Wearing Black Can Affect Your Mood And Make You Sadder, According To Research (2024)

Yes, there are heaps of benefits to dressing in black. It tends to be slimming, it’s a way of showing respect at a funeral and, if you’re planning to commit a burglary at night, it’s a great way of doing so undetected.

But, apparently wearing black can also affect your mood by making you sadder and less motivated, which probably explains why everyone in Melbourne is so grumpy all the time. You see, wearing black in Melbourne has been a fashion staple for decades because it allows locals to easily let visitors know that this is a miserable, cold place and to behave accordingly. That’s why smiling is illegal on the city’s trams, why baristas aggressively yell your name when your coffee is ready and why the only time Melburnians ever feel truly united by joy is when some poor truck-driver from out of town crashes into the Montague Street Bridge.

But, perhaps wearing brightly coloured clothes could change all of that! At least, that’s according to Melbourne-based personal stylist Sally Mackinnon.

“After two years of being in and out of lockdowns, it’s time for Melburnians to celebrate and not dress like they’re in mourning,” Mackinnon told The Age. “Dopamine dressing is in, and it’s the ultimate feel-good formula, especially after two years in trackie pants.”

‘Dopamine dressing’ sounds like a good idea, but getting out of trackies is easier said than done. In fact, some would argue that being able to wear trackies all day instead of changing into actual work clothes was the only good thing to come out of lockdown. Well, that and the government giving us free money for a period there.

“Melburnians have traditionally worn a lot of black purely as a consequence of our winter weather – it’s symbolic of cold weather, grey skies,” Mackinnon says. “But it’s become a safe colour for many, and I think some Melburnians have become lazy with dressing in black, as it’s an easy colour to choose.”

Of course, it is important to note that wearing black doesn’t necessarily mean you’re lazy, it could just mean you’re pragmatic. For example, if you’re wearing white pants there’s no way you can take the risk of drinking red wine or putting tomato sauce on your meat pie because those stains will never come out.

But, there is something to the idea that we need to be bolder and braver in our outfit choices if we want to boost those dopamine levels. So, next time you’re heading to a funeral, throw away the black suit and try a Hawaiian shirt. Next time you’re heading out on a date, ditch the slimming black skivvy and try a mankini instead. And next time you’re robbing a service station, get rid of the dark balaclava and opt for a colourful ski mask instead. The choices are endless and you’ll feel better for it!

Wearing Black Can Affect Your Mood And Make You Sadder, According To Research (2024)
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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.