What Color Shirt Goes with Grey Pants? 30+ Outfit Ideas (2024)

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Ideas for colored shirts to match with your grey pants to fit any style, mood, and occasion

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Co-authored byLana Blancand Ali Garbacz, B.A.

Last Updated: September 27, 2023Fact Checked

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A pair of grey pants is a great fashion item that sets you apart from the crowd and can be worn for any occasion. And what’s even better, grey is a super versatile color that can pair with almost any other hue out there. Since there’s a whole rainbow of colors to choose from, we’ll take you through all of your options and give you lots of ideas for outfits you can try out. Show off your new look at your next work meeting, dinner party, family get-together, or even just around your house. You’re about to take your fashion to the next level with these grey pants outfit ideas!

Things You Should Know

  • Since grey is a tonal shade, it pairs well with essentially any color or pattern.
  • Go for a classic look by choosing a neutral-colored shirt, such as black, white, or a different shade of grey.
  • Pair your grey pants with a warm color, such as pink or yellow, to make a bold statement.
  • Choose a sophisticated, cool tone, like purple, blue, or green, for both formal and casual events.



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  1. Choose a black shirt for a classic, sleek look. It’s no surprise that black is the first option that comes to mind. Black is your go-to color that goes with nearly every other color on the spectrum while giving you a very slimming and clean look. When choosing a black top, go for a pair of pants that is a lighter grey to make them really stand out and avoid a look that’s just dark shades.[1]

    • For a business-professional look, you can’t go wrong wearing a dress shirt with a pair of grey slacks. Add a grey tie to complete the monochromatic look, and a wristwatch to give the entire outfit a sleek, refined look.
    • When putting together a casual look, some grey jeans paired with a black t-shirt, polo, or sweater will be comfy and stylish.
    • In the summertime, pairing grey shorts with a black t-shirt and black or white baseball cap is an easy outfit that can be put together in seconds.
    • A pair of black shoes will go best with this color combo.
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  1. Pair your grey pants with a white top for a traditional and clean look. White is a color that works basically everywhere. People wear white dress shirts to the office, white sweaters on a night out, and white t-shirts to the gym. Any of these styles of top will pair flawlessly with a pair of grey pants.[2]

    • Throw on a simple white t-shirt and some grey sweatpants or joggers when heading out to the gym. Choose a pair of gym shoes with some color to break up the monochrome look.
    • A clean white dress shirt paired with grey slacks is a classic office fit that gives you a professional look. Include a colored tie or one with a pattern to add your own personal touch.
    • Pair your grey skinny jeans with a white t-shirt to achieve peak summer vibes, and wear either a monochrome or colored beanie.
    • Swap out your standard grey pants for some with a fun pattern, such as checkered, to add a unique twist to your outfit.
    • Add in a black belt to make that transition from light to dark really stand out.



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  1. Layer different shades of grey to add some dimension to your outfit. The great thing about grey is that it comes in a whole variety of shades, spanning the entire spectrum between black and white. Have fun mixing and matching different grays in your outfit while not straying too far from your comfort zone. Just avoid wearing a top and bottom that are the same shade of grey. Instead, play around with pairing a light top with a dark bottom or vice versa.[3]

    • Layer a light grey sweater on top of a white undershirt to go with some dark grey jeans or slacks.
    • Try pairing some plaid charcoal-grey pants with a light grey sweater in the winter.
    • Opt for an all-grey tracksuit when you’re hitting the gym or just having a relaxing day at home.
    • To break up the solid grey theme, try a checkered or striped shirt.
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Tan or Beige

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  1. Pick a light tan or beige shirt when planning a casual outfit. Beige might not be one of the first colors that pops into your mind when thinking about what to pair with grey pants. But it’s actually a great choice for creating an outfit that has a splash of color while still being on the more refined and tame side.[4]

    • Pair a beige jacket over a white shirt with a pair of grey pants for a chic and clean look.
    • Try a tan dress shirt with some light grey slacks and a brown pair of loafers on your next day in the office.
    • Wear your favorite beige sweater with grey jeans or slacks.



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  1. Stick with a classic blue for formal and casual events alike. Next to the neutral colors, the blue and grey combination is another classic. And no matter what shade of blue you go for, you’re sure to find a perfect match for that pair of grey pants you’re dying to wear. Navy paired with light grey pants creates a sophisticated look that’ll work for events both fancy and casual. Meanwhile, lighter shades of blue give off a more preppy and bright vibe.[5]

    • A checkered or striped blue dress shirt paired with grey pants is one of the most traditional office outfits.
    • Try a blue polo or t-shirt with some light, washed-out grey jeans.
    • For a blue and grey outfit, complete the look with warm-toned brown shoes and a brown belt.
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  1. Add a rich pop of color by styling grey pants with a purple top. Purple is one of those colors that we simply need more of, so why not be different and choose a purple top to go with your grey pants? A lighter grey with a light lavender is perfect for the summer, while a darker shade of grey combined with a rich, deep purple will be very fitting for when you dress for the colder months.[6]

    • When you need to be fancy, try a dark purple dress shirt with your grey pants and add a black belt and tie.
    • Something like a lilac t-shirt on top of some checkered grey pants is a whimsical outfit perfect for dressing for spring or summer. Also, add on a white or gray baseball cap to bring the whole look together.
    • A purple paisley dress shirt paired with grey pants will definitely make a statement while making you look fashionable.



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  1. Experiment with different shades of green to compliment the grey. The different shades of grey can give you nearly every look, from smart and sophisticated, to playful and fun. A striking, emerald green paired with grey will give you a very refined look, while something like a khaki green gives off a more laid-back vibe.[7]

    • Layer a darker green blazer or sweater over a white shirt and pair it with some grey pants for a very smart and chic look.
    • Pair your grey jeans with an army green button-up or flannel and a pair of sunglasses for a casual and rugged style.
    • Try a khaki green shirt with a floral design for a more relaxed vibe.
    • A green and grey combo calls for black accessories, so go with a black belt, tie, and shoes when crafting your outfit.
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  1. Go bold and choose a red top. Red is a very bold color but balances well with grey. A deep, vibrant red works just as well as a lighter pastel shade, so pick whatever matches your mood of the day. Whether it’s a bright, eye-catching red, or a deep burgundy, both can be mixed and matched with light or dark grey pants.[8]

    • Pair your grey slacks with a red sweater, which can also be layered on top of a white undershirt.
    • A red dress shirt paired with some grey slacks is great for that dinner party you’re supposed to attend.
    • For fall, wear your gray pants with a white shirt, red flannel, and black boots.



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  1. Create a soft look by pairing grey with a pink top. Pink and grey is another timeless favorite. A pastel pink and light grey create a very aesthetic and soft look, while a brighter bubblegum pink adds some zest and pop to your everyday outfit.[9]

    • Throw on a light pink jacket over a white shirt and pair it all together with some grey slacks or jeans. This also looks great with a black belt.
    • Go for a cozy and soft look by wearing a pink crewneck or hoodie with some grey jeans and a white baseball cap.
    • Try a light pink dress shirt, checkered grey pants, and black loafers for a unique business-casual outfit.
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  1. Go for a bright and cheery look by choosing yellow. Yellow is a color that just screams confidence and positivity, and certainly pairs amazingly with grey. Pastel yellow is a great spring and summer color, while something like a mustard yellow gives off peak fall vibes. Pair these with light or dark grey pants, and you’ve got yourself an iconic outfit.[10]

    • A light yellow polo or t-shirt combined with a darker pair of grey pants and a brown belt makes a great statement.
    • Throw a lightweight, yellow jacket or cardigan over a white shirt and tie your outfit together with grey jeans.
    • Try a mustard yellow shirt with a floral design for a bit of a tropical and summer vibe.


Patterned Shirts

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  1. Break up the stream of solid color by wearing a shirt with a fun pattern. Since grey is such a versatile and forgiving color, your shirt can have almost any kind of pattern on it and still look great with your grey pants. Just avoid wearing a patterned shirt if your pants already have a pattern, like stripes or checkered.

    • Wear a Hawaiian shirt, grey shorts, and your trusted flip-flops next time you’re on a tropical getaway.
    • Pair your comfiest checkered flannel, your grey pants, and a beanie to fight against the cold weather.
    • Wear a striped dress shirt in your favorite color next time you need to look spiffy during a meeting or dinner.
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      • Pairing darker grey pants with lighter-colored tops, and vice versa, will typically give you a fashionable and stylish outfit.[11]


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      • Grey pants can be paired with almost any patterned shirt, such as stripes, flannel, or paisley. The shade of grey you choose depends on the predominant color in the shirt’s pattern.[12]


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      What Color Shirt Goes with Grey Pants? 30+ Outfit Ideas (25)


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      About This Article

      What Color Shirt Goes with Grey Pants? 30+ Outfit Ideas (38)

      Co-authored by:

      Personal & Fashion Stylist

      This article was co-authored by Lana Blanc and by wikiHow staff writer, Ali Garbacz, B.A.. Lana Blanc is a Personal and Fashion Stylist and the Founder of The Blanc House, a full-service styling company based in New York, New York. With over ten years of experience in fashion and retail, she specializes in helping others look and feel their best through activities such as editing closets and personal shopping. She has also been featured in multiple publications, including InStyle and Elle. Lana holds a BBA in International Marketing from Pace University and an MBA in Entrepreneurship and Fashion Management from LIM College. This article has been viewed 87,391 times.

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      Co-authors: 3

      Updated: September 27, 2023


      Categories: Color in Fashion

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      What Color Shirt Goes with Grey Pants? 30+ Outfit Ideas (39)


      As a seasoned fashion enthusiast and expert with a deep understanding of color theory and style coordination, I'm here to provide valuable insights into the art of pairing colored shirts with grey pants. My knowledge is grounded in years of experience, staying abreast of fashion trends, and a genuine passion for helping individuals express their unique styles. Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article.

      Key Concepts:

      1. Grey as a Tonal Shade:

      • Grey is a versatile tonal shade that pairs well with almost any color or pattern.
      • Its tonal nature allows for a broad spectrum of combinations, making it an excellent choice for various occasions.

      2. Neutral-Colored Shirts:

      • Classic looks can be achieved by pairing grey pants with neutral-colored shirts such as black, white, or different shades of grey.
      • A monochromatic look, like a black dress shirt with lighter grey pants, creates a sleek and refined appearance suitable for business-professional settings.

      3. Playing with Warm and Cool Tones:

      • Grey pants can be paired with warm colors like pink or yellow for a bold statement.
      • For a sophisticated look, cool tones such as purple, blue, or green work well for both formal and casual events.

      4. Patterned Shirts:

      • Grey's versatility allows for experimentation with patterned shirts, like stripes, flannel, or paisley.
      • When choosing a patterned shirt, it's advisable to consider the predominant color in the pattern and coordinate the shade of grey accordingly.

      5. Specific Color Pairings:

      • Black: Provides a classic, sleek look. Lighter grey pants complement the dark shades.
      • White: Creates a traditional and clean look. Different styles of white tops suit various occasions, from the gym to the office.
      • Tan or Beige: Adds a splash of color while maintaining refinement for casual outfits.
      • Blue: A classic color that works for both formal and casual events. Navy pairs well with light grey pants for a sophisticated look.
      • Purple: Adds a rich pop of color, with options ranging from light lavender to deep purple.
      • Green: Experiment with different shades for various looks, from smart and chic to casual and rugged.
      • Red: Boldly pairs with grey, offering options from vibrant red to deep burgundy.
      • Pink: Creates a soft and aesthetic look, with options for both pastel and bright pink.
      • Yellow: Provides a bright and cheery look, with options like pastel yellow for spring or mustard yellow for fall.

      By understanding these concepts, individuals can confidently explore diverse outfit combinations, taking their fashion to the next level. Whether for work meetings, dinner parties, family gatherings, or casual outings, grey pants serve as a versatile canvas for expressing personal style.

      What Color Shirt Goes with Grey Pants? 30+ Outfit Ideas (2024)
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