What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (2024)

Last updated on Jan 1, 2024

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Get a high valuation


Retain some ownership and involvement


Diversify your wealth and risk


Prepare for a smooth transition


Avoid common pitfalls

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Selling your business to a private equity firm can be a lucrative and rewarding exit option for entrepreneurs. Private equity firms are investors who buy and sell companies, often with the goal of improving their performance and value. They usually have access to large amounts of capital, expertise, and networks that can help your business grow and achieve its potential. However, selling to a private equity firm also comes with some challenges and trade-offs that you should be aware of before making a decision. In this article, we will explore some of the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm and how to prepare for the process.

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  • What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (3) 2

  • Benjamin Chilcott Advisor / Non Exec Director / Essex Cricket and Rugby enthusiast

    What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (5) 2

  • What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (7) What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (8) 11

What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (9) What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (10) What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (11)

1 Get a high valuation

One of the main benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm is that you can get a high valuation for your company. Private equity firms are willing to pay a premium for businesses that have strong growth prospects, stable cash flows, and competitive advantages. They also have access to debt financing, which can increase the amount they can offer for your business. If you have built a successful and profitable business, selling to a private equity firm can be a great way to cash out and reward yourself for your hard work.

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    It’s a benefit for the owner to sell if s/he have plans to exit the company. Because of the high valuation offered by PE firms, they would look to ensuring they get a high return might maximise a profitable firm further by reducing costs.


    What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (20) 2

  • Benjamin Chilcott Advisor / Non Exec Director / Essex Cricket and Rugby enthusiast
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    Depends what it is. More likely to get a higher valuation from trade or the market. The value of PE is more likely to be their ability to move quickly and help the business grow, with you retaining some equity


    What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (29) 2

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    Business management is able to get a high valuation in a private equity sale, if they show that the company has a great pipeline, margins are great, the company is cash flow positive and EBITDA positive. If all or most of these metrics are met, then there is a potential for a great exit.


    What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (38) What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (39) 11

  • Selling your business to a private equity (PE) firm is a transformation, not just a transaction. PE firms, as value creators, offer high valuations based on growth potential and profitability. They often allow owners to retain a stake, ensuring continued involvement. This path provides wealth diversification, mitigating risk. PE firms ensure a smooth transition with experienced teams, helping avoid common pitfalls. While beneficial, PE firms at times may hinder business growth due to their investment horizon limitations, thus other options like strategic acquisitions, MBOs, or IPOs should also be considered. Remember, every business is unique. Consult a professional advisor to make the best decision for your business’s future.


    What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (48) 8


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2 Retain some ownership and involvement

Another benefit of selling your business to a private equity firm is that you can retain some ownership and involvement in your company. Private equity firms often prefer to partner with the existing management team and founders, rather than replace them. This means that you can still have a stake in the future success of your business, as well as some influence and control over its direction and strategy. You can also benefit from the private equity firm's resources, guidance, and connections, which can help you take your business to the next level.

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    Beware - From direct personal experience of selling my business as well as coaching many businesses toward and through a sale, selling to PE is not a rosy picture at all. PE companies are in it to engineer the deal to their advantage. Often offering a very attractive price to start with and then manipulating the negotiations in order to try to force the owner(s) into a less attractive position. All the entrepreneurs I have met or worked with have had the same experience. Staying and working with the new owners sounds great. The reality can be very different. The new owners will have their own vision and plans which will often be very different to yours. Will you be able to cope with having a boss telling you what to do and how to do it?


    What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (57) What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (58) 11

  • Arshad Hoseini Innovation Advocate | Helping Businesses Take-Off from Nothing to Something!
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    Although PEs are among the toughest people to negotiate with, they are also people who you can negotiate! Other exit windows for founders are way too hard to follow and have a minimum edge for founders in deals and their terms. Besides the liquidity of your equity, you can maintain some ownership, much sooner than IPO stages, and of course, it is easier. The stock market and other exits like M&A etc, usually have way more bargaining power, and as a founder, more or less you can just follow their steps and rules, while for PEs it is not the game


    What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (67) What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (68) 4

  • Sri Charan Lakkaraju Founder and CEO, Student Tribe | Startup co*ckroach | Forbes 30Under30 Asia 2018
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    In most cases, founders get a chance to work for a certain period and get transition, beyond that if they want to explore a new idea they can retain ownership here and be part of advisory of this organisation.Private Equity gives you the relaxation rather than a complete exit so you don't regret in the value creation for yourselves.


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3 Diversify your wealth and risk

Selling your business to a private equity firm can also help you diversify your wealth and risk. As an entrepreneur, you may have invested most of your time, money, and energy into your business, which can expose you to a lot of uncertainty and volatility. By selling a portion or all of your business to a private equity firm, you can reduce your dependence on a single source of income and secure your financial future. You can also use the proceeds from the sale to pursue other opportunities, interests, or goals that you may have.

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  • Ken Baker
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    Buying out disinterested owners in a business can be done in a much better way than selling to a PE firm. Have the shares of those owners sell to an ESOP. Makes that portion of the company tax free, the employees become owners and one does not have a PE firm looking over one's shoulder telling you to lay employees off to increase dividend for them. And the ESOP buyer is friendly. You never really know what the PE firm is going to do long term. Too many horrors stories with PE firms.


    What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (87) What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (88) 8

  • In my experience, carefully assessing personal financial goals and timelines has guided the decision-making process, allowing for a balanced approach to wealth management. Collaborating with financial advisors to explore investment options and tax-efficient strategies has been instrumental in optimizing returns and mitigating risks. Actively exploring new ventures or passions with the freed-up resources has not only diversified my interests but also provided a safety net against unforeseen market fluctuations.


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4 Prepare for a smooth transition

If you decide to sell your business to a private equity firm, you should prepare for a smooth transition. Private equity firms will conduct a thorough due diligence on your business, which can take several months and require a lot of information and documentation. You should also be ready to negotiate the terms of the deal, such as the price, the structure, the timing, and the post-sale arrangements. You should also have a clear vision of what you want to do after the sale, whether it is staying on as a manager, advisor, or board member, or moving on to a new venture or lifestyle.

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  • Amy Nichols Pet business adviser and mentor | Award-winning entrepreneur | Visionary senior executive | Successful Franchisor
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    A very important decision that often does not get enough attention during the negotiation is the board structure. Depending on how much equity you sell, you will have more or less seats on the board, but there is a lot more to it than just the number of seats. Does the investor have board member approval rights? Is the board now your boss and therefore able to fire you as CEO? What happens if there is a deadlock? (this can kill a small company if you come to a deadlock on something like your annual budget) If your intention is to continue running your company, have an experienced attorney look closely for ways the PE firm could potentially remove you from your role. Sadly, it happens more often than you think.


    What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (107) What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (108) 12

  • Sri Charan Lakkaraju Founder and CEO, Student Tribe | Startup co*ckroach | Forbes 30Under30 Asia 2018
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    Most of these private equity firms are run by hard core financial experts. These guys go with strict due diligence and try to find as many loop holes as possible in terms of a startup. As a founder, one needs to have a proper guidance on behalf of you from an advisor that your interests are protected in a right manner. Your goal should be ensuring a smooth transition as these factors become tools in the hands of private equity firms to decrease valuation.


    What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (117) What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (118) 3


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5 Avoid common pitfalls

Selling your business to a private equity firm can also have some drawbacks and challenges that you should avoid. Private equity firms are not always aligned with your vision, values, and culture, and they may impose changes that you may not agree with or appreciate. They may also have different expectations and pressures than you, and they may demand higher returns and performance from your business. Additionally, selling to a private equity firm can be an emotional and stressful process, as you may have to deal with legal, financial, and personal issues. You should be prepared to cope with these potential pitfalls and seek professional and personal support if needed.

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6 Consider other options

Finally, selling your business to a private equity firm is not the only exit option for entrepreneurs. You should also consider other alternatives, such as selling to a strategic buyer, a competitor, a customer, or a supplier, who may offer a better fit or value for your business. You can also explore the possibility of going public, merging with another company, or passing on your business to your family or employees. You should weigh the pros and cons of each option and choose the one that best suits your goals, preferences, and situation.

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    While selling to a private equity firm is a notable option, entrepreneurs should explore alternative exit strategies. Consider avenues like selling to a strategic buyer, competitor, customer, or supplier, as these may present a better fit or value for your business. Evaluate possibilities like going public, merging with another company, or transitioning ownership to family or employees. Weigh the pros and cons of each option meticulously, selecting the one aligning best with your goals, preferences, and unique circ*mstances.


    What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (127) 5

  • Brian Halbert, AIF® Vice President, Retirement Specialist at WD Pensionmark
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    In certain circ*mstances, selling to private equity may allow you to take a 'second bite' of the apple, if you can retain a minority stake. Also, participating in the much larger PE fund, and an LP can be possible. Choosing the right PE fund is critical.


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7 Here’s what else to consider

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    When exploring options, always be open to strategic partnerships - especially when looking to grow in a sustainable manner. Looking for a potential investor / funder that is within the same ecosystem, can bring good long term benefits and synergies. The areas you can look at are : • Suppliers of your raw materials • Buyers of your finished products • Biggest service providers you use• Countries that benefit the most from the organisations existence, and • Any other prominent player with the organisations ecosystem Stay open to all potential options and approach fund raising from the perspective of building partnerships


    What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (145) 9

  • Murtaza Sutarwalla Partner and Founder at Edwards Sutarwalla Samani LLP


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    Running and selling a business is like surfing - you have to know when to paddle, when to stand up, when to ride the wave, and how to land without going under. Timing is one of the most important factors - if you leave to early, you won't realize the full value of taking the idea all the way. If you wait until it's too late, then vultures may be the only takers. The best way to make it right is to have a plan and hone it along the way.


    What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (154) What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (155) 5


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What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? (2024)


What are the benefits of selling your business to a private equity firm? ›

If your business is struggling, the PE relationship could ensure you get far more value than you would have alone due to the PE firms' fresh outlook, ability to roll up your firm with complementary businesses, and experienced managers.

Should I sell my business to a private equity firm? ›

If your business is struggling, the PE relationship could ensure you get far more value than you would have alone due to the PE firms' fresh outlook, ability to roll up your firm with complementary businesses, and experienced managers.

Why would a company sell to private equity? ›

Selling your business to private equity is a potentially very lucrative business exit strategy. In fact, the second sale — when the PE firm sells the company outright to recoup its initial investment — can be even more lucrative than the first deal when you sell to a PE firm.

Why would a business use private equity? ›

The private equity industry has grown rapidly; it tends to be most popular when stock prices are high and interest rates low. An acquisition by private equity can make a company more competitive or saddle it with unsustainable debt, depending on the private equity firm's skills and objectives.

How do private equity firms value businesses? ›

Discounted cash flow (DCF) analysis is a common valuation method used in private equity funds to estimate the present value of a company's expected future cash flows. The DCF analysis takes into account the time value of money and the risks associated with the company's future cash flows.

What does it mean when a private equity firm buys your company? ›

A company is bought out by a private equity firm, and the purchase is financed through debt, which is collateralized by the target's operations and assets. The PE firm buys the target company with funds from using the target as a sort of collateral.

Do private equity firms pay capital gains? ›

The tax advantages of private equity investing. There are two significant tax benefits that accrue to private equity investors: taxation of carried interest at the capital gains rate of 20 percent and tax deductions from interest paid on debt.

Why is private equity high risk? ›

In addition, exits may involve IPOs or acquisitions, which take a great deal more time to implement than sales of public shares on an exchange. For these reasons, investors in PE have an illiquidity risk that differs considerably from public equity funds.

How does private equity work for dummies? ›

What Is Private Equity (PE) And How Does It Work? Definition of Private Equity: Private equity firms raise capital from outside investors, called Limited Partners (LP), and then use this capital to buy companies, operate and improve them, and then sell them to realize a return on their investment.

What is the minimum investment for private equity? ›

1 Funds that rely on an Accredited Investor standard generally require a minimum net worth of $1 million for an individual (excluding primary residence), and $5 million for an entity. for an individual, and $25 million for an entity.

What is the average return of PE? ›

This is why many investors expect the return for private equity to be higher than that for venture capital. However, this is not a rule that holds true for all years. According toCambridge Associates' U.S. Private Equity Index, PE had an average annual return of 14.65% in the 20 years ended December 31,2021.

What is the return rate for private equity? ›

The large shortfall in private equity return for 2023 is due to a valuation spillover from the 2022 drawdown in public stock values. A two-year lookback shows private equity earning a 10.3% annual return compared to 0.2% for the public stock market equivalent.

How much do you get paid in private equity? ›

Private Equity Salary, Bonus, and Carried Interest Levels: The Full Guide
Position TitleTypical Age RangeBase Salary + Bonus (USD)
Senior Associate26-32$250-$400K
Vice President (VP)30-35$350-$500K
Director or Principal33-39$500-$800K
2 more rows

Do private equity firms add value? ›

One of the main ways that private equity firms add value to their portfolio companies is by implementing operational improvements. These are changes that aim to enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, and quality of the business processes, products, and services of the company.

Is private equity right for my business? ›

Financial support

In addition to facilitating your exit, a private equity investment can provide a capital injection for the business. That means you could finance growth projects such as expanding operations or investing in new technologies.

Does private equity outperform the market? ›

While Kaplan and Schoar find that average returns are approximately equal to the overall market, they also find that some funds consistently outperform the market. "Our key finding is that there is a great deal of persistence in private equity performance," says Kaplan.

What is the fastest way to value a private company? ›

A common way to value a private company is by using the Discounted Cash Flow (DCF) or a Comparable Company Analysis (CCA), and by taking into account factors such as financial performance, growth prospects, industry dynamics, and risk factors.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.