What are the best ways to increase your chances of getting published? (2024)

Last updated on Apr 7, 2024

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Write regularly


Research your market


Pitch your work


Handle rejection and feedback


Here’s what else to consider

Getting published is a dream for many writers, but it can also be a daunting challenge. Whether you want to share your fiction, poetry, nonfiction, or academic work with the world, you need to know how to navigate the publishing industry and increase your chances of success. In this article, we'll explore some of the best ways to improve your writing skills, find the right outlets, pitch your ideas, and handle rejection and feedback.

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  • Jason Sisam Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Author, Blogger, Entrepreneur, Pastor

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  • Innocent Chiluwa Language and Communication Specialist, Media Scholar, Author, Visiting Professor, Communication and Media…

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  • Ana María Bermúdez Salomón Publisher | I publish commercial and business books | MA in Digital Publishing | Accessible books specialist |…

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What are the best ways to increase your chances of getting published? (10) What are the best ways to increase your chances of getting published? (11) What are the best ways to increase your chances of getting published? (12)

1 Write regularly

One of the most important ways to increase your chances of getting published is to write regularly and consistently. Writing is a craft that requires practice, discipline, and feedback. By writing every day, or as often as you can, you will develop your voice, style, and confidence. You will also learn how to revise, edit, and polish your work until it meets your standards and expectations.

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  • Jason Sisam Edward Jones Financial Advisor, Author, Blogger, Entrepreneur, Pastor

    It’s more than just writing regularly. Writing for publication is a matter of facing each piece you write with a critical eye. You cannot simply write daily or consistently, you have to be intentional about what you’re writing. You have to lay the solid groundwork by first taking the time to write out an outline—this is your foundation. If you don’t know your end destination, you’ll never get to where you want to end up. Yes, write often, but don’t neglect the most important piece—the rewrite. The more you rewrite, you’ll extrapolate the bad and begin injecting better solutions to make your writing shine. So, to recap:1. Write consistently once you have a solid outline.2. Edit and rewrite—this is where your writing will shine.


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  • Innocent Chiluwa Language and Communication Specialist, Media Scholar, Author, Visiting Professor, Communication and Media, Loughborough University.

    If you aim to publish in an academic journal, then your writing is about your research findings. Your research topic should be original. Journal editors look for new areas, new perspectives, new approaches, and new findings. Sometimes they look for new contexts. I remember accepting an article that gave new insights from Afghanistan on a subject that has been much discussed in Europe. Your topic should have global relevance. An empirical research that presents new conflict resolution approaches is likely to be accepted in a conflict journal amidst the current regional wars.Be mindful of the structure of a research article.If you are writing in English, please, mind your language. If you need an English-speaking editor, please get one.


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  • How to get published: - Setup a LinkedIn profile- Start posting daily (before you feel ready)- Start engaging with other writers daily- Slowly build relationships and a case study- Reach out to editors of your dream publication (e.g. Business Insider) and pitch from your profileThis shows the publication you are a serious writer with results and track record.Happy writing!


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  • Abhishek G Y Co-Founder, Atharva Creative Technology | Personal Branding Strategist | Growth Hacker | Content Creator | Linkedin Top Community Voice | Young Achievers Awardee

    Here is how I do to easily:🌟 Set a Schedule: I establish a writing routine and stick to it everyday🌟 Start Small: I begin with achievable writing goals.🌟 Eliminate Distractions: I find a quiet, focused writing space.🌟 Find Inspiration: I keep a list of topics or ideas for inspiration.🌟 Write First, Edit Later: I don't obsess over perfection in the initial draft.🌟 Stay Consistent: I make writing a habit for lasting results.✅ Remember the more you write, the better you be over the time. So start today and see the change 💎


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  • Volker Presser Energy Innovator • Professor • Editor-in-Chief • 🔋💧📝🧪🔬

    Writing is a skill which of course will improve over time. Newbies will find they become more proficient with their first draft paper by paper. But to "get published", specifically for early career scientists (usually Master or Ph.D. students), also mentorship. It is not about "trying to figure it out" but to learn scientific writing and scientific publishing, which encompasses graphical design of data presentation, good scientific practice and ethics, alongside with a lot of legal implications (like copyrights and other rights during the submission process). Get a good "wingperson" to learn how to fly (publish).


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2 Research your market

Another key way to increase your chances of getting published is to research your market and target audience. You need to know who you are writing for, what they are looking for, and where they are looking for it. You also need to know who your competitors are, what they are writing, and how they are writing it. By doing your homework, you will be able to identify the gaps, trends, and opportunities in your genre, niche, or field. You will also be able to tailor your writing to suit the preferences, expectations, and needs of your potential readers and publishers.

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  • Abhishek G Y Co-Founder, Atharva Creative Technology | Personal Branding Strategist | Growth Hacker | Content Creator | Linkedin Top Community Voice | Young Achievers Awardee

    Here is how I did it:🌟 I started by setting specific goals for my market research, outlining what I wanted to achieve.🌟 I researched and clearly defined my target audience, understanding their needs and preferences. 🌟 I made use of online market research tools and platforms to gather data and insights efficiently.🌟Lastly I collected feedback from existing customers through surveys and interviews to better understand their experiences and expectations.Through implementing these effective strategies practically, I conducted more effective market research, leading to better-informed decisions and successful strategies.


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  • Harrison Reed Critical Care PA-C, educator, writer, editor

    Narrow down your audience as much as possible. No one writes "for everyone" and doing so would be impossible. Try to be specific when selecting a target market or audience. This will make it much easier to 1) craft specific material that connects with the narrower audience and 2) select publications or outlets read by that specific audience.


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  • Leona Nasser (PhD of Science) I Help People Living with Chronic Diseases Heal Holistically to Overcome Daily Challenges and Lead a Normal Life

    First, conduct market research to identify your target audience and determine who you want to write for. Once you have identified your audience, it is important to focus on their pain points. What challenges do they face that you can help solve? To reach a wider audience, consider targeting specific pain points and offer innovative solutions that are not commonly found in the traditional market. When presenting your solutions, strive to be authentic and find a unique way to stand out.


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  • David Pullan MATCHMAKER ❤️ I introduce your facts to feelings, your head to heart and your explanation to inspiration, so people lean in and say, 'Let's talk more.'

    Write for one reader. Not an avatar. an actual living human being who you can interview and get verbatim information from.- Know their pains.- Quantify their gains.- If that one reader would buy it then there will be many others who fit the same bill.


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  • Build an audience. If you have a large social media following, a big email list, or a blog with high traffic, it'll be significantly easier to attract a publisher. They will know that it'll be easier to generate sales for your book, as your audience will be eager to buy it. You might also get a better advance. If you have an audience, you can also skip going with a publisher and self publish.


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3 Pitch your work

Once you have a polished piece of writing that fits your market and audience, you need to pitch your work to the appropriate outlets. Pitching is the process of sending a query letter, a proposal, or a sample of your work to a publisher, an agent, a magazine, a journal, or a website that might be interested in publishing it. A good pitch should be concise, clear, and compelling. It should capture the attention of the editor or the agent, and convince them that your work is worth their time and money. It should also demonstrate that you have done your research, that you know your market and audience, and that you have something unique and valuable to offer.

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  • Abhishek G Y Co-Founder, Atharva Creative Technology | Personal Branding Strategist | Growth Hacker | Content Creator | Linkedin Top Community Voice | Young Achievers Awardee

    Here is how I do it:🌟 Before pitching, I thoroughly researched my audience, understanding their needs, interests, and pain points.🌟 I created a compelling narrative around my work, making it relatable and engaging.🌟 I clearly articulated what makes my work unique and the value it brings.🌟I emphasized the benefits of my work, demonstrating how it could solve problems or meet the audience's needs. 🌟I presented my work with confidence, conveying belief in its value and impact.Is'nt it simple?


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  • Joy Fashagba Ghost Writer | I Help Business Owners, Industry Experts and Organizations Gain Visibility and Profit with the Right Content📉 | STORYTELLER

    Pitching is a thing we all need to learn how to do because everything won’t come to us at a platter of gold.Before you pitch to someone you need to be sure they are who you want to work with first, don’t just pitch to everyone aimlessly.After that you get the necessary information about them and how your work can be of benefit to them.Then you put it into writing.Pro tip : Write confidently!


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  • Dr. Marcia Layton Turner Bestselling Business Book Ghostwriter | Thought leadership, entrepreneurship, corporate histories

    The process of pitching varies by genre and outlet. For example, authors interested in writing a nonfiction book need only present a proposal for what their book would be about, while an aspiring fiction author needs to have the entire book finished and polished before pitching it.Likewise, if pitching an idea to a magazine or blog as a freelance writer who expects to be paid, you don't want to send over the finished piece. Instead, offer to write it to their standards, for a fee. However, if pitching a trade journal or industry publication, or a guest blog post, it's frequently preferred to send the finished piece along so the editor can assess where it might fit in their editorial calendar.Know what's standard for your type of pitch.


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  • Evan Thomas Malachosky Media strategist, content specialist, cultural curator.

    Don't be afraid to put your work (and yourself) out there. Some want to separate the two, but your lens, your angle, and your taste are what will separate you from others.


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  • Your subject line will determine if someone opens your pitch. Make it short and compelling — something that an editor can't scroll past without wanting to know more. Occasionally, I spend more time on the subject line than I do on the rest of the pitch.


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4 Handle rejection and feedback

Finally, one of the best ways to increase your chances of getting published is to handle rejection and feedback with grace and resilience. Rejection is inevitable in the publishing industry, and it can be discouraging and demoralizing. However, it can also be an opportunity to learn, improve, and grow as a writer. Instead of taking rejection personally or giving up, you should use it as a motivation to keep writing, keep pitching, and keep improving. You should also seek and accept feedback from other writers, editors, or mentors who can help you identify your strengths and weaknesses, and offer you constructive criticism and advice.

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  • Theodora Sterling Web Content Coordinator┊Writer┊Bookworm┊Published Poet

    When it comes to putting your written work out there, rejection is the hardest part. But it's important to remember that rejection isn't always a sign that your writing is weak or "bad". Instead, it's more likely that your work just doesn't match what the publisher is looking for. So don't beat yourself up for getting your writing rejected. All writers face rejection, but keeping your chin up will eventually help you get published.


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  • Ish*ta Ray Linkedin Community Top Voice | 19 y.o. | Content Creator 🦋

    Talking about rejection first, it is very natural to get rejected in any nth number of attempt and no, it doesn't portray you as a bad author. Infact bad or good authors do not exist as creativity is a subjective field. Everyone perceives and reacts to ideas differently, and nobody is wrong. So, instead of giving up, try re-reflecting upon your works, strategizing your next attempt through valued feedbacks of your community members. Moving to the acceptance of your work, congrats on being published! But, the process doesn't end here. You need to still gather insights about your work through constructive criticism and avoid the emotion of overconfidence towards your next creation in order to make it a notable one.


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  • Debbie Spector Weisman Dream-Life Coach, Author, Podcaster, TV Host, Awesome Podcast Guest

    Your self talk is critical when facing rejection. Tell yourself that you haven’t found a publisher YET. This will keep you motivated to send it out. There are countless stories of best-selling books that were rejected by scores of editors until one finally said yes. Don’t give up too soon.


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  • Harrison Reed Critical Care PA-C, educator, writer, editor

    Rejection is not a sign of failure; it is a normal part of the publication process. Most quality publications have high rejection rates, meaning even good writers can expect a "no" answer on a regular basis. The worst thing you can do is reject YOURSELF by not attempting to write/submit an article in the first place.After rejection, think:- "Great! I know I am reaching high enough. I am not underselling my work by submitting to 'easy' publications. This rejection proves it."-"How can I improve my work? Did this person provide feedback or can I self-assess some areas for improvement?"-"Where is the next-best place I can put my work?"- "In the future, is there a better article idea for the publication that rejected me?"


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  • Meredith Eliassen Associate Librarian, Lecturer/Special Collections Librarian at San Francisco State University

    Receiving feedback and dealing with rejection is part of any process where you are marketing something where you have invested soul. Each rejection gives you feedback on the marketplace and where your project fits or does not fit in the world of ideas. On important projects, I owe a debt to the individuals who gave me constructive criticism because they pushed me to do my best work. I will never be a big name in the writing industry (one who earns a lot of money), but working in this craft has given me a rich life and that is my measure of success.


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5 Here’s what else to consider

This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?

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  • Ana María Bermúdez Salomón Publisher | I publish commercial and business books | MA in Digital Publishing | Accessible books specialist | Consultant, training and publishing services | Keynote speaker and workshop facilitator

    Algunos puntos claves para mí como editora son los siguientes:1. El texto debe hacer match perfecto con las líneas editoriales de la casa editorial donde lo postulas. De nada sirve enviar una obra de alta literatura a un editor que solo publica libros infantiles de prescripción escolar.2. La estructura del texto es fundamental. Un manuscrito con una estructura deficiente, que no tenga claro de dónde parte y a donde llega y todos los pasos intermedios, es un rechazo inmediato. Recomiendo muchísimo que antes de enviar el libro a dictamen, se contrate un editor de desarrollo para que de forma y pula el contenido.3. Los argumentos de publicación tienen que ser claros y objetivos. Incluye también los recursos del autor para fomentar la venta.



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  • Scott Frothingham Wordwrangler. Carrotdangler. Storyteller. Goal-oriented writing that gives your business an advantage.

    Build an audience. Publishers will publish your work if they think they can make money from it. If you have a large following (e.g., social media), you will be a safer bet for for a return on their investment


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  • Harrison Reed Critical Care PA-C, educator, writer, editor

    If you have a great piece of writing that is looking for a publication, take a systematic approach. 1. Identify multiple potential publication outlets, if possible.2. Start with the most desirable publication AND/OR start with the one that will get you a response the quickest (so your work in not bogged down in one lengthy review process after another).3. Streamline the process by creating templates for cover letters, standardizing your article format, etc. 4. Consider using a spreadsheet to keep track of where you have already submitted and where you will submit next.


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  • Self publish, own your distribution, own your IP and get your work into the hands of people who need it (by direct outreach, sponsoring events, shipping your books to potential clients and giving it away free online)


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  • Martim Mariano Want to write with confidence? Let's talk. 👋

    First of all, you need to finish things.Finish it and test it.Test it to see if there's interest in what you've just written. Because nobody will publish an uninteresting story or a technical book with no relevance for a group of people.For me, the best thing you need to do is to build an audience. My process was that! 7 years building an audience on LinkedIn, and then a publisher asked me if I wanted to write a book for them.If you're doing the Trenches Road, you need to find a theme that can conquer people's attention, knowing you're facing fierce competition: distractions that make people not want to read. Either way, you have to be interesting, relevant, and clear in your writing. Life is challenging enough, these days.


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What are the best ways to increase your chances of getting published? (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.