What is Fashion Marketing and How Can I Succeed? (2024)

Fashion marketing is a branch of marketing that deals with the advertising of clothing and accessories to a specific target market. This type of marketing includes ads in newspapers, magazines and social media platforms, along with commercials on television.

The most important aspect of fashion marketing is identifying the target market that the clothing will be aimed at. Other aspects of fashion marketing are deciding how products will be displayed in stores; this is where creativity and resourcefulness come in handy. This also includes staying on top of trends and having a keen eye for the perfect point in which to launch a campaign to make the right impact. Having a background in marketing is useful because it provides one with knowledge of analytics and consumer trends.

Why is Fashion Marketing Important?

Fashion marketing is key in the fashion industry because it brings the creation and vision of the designer to life. Fashion marketing brings creations from designers all over and takes their creations to wholesale buyers and consumers. In the fashion industry, fashion marketing helps the buyers connect to the brand. If executed correctly, the story behind the clothing, the message from the designer, and what the company stands for will be understood. This is essential for a designer to succeed and create an image and trend for themselves. When marketing for a brand, it is vital that the marketing helps create loyal buyers for the brand, along with improving the company’s image.

Skills Needed

Some key skills to have in order to be in fashion marketing are being able to raise awareness of products, promote products and intrigue customers. Some other skills to possess are being able to research consumer trends and provide products that will best fit those needs, along with being able to plan goal-oriented campaigns that will help drive sales and boost revenue. Being in fashion marketing is all about staying on top of consumer trends, finding trends that best suit the needs of target markets and making data-driven decisions for future trends and strategically applying them to ideas and designs for future marketing efforts.

Apart from these core skills, some qualitative skills needed are having an interest in fashion and a creative mind, while also being able to understand and differentiate between fabric types and styles. Emotional intelligence is also important because it can help distinguish a relationship with the consumer which will then lead to an elevated brand campaign.

How to Successfully Market a Fashion Brand

Understanding the 4 P’s (product, price, place, promotion) in fashion and having a great product is essential for the foundation of one’s business.

A product is a good or service that meets consumer’s needs or desires. The price charged for a product can help determine the consumer’s value of the product and whether or not it fits their personality. Referring back to the target market, when a designer creates their product, they need to think of who their target market is, their personality, along with what they do for a living. This will help set the tone for how to sell the product and at what price. The place of the product refers to selling the product at the right place and the right time, meaning where you sell your product will influence which consumers will buy the product and how they will value it. Promoting the product is key; this is where marketing comes into play. Successful promotion of the product will help establish the brand and generate profit for the company. All of these concepts will be beneficial when creating a marketing plan for a brand.

Social media, now more than ever, plays an important role when it comes to spreading awareness and informing potential consumers of a brand and its product. Social media can be used as a platform to sell and create the experience of buying products from one’s brand. Brand ambassadors can also be used to promote and spread awareness of one’s product and brand. They can often be identified as a brand “cheerleader”. Knowing what social media platform to use that will best fit your brand and fashion line is key to reaching a brand’s target market.

What are some Careers in Fashion Marketing?

According to Martech Advisor some specialized careers in fashion marketing are:

Fashion marketing manager/director: Responsible for managing and formulating ways to improve the way a brand markets their products of fashion and help drive more sales. They manage branding efforts and create advertising campaigns for fashion-related businesses, stores, and brands. They will determine the decisions of cost, product design and where to sell and advertise products. Must hold an undergraduate degree in fashion, marketing or management field from a recognized college/ university.
Salary: $64k-$89k

Fashion coordinator: Responsible for creating a unified look across all fashion divisions such as department stores, design houses or fashion magazines. They constantly monitor industry publications and talk to designers to seek industry trends. They accumulate data on industry trends and share analyses with retail salespeople or editors to make recommendations to customers and buyers to make inventory purchases. Help establish a company’s brand and placement of products in-store.
Salary: $40k-$100k

Market research analyst: Studies the way an audience responds to fashion trends, sales numbers and the potential for new trends to succeed. One will need science and art skills in order to track modern trends, analyze buying patterns of consumers and make predictions that will drive sales. One will also study consumer buying habits, pop culture and trends for each season. Be highly attuned in the fashion world and possess observational and analytical thinking skills to create methods such as point-of-sale tracking, focus groups and brand styles and trends which will develop effective marketing strategies.
Salary: $68k-$133k

Publicist: Creates an image for their client’s brand that every single member of the public will think of when they see that specific brand. Determines the best strategy to get their client’s product out into the world. This can be done by researching who their competitors are, how to make the consumers choose their client’s brand over others and how to make their brand grow. Assists on not only the promoting of the brand and clothing, but the emotional side the clothing represents. Helps create a brand statement and marketing campaign.
Salary $35k-$60K

Are you Ready for a Rewarding Career inFashion Marketing?

To start your path to a rewarding fashion marketing career, check out Concordia's marketing program.

Explore the Marketing Program

Steps to Take

When thinking of going into the area of fashion marketing, one could achieve a position by having a degree in marketing with a focus in the business of fashion. By taking courses in marketing, this will provide one with the skills to read fashion trends, understand what consumers want and help fashion businesses thrive.

Here at Concordia, we offer many courses that can help you succeed in business, especially the marketing field. Some classes we offer that can be beneficial for fashion marketing include:

Advertising and Integrated Marketing Bus 362: How marketers communicate — advertising, sales promotion, public relations, direct and personal selling, event planning, sponsorships.

Consumer Behavior Bus 364: Studies the ‘why’ of marketing; why consumers prefer certain products and services. Specifically, the consumer buying process; the process one goes through when choosing a good or service to purchase. This course will help one determine strategies for marketing and how to better market a brand and generate profit.

International Business Bus 369: This course will help one understand the importance of international firms and the activities they engage in. It will also cover foreign economies, legal and cultural environments, along with studying international marketing management and special problems of multi-national corporations.

What is Fashion Marketing and How Can I Succeed? (2024)


What is fashion marketing and how can I succeed? ›

Fashion marketing is the process of advertising clothing and accessories to the desired target audience. It's here where fashion and business intersect. One of the most important aspects of fashion, marketing helps boost sales and profits as well as build brand awareness and alter consumer perceptions.

What is fashion marketing examples? ›

Fashion marketing is about advertising and promoting fashion to the right market in various ways, from print to online, in-person to digital. Remember that it's more than clothes; it's also accessories, including hats, shoes, jewelry, and outerwear, that help people connect with and showcase a certain style.

What is the concept of fashion marketing? ›

Fashion marketing is a branch of marketing that deals with the advertising of clothing and accessories to a specific target market. This type of marketing includes ads in newspapers, magazines and social media platforms, along with commercials on television.

How do you succeed in marketing? ›

6 Tips for Building Your Marketing Career
  1. Improve your communication. ...
  2. Specialize and socialize. ...
  3. Grow your portfolio. ...
  4. Jumpstart your network. ...
  5. Go big with data. ...
  6. Build your branding.

How do you succeed in the marketing industry? ›

6 Tips For Success In Your Marketing Career
  1. Think from the perspective of the customer. An important part of any marketing strategy is building buyer personas. ...
  2. Work as a Team. Marketing is collaborative. ...
  3. Understand Your Niche. ...
  4. Know Your Competitors. ...
  5. Follow the Trends. ...
  6. Follow the Data.
May 6, 2022

What are the key skills for success in the fashion industry? ›

5 Skills Every Aspiring Fashion Designer Needs
  • Creativity. A highly developed artistic eye is a must for a career in fashion design. ...
  • Thirst for knowledge. By nature, trends are always evolving. ...
  • Aptitude for sewing. ...
  • Business sense. ...
  • Drive.

What makes fast fashion successful? ›

Affordability is a major factor that drives consumers to choose fast fashion over sustainable options. While some brands offer more affordable sustainably-made items, fast fashion brands can produce garments at a much lower cost than sustainable fashion brands, allowing them to sell their products at a lower price.

What are five top strategies for the fashion business? ›

Hence, listed below are five strategies that apparel businesses should follow to improve their profitability:
  • Improve the product portfolio. ...
  • Consider vertical integration. ...
  • Improve customer service. ...
  • Consider other investments too. ...
  • Work on employee morale.

What are the types of fashion marketing? ›

4 Types of Fashion Marketing
  • Print Advertising.
  • Online Marketing.
  • Influencer Marketing.
  • Newsjacking Marketing.
  • Branding.
  • Sponsoring Events.
  • Social Media and Influencer Marketing.
  • Product Placements.

What are the 4 Ps of fashion marketing? ›

The 4 Ps of marketing refer to product, price, place, and promotion. These are the key elements that must be united to effectively foster and promote a brand's unique value, and help it stand out from the competition.

How does marketing help the fashion industry? ›

Drive Sales − Effective marketing and media campaigns can drive sales and increase revenue for fashion brands. Build Brand Reputation − By promoting the brand's values, aesthetic, and products, media and marketing help build brand reputation and establish a brand identity.

What do you learn in fashion marketing class? ›

Courses. Fashion Marketing majors explore theories of marketing, consumer behavior, brand marketing, digital strategy and International business.

What is the difference between fashion marketing and fashion merchandising? ›

A fashion merchandiser buys products from third party vendors and markets them to customers, such as retailers who will sell the product—a business-to-business (B2B) process. A fashion marketer creates advertising campaigns to attract consumers to a brand— a business to consumer (B2C) process.

Why would I succeed in marketing? ›

The thing that most interests me about a career in marketing is the need to constantly innovate. Technology and customer trends change all the time. It's up to the marketing team to keep abreast of those changes and ensure the company's messaging remains relevant and attractive to our target audience.

What are the 5 important things in marketing? ›

The 5 P's of marketing – Product, Price, Promotion, Place, and People – are a framework that helps guide marketing strategies and keep marketers focused on the right things.

How can I improve my fashion industry knowledge? ›

How to learn about the fashion industry
  1. Review trends on social media. ...
  2. Sign up for newsletters. ...
  3. Read books about the history of fashion. ...
  4. Connect with fashion designers in your area. ...
  5. Find a mentor who can offer insight. ...
  6. Pursue experiential learning opportunities. ...
  7. Consider studying fashion formally.
Jun 24, 2022

How can I improve my fashion skills? ›

Fun Ways to Improve Your Fashion Experience
  1. Check up Your Social Media. ...
  2. Check Locally. ...
  3. Follow The Brands. ...
  4. Go Online. ...
  5. Welcome The Feedbacks. ...
  6. USP Is A Must! ...
  7. Drawing Skills. ...
  8. Designing Courses.
Mar 14, 2022

What 3 things led to fast fashion? ›

Fast fashion became common because of cheaper, speedier manufacturing and shipping methods, an increase in consumers' appetite for up-to-the-minute styles, and the increase in consumer purchasing power—especially among young people—to indulge these instant-gratification desires.

What 3 things define fast fashion? ›

WHAT'S THE DEFINITION OF FAST FASHION? Fast fashion has three main components from the consumer's perspective: it's cheap, it's trendy and it's disposable. It makes purchasing clothes on impulse easy and affordable.

Why is fashion important to some people? ›

Clothes influence how we look at someone. They help create an idea of what we think about their personality. Wearing what makes you comfortable is a statement, and people will respect your individuality. This is an essential detail of why fashion is important.

How do you stand out in the fashion industry? ›

How To Make Your Fashion Brand Stand Out?
  1. Clearly define target customers. ...
  2. Allow shopping on multiple channels. ...
  3. Create an omnichannel shopping experience. ...
  4. Have a consistent brand image. ...
  5. Pay attention to social responsibility. ...
  6. Practice your core values. ...
  7. Tell your brand story. ...
  8. Don't lose focus on product quality.

How do you create a marketing strategy for a fashion brand? ›

7 Key Fashion Marketing Tips
  1. Analyze customer data. Analyzing consumer behavior is essential to every kind of marketing, including marketing in the fashion world. ...
  2. Balance business and style. ...
  3. Forecast trends. ...
  4. Incentivize customers. ...
  5. Know your fashion brand. ...
  6. Identify your target audience. ...
  7. Use a multiplatform approach.
Mar 9, 2022

What are the 4 core areas in a fashion business? ›

The four basic components of the primary level are: fiber processing, yarn production, fabric production and fabric finishing.

What do you need to study fashion marketing? ›

Your core subjects include design studies, visual communications, marketing principles, forecasting, branding and fashion management. You'll also have the opportunity to study areas of personal interest, by selecting from a range of optional modules, for example sustainability, fashion imaging and neuromarketing.

What are 3 main fashion categories? ›

A Lesson: The Three Types of Fashion
  • Mass Market Fashion. The first sector of design involves the most straightforward and accessible form of clothing, which is the mass market. ...
  • Ready to Wear Fashion. ...
  • Haute Couture Fashion.
Jan 18, 2021

What are the 4 stages of fashion? ›

A fashion trend's life cycle can be divided into five stages, generally speaking: introduction, rise, peak, decline, and obsolescence. The life cycles of fashion trends today have changed; technology and social media have rendered them much shorter and less predictable than in the past.

What is fashion marketing mix? ›

Learn Marketing: The Marketing Mix: Product, Price, Place and Promotion.

What are the 7 P and 4c in marketing? ›

In services marketing, an extended marketing mix is used, typically comprising 7 Ps ( product, price, promotion, place, people, process, physical evidence), made up of the original 4 Ps extended by process, people and physical evidence.

What are the 4 M's of influencer marketing? ›

The Four Ms of Influencer Marketing refers to four distinct areas that should be taken into consideration when working with influencers in your marketing activities. These are: Make, Manage, Monitor, and Measure.

What can I do with a fashion marketing degree? ›

Career opportunities
  • Fashion Buyer.
  • Retail Manager.
  • Design Manager.
  • Product Developer.
  • Merchandiser.
  • Supply Chain Specialist.
  • Fashion Marketer.
  • Garment Technician.

Do fashion marketers make good money? ›

Fashion Marketing Salary

Most senior positions spanning senior managers to directors are paid based on expertise and job portfolio with salaries ranging from $100,000 – $200,000 per year. To excel in the fashion industry, it is important to be well versed in the fundamentals of fashion marketing.

Is fashion marketing a good major? ›

A Bachelor in Fashion Marketing is a good choice for students with interests in both fashion and advertising. The field allows for a fair amount of creativity and daring marketing choices, which is ideal for forward-thinking students.

What skills do you need to be a fashion marketer? ›

Skills You Need to Get a Job in Fashion Marketing
  • Creativity.
  • Storytelling.
  • Analytical Thinking.
  • Communication.
  • Social Media Management.
  • Technical Savvy.
  • Multitasking.
Mar 11, 2022

Who do fashion marketers work with? ›

The management and marketing departments of a brand (or the "fashion business") are the strategic half of the fashion industry. Fashion marketers work with designers, brands or retailers, to bring creative concepts into stores and in front of the right customers.

Is fashion media a good career? ›

Yes, fashion journalism is a good career as it ever-relevant and also offers great opportunities.

What is the highest paid job in the fashion industry? ›

15 highest-paying fashion jobs
  • Merchandising manager.
  • Buyer.
  • Editor-in-chief.
  • Art director.
  • Creative director.
  • Design director.
  • Sourcing manager.
  • Product manager.
Mar 10, 2023

What are the benefits of fashion marketing? ›

Fashion marketing can help businesses create a recognizable image, target customers, and increase sales and brand awareness. Additionally, fashion marketing can create a positive association with the brand, which can help attract new customers.

Does fashion marketing have math? ›

Ensuring that the clothing will fit the models requires exact and calculated measurements. Price of Items Designers and retailers use math to determine clothing prices by calculating the cost of fabric, hangers, thread, and other necessities. They also use math to determine when and how to offer discounts.

What major is best for fashion? ›

The best majors for fashion industry employment include fashion management, brand management, art history, graphic design, and entrepreneurship. Degrees in fashion can look very different, from visual arts to business and even engineering.

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