WEEK 3 – Nuevas Fronteras School (2024)

8th July 2020nfeditor



CLASS: Grade 2

DATE: 26th June, 2020

SUBJECT: Cultural and Creative Arts

TOPIC: Traditional Fabrics


Brief explanation

Traditional dresses are made with traditional fabrics. Other materials used in sewing traditional dresses are lace, ankara, brocades, george, etc.

Definition of Traditional Dresses

Traditional dresses are the different attires people wear to showcase their cultural heritage.

Examples of Traditional dresses

  1. Onyonyo: A flowing gown worn by women of the Efik tribe of Cross River State.
  2. Buba and Iro: A buba is a loose neck blouse with long sleeves. Iro is a loose cloth wrapped around the waist.
  3. Sokoto: This is also called trousers.
  4. Babanriga: This is a large flowing gown with embroidered design round the neck. It is worn mostly by the Hausas.
  5. Agbada: This is the Yoruba version of the Babanriga.
  6. Isiagu: A tradition Igbo dress for men.
  7. Fila: Fila is a Yoruba name for cap. It is used for complete men’s attire.


  1. Define traditional attire.
  2. List examples of traditional dresses.
WEEK 3 – Nuevas Fronteras School (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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