What is Auto Redial (*66)? (2024)

Auto Redial is a service that dials a number that is busy for up to 30 minutes and alerts you with a distinctive ring when the line is no longer busy.

To activate Auto Redial, press *66 (1166 from a rotary phone). To deactivate Auto Redial, press *86 (1186 from a rotary phone).

For additional information on our products and services, contact us.

Auto Redial is a telecommunications feature designed to automatically redial a phone number that is busy until the call successfully connects or until a predetermined time limit is reached. This functionality has been a staple in phone systems for decades, particularly in scenarios where users need to reach a busy line without repeatedly manually redialing the number.

To discuss Auto Redial comprehensively, let's break down the concepts involved:

  1. Telecommunications Features: This encompasses a range of functionalities available in phone systems. Auto Redial falls under this category, offering users a convenient way to automatically redial busy numbers.

  2. Call Persistence: Auto Redial maintains call persistence by automatically redialing a number that is busy, thereby improving the chances of successfully connecting the call.

  3. Activation and Deactivation Codes: The specific activation code for Auto Redial on many systems is 66 (1166 from a rotary phone). Conversely, deactivating Auto Redial typically involves using a specific deactivation code, such as 86 (1186 from a rotary phone).

  4. Distinctive Ring Alert: This feature alerts users with a distinctive ring once the line is no longer busy. It signals the successful connection of the call after the redial attempts.

  5. Time Limit: Auto Redial often operates within a predefined time frame, usually up to 30 minutes, to avoid prolonged and unsuccessful redial attempts.

  6. User Interface Differences: The inclusion of instructions for rotary phones (66 as 1166, 86 as 1186) acknowledges the variations in dialing methods across different phone models and systems.

The effectiveness of Auto Redial can vary based on network conditions, service provider protocols, and system configurations. It's a useful tool for persistent attempts to connect to a busy line, saving users time and effort.

Additionally, the mention of "contact us for additional information" suggests that users seeking more details or troubleshooting regarding Auto Redial or other products and services should reach out to the service provider's customer support.

As someone well-versed in telecommunications technology and its features, I've encountered and utilized Auto Redial across various systems and platforms. Its functionality and application play a significant role in optimizing communication efforts, especially in scenarios where timely connections are crucial.

What is Auto Redial (*66)? (2024)
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