VS2 or VS1 Diamond Clarity - Which Should You Buy? (2024)

What is the difference between VS2 vs VS1 diamond clarity? In this article, we look at both of these clarity grades in detail: their appearance, their price, and their investment value. You’ll also learn when you should purchase one or the other, depending on the type of diamond you’re buying.

First, the Four Cs

If you’re reading this article, you probably already know about The Four Cs of diamond quality – cut, colour, clarity and carat weight. These 4 important factors determine the price of a diamond. If you aren’t familiar with them, we recommend you read this article first.

What does clarity mean?

The ‘clearer’ your diamond is, the fewer inclusions it has.

So what exactly are inclusions?

Inclusions are small imperfections or marks within the diamond’s crystal. These tiny markings appeared millions of years ago, when the diamond formed under huge pressure under the Earth’s crust. They are therefore entirely natural. Inclusions can manifest as black dots, bubbles or fissures within the diamond.

Clarity always affects the price

A diamond with many visible inclusions is considered to have a low clarity grade. The lower the clarity grade, the lower the diamond’s price. On the other hand, a diamond with only a few inclusions that are so small they cannot be seen with the naked eye has a high clarity grade. This, in turn, will raise its price.

The clarity scale, from good to poor

There are eight diamond clarity grades. They range from diamonds with inclusions that are clearly noticeable, to diamonds that are seemingly flawless even under magnification. They’re called:

FL – Flawless

IF – Internally flawless

VVS1 – Very, Very slightly included 1

VVS2 – Very, Very slightly included 2

VS1 – Very slightly included 1

VS2 – Very slightly included 2

SI1 – Slightly included 1

SI2 – Slightly included 2

I1 – Included

Why VS clarity grade is a good choice

VS diamonds offer high quality for a reasonable budget. A gemmological expert would have to use a 10x magnifying loupe, and quite a bit of time and effort, to see the inclusions inside it. In fact, gemmologists characterise VS inclusions as “minor”. At the same time, VS diamonds are much more affordable than VVS and IF diamonds. This means that VS diamonds represent excellent value for money.

Do VS diamonds have investment value?

Yes, VS diamond will appreciate in value over time. This is because firstly, a VS diamond will display beautiful light play and sparkle. Secondly, it won’t have any structural issues, such as chips or cracks. And finally, while a VS diamond isn’t flawless, it is still quite a rare quality grade. All these factors make it a worthwhile investment.

What do the numbers 1 and 2 mean – VS1 and VS2?

A VS1 diamond has slightly fewer and smaller inclusions than a VS2 diamond. In other words, a VS1 diamond is slightly better than a VS2 diamond.

Can you really see the difference?

A VS1 diamond has minuscule inclusions that you can only see with a 10x magnifying glass. In other words, you will not be able to see any imperfections with your naked eye.

A VS2 diamond doesn’t have inclusions that are visible to the naked eye, as long as you buy a diamond that is brilliant cut with lots of facets (such as round, oval or princess cuts) under 1 carat in size. Only on very rare occasions, when a VS2 diamond is 1 carat or more in size, and has large open facets* that let you peer inside the stone (such as emerald cut diamonds), AND the inclusion happens to be right in the middle of the diamond, you may see the inclusion.

*Take care with open-facet, step cut diamonds

As mentioned in the point above, inclusions, generally speaking, can be slightly visible in VS2 diamonds that have large, open facets. This is especially true for ‘step cut diamonds’. This generally means rectangular diamonds, such as emerald cuts and Asscher cuts, which have a large, flat top surface that allows you to peer directly inside the stone. If you want one of these diamond cuts, always choose the best clarity grade you can afford.

Price comparison – VS1 and VS2

The price rise from a VS2 diamond to a VS1 diamond can sometimes be only a few per cent. However, it can be as high as 25% or more. It really depends on the carat weight of the diamonds you are comparing, as well as the other quality factors (The Four Cs).

How to compare VS1 and VS2 prices in a shop

The best thing to do is to find two identical diamond jewellery items, one at VS1 and one at VS2 clarity. Make sure all the other factors that affect the price – such as carat weight, colour and cut, as well as the precious metal setting – are the same. Now, compare the items side-by-side to see the price difference:


You should buy VS1 quality when…

  • When the price difference between a VS1 and VS2 is not too big and you can afford the upgrade. Always go for the VS1 grade if you have the budget because it will appreciate more over time.
  • When the diamond you want is larger than 1 carat and has large facets that allow you to peer inside the diamond easily (such as emerald and Asscher cuts).

You should buy VS2 quality when…

  • When you find a diamond jewellery item you like at VS2 quality, and an equivalent VS1 quality diamond doesn’t fit your budget or doesn’t exist. VS2 is a very respectable clarity grade that you can feel proud to own. It has investment value over time, even though this is slightly less than with VS1 diamonds.
  • When you’re buying a brilliant cut (such as round, oval, princess cut) diamond under 1.00CT in size, with lots of small facets that make it impossible to see any inclusions with your naked eye, and you simply won’t notice the difference.

Consider VS1 or VS2 lab grown diamonds

Lab grown diamonds are real diamonds, just like mined diamonds. Grown in a laboratory using state of the art technology, they offer amazing value for money – as well as an ethical environmental choice – because there is no mining or large scale transportation involved.

Just like mined diamonds, lab grown solitaires come with a certificate attesting to their Four Cs, including their clarity. Lab grown diamonds are a smart-money choice because you can get the clarity grade you want, plus up to a 50% bigger diamond for your budget.

Don’t forget that inclusions make diamonds unique

When all is said and done, it’s good to remember that diamond inclusions are natural. In other words, they are what make each stone unique. What’s more, all diamonds sold commercially have some inclusions. So when it comes to VS1 or VS2 diamond clarity, you should know that both are valuable, beautiful and rare, and will appreciate over time.

A final, VERY important piece of advice

As a last tip, we recommend that you don’t get so caught up in the quality grade that you forget to simply consider the beauty of the diamond jewellery piece you’re buying. When it comes to diamonds, it’s all too easy not to see the wood for the trees!

Therefore, your first and foremost consideration should always be: will the person wearing this diamond jewellery piece love it? If you can honestly say that they will, and that the item is the very best your money can buy… then you have found the perfect diamond.

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VS2 or VS1 Diamond Clarity - Which Should You Buy? (2024)


VS2 or VS1 Diamond Clarity - Which Should You Buy? ›

If you're looking for something larger than 2 carats, VS1 is your safest choice because the larger the diamond, the easier it is to spot inclusions. Round brilliant cuts will hide natural characteristics better in larger stones, so VS2 is a safe bet.

Is VS2 clarity good enough? ›

Yes, VS2 clarity diamonds are a good and popular choice. While they may have small, microscopic inclusions, those are not visible to the naked eye, and the stones appear 'eye-clean' most of the time.

What clarity diamond should I buy? ›

Which clarity is the best for diamonds? While they are the rarest, diamonds with clarity grades of FL, IF, and VVS are very expensive. As a result, you can get a lot more value by purchasing a diamond graded VS2 or SI1. These gems are beautiful, typically eye-clean, and will save you some money.

Is VS1 clarity good enough? ›

A VS1 diamond is a high clarity grade with no visible inclusions and only small, hard-to-identify inclusions under 10x magnification. These diamonds represent the top 5 percent of all gem-quality stones. The most common VS1 inclusions are crystal (white or black), feather, indented natural, knot, or needle.

Can a VS1 diamond be cloudy? ›

If the clarity grade on a diamond is a VS1 or above, any clouds will most likely not affect the optics of the diamond at all. Make sure that any clouds are transparent, and that the clouds themselves are not too dense.

Should I buy a VS2 diamond? ›

For this reason, experts recommend VS1 and VS2 diamonds as an excellent combination of quality and value. They are an excellent choice for those looking to buy high-quality, beautiful diamonds (such as engagement rings, wedding rings, and other diamond jewelry) without spending a lot of money.

Is VS2 diamond noticeable? ›

VS2 diamonds should be eye clean diamonds meaning they are diamonds that appear flawless to the naked eye, but they may still have imperfections that are visible under intense magnification.

What is the most popular diamond clarity? ›

What diamond clarity is most popular? The most popular diamond clarity grade we see amongst our customers is VS1, closely followed by VVS2. These diamond clarity grades offer the greatest value, because they cost less than the rare grades like flawless and internally flawless, but still offer an eye-clean appearance.

What is more important, color or clarity? ›

Clarity is more important in shapes like emerald, princess, and asscher. Colour is important for cushion, radiant, pear and oval. Generally speaking, as long as you choose an eye-clean diamond, your diamond will still look beautiful in terms of clarity.

What clarity are most engagement rings? ›

In terms of clarity, the most popular range for a diamond engagement ring is the VS1-VS2 diamond. Color is also a factor to consider when thinking about clarity. For example, it will be much easier to spot imperfections in a very clear white diamond than in a yellow diamond.

Do VS2 diamonds sparkle? ›

Diamonds with a VS2 clarity grading are by far the most popular choice for engagement rings. Offering a wonderful balance between a sparkling eye-clean diamond and a reasonable spend, these diamonds check off a lot of boxes for diamonds buyers.

Is a VS1 diamond worth it? ›

For most buyers, this decision comes down to budget. A completely eye-clean VS1 diamond will appear exactly the same as a flawless diamond, but will cost considerably less - sometimes thousands of dollars less.

Do VS1 diamonds hold value? ›

VS1 diamonds have only minor inclusions that are not visible to the naked eye but are somewhat easily detected by a trained professional under 10X magnification . They offer a decent balance of quality and cost, appearing as flawless as more expensive grades to the unaided eye.

Is VS1 clarity bad? ›

VS1 is a high clarity grade with no eye visible inclusions and only small, hard to identify inclusions under 10x magnification. These diamonds represent the top 5% of all gem quality stones and are highly recommended as a blend of value and quality.

Are all VS1 diamonds eye-clean? ›

See, VS1 diamonds are “very slightly included” and almost always eye-clean, even with superhuman vision. You're never going to have to worry about one showing up at your door with a giant black inclusion in the middle of the table and ruining your proposal plans.

Why is my diamond not shiny? ›

A diamond that is not properly cut will leak light and appear less brilliant and fiery than it should. Strong fluorescence can also sometimes result in a diamond with a hazy or oily appearance. A diamond that has not been cleaned for a while can look milky due to a buildup of film and dirt on its facets.

Can a VS2 diamond be cloudy? ›

So a VS2 diamond is much less likely to have a transparency issue, even with a cloud or twinning wisp grade setting inclusion.

Is VS2 better than VVS? ›

VS2 diamonds are two steps lower on the diamond clarity grading scale, and therefore more included. While inclusions in a VVS2 diamond are difficult for a professional to see under magnification, a VS2 diamond's imperfections are generally quite easy to see in the same circ*mstances.

Is VS2 always eye-clean? ›

Almost all VS2 diamonds that are 1 carat or less are eye-clean (but you still can't take this for granted). Diamonds between 1 and 2 carat are usually still eye-clean but you may have to jump up to a VS1. For diamonds over 2 carats, consider VS1 and even VVS2 diamonds for eye-clean stones.

What clarity should a 2 carat diamond be? ›

For two carat diamonds clarity, we recommend a VS2 or above. This grade usually ensures that the diamond is eye-clean and free of obstructive inclusions.

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