Various Optimization Algorithms For Training Neural Network (2024)

The right optimization algorithm can reduce training time exponentially.

Many people may be using optimizers while training the neural network without knowing that the method is known as optimization. Optimizers are algorithms or methods used to change the attributes of your neural network such as weights and learning rate in order to reduce the losses.

Various Optimization Algorithms For Training Neural Network (1)

How you should change your weights or learning rates of your neural network to reduce the losses is defined by the optimizers you use. Optimization algorithms or strategies are responsible for reducing the losses and to provide the most accurate results possible.

We’ll learn about different types of optimizers and their advantages:

Gradient Descent is the most basic but most used optimization algorithm. It’s used heavily in linear regression and classification algorithms. Backpropagation in neural networks also uses a gradient descent algorithm.

Gradient descent is a first-order optimization algorithm which is dependent on the first order derivative of a loss function. It calculates that which way the weights should be altered so that the function can reach a minima. Through backpropagation, the loss is transferred from one layer to another and the model’s parameters also known as weights are modified depending on the losses so that the loss can be minimized.

algorithm: θ=θ−α⋅∇J(θ)


  1. Easy computation.
  2. Easy to implement.
  3. Easy to understand.


  1. May trap at local minima.
  2. Weights are changed after calculating gradient on the whole dataset. So, if the dataset is too large than this may take years to converge to the minima.
  3. Requires large memory to calculate gradient on the whole dataset.

It’s a variant of Gradient Descent. It tries to update the model’s parameters more frequently. In this, the model parameters are altered after computation of loss on each training example. So, if the dataset contains 1000 rows SGD will update the model parameters 1000 times in one cycle of dataset instead of one time as in Gradient Descent.

θ=θ−α⋅∇J(θ;x(i);y(i)) , where {x(i) ,y(i)} are the training examples.

As the model parameters are frequently updated parameters have high variance and fluctuations in loss functions at different intensities.


  1. Frequent updates of model parameters hence, converges in less time.
  2. Requires less memory as no need to store values of loss functions.
  3. May get new minima’s.


  1. High variance in model parameters.
  2. May shoot even after achieving global minima.
  3. To get the same convergence as gradient descent needs to slowly reduce the value of learning rate.

It’s best among all the variations of gradient descent algorithms. It is an improvement on both SGD and standard gradient descent. It updates the model parameters after every batch. So, the dataset is divided into various batches and after every batch, the parameters are updated.

θ=θ−α⋅∇J(θ; B(i)), where {B(i)} are the batches of training examples.


  1. Frequently updates the model parameters and also has less variance.
  2. Requires medium amount of memory.

All types of Gradient Descent have some challenges:

  1. Choosing an optimum value of the learning rate. If the learning rate is too small than gradient descent may take ages to converge.
  2. Have a constant learning rate for all the parameters. There may be some parameters which we may not want to change at the same rate.
  3. May get trapped at local minima.

Momentum was invented for reducing high variance in SGD and softens the convergence. It accelerates the convergence towards the relevant direction and reduces the fluctuation to the irrelevant direction. One more hyperparameter is used in this method known as momentum symbolized by ‘γ’.


Now, the weights are updated by θ=θ−V(t).

The momentum term γ is usually set to 0.9 or a similar value.


  1. Reduces the oscillations and high variance of the parameters.
  2. Converges faster than gradient descent.


  1. One more hyper-parameter is added which needs to be selected manually and accurately.

Momentum may be a good method but if the momentum is too high the algorithm may miss the local minima and may continue to rise up. So, to resolve this issue the NAG algorithm was developed. It is a look ahead method. We know we’ll be using γV(t−1) for modifying the weights so, θ−γV(t−1) approximately tells us the future location. Now, we’ll calculate the cost based on this future parameter rather than the current one.

V(t)=γV(t−1)+α. ∇J( θ−γV(t−1) ) and then update the parameters using θ=θ−V(t).

Various Optimization Algorithms For Training Neural Network (2)


  1. Does not miss the local minima.
  2. Slows if minima’s are occurring.


  1. Still, the hyperparameter needs to be selected manually.

One of the disadvantages of all the optimizers explained is that the learning rate is constant for all parameters and for each cycle. This optimizer changes the learning rate. It changes the learning rate ‘η’ for each parameter and at every time step ‘t’. It’s a type second order optimization algorithm. It works on the derivative of an error function.

Various Optimization Algorithms For Training Neural Network (3)
Various Optimization Algorithms For Training Neural Network (4)

η is a learning rate which is modified for given parameter θ(i) at a given time based on previous gradients calculated for given parameter θ(i).

We store the sum of the squares of the gradients w.r.t. θ(i) up to time step t, while ϵ is a smoothing term that avoids division by zero (usually on the order of 1e−8). Interestingly, without the square root operation, the algorithm performs much worse.

It makes big updates for less frequent parameters and a small step for frequent parameters.


  1. Learning rate changes for each training parameter.
  2. Don’t need to manually tune the learning rate.
  3. Able to train on sparse data.


  1. Computationally expensive as a need to calculate the second order derivative.
  2. The learning rate is always decreasing results in slow training.

It is an extension of AdaGrad which tends to remove the decaying learning Rate problem of it. Instead of accumulating all previously squared gradients, Adadelta limits the window of accumulated past gradients to some fixed size w. In this exponentially moving average is used rather than the sum of all the gradients.


We set γ to a similar value as the momentum term, around 0.9.

Various Optimization Algorithms For Training Neural Network (5)


  1. Now the learning rate does not decay and the training does not stop.


  1. Computationally expensive.

Adam (Adaptive Moment Estimation) works with momentums of first and second order. The intuition behind the Adam is that we don’t want to roll so fast just because we can jump over the minimum, we want to decrease the velocity a little bit for a careful search. In addition to storing an exponentially decaying average of past squared gradients like AdaDelta, Adam also keeps an exponentially decaying average of past gradients M(t).

M(t) and V(t) are values of the first moment which is the Mean and the second moment which is the uncentered variance of the gradients respectively.

Various Optimization Algorithms For Training Neural Network (6)

Here, we are taking mean of M(t) and V(t) so that E[m(t)] can be equal to E[g(t)] where, E[f(x)] is an expected value of f(x).

To update the parameter:

Various Optimization Algorithms For Training Neural Network (7)

The values for β1 is 0.9 , 0.999 for β2, and (10 x exp(-8)) for ‘ϵ’.


  1. The method is too fast and converges rapidly.
  2. Rectifies vanishing learning rate, high variance.


Computationally costly.

Various Optimization Algorithms For Training Neural Network (8)
Various Optimization Algorithms For Training Neural Network (9)

Adam is the best optimizers. If one wants to train the neural network in less time and more efficiently than Adam is the optimizer.

For sparse data use the optimizers with dynamic learning rate.

If, want to use gradient descent algorithm than min-batch gradient descent is the best option.

I hope you guys liked the article and were able to give you a good intuition towards the different behaviors of different Optimization Algorithms.

Various Optimization Algorithms For Training Neural Network (2024)


Various Optimization Algorithms For Training Neural Network? ›

Gradient Descent is the most basic but most used optimization algorithm. It's used heavily in linear regression and classification algorithms. Backpropagation in neural networks also uses a gradient descent algorithm.

Which algorithm is used for neural network optimization? ›

Gradient Descent is the most basic but most used optimization algorithm. It's used heavily in linear regression and classification algorithms. Backpropagation in neural networks also uses a gradient descent algorithm.

How do you optimize neural network training? ›

Optimize Neural Networks

Models are trained by repeatedly exposing the model to examples of input and output and adjusting the weights to minimize the error of the model's output compared to the expected output. This is called the stochastic gradient descent optimization algorithm.

Which algorithm is commonly used in the training of neural networks? ›

Backpropagation is the most common training algorithm for neural networks. It makes gradient descent feasible for multi-layer neural networks. TensorFlow handles backpropagation automatically, so you don't need a deep understanding of the algorithm.

What is the best optimizer for neural network? ›

Adam is the best optimizer. If one wants to train the neural network in less time and more efficiently then Adam is the optimizer. For sparse data use the optimizers with a dynamic learning rate. If want to use a gradient descent algorithm then min-batch gradient descent is the best option.

What are the two types of optimization algorithms? ›

Optimization algorithms may be grouped into those that use derivatives and those that do not. Classical algorithms use the first and sometimes second derivative of the objective function. Direct search and stochastic algorithms are designed for objective functions where function derivatives are unavailable.

What are the optimization techniques in deep learning? ›

  • The goal of Optimization in Deep learning- ...
  • Gradient Descent Deep Learning Optimizer- ...
  • Stochastic Gradient Descent Deep Learning Optimizer- ...
  • Mini-batch Stochastic Gradient Descent- ...
  • Adagrad(Adaptive Gradient Descent) Optimizer - ...
  • RMSprop (Root Mean Square) Optimizer- ...
  • Adam Deep Learning Optimizer-
Jun 24, 2022

What is optimization in neural network? ›

The process of minimizing (or maximizing) any mathematical expression is called optimization. Optimizers are algorithms or methods used to change the attributes of the neural network such as weights and learning rate to reduce the losses. Optimizers are used to solve optimization problems by minimizing the function.

What is the best optimizer for NLP? ›

Optimization algorithm Adam (Kingma & Ba, 2015) is one of the most popular and widely used optimization algorithms and often the go-to optimizer for NLP researchers. It is often thought that Adam clearly outperforms vanilla stochastic gradient descent (SGD).

Which optimizer is best for CNN? ›

The optimizer Adam works well and is the most popular optimizer nowadays. Adam typically requires a smaller learning rate: start at 0.001, then increase/decrease as you see fit. For this example, 0.005 works well. Convnets can also be trained using SGD with momentum or with Adam.

What are the three types of machine learning algorithms? ›

The three machine learning types are supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement learning.

How do you choose optimization algorithm for machine learning? ›

Choose the Right Optimization Algorithm for Your Neural Network
  1. Use transfer learning, as I did in this project.
  2. Apply an adequate weights initialization, as Glorot or He initializations [2], [3].
  3. Use batch normalization for the training data.
  4. Pick a reliable activation function.
  5. Use a fast optimizer.
Oct 24, 2022

What are optimization algorithms in machine learning? ›

Algorithm optimisation is the process of improving the effectiveness and accuracy of a machine learning model, usually through the tweaking of model hyperparameters. Machine learning optimisation uses a loss function as a way of measuring the difference between the real and predicted value of output data.

How do we optimize the complexity of neural networks? ›

If not possible to increase data, then try reducing the complexity of neural network architecture by reducing the number of hidden layers, reducing the number of nodes, decrease some number of epochs. Dropout is an interesting and new phenomenon to reduce overfitting in neural networks.

Which is the easiest optimization algorithm? ›

Ananya algorithm is one of the simplest optimization algorithms to implement, among all optimization techniques. This algorithm has only two candidates hence it avoids large calculations. This algorithm moves towards a better solution with the difference between the mean of variables and the best variable.

How many types of optimization algorithms are used today? ›

There are two distinct types of optimization algorithms widely used today. (a) Deterministic Algorithms. They use specific rules for moving one solution to other. These algorithms are in use to suite some times and have been successfully applied for many engineering design problems.

What is the simplest optimization algorithm? ›

Simple Optimization (SOPT) is one such algorithm, the first step of this algorithm is to generate a random set of solutions. These solutions are then sorted based on the objective function values. The best solution occupies topmost position. Thereafter multiple iterations are performed on these solutions.

What are the three optimization techniques? ›

There are three main elements to solve an optimization problem: an objective, variables, and constraints.

What are the three categories of optimization? ›

Every optimization problem has three components: an objective function, decision variables, and constraints.

Which algorithm is used for solving optimization problems? ›

The genetic algorithm is a method for solving optimization problems.

Can neural networks be used for optimization? ›

This work proposes the use of artificial neural networks to approximate the objective function in optimization problems to make it possible to apply other techniques to resolve the problem. The objective function is approximated by a non-linear regression that can be used to resolve an optimization problem.

What is the most popular optimizer deep learning? ›

  1. 1 - Stochastic Gradient descent. Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD) is an iterative optimization algorithm commonly used in machine learning and deep learning. ...
  2. 2 - Stochastic Gradient descent with gradient clipping. ...
  3. 3 - Momentum. ...
  4. 4 - Nesterov momentum. ...
  5. 5 - Adagrad. ...
  6. 6 - Adadelta. ...
  7. 7 - RMSProp. ...
  8. 8 - Adam.
Mar 1, 2023

What is optimization techniques? ›

Optimization techniques are a powerful set of tools that are important in efficiently managing an enter- prise's resources and thereby maximizing share- holder wealth.

What are the four steps of optimization? ›

What Are The Steps Of Conversion Optimization? The conversion optimization process has four main steps: research, testing, implementation, and analysis. With all these steps, you must plan an effective content strategy to help people understand how to use a product or market a new service.

Which optimizer is the most commonly used in the process of training deep learning datasets? ›

Adam optimizer is one of the most popular and famous gradient descent optimization algorithms. It is a method that computes adaptive learning rates for each parameter.

Which optimizer is better than Adam? ›

SGD is better? One interesting and dominant argument about optimizers is that SGD better generalizes than Adam. These papers argue that although Adam converges faster, SGD generalizes better than Adam and thus results in improved final performance.

How CNN is better than SVM? ›

Though the CNN accuracy is 94.01%, the visual interpretation contradict such accuracy, where SVM classifiers have shown better accuracy performance.

Why Adam is the best optimizer? ›

Overall, the Adam optimizer is a powerful tool for improving the accuracy and speed of deep learning models. Its adaptive learning rate and momentum-based approach can help the neural network learn faster and converge more quickly towards the optimal set of parameters that minimize the cost or loss function.

What are the four 4 types of machine learning algorithms? ›

There are four types of machine learning algorithms: supervised, semi-supervised, unsupervised and reinforcement.

What are the different types of algorithms? ›

The seven types of algorithms are the brute force-based algorithm, greedy algorithm, recursive algorithm, backtracking algorithm, divide and conquer algorithm, dynamic programming algorithm, and randomized algorithm.

What are the two most common types of machine learning? ›

The 2 types of learning in Machine Learning: supervised and unsupervised.

Which is an optimization algorithm that used when training a machine learning model? ›

SGD is the most important optimization algorithm in Machine Learning. Mostly, it is used in Logistic Regression and Linear Regression.

How to choose optimal number of epochs to train a neural network? ›

The right number of epochs depends on the inherent perplexity (or complexity) of your dataset. A good rule of thumb is to start with a value that is 3 times the number of columns in your data. If you find that the model is still improving after all epochs complete, try again with a higher value.

How to increase accuracy of machine learning model using deep neural network? ›

Improving Model Accuracy
  1. Collect data: Increase the number of training examples.
  2. Feature processing: Add more variables and better feature processing.
  3. Model parameter tuning: Consider alternate values for the training parameters used by your learning algorithm.

What is the optimization process in neural network? ›

The process of minimizing (or maximizing) any mathematical expression is called optimization. Optimizers are algorithms or methods used to change the attributes of the neural network such as weights and learning rate to reduce the losses. Optimizers are used to solve optimization problems by minimizing the function.

Which machine learning algorithms are used for optimization? ›

Algorithm optimisation is the process of improving the effectiveness and accuracy of a machine learning model, usually through the tweaking of model hyperparameters. Machine learning optimisation uses a loss function as a way of measuring the difference between the real and predicted value of output data.

Which optimizer is used in CNN? ›

The optimizer Adam works well and is the most popular optimizer nowadays. Adam typically requires a smaller learning rate: start at 0.001, then increase/decrease as you see fit. For this example, 0.005 works well. Convnets can also be trained using SGD with momentum or with Adam.

How many optimization algorithms are there? ›

There are two distinct types of optimization algorithms widely used today.

What is the best optimization algorithm for deep learning? ›

In this article, I will present to you the most sophisticated optimization algorithms in Deep Learning that allow neural networks to learn faster and achieve better performance. These algorithms are Stochastic Gradient Descent with Momentum, AdaGrad, RMSProp, and Adam Optimizer.

Do neural networks use algorithms? ›

A neural network is a series of algorithms that endeavors to recognize underlying relationships in a set of data through a process that mimics the way the human brain operates. In this sense, neural networks refer to systems of neurons, either organic or artificial in nature.

What is the best optimizer in machine learning? ›

Pros and Cons of Optimizers
Nesterov Momentum- Converges faster than classical momentum. - Can reduce overshooting.
Adagrad- Adaptive learning rate per parameter. - Effective for sparse data.
Adadelta- Can adapt learning rates even more dynamically than Adagrad. - No learning rate hyperparameter.
7 more rows
Mar 1, 2023

Which optimizer is best for neural network regression? ›

Adam. Adam and its variations are probably the most used optimization algorithms for neural networks. Adam, which stands for adaptive moment estimation, combines momentum gradient descent and RMS Prop together.

What optimizer does XGBoost use? ›

Optuna is a hyperparameter optimization framework applicable to machine learning frameworks and black-box optimization solvers. XGBoost isis an optimized distributed gradient boosting library designed to be highly efficient, flexible and portable. Let's see how they can work together!

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.