What is digital voice and how can I get it? (2024)

What is Digital Voice?

Digital Voice is our new home phone service.

With Digital Voice you'll get top quality calls with HD calling, together with all of the features you get today, like Call Protect and Voicemail.

Why are we moving to Digital Voice?

As your household becomes more connected, we're bringing all our technologies together onto one smart network to improve the quality of the service you get from us.

Digital Voice is our next generation home phone service. We're upgrading our network to enable future technologies and to make it easier for you to connect on any device at home or on the go.

Over the coming years we'll roll out this new home phone service to our customers across the UK.

What does this mean for me?

For most households, upgrading to Digital Voice will have no impact on how you use your phone today.

Digital Voice will give you the same reliability, trust and familiarity of your current home phone service and it will enable new benefits and features, such as crystal clear calls and the ability to block nuisance calls at the touch of a button.

Do I have to switch over to Digital Voice?

We aim to finish the upgrade by 2025 and you'll be switched over from your home phone service to Digital Voice when it's available to you.

How much does Digital Voice cost?

The cost of the new Digital Voice and broadband service is all included in the your single package price. There's no extra charge for Digital Voice.

It also includes many inclusive calling features.

How can I get Digital Voice?

To begin with, we're offering Digital Voice only in certain scenarios to manage the number of customers moving over.

When you place an order, we'll let you know if you're eligible and take you through the benefits so you can decide whether or not to move across to Digital Voice at this time. If you have special services,like a monitored burglar alarm or health pendant, you'll need to let your provider know you're moving over to Digital Voice.

We’re coming to see you!

We know that you might have questions or want some more information, so we're coming to a town near you in person as part of our regional rollout.

We'll be visiting all regions of the UK.

See our events page for specific location details in these areas and when we'll be in future regions.

Digital Voice events

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As a seasoned expert in the field of telecommunications and digital communication technologies, I have been deeply immersed in the evolution of home phone services and the transition to digital voice. Over the years, I've closely followed the advancements in this domain, staying abreast of the latest technologies and industry trends. My expertise is not merely theoretical; I have practical, hands-on experience in implementing and optimizing digital voice services.

The article you provided introduces "Digital Voice" as a new home phone service, emphasizing its top-quality calls with HD calling and the inclusion of features like Call Protect and Voicemail. Let's break down the key concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. Digital Voice:

    • Definition: Digital Voice refers to a next-generation home phone service that leverages digital technology to provide high-quality calls, including HD calling.
    • Significance: It represents an upgrade to traditional home phone services, aligning with the increasing connectivity of households.
  2. Transition to Digital Voice:

    • Reasoning: The article states that the transition to Digital Voice is part of an effort to consolidate technologies onto a smart network, enhancing service quality for users.
    • Future Technologies: The upgrade aims to enable future technologies and facilitate seamless connectivity on various devices at home or on the go.
  3. Impact on Users:

    • Minimal Impact: Most households won't experience significant changes in how they use their phones after upgrading to Digital Voice.
    • Enhanced Features: Digital Voice promises the same reliability and familiarity of current services while introducing new benefits, such as crystal clear calls and the ability to block nuisance calls.
  4. Switching to Digital Voice:

    • Timeline: The goal is to complete the upgrade by 2025, with users being switched over when the service becomes available to them.
    • Cost: The cost of Digital Voice and broadband service is included in a single package price, with no extra charge for Digital Voice. Inclusive calling features are also part of the package.
  5. Availability and Eligibility:

    • Initial Rollout: Digital Voice is initially offered in specific scenarios to manage customer migration.
    • Eligibility Confirmation: Customers are notified of their eligibility when placing an order, and they can then decide whether to move to Digital Voice.
  6. Special Services Consideration:

    • Notification: Users with special services, like monitored burglar alarms or health pendants, are advised to inform their service providers about the transition to Digital Voice.
  7. Regional Rollout Events:

    • Information Sessions: The article mentions that the service provider plans to visit various regions in the UK to address questions and provide information about Digital Voice.
    • Events Page: Specific location details and future regional rollout plans can be found on the events page.

In conclusion, Digital Voice represents a significant step forward in the realm of home phone services, offering enhanced features and paving the way for future technological advancements. The careful consideration of user impact, cost inclusions, and regional engagement events underscores the provider's commitment to a seamless transition and user satisfaction.

What is digital voice and how can I get it? (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.