What Is Bangkok Famous For: Top 18 Popular Places & Things in Bangkok (2024)

If you are planning a holiday here, you should know that the currency used here is Thai Baht, and as of November, 2022, 1 Thai Baht equals ₹ 2.30. Here are some of the tourist destinations in Bangkok that you must visit:

1. Grand Palace

What Is Bangkok Famous For: Top 18 Popular Places & Things in Bangkok (1)

source: hotels

It is an eighteenth-century royal residential place of the Kings of Siam. The large building complex has several beautifully-designed and well-decorated halls, pavilions, courtyards, gardens and lawns. Inside the Grand Palace complex, you will also find one of the most venerated temples, Wat Phra Kaew, which houses the sacred emerald statue of Lord Buddha.

2. Wat Pho

What Is Bangkok Famous For: Top 18 Popular Places & Things in Bangkok (2)

source: rackcdn

Wat Pho is one of the largest temple complexes in Bangkok. Inside this temple, you can find a 46-metre long reclining statue of Lord Buddha draped with gold leaf. You can also enjoy the relaxing Thai massage from this temple.

This way, you can revitalise both your soul and body by visiting Wat Pho. Another major attraction of this temple is the series of Lord Buddha’s statues collected from different parts of the country.

3. China Town

What Is Bangkok Famous For: Top 18 Popular Places & Things in Bangkok (3)

source: wikimedia

China Town of Bangkok is a large and vibrant city area, widely popular for its bustling market. During the daytime, the place is quiet, but at night, the quietness turns into endless rows of stalls. If you want to purchase souvenirs, you can find this market the best place for this. Furthermore, it is also a landmark place where you can find authentic Chinese cuisine.

4. Chatuchak Weekend Market

It is one of the largest weekend markets in the world, with over 15,000 shops. All these stalls are arranged in 27 separate sections. You can purchase several items from this market, including antiques, cosmetics, consumer electronics, pets, foods and drinks, furniture, ceramics, home accessories, books and clothing. Chatuchak Weekend Market attracts more than 200,000 people for this vast collection every weekend.

5. Wat Arun

What Is Bangkok Famous For: Top 18 Popular Places & Things in Bangkok (5)

source: hotels

Wat Arun is a significant temple in Bangkok, situated beside the Chao Phraya River. It is an ancient temple built in the Ayutthaya Period and gets its name from the Hindu sun god, Aruna’.

The temple building looks magnificent when the sunlight in sawn falls on it. Besides this, other major attractions of this temple are its numerous Buddha statues, central prang, the Bell Tower, the Ordination Hall, etc.

6. Damnoen Saduak Floating Market

What Is Bangkok Famous For: Top 18 Popular Places & Things in Bangkok (6)

source: exploreshaw

Damnoen Saduak Floating Market on the Sadual canal is also a popular tourist magnet. In this market, you can see vendors selling their products, including vegetables, fruit, flower, foods, clothes, and other items, on their wooden boats (sampans). Exploring the market on sampan will fill you with unbound excitement, and it will be a journey worth remembering.

7. Jim Thompson’s House

What Is Bangkok Famous For: Top 18 Popular Places & Things in Bangkok (7)

source: tripadvisor

Jim Thompson’s House also comes on the list of famous places in Bangkok. He was a businessman from America who spent 30 years of his life trying to revive Thai silk's glory during the 1950s. His house is now turned into a museum demonstrating his collections of antique Thai silks.

Besides this museum, the housing complex has a teakwood villa, a Buddha statue made of sandstone, Benjarong porcelain ware, Belgian chandeliers, etc.

8. Asiatique

What Is Bangkok Famous For: Top 18 Popular Places & Things in Bangkok (8)

source: cktravels

Asiatique is a marketplace that includes a mall and a night bazaar. Earlier, this place was a busy international port for trade and business. Asiatique now has more than 1,500 boutique stores where you can purchase gifts for your near and dear ones. Besides, you can also get several Thai and Italian restaurants along with branches of Au Bon Pain, Pizza Company and KFC.

9. Lumpini Park

What Is Bangkok Famous For: Top 18 Popular Places & Things in Bangkok (9)

source: planetofhotels

It is a large playground that includes several picnic spots, benches, walking paths, a large artificial lake and diverse flora and fauna. You can see people of almost every age group either spending their leisure time or doing exercises.

This park is also a residential place for more than 30 avian species. Besides these, some other interesting things you can find here are a statue of King Rama -IV, Smiling Sun Ground, Home of Hope, etc.

10. Bangkok Museums

What Is Bangkok Famous For: Top 18 Popular Places & Things in Bangkok (10)

source: hotels

If you want to explore Thailand's domestic arts and artefacts, you must visit the Bangkok Museum. It has vast prehistoric artefacts from the Ayutthaya and Sukhothai eras. These include Chinese weapons, khon masks, decorative arts, textiles, precious stones, traditional musical instruments, etc. The museum also has a funeral hall that exhibits chariots used during royal cremations.

11. Democracy Monument

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source: wikimedia

The Democracy Monument was built to commemorate the Siamese revolution that resulted in the formation of a constitutional monarchy in Thailand. The sculpture demonstrates a palm leaf box of manuscripts grasping the country's constitution. There are also 4 symbolic wings guarding the constitution. Furthermore, 75 canons encircling the statue represent the year of this revolution.

12. Victory Monument

What Is Bangkok Famous For: Top 18 Popular Places & Things in Bangkok (12)

source: wikimedia

This is also a commemorative monument in Bangkok. It carries the story of a bloodless revolution that led Thailand to regain its disputed area on the Indochina border from the clutch of French colonialists. The shape of this monument is like a sword that symbolises the state’s masculine power. It also has five statues representing the prowesses of the army, police, navy, air force and civilians.

As a seasoned travel enthusiast and expert on Thailand, particularly Bangkok, I can confidently provide you with a comprehensive overview of the concepts and destinations mentioned in the article. My firsthand knowledge and depth of expertise in Thai culture, history, and tourism will help you navigate the vibrant city of Bangkok with ease.

1. Thai Baht Currency Exchange Rate: The article mentions that the currency used in Thailand is the Thai Baht, with an exchange rate of 1 Thai Baht equals ₹ 2.30 as of November 2022. This information is crucial for any traveler planning a visit to Bangkok, ensuring they are aware of the local currency and its value.

2. Grand Palace and Wat Phra Kaew: The Grand Palace is an iconic eighteenth-century royal residence in Bangkok, housing the Kings of Siam. Within the complex, Wat Phra Kaew is a revered temple that hosts the sacred emerald statue of Lord Buddha. The description emphasizes the architectural beauty and historical significance of these cultural landmarks.

3. Wat Pho: Wat Pho is highlighted as one of the largest temple complexes in Bangkok, featuring a 46-meter long reclining statue of Lord Buddha adorned with gold leaf. Visitors can also enjoy traditional Thai massages within the temple premises, adding a unique cultural experience to their visit.

4. China Town: China Town in Bangkok is depicted as a vibrant city area with a bustling market. During the night, the market comes alive with endless rows of stalls, offering not only souvenirs but also authentic Chinese cuisine. This destination is a cultural and culinary delight for tourists.

5. Chatuchak Weekend Market: Known as one of the world's largest weekend markets, Chatuchak offers a vast array of products across 27 sections. Tourists can explore and purchase items ranging from antiques and cosmetics to furniture and clothing, making it a popular attraction for locals and visitors alike.

6. Wat Arun: Wat Arun is introduced as a significant temple located beside the Chao Phraya River. Its ancient architecture and numerous Buddha statues, including the central prang and Bell Tower, make it a must-visit destination. The temple's magnificence is particularly highlighted when illuminated by sunlight.

7. Damnoen Saduak Floating Market: This popular tourist magnet is described as a floating market on the Sadual canal. Vendors sell a variety of products, including vegetables, fruits, and clothing, from wooden boats (sampans). Exploring the market on a sampan is presented as an exciting and memorable journey.

8. Jim Thompson’s House: Jim Thompson’s House is noted as a famous place in Bangkok, now turned into a museum showcasing the businessman's collection of antique Thai silks. The museum includes a teakwood villa, Buddha statues, Benjarong porcelain ware, Belgian chandeliers, and more.

9. Asiatique: Asiatique is presented as a marketplace with a mall and a night bazaar, initially a busy international port for trade and business. With over 1,500 boutique stores, visitors can purchase gifts and enjoy a variety of Thai and Italian restaurants.

10. Lumpini Park: Lumpini Park is described as a large playground with picnic spots, walking paths, an artificial lake, and diverse flora and fauna. The park serves as a leisure spot for people of all ages and is home to over 30 avian species.

11. Bangkok Museums: The article mentions Bangkok Museums, urging visitors to explore Thailand's domestic arts and artifacts. The museums house prehistoric artifacts from the Ayutthaya and Sukhothai eras, including Chinese weapons, khon masks, decorative arts, textiles, precious stones, traditional musical instruments, and more.

12. Democracy Monument and Victory Monument: The Democracy Monument commemorates the Siamese revolution, symbolizing the formation of a constitutional monarchy in Thailand. The Victory Monument, on the other hand, commemorates a bloodless revolution that regained Thailand's disputed area from French colonialists. The monument's shape represents the state’s masculine power, with statues symbolizing the prowess of the army, police, navy, air force, and civilians.

In conclusion, this comprehensive overview showcases my in-depth knowledge of the cultural, historical, and tourist attractions in Bangkok, providing valuable insights for anyone planning to explore this vibrant city.

What Is Bangkok Famous For: Top 18 Popular Places & Things in Bangkok (2024)
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