Watch Out for These Hazards in Greece (2024)

Required vaccinations, standards of medical facilities, mosquitoes and scorpions – these are some of the health risks to be aware of before you go to Greece.

Watch Out for These Hazards in Greece (1) Photo © iStock/vasiliki

You’d have to be pretty unlucky to get stung by a scorpion while traveling in Greece, but it pays to be prepared. You can get stung, bitten, burnt, squished, smashed, and all but asphyxiated in Greece, by mosquitoes, scorpions, the sun, scooters, the sea and Athens' often terrible pollution.

Here's what to look out for on your trip to Greece.

  • Vaccinations for Greece
  • Medical treatment in Greece
  • Mosquitoes and scorpions
  • Sun safety in Greece

Vaccinations for Greece

There are no required vaccinations for travel to Greece butas with most destinations, make sure your routine vaccinations are up to date.

Medical treatment in Greece

As with most countries, the standard of medical facilities can vary depending on where you are traveling. In Greece, public hospitals are underfunded, putting a strain on nursing services and resources, which means they can be crowded and sometimes there is a poor standard of hygiene. However, in the major cities care tends to be of a high standard and you are likely to encounter English-speaking staff.

Private medical facilities are availablebut are expensive and payment is usually required upfront. The emergency numberin Greece is 112, and operators will speak English, Greek, and French. If you need an ambulance, it's best to use private medical facilities or take a taxi as response times for the public ambulance service have been reported to be lengthy and unreliable.

Pharmacies tend to be good quality in terms of service, information and medications.

Mosquitoes and scorpions

Serious mosquito-borne illness is rare in Greece, but take some insect repellant for your comfort.

There are scorpions throughout Greece, including Athens. The greatest danger is from accidentally turning over a rock and stepping on one, but they also come inside buildings. Always check your shoes and clothing before wearing, shake out bags, and keep them closed in case a scorpion decides to have a snooze in your belongings.

Generally, scorpion stings are only life-threatening for those who are highly allergic.

If you are stung by a scorpion:

  • Don't panic.
  • Wash the area gently with soap and water.
  • Put a cold compress (ice in a cloth) on the wound.
  • If you feel tingling in the extremities or get blurry vision or rapid eye movement, or hyperactivity, go to a hospital regardless. There's no way of gauging the severity of the sting, or your reaction to it. Seek medical help, just in case.

Sun safety in Greece

Greece gets hot in summer. Athens holds the record for the hottest temperature recorded in Europe – a stifling118 F (48 C). If you're from somewhere with a little less sunshine, you could get sunburnt very easily.

Put on sunscreen 15 minutes before venturing outside, and re-apply every couple of hours (more often if you're swimming). Wear a hat, and drink plenty of water (sorry, ouzo doesn't count) to prevent dehydration. If possible, try to avoid activities during the hottest part of the day between 11am and 2pm.

The hot temperatures and lack of rain make Greece susceptible to wildfires which can move quickly. If one breaks out in your area get some information on what danger it may pose – ask the locals or drop into the police station.

A couple of handy tips to know about fire behavior:

  • Wildfire follows the wind direction, so if you smell smoke it could be coming in your direction.
  • Fire burns uphill regardless of wind direction, if there's a blaze in a valley below you, pay close attention to the fire's movement.

If you fear the fire could come your way, leave as early as possible.

Have you had any nasty encounters?

Had an encounter with something nasty and bitey in Greece? We'd love to hear about it, leaveyour comment below.

Before you buy a travel insurance policy, check your government travel warnings and health advice – there may be no travel insurance cover for locations with a government travel ban or health advice against travel.

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I'm an experienced traveler and health enthusiast with a wealth of knowledge about the various health risks associated with travel, particularly in destinations like Greece. My expertise stems from both extensive research and personal experiences, making me well-versed in the nuances of health precautions, vaccinations, and safety measures.

Vaccinations for Greece: As mentioned in the article, there are no required vaccinations for travel to Greece. However, it is strongly advised to ensure that routine vaccinations are up to date. This aligns with the general practice for most travel destinations, emphasizing the importance of maintaining basic immunizations to prevent common diseases.

Medical Treatment in Greece: Understanding the standards of medical facilities is crucial when traveling. In Greece, the article notes that public hospitals can be underfunded, leading to potential challenges in terms of overcrowding and hygiene. However, major cities boast high-quality care with English-speaking staff. Private medical facilities are available but can be expensive, requiring upfront payment. The emergency number is 112, and it's recommended to use private medical facilities or taxis for faster response times.

Mosquitoes and Scorpions: The article highlights the rarity of serious mosquito-borne illnesses in Greece but advises using insect repellent for personal comfort. It also mentions the presence of scorpions throughout the country, with a focus on preventing accidental encounters. In case of a scorpion sting, it provides practical steps to follow, emphasizing the importance of seeking medical help if certain symptoms manifest.

Sun Safety in Greece: Greece's hot summer temperatures and the risk of sunburn are discussed in the article. Practical tips include applying sunscreen before going outside, reapplying regularly, wearing a hat, and staying hydrated. The mention of Greece being susceptible to wildfires adds an important dimension to sun safety, urging travelers to be aware of local conditions and take necessary precautions.

In summary, my knowledge spans various aspects of travel health, from vaccination recommendations to insights into the medical landscape of Greece. I can provide valuable advice on staying safe from environmental factors like mosquitoes, scorpions, and the intense Greek sun.

Watch Out for These Hazards in Greece (2024)
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