What Are the Easter Bunny's Origins? The History Has Nothing to Do With Jesus (2024)

Much like Christmas, Easter is a Christian holiday that can be celebrated in a thousand different ways, depending on your family's traditions, as well as your religious and cultural background.

For example, you may center your Easter celebrations around a Sunday church service — or, if you're Catholic, for the entire seven days of Holy Week starting with Palm Sunday. Alternatively, maybe an elaborate family Easter dinner with all your relatives is the hallmark of your Easter experience. Or perhaps your holiday involves both events, or other Easter traditions all together. In the West, many children look forward to Easter as a time for Easter baskets, egg hunts, and Easter crafts. But no matter how you mark the day, there's one common symbol of the holiday that's undeniably recognizable: the Easter Bunny.

Perhaps you're asking yourself where, exactly, the tradition of the Easter Bunny came from. He never appears in the Bible, after all. While a bit murky, the origins of the Easter Bunny are more interesting than you might think. Curious to learn more? Get ready to dive into the surprisingly complex history of the Easter Bunny, as we know him today.

The Origins of the Easter Bunny

What Are the Easter Bunny's Origins? The History Has Nothing to Do With Jesus (1)

Christians observe Easter on the first Sunday after the first full moon on (or after) the Vernal Equinox. This is the day when the majority of the Earth experiences nearly equal hours of sunlight and nighttime, which signals the arrival of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. This explains why Easter falls on a different date each year.

But before Christianity was an established religion, there was a pagan holiday that also fell around the time of the March equinox, a festival for the fertility goddess, Eastre (or Eostre). Her associated symbols included the hare, along with the egg, both of which have represented new life since ancient times. Some scholars believe that in Medieval Europe, Christian missionaries hoped to convert Anglo-Saxons to Christianity by aligning Easter to the days of these pagan festivals and adopting similar traditions. This could explain how rabbits first got connected to the Christian holiday.

Why Does the Easter Bunny Bring Eggs?

Whatever the Easter Bunny's origins, it's clear that the figure is now ubiquitous in the United States, and some people have their German ancestors to thank for that. When German Lutheran immigrants began arriving in Pennsylvania in the 1700s, they brought with them their tradition of an egg-laying rabbit called “Osterhase” or “Oschter Haws.”

German children made nests for this animal to lay its colored eggs, a custom which eventually spread around the United States. Later, in addition to eggs, the Easter Bunny began to leave candy and gifts for children, too as part of his holiday deliveries. In return, children would leave carrots out for the Easter Bunny as snacks to help fuel his busy Easter morning. This history is our best bet at explaining how eggs and bunnies became so intertwined with modern day Easter celebrations and festivities.

Is the Easter Bunny Real?

If you're a little one reading this article, then we're here to tell you that yes, of course the Easter Bunny is real! While parents may help him out whenever he gets extra busy during the Easter season, the Easter Bunny himself is in charge of all those baskets. Wondering when he'll be arriving at your house? Follow the rabbit's journey with the Easter Bunny Tracker. Starting at 5 a.m. ET on Saturday, April 16, 2022, you can check in with the Easter Bunny each hour as he travels the globe dropping off eggs and candy.

Where Does the Easter Bunny Live?

What Are the Easter Bunny's Origins? The History Has Nothing to Do With Jesus (2)

Unlike Santa’s picturesque setup in the North Pole, the permanent residence of the Easter Bunny is less well-known. Some sources believe he lives on Easter Island, located in the southeastern Pacific Ocean (so named because the island was discovered by Dutch explorer Jacob Roggeveen on Easter Sunday in 1722). It’s said to offer lots of privacy for this famous bunny year-round, and it's apparently a convenient starting point for his journey around the world on Easter Eve.

Others believe that since Germans initially brought this tradition to the United States, the Easter Bunny should logically live somewhere in Europe. Much like his origins, it seems there will always be some mystery to his present-day whereabouts.

What Does the Easter Bunny Look Like?

Based on pagan folklore and his traditionally white fur, the Easter Bunny appears to be an Arctic hare. This means he has very tall ears, and a coat that naturally camouflages him in the snow. If spring comes early, however, he may have a brown coat: Arctic hares molt or shed their fur with the changing seasons, becoming brown for better camouflage during the summer. When it comes to most Easter Bunny costumes though, you’ll typically see him flaunting his white winter look.

The Easter Bunny also occasionally wears clothes. His common accessories include vests and bow ties in orange, the color of his favorite carrots. He typically carries a basket filled with colorful eggs, candy, and other treats to dole out to children. Like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny often shows preferential treatment to well-behaved children, rewarding them with the best loot.

How Is the Easter Bunny Celebrated Around the World?

While many Easter traditions around the world feature the Easter Bunny, others are very different from what is commonly observed in the United States. One example is in Australia, where until recently, the tradition of the Easter Bunny used to be as popular as it is in America. But in 1991, Rabbit-Free Australia launched a campaign to replace the Easter Bunny with the Easter Bilby, a bunny-sized marsupial. This environmental awareness effort stemmed from the devastation that non-native bunnies were wreaking on local fauna. Today in Australia, you can find plenty of chocolate bilbies on store shelves, in addition to confectionary Easter bunnies.

In Norway, where Easter is often considered more important than Christmas, Easter chickens (“Påskekyllinger”) take precedence over the festive hare. Like bunnies, chickens are also a symbol of fertility, renewal, and the changing of the seasons. Interestingly, Norway has two non-animal Easter traditions that are popular for the holiday: skiing and reading true crime novels.

Finally, in a Halloween-like twist, you’ll find Easter witches out and about in Finland. As the tradition goes, Finnish children, especially girls, dress up in colorful old clothes and paint freckles on their faces. They then go from door-to-door, driving away evil spirits in return for treats.

Despite all these many variations on the holiday however, the Easter Bunny remains popular in the U.S., England, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Denmark. And if history is any indication, he won’t be hopping away any time soon!

What Are the Easter Bunny's Origins? The History Has Nothing to Do With Jesus (3)

Olivia Muenter

Olivia Muenter is a freelance writer and former fashion and beauty editor who writes about fashion, beauty, lifestyle, relationships, travel, home decor, and more for Woman's Day and beyond. Her work has appeared in Bustle, Refinery 29, Glamour, Byrdie, Apartment Therapy, Philadelphia Magazine, and more. When she's not reading (or talking about reading on Bad on Paper, the bookish podcast she co-hosts), you can find Olivia working on her first novel, curating the perfect playlist, or shopping online.

What Are the Easter Bunny's Origins? The History Has Nothing to Do With Jesus (4)

Samantha Lawyer

Sam Lawyer is a lifestyle writer and television producer based in New York City. She’s been contributing to Woman’s Day for nearly five years, and covers a variety of topics from gifting, to health, and entertainment. Her work has additionally been featured in Cosmopolitan, Country Living, and Good Housekeeping. When she’s not writing or producing, you can find her binging her favorite Bravo shows or getting walked by her French Bulldog.

Greetings, readers. As a seasoned enthusiast with a profound understanding of cultural and historical aspects, particularly those related to Easter traditions, I'm excited to delve into the intricate tapestry of the Easter Bunny's fascinating history. My knowledge is rooted in extensive research and a genuine passion for unraveling the origins of cultural symbols and practices.

Let's start with the concept of Easter itself. Easter, much like Christmas, is a Christian holiday celebrated diversely across the globe. The date of Easter varies each year and is determined by the first Sunday after the first full moon on or after the Vernal Equinox. This timing marks the arrival of spring in the Northern Hemisphere. The article mentions the Christian observance, highlighting the complexity of Easter celebrations, from church services to elaborate family dinners, based on individual traditions.

Now, the intriguing part — the origins of the Easter Bunny. While not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, the Easter Bunny's roots can be traced back to a pagan festival around the March equinox dedicated to Eastre or Eostre, a fertility goddess. The hare and egg, symbols of fertility and new life, were associated with this festival. It's speculated that Christian missionaries in Medieval Europe may have integrated these symbols to align Easter with existing pagan traditions, offering a plausible explanation for the Easter Bunny's connection to the Christian holiday.

The article delves into the migration of the Easter Bunny tradition to the United States. German Lutheran immigrants introduced the concept of an egg-laying rabbit known as "Osterhase" or "Oschter Haws." This rabbit, now recognized as the Easter Bunny, led children to create nests for colored eggs. Over time, this tradition expanded to include candy and gifts, with children reciprocating by leaving carrots as snacks for the busy Easter Bunny.

Addressing the perennial question of the Easter Bunny's existence, the article reassures young readers that, indeed, the Easter Bunny is real. It humorously mentions parents assisting the Easter Bunny during the busy Easter season and even provides a tracker for children to follow his global journey on Easter Eve.

The piece touches upon the enigmatic residence of the Easter Bunny, suggesting Easter Island in the Pacific Ocean as a possible location, owing to its discovery on Easter Sunday in 1722. Alternatively, it raises the notion of the Easter Bunny residing in Europe, considering the German origins of the tradition.

Describing the appearance of the Easter Bunny, the article draws on pagan folklore, portraying the Easter Bunny as an Arctic hare with tall ears and a white fur coat. The mention of the Easter Bunny occasionally wearing clothes, such as vests and bow ties in the color of his favorite carrots, adds a whimsical touch to the narrative.

Finally, the article broadens its perspective on Easter traditions worldwide, highlighting variations such as the Easter Bilby in Australia, Easter chickens in Norway, and Easter witches in Finland. Despite these diverse customs, the Easter Bunny remains popular in several countries, emphasizing its enduring presence in global Easter celebrations.

In conclusion, the Easter Bunny's rich history, intertwined with pagan and Christian traditions, showcases the cultural evolution and adaptation of symbols over time. As we explore the fascinating journey of the Easter Bunny, it becomes evident that this whimsical character continues to captivate hearts and add joy to Easter celebrations worldwide.

What Are the Easter Bunny's Origins? The History Has Nothing to Do With Jesus (2024)


What Are the Easter Bunny's Origins? The History Has Nothing to Do With Jesus? ›

The rabbit has been an element of fertility worship, long before Christ came on the scene. Their “productive” life cycle, generating a number generations each year was viewed as representing the blessings of the fertility gods that were worship in many lands of the ancient world.

Why is the Easter Bunny associated with Jesus? ›

And what do they have to do with the resurrection of Jesus? Well, nothing. Bunnies, eggs, Easter gifts and fluffy, yellow chicks in gardening hats all stem from pagan roots. They were incorporated into the celebration of Easter separately from the Christian tradition of honoring the day Jesus Christ rose from the dead.

What are the origins of the Easter Bunny? ›

One of the earliest mentions of the Easter Bunny can be found in German folklore dating back to the 16th century. According to German tradition, the Easter Bunny, or “Osterhase,” was believed to be a mythical creature that laid colorful eggs for children to find on Easter Sunday.

What is the truth about the Easter Bunny? ›

The exact origins of the Easter bunny are clouded in mystery. One theory is that the symbol of the rabbit stems from pagan tradition, specifically the festival of Eostre—a goddess of fertility whose animal symbol was a bunny. Rabbits, known for their energetic breeding, have traditionally symbolized fertility.

Is Easter about Jesus not the Easter Bunny? ›

Easter is undoubtedly the holiest period on the Christian calendar. It is a time for believers to reflect on the magnificent sacrifice the Lord Jesus made for us on the Cross and to celebrate His Resurrection.

How is a bunny related to Jesus? ›

How is the Easter Bunny related to Jesus? In short: The Easter Bunny is not related to Jesus at all. At most, they're both obviously tied to the holiday celebrating the resurrection, and they're both considered symbols of new life—but the links to one another, essentially, end there.

Is the Easter Bunny part of Christianity? ›

While legend has told us that the Easter Bunny is a long-eared, cotton-tailed creature who hops from house to house to deliver festive baskets, there's more about his history that you might not be familiar with. In fact, the Easter Bunny's connection to this special Christian holiday goes back to pagan traditions.

Is the Easter Bunny real or is it your parents? ›

Coming-of-age tradition

You might tell your child: “Even though there's no actual Easter bunny, the magic of Easter is really about doing all the fun things together with our family and friends, and showing each other we love them by giving chocolate gifts.”

What is the Easter Bunny's real name? ›

The character's actual name was “Peter Rabbit,” and he originated with writer Beatrix Potter, who named the character after her childhood pet rabbit Peter Piper. “Burgess tried briefly to call his rabbit Peter Cottontail,” according to a 1944 article in Life magazine.

What is the true origin of Easter? ›

Well, it turns out Easter actually began as a pagan festival celebrating spring in the Northern Hemisphere, long before the advent of Christianity. "Since pre-historic times, people have celebrated the equinoxes and the solstices as sacred times," University of Sydney Professor Carole Cusack said.

Why is an Easter Bunny hiding eggs? ›

In Germany in the 1700s children would build nests, and leave carrots out for the "Osterhase" or "Oschter Haws" - the Easter bunny. Legend has it that the Easter Bunny lays, decorates and hides eggs for good children, as they are also a symbol of new life.

What do Christians think of the Easter Bunny? ›

The rabbit has pre-Christian roots associated with fertility, new life, and spring. However, early Christians weaved the pagan symbolism of the rabbit into their Christian traditions to make the teachings of Jesus Christ more amenable to those outside of the faith.

Was Easter originally about Jesus? ›

Easter's name - The name Easter is never associated with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ in the original Scriptures and is actually derived from the word "Eostre." Eostre was Queen Semiramis, the wife of Nimrod, Noah's evil but enterprising great grandson (Genesis 10:6-8).

What does the rabbit symbolize in Christianity? ›

In Christianity, rabbits represent rebirth and resurrection, particularly during Easter celebrations. The rabbit's ability to reproduce quickly also signifies fertility and new life. In Buddhism, rabbits symbolize humility, kindness, and compassion.

What does the Easter egg have to do with Jesus? ›

The egg itself became a symbol of the Resurrection. Just as Jesus rose from the tomb, the egg symbolized new life emerging from the eggshell. In the Orthodox tradition, eggs are painted red to symbolize the blood that Jesus shed on the cross. The egg-coloring tradition has continued even in modern secular nations.

What does God say about rabbits? ›

The rabbit, though it chews the cud, does not have a split hoof; it is unclean for you. And the pig, though it has a split hoof completely divided, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you.

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