Was Indie Sleaze the trend of 2022? (2024)

31 December 2022, 14:00

Was Indie Sleaze the trend of 2022? (1)

By Jenny Mensah

2022 saw people embrace the Indie Sleaze trend, but what exactly is it and are Gen Zs really getting on board?

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If you were growing up in the late noughties and 2010s, you'll know that some fashion choices were very much dependent on the Indie Rock era.

Bands like The Strokes had us buying Converse, Kate Moss was rarely seen out of denim hot pants, and a skinny jeans, deep V shirt and leather jacket combo were du jour among men.

At the start of 2022, the era seemed to have been coined as Indie Sleaze, with journalists and tastemakers predicting the return of the look among Gen Z.

But was Indie Sleaze actually a thing and were Gen Zs really jumping onto it? We delve into the trend and look back at some of its most famous purveyors as well, as what the Internet thought of its return.

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What is Indie Sleaze?

Indie Sleaze is the latest take on the indie rock style of the 2000s and 2010s. According to Vogue, it "is a messy amalgam of ’90s grunge and ’80s opulence, topped off with an almost pretentious take on retro style" and it's apparently being adopted by Gen Z.

Pioneers of the original trend include The Libertines rocker Pete Doherty, supermodel Kate Moss, model, TV presenter and fashion mogul, Alexa Chung, an earlier iteration of The Killers frontman Brandon Flowers and pretty much any indie band you could name from the noughties. You can find more ideas on the era in this Instagram account dedicated to all things indie and sleaze.

The women would often be seen in tiny shorts, leather jackets, ripped tights, an oversized jacket, studded boots, fishnets, cowboy boots and more.

It-girl Alice Dellal was a definite Indie Sleaze forerunner:

The men would almost certainly have worn drainpipe jeans, converse or winkle pickers, blazers and band t-shirts, or tops with an incredibly deep V. And let's not forget the sometimes t-shirt, sometimes shirt and tie look, which could be swapped with a scarf and topped with some variation on a porkpie hat.

Was it even an indie night out unless you were wearing one of these accessories sported by The Libs' Carl Barat and Pete Doherty?

Was Indie Sleaze the trend of 2022? (4)

What were people saying about Indie Sleaze?

A look through the reactions on Twitter shows on the whole that people found the Indie Sleaze trend rather comical, if not a little too nostalgic, since most of those who participated in the indie era are now in their mid 30s and 40s.

Mykki Blanco joked: "The kids are doing indie sleaze but like ain’t nobody risky enough for a real DEEP V NECK".

The kids are doing indie sleaze but like ain’t nobody risky enough for a real DEEP V NECK

— mykki blanco (@MykkiBlanco) January 27, 2022

Others decided to share photos of themselves in their "indie sleaze prime".

In my indie sleaze prime pic.twitter.com/wg67qexraB

— Drustan de Búrca (@svejky) January 26, 2022

However, this guy was dead against it, writing: "We do not need a 2010s revival nostalgia is a trauma response wtf is “indie sleaze”"

we do not need a 2010s revival nostalgia is a trauma response wtf is “indie sleaze”

— champagne bubble girl (@mssingnoah) January 24, 2022

Who came up with Indie Sleaze?

According to Vogue, the trend was coined at the end of 2021 by Mandy Lee - a TikTok trend forecaster who goes by the name @OldLoserInBrooklyn. She said: "I feel like with the indie sleaze subculture, 15 years ago, community, art, and music were so powerful – that’s what brought people together."

As for her prediction of how Gen Z will take on the trend, she said: "I think that specific elements, more so than the fashion, will become prevalent, as well as the style of photography, of course." However, the term is littered all over the internet, not unlike the term Indie Landfill.

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Was Indie Sleaze the trend of 2022? (2024)


When was indie sleaze popular? ›

Indie sleaze was a fashion style popular in the United States and United Kingdom from approximately 2006 to 2012. Characterised by an affordable, messy and lethargic take on vintage fashion styles, especially the 1970s, the style was particularly popular amongst the hipster subculture and indie rock bands.

Why is indie sleaze coming back? ›

“The indie sleaze resurgence reflects our generation's desire to reject the overly rigid trends we saw come about as a response to the lack of precedent during COVID — we are done trying to over-correct that instability and are looking for a way to express our silliness and creativity,” Wewerka said.

Is indie sleaze back in 2024? ›

Enter “messy girl” spring: Otherwise known as indie sleaze style, this effortlessly cool aesthetic is introducing the undone nature of the 2010s to a new generation. Trend forecaster Mandy Lee first noted this revival on TikTok in October 2021, but the aesthetic is fully reentering the mainstream in 2024.

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Indie sleaze pushed drug use, particularly cocaine, in a way that was purely about the party. It centered being seen at events, promoted the deification of the party photographer, and saw capitalistic idealism become the motivating factor for the movement — above music, art, community, and conscience.

When did indie become popular? ›

The US, which did not have as much of a scene in the 1980s, had many indie pop enthusiasts by the mid 1990s. Most of the modern notion of indie music stems from NME's 1986 compilation C86, which collects many guitar bands who were inspired by the early psychedelic sounds of 1960s garage rock.

Are the Strokes indie sleaze? ›

Heyo, I loveeee "sleaze"- I don't think it's a genre and I have no way of classifying it, but I think the strokes are apart of it. The only other artists that I can think of are the libertines, the Velvet underground, white stripes, and The dare.

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However, amidst the chaos, a surprising and uplifting trend emerged: the resurgence of indie music. As people sought solace and connection through music during these challenging times, indie artists found themselves in the spotlight once again, making a triumphant comeback.

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INDIE DYER: A person or small business that hand-dyes yarn. INDIE YARN: Yarn produced by an independent dyer or small business, rather than a large commercial manufacturer. KAL (KNIT-ALONG): A community event where participants knit the same pattern or project together.

What is indie sleaze aesthetic? ›

Trappings of this aesthetic include high-flash photography, electro-rock dance halls, imprecise eyeliner, old American Apparel ads, mussed up hair and side-swept bangs.

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Globally, hipster culture had become a "global phenomenon" during the early-mid 2010s, before declining from the mainstream by 2016–2017.

How do you wear indie sleaze? ›

It was all about skinny jeans (suffocatingly tight) paired with leather jackets and striped shirts and vests—maybe even a little cheesy fedora, too. Smudged eyeliner; messy hair—an edgy, perfectly-imperfect vibe.

Is indie sleaze a subculture? ›

An alternative style subculture that formed out of the noughties' Great Recession, 'indie sleaze' is slowly gaining ground among Chinese Gen Z consumers. Young millennials have reached the age when fashion is resurrecting their teens, with Gen Zers moving from the early to late noughties for style inspiration.

What drug was famous in the 70s? ›

In the 1970s cocaine regained popularity as a recreational drug and was glamorized in the U.S. popular media. Articles from the time proclaimed cocaine as non-addictive. The drug was viewed as harmless until the 1985 emergence of crack.

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Still, the imprint of psychedelic culture is all over the band's early works, including Barrett's unmistakable influence. Beyond Syd Barrett's LSD use, founding member Roger Waters has admitted to taking LSD over 50 times in the 1960s and also experimented with marijuana and hashish.

What did they wear in the 2010s indie sleaze? ›

The aesthetic encapsulates a wide range of clothing and accessories, featuring everything from metallic bodysuits and studded "Lita" boots to lamé leggings and chokers. Other key elements include striped shirts, lensless glasses, big belts, plaid pants, cardigans, A-line skirts, and even chunky gold jewelry.

Is indie 80s? ›

Indie rock is a subgenre of rock music that originated in the United Kingdom, United States and New Zealand in the early to mid-1980s.

When did indie aesthetic start? ›

History. The indie aesthetic originated in the 1980s in the United Kingdom. Sometimes referred to as “Twee”, indie fashion mainly consisted of striped t-shirts, jeans, mop tops and anoraks.

What is indie sleaze fashion? ›

Indie sleaze has roots in both rebellion and anti-fashion. Taking on an “anything goes” mentality, this alternative movement feels like a rejection to the runway-to-rack traditional structure of trends. Instead, trends now begin online.

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