Its name means “The Whale.”
  • 紅を狩る狼 (ルー・ガルー) (ruu garuu) [ Loup-garou, Wolf who Hunts Crimson ] — (M.4) A malnomen that takes on a loupine appearance and prowls on in search for the lifeblood of young women on moonlit nights. ThomasBerneux, the nine-fold murderer, turned into one.


  • 改竄式 (病魔) (byouma) [ Maladies ] —(M.1) Details have not yet been revealed, but it seems to be whatever causes vampires to lose their True Names. Maladies is a plural French word meaning “diseases.” It is also used in the English language, though the singular in English is “malady”, whilst the singular in French is maladie. Interestingly enough, the furigana for 改竄式 kaizanshiki, written with the two kanjis that form the word “alteration” followed by the kanji for “formula” is in fact byouma. We only see the hiragana for byouma, but it must be referring to the word 病魔, written with the kanjis for “disease” and “demon”/“evil.” It translates as “demon of ill health” or simply just as “disease.”
  • 禍名 magatsuna [ Malnomen ] —(M.1)Written with the kanjis for “calamity”/“misfortune” and “name.” The remains of a vampire’s true name after being wrapped by the maladies.
  • 所有印 (マーキング) (maakingu) [ Mark of Possession ] — (M.7) A mark vampires leave on those whose blood they suck. It is a show of force, a statement intended to repel other vampires and label someone as their own prey. A mark of possesion appears when a vampire embeds a portion of their power in someone else, so that anyone that sees it will know their difference in power at a glance. The real reading in Japanese would be しょゆうしるし, shouyuu shirushi, written with the kanjis for “possesion” and “marking”. The furigana, however, reads “marking” in katakana. Evidently the English translation comes from the kanji meaning.


  • ネーニア [ Naenia ] —(M.10) The name one of Charlatan’s minions uses to refer to what is possibly Charlatan’s main consciousnesses. It is a female name.
  • 9人殺し [ Nine-fold murderer ] —(M.3) Thomas Berneux’s alias. A curse-bearer that has become notorious in Paris for committing violent murders. Both Vanitas and Count Park Orlok are after him.



  • 聖騎士 (パラディン) [ Paladin ] —(M.14) The twelve captains that lead the Chasseurs. Roland is the Sixth paladin. The kanjis mean, literally, “holy knight.”
  • シャルラタンのパレード[ Parade of Charlatan ] —(M.5) The vision vampires see before their name is wrapped by “Charlatan”. The vampire that gets sucked into this phenomena finds themselves surrounded by thick mist, where they see the “parade of Charlatan.” It seems to be mainly composed of jesters, instruments that carry themselves, and masked beings wearing flamboyant festival clothes. Noé is unable to tell whether the parade actually happens or whether it’s just a dream. It is unclear if the actual parade affects the wrapping of vampires’ names.
  • 香玉 (ポマンダール)[ Pomander ]— (M.7) A pomander isa ball made of perfumes. It can be used to disguise the scent of a human from vampires.
  • 世界の理 sekai no kotowari [ Principles of the World ] —(M.15) A term that appears to refer to the logical way the world should work. The kanjis could also be translated as "the logic of the world.” Because vampires interfere with the World Formula to create “magic,” Chasseurs think of them as going against this world logic, and thus against God.


  • 女王[ The Queen ] — (M.2)A mysterious Queen who appointed Count Parks Orlok to keep watch over vampire activity in Paris. We do not yet know anything about her.
    • (M.11) Lord Ruthven serves Her Majesty the Queen as a member of the Senate. It is understood this queen must thus be queen of vampires.


  • 強化人間 [ Reinforced Humans ] —(M.15) Chasseurs. Humans Moreau has experimented on, stronger than your average man.
  • “改竄” kaizan [ Rewriting ] — (M.14)It is unclear what “rewriting” Roland is referring to when he says this, but apparently the fact that the vintages of the “rewriting” are still visible on certain vampire bones means that these belong to a high-ranking vampire. It is not the same “rewriting” used in M.7 and in M.5 when Sensei and Noé talk about rewriting formulas (書き換える), as it is being used as a noun here and as a verb in mémoire 7. However MochiJun has a tendency to change the terms she uses to refer to one same action, it might be that she is in fact talking about the rewriting that happened during Babel.


  • 元老院 [ The Senate] —(M.11)A senate is a deliberative assembly, often the upper house or chamber of a legislature or parliament. Judging by this definition, the Senate in the VnC universe is likely to be a body that largely decides the laws and rules of the vampire world, with the possible required approval of the Queen. Lord Ruthven is a member of the Senate.
  • こちら側 · そちら側 Kochira-gawa · Achira-gawa [ “This Side” · “That Side” ] — (M.2)The translation is literal. Alternative ways used to refer to the human world (人間界, This Side) and the vampire world (吸血界, That Side).
  • 貌持たざる者 katachi-motazaru mono [ The Shapeless One ]— (M.6) Granddady“sensei” de Sade’s nickname.


  • 真名 shinmei [ True Name] —(M.1) It is the “formula” (構成式 kouseishiki) that shapes a vampires “very being,” it is their life itself. (吸血鬼の存在を形作る"構成式"、即ち、命そのもの.) Appropriately, it also appears in M.5 with the furigana for “life,” いのち. It uses the kanjis for “true” and “name” (the translation couldn’t be any more literal.)



  • 吸血鬼 (ヴァンピール) kyuuketsuki (vanpiiru)[ Vampire ] — (M.1)The vampires in our story. Apparently they are able to very easily control their thirst for blood, except for when they use their True Name. 吸血鬼 Kyuuketsuki is the standard Japanese word for vampire, written with the kanjis for “blood-sucking demon.” Humans believe vampires to be extinct. The furigana, vampiiru, could be MochiJun’s attempt to katakanise the french pronunciation of the word“vampire,” though it also sounds a lot like the Romanian word“vampir.”
    • (M.2) Vampires are forbidden to attack humans and most of them have disappeared beyond the Boundary, though some do live amongst humans. Anything related to Vampires is covered up in the human world.
    • (M.3) Vampires heal quicker than normal human beings.
    • (M.7) Vampires are a new race created after “Babel”. It is believed they are the result of humanity’s constitutive formula being rewritten. according to Grandaddy “Sensei” de Sade, most humans have forgotten this fact.
    • According to Noé, most vampires hate human technology.
    • (M.12) Vampire fangs inject a substance that is similar to an aphrodisiac, but the substance acts differently depending on the vampire’s own powers and the affinity with the quarry. Vampires inject their quarry with that substance to keep them still while their blood is taken, but depending on the vampire, the quarry may feel drowsiness or numbness instead of pleasure.
    • (M.11) Vampires “return to ash” when they die. We first witness this at the end of M.4, when Thomas Berneux turns to ash after being killed by Charlatan, and again in M.10~11 when Vani cures the curse-bearers at the Bal Masqué.
    • (M.15) By interfering and rewriting the“World Formula,” vampires are capable of phenomena akin to magic.
    • (M.23) Unlike vampires of legend, vampires born from Babel do not have to drink blood to survive, which explains why not being allowed to feed on humans (M.2) doesn’t affect them.
  • 蒼月の吸血鬼 sougetsu no kyuuketsuki [ The Vampire of the Blue Moon ] — (M.1)Title of a bedtime story that narrates the legend of a vampire named Vanitas born under a full blue moon, a symbol of misfortune. It also refers to the vampire who protagonists said story, Vanitas.
  • 紅月の吸血鬼 kougetsu no kyuuketsuki [ Vampires of the Crimson Moon ] — (M.7) A term used to refer to all other normal vampires excluding Vanitas, Vampire of the Blue Moon.


  • 戦争 [ The War ] — (M.1) Specific details remain unclear, but when characters speak about the“war” they are talking about a war that happened a long time ago between humans and vampires. The human side won.
    • (M.3) During the war more than a thousand vampires joined the human side, but were slaughtered by Jeanne the Hellfire Witch.
  • 世界式 sekai-shiki [ World Formula ] (M.15) The formula that gave structure to everything in Existence. Vampires can see it and alter it at will to provoke “magic.”
  • 「世界式」理論 sekai-shiki riron [ “World Formula” Theory ] — (M.7) Proposed by the great alchemist Paracelsus, this theory proposed that just next door to the world where humans lived lay a domain where the whole of this world had been replaced by “formulas”. Paracelsus believed if the if the world’s “constitutive formulas” could be rewritten at will, it would be possible to rid the human world of its rampant ills and to guide people to happiness. According to Noé’s teacher, very few humans still know about the “world formula”.
  • “式"の世界 shiki no sekai [ The World of Formulas ] — (M.14)The world of formulas Paracelsus talked about in his "World Formula” Theory (「世界式」理論).




Vanitas no Carte Terminology (2024)
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