What are the important samples in apparel production? (2024)

Samples! Often a confusing concept for those new to the apparel business, and even those with a few years experience.

There are probably about 13 types of samples that are common in apparel manufacturing, but no sane person would insist on a supplier providing all of these. Cost and time aside, it is unlikely many manufacturers have the capacity to sample all 13, so I will identify what I consider the key ones.

Counter samples

A counter sample is simply the first sample a factory makes for a production order.

This sample is to check a factory's sewing quality, ability to interpret technical packages, and their ability to achieve the required garment specifications. If you have physical reference sample, these need to be sent to the factory to assist them.

Before I consider doing business with a potential supplier, I usually insist that they make me two basic counter samples (I call these Pre Counter Samples), of two of my styles, in closest available fabric and color. I do not require any artwork on these samples, nor trims. These samples are simply to check the factories sewing ability, technical package interpretation (especially the correct stitching requirements), and ability to achieve the garment specification.

Again. I will not consider doing business with a factory, unless they supply these samples, free of charge. I will not pay for these samples for two reasons.

Firstly, I consider them a factory business development cost. They are the only way a foreign buyer can determine the quality level a factory is capable of, without physically visiting. And you cannot visit every factory that contacts you.

Secondly, I have received very bad quality samples in the past.

Many factories want to be paid a sampling fee for these basic counter samples, but this I will never do. As mentioned, it is a factory business development cost.

If these samples are good then business is possible.

Once the order is placed, they will need to make counter samples for all styles in the order. The cost of these need to be factored into the FOB price by the factory, otherwise you leave yourself open to additional, unplanned for costs.

These counter samples will be used for first fitting. If their are problems you have two options. Get them remade by the factory, or get them to correct in the next round of sampling, the Pre Production Sample, or simply PPS.

Pre Production Samples

Once a factory has all its bulk fabric and trims in, they need to make Pre Production Samples, or PPS, as they will now be referred to.

These samples need to be a DIRECT REPRESENTATION of bulk, and need to be made prior to bulk fabric being cut. They need to be in the correct fabric, color, with all approved trims and embelishments. I always require 3 PPS. One for the factory's reference, one for me to check and approve, and one for the inspection agency. I require the factory to send my PPS and the PPS for the inspection company to me directly, and then I will check both, and send the inspection company's PPS directly to them. Some buyers do not require 3 PPS. They only require 2. One for the buyer and one for the factory. The inspection company is expected to use the factory's PPS for reference when inspecting, but this opens the door for obvious potential issues.

Again, the costs of these need to be included in the FOB price.

Only once the PPS is approved can a factory start bulk production. Some buyers require a full size set of PPS, to ensure measurements are correct for all styles. I generally do not, and in my experience I have not had any major issues, by not requesting a size set. However, I will require a full size set occasionally, if I am not 100% confident in a factory's ability.

Top Of Production Sample

Top of production samples, which will now be referred to as TOP samples, are pulled from the first finished and packed garments off the production line. They will be compared to PPS to ensure all is correct. These samples can be useful, but if a problem is identified, it is usually too late to do anything about it. By this stage, all panels will likely be cut, and embellishments done. In this case they are basically an early warning of a problem that the inspectors will find, so negotiation with the factory can begin with regard to any problems prior to inspection. This saves some time. If the problem is AQL critical, the style will probably be canceled. If not, a discount will need to be negotiated. Never pay full price to a factory, for even the smallest mistake.

Again, the costs of these need to be included in the FOB price.

Salesman Samples

Prior to placing bulk orders, some buyers require salesman samples, or SMS. These are basically self explanatory. They are used by sales people to sell the garments prior to placing a bulk order. These are obviously useful, as it enables you to have a good idea of your sales, prior to placing your bulk order, to ensure you do not order too much or too little stock. Also, if a style does not sell well, it can be canceled prior to ordering.

These can be treated as a mini production order, as they need to be 100% representative of bulk. The benefit, is that they can also be used as PPS, which cuts down the bulk production time.

As to the cost of these, 150 % FOB price is what you should pay for them.


This is just a basic introduction to the most important samples. For any clarity, or questions, please feel free to contact me on michael@offshoreapparel.net

Hope this was helpful.

What are the important samples in apparel production? (2024)


What are the different types of samples in garment industry? ›

Objectives of Every Sample
Sr. No.Type of SampleObjective
1Proto SampleTo check the design and style of the garment.
2Fit sampleTo check the fit of the garment.
3Sales man sampleTo showcase in various showrooms to get the order.
4GPT sampleTo check the performance of the garment to various physical and chemical tests.
5 more rows
Mar 12, 2019

What is top of production sample in garment industry? ›

TOP (Top of production) sample

After the approval of the PP sample, which signals the start of production, the Quality Control inspector representing a brand can visit the factory at any time and pick a garment from the production line for inspection.

What is a production sample in fashion? ›

Production Sample

This is the final approved version of a style produced by whoever is doing production. Often a production test run is done and the output is gauged for quality. The samples are ideally used for marketing, promotion, pre-sales and perhaps trunk sales.

What are production samples? ›

Samples are used by clothing companies and manufacturers to give them an insight into the costs of production, the complexity of production, and production time for the finished product. A pre-production sample can be done in-house or outsourced to a clothing factory.

What are the 4 types of samples? ›

There are four main types of probability sample.
  • Simple random sampling. In a simple random sample, every member of the population has an equal chance of being selected. ...
  • Systematic sampling. ...
  • Stratified sampling. ...
  • Cluster sampling.
Sep 19, 2019

What are types of samples? ›

There are five types of sampling: Random, Systematic, Convenience, Cluster, and Stratified.

What is top sample in fashion? ›

The PPS or TOP is the final, approved sample created that will be used as a reference when you are prepared to begin manufacturing. Since this is the final sample, it is important to assure all of the correct fabric, trims, and measurements are accurate.

What is a PP sample? ›

PP Sample is the short name of the Pre-production sample. A pre-production sample is one type of development sample. PP sample is made in garment factories prior to starting bulk production. PP sample is made with actual fabric, trims and accessories of the style.

What is random sampling in apparel industry? ›

Random sample: The sample which is randomly picked from the population is known as random sample. In this type of sample every individual in the population has an equal chance of being included in it. It is free from bias, therefore truly representative of the population.

How many types of samples are there? ›

There are two main types of sampling: probability sampling and non-probability sampling. The main difference between the two types of sampling is how the sample is selected from the population.

What are first fashion samples? ›

The fit sample (or the first sample) is made from the final fabric you intend to use, so the hang of the garment isn't inaccurately represented. Designers use the fit sample to test their design's concept. It allows them to get the fabrication and fit closer to what they intended it to be.

What is top of production sample? ›

Top of Production (TOP) samples are the first items off the production line that are checked for quality control. The reason for sampling at this late stage is to ensure that large-scale, mass production is setup in line with the original product vision and specifications.

Why is sampling important in production? ›

Instead of waiting until production is in full-swing, the sampling process allows you to catch discrepancies or failures to meet your specification standards early-on in the process. This can prevent a large number of wasted resources, including both time and money.

What is a clothing sample called? ›

A small sample, usually taken from existing fabric, is called a swatch, whilst a larger sample, made as a trial to test print production methods, is called a strike off. For plain-dyed fabrics it is called a lab-dip, and for yarn-dyed fabrics (like stripes and checks), it is called a handloom.

Why is product samples important? ›

It is extremely beneficial to offer product samples to potential customers, as this increases exposure and also allows the customers to get a taste of your product and leave them wanting more. It also allows consumers to leave feeling confident and exhilarated about their purchase.

What is the most common type of sampling? ›

Specifically, cluster sampling was the most used probability sampling method, and convenience sampling was the most used non-probability sampling method.

What is the best type of sample? ›

Simple random sampling: One of the best probability sampling techniques that helps in saving time and resources is the Simple Random Sampling method. It is a reliable method of obtaining information where every single member of a population is chosen randomly, merely by chance.

What are the three major types of sampling design? ›

Methods of sampling from a population
  • Simple random sampling. In this case each individual is chosen entirely by chance and each member of the population has an equal chance, or probability, of being selected. ...
  • Systematic sampling. ...
  • Stratified sampling. ...
  • Clustered sampling.

What are the 4 sampling strategies? ›

Four main methods include: 1) simple random, 2) stratified random, 3) cluster, and 4) systematic. Non-probability sampling – the elements that make up the sample, are selected by nonrandom methods. This type of sampling is less likely than probability sampling to produce representative samples.

What are the 4 types of random sampling? ›

There are four primary, random (probability) sampling methods – simple random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, and cluster sampling.

What are the main elements of sampling? ›

In other words, the sampling process involves three main elements – selecting the sample, collecting the information, and also making inferences about the population.

What are the sample stages? ›

The Sample stage is a Development/Debug stage that samples an input data set. It can have a single input link and any number of output links when operationg in percent mode, or a single input and single output link when operating in period mode.

What are samples of prints called? ›

A strike off is a sample of fabric that has been printed to your requirements, so that you can check to see if you're happy with it before agreeing for the full order to be printed.

What is red tag sample? ›

A sample with a red tag is an identification of a sample that buyer had approved and sealed that particular sample for production. A sealed sample means approved garment construction, approved trims attached to the garment. Receiving a Red tag sample from buyer is the approval for production go-ahead to the factory.

What are the types of sample collection? ›

Most often, all that is required is a blood sample. However, samples of urine, saliva, sputum, feces, sem*n, and other bodily fluids and tissues also can be tested. For some samples, they can be obtained as the body naturally eliminates them.

What are the 8 types of waste in garments? ›

An often used acronym for the 8 wastes of lean manufacturing is DOWNTIME which stands for: Defects, Overproduction, Waiting, Not utilising talent, Transportation, Inventory excess, Motion waste, Excess processing.

How many types of sampling are there? ›

There are two main types of sampling: probability sampling and non-probability sampling. The main difference between the two types of sampling is how the sample is selected from the population.

How many classifications of samples are there? ›

Probability Sampling methods are further classified into different types, such as simple random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified sampling, and clustered sampling.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

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