What are your goals?- HR Interview Questions and Answers (2024)


839 posts Page 1 of 84.

Priya Singh said: 2 weeks ago

My short-term goal is to become financially independent.

My long-term goal is to achieve a good position where I can build my career and help the organization too.


Ashu said: 3 weeks ago

My short-term goal is I want to get a job to my satisfaction.

My long-term is I want to fullfil my dad's goal.


Devashish Kute said: 4 weeks ago

My short-term goal is to get a job in your company so that I can explore my skills.

My long-term goal is to take on managerial responsibilities. I want to become a leader of several teams working on different projects simultaneously. I want to achieve a senior position in your company where I can build my career and help my organization too.


SINGARI said: 1 month ago

My short-term goal is to join a well reputed company.

The long-term goal is a good position in that company.


Shreyashi chatterjee said: 1 month ago

Goal helps us to set a target according to a situation and time frame.
My present or short-term goal is to get a good job in a reputed company.
My ultimate goal in life is to become an officer by clearing the BPSC exam or regulatory body exam.


Naveen Kumar said: 1 month ago

My short-term goal is to get a job in a well-reputed company like yours and grab the opportunity to learn more skills.

My long-term Goal is to join the Indian army as an officer by clearing CDS and have the opportunity to serve my country.


Sravs said: 2 months ago

My short-term goal is to get a job in a reputed company.

My long-term goal is to achieve a good position like yours where I can build my career and help the organization too.


Tanuja Thube said: 3 months ago

My goal is to get placed in a company that will allow me to enhance my skills and experience and achieve a good position in that company.


Prasanna said: 4 months ago

My short-term goal is to become financially independent.

And My long-term goal is to achieve a good position where I can build my career and help to organization too.


Vijayalakshmi s said: 4 months ago

My short-term goal is to get a job.

My long-term goal is to join in IT sector.


Post your answer here:

I am an experienced professional with a deep understanding of career development, goal setting, and strategic planning. Throughout my extensive career, I have worked in various industries, honing my skills in human resources, talent management, and organizational development. My expertise extends beyond theory, as I have actively contributed to the success of individuals and organizations alike.

Examining the provided post, it is evident that the contributors are sharing their short-term and long-term career goals. The language used indicates a common theme of aspiring to join reputable companies, secure fulfilling jobs, and ultimately attain influential positions in their respective fields. The goals mentioned range from achieving financial independence to serving the country as an officer in the Indian Army.

Let's break down the concepts used in the post:

  1. Short-term Goals: These are immediate objectives individuals aim to achieve in the near future. Examples include getting a job, joining a well-reputed company, or becoming financially independent.

  2. Long-term Goals: These are broader aspirations individuals strive for over an extended period. Long-term goals often involve career progression, achieving leadership positions, or joining a specific sector like IT.

  3. Career Building: Many contributors express a desire to build their careers, indicating a focus on professional growth, skill development, and upward mobility within an organization.

  4. Contribution to Organizations: Several individuals express a commitment to helping their organizations. This demonstrates an understanding of the reciprocal relationship between personal success and organizational success.

  5. Specific Career Paths: Some contributors mention specific career paths, such as joining the Indian Army, pursuing roles in IT, or aiming for leadership positions. This reflects a targeted approach to achieving their long-term goals.

  6. Educational and Exam-related Goals: Some contributors reference exams like the BPSC exam, regulatory body exam, or CDS (Combined Defence Services) exam, indicating a commitment to educational and professional qualifications.

  7. Time Frame: The concept of setting goals within a specific time frame is highlighted. Contributors recognize the importance of aligning their objectives with a realistic timeline.

  8. Motivation and Purpose: The underlying theme is that goals provide a sense of purpose and motivation. They serve as guiding principles for individuals in making career decisions and navigating their professional journeys.

In summary, the contributors in the provided post showcase a diverse range of goals, reflecting a mix of personal and professional aspirations. The common thread among them is the recognition of the importance of goal-setting in shaping their careers and achieving success.

What are your goals?- HR Interview Questions and Answers (2024)
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Name: Frankie Dare

Birthday: 2000-01-27

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.