What is Font Size? (2024)

Updated: 02/01/2021 by Computer Hope

What is Font Size? (1)

The font size or text size is how large the characters displayed on a screen or printed on a page are.

  • How is the font size measured?
  • How to change the font size.
  • Font size in web design.
  • Why are most of the fonts everywhere small?
  • Related information.

How is the font size measured?

A font is often measured in pt (points). Points dictate the height of the lettering. There are approximately 72 (72.272) points in one inch or 2.54 cm. For example, the font size 72 would be about one inch tall, and 36 would be about a half of an inch. The image shows examples of font sizes ranging from 6 pt to 84 pt. In computing, font sizes are also measured as px (pixels) and in pc (pica).

How to change the font size

The steps for changing the font size vary by the program you are using. Visit the link below for the program you are using for steps on how to change the font size.


To change the font size of a printed page, increase the font size in the program you are using. If the program does not support changing the font size, consider copying and pasting the text into a word processor or other program that supports changing the font size.

Why are most of the fonts everywhere small?

If you have a high computer resolution, it increases the quality of how everything appears by increasing the number of pixels displayed on the screen. However, increasing the resolution also decreases the size of everything including fonts, letters, numbers, type, and other writing. Most operating systems and programs now have proper font scaling support that allows for high resolution with bigger fonts but may require additional tweaking.

Font size in web design

With web design and CSS, font size changed based on a set of pre-determined font dimensions. Some of these dimensions include xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, and xx-large. Font size may also be specified using Point, Pica, Inch, Centimeter, Millimeter, em, and percentage.

Specifying the font size in an HTML tag

The HTML example below is one way you can use the style attribute in the paragraph tag to adjust the font size.

<p style="font-size: 2pt;">Here is an example of 2pt font.</p>

Specifying the font size in CSS

The CSS code example below would make any H2 tag on the page have a large font-size.

h2 {font-size:large;}

The above examples are two of the many different ways you can adjust the font size when creating a web page. See the link below for additional help and examples.

Font, Font scaling, Point, Size, Type, Typography terms, Web design terms

What is Font Size? (2024)


What do you mean by font size? ›

The font size is a number that indicates how many points are in the height of the text, or high tall the text is in points. A point is 1/72 of an inch, so a 12-point font would be 12/72 of an inch.

What is an example of a font size? ›

A font is often measured in pt (points). Points dictate the height of the lettering. There are approximately 72 (72.272) points in one inch or 2.54 cm. For example, the font size 72 would be about one inch tall, and 36 would be about a half of an inch.

What does size 10 font mean? ›

So if you enter a 10 pt font size in Microsoft Word or Adobe InDesign, you define that your font will have a size of 3.53 mm.

How do I change my font size? ›

Change display size & text
  1. On your device, open the Settings app.
  2. Search and select Font size.
  3. To change your preferred font size, move the slider left or right.

What is the best font size to use? ›

16px is the minimum when it comes to desktop browsing, while for mobile browsing, the sizes around 16px will do. Use bigger sizes to increase readability and hierarchy, and make it easier for the reader so they don't get frustrated and leave your website.

Does font size matter? ›

Having some weight on the page can rarely appear clunky, rather, larger font sizes can help page hierarchy and stimulate powerful emotions even more effectively too. Designing headlines larger also contributes to how a viewer perceives what's to come on the page, and if they should invest more time reading.

What is the most common size font? ›

Standard Font Size for Documents

The standard therefore can vary slightly. 12 is the most common standard but some documents fonts may require 14.

What is normal font size word? ›

Font size. It is best practice to type word documents in font size 14, and no smaller than font size 12, to assist readers with visual impairments. Remember that no one font size will suit everyone.

What is the proper font and font size? ›

For printed materials, the optimal point size when choosing a font for print is between 10-12 points, however legibility at this size can vary greatly between different typefaces. Always print out your project at 100% size (without scaling) to determine if the font size is legible for your printed project.

Is it better to read small or large font? ›

In general, the larger the x height, the easier a font is to read. The lower case letters of fonts with smaller x height sometimes “fill in” visually at smaller sizes.

How do I change my font? ›

Change the system font with built-in tools
  1. Open Settings.
  2. Select Display.
  3. Choose Font size and style.
  4. Select your choice of Font from the Font Style menu, and you're done.
Dec 15, 2022

What is the best font size for seniors? ›

In general, do not use anything less than 12 point type for body text. But note that the same point size in different fonts will often produce letters of different sizes (the sans-serif type in this paragraph is 13 point for example). The important thing is the readability.

What is the best font for seniors? ›

Some people prefer a serif font, such as Times New Roman, as they say it is easier to read because of the “tails” at the end of the letters that create an illusionary line, helping to guide the eye along the line. However, others prefer a sans serif font, such as Ariel.

Why is font size important? ›

The right font size helps to build the interest of the viewer. If it is too difficult to read, your audience may just skip through. On the other hand, if the text is too big, the entire page will look congested and unattractive. Therefore, it is imperative to choose the right size for your text.

Which font size is good for eyes? ›

Adjust text size and contrast - Text should be three times the smallest size you can read from a normal viewing position, which is about 20-30 inches from your monitor. As for contrast, black print on a white background is usually the best combination for comfortable reading.

What font is the easiest to read for seniors? ›

“As for fonts, sans serif fonts are best,” recommends Dana. “Older adults and people with low vision have less difficulty processing type faces like Arial or Helvetica. Without the serifs, it's easier to recognize characters. The thing you'll hear the most from older adults, though, is to make the type larger.

What is the most readable font at small size? ›

What Is the Easiest Font to Read? (10 Top Options)
  1. Arial. Arial is the standard font for many word processors, such as Microsoft Word and Google Docs. ...
  2. Helvetica. Another old-school sans-serif typeface you may want to consider is Helvetica. ...
  3. Georgia. ...
  4. Merriweather. ...
  5. Montserrat. ...
  6. Futura. ...
  7. Open Sans. ...
  8. Lato.

What is the most readable small font? ›

Along with Georgia, Helvetica is considered to be one of the most easy to read fonts according to The Next Web. This is a sans-serif font and one of the world's most popular typefaces—a modern classic.

What does font size 100% mean? ›

For fonts, setting font-size: 100% will make your text 100% of the base font size set in the browser. Most browsers default to a 16px base font size, so 100% of that would be 16px , and 50% would be 8px .

What size is 12pt font? ›

4.233 mm

How do I identify a font? ›

If the font you want to identify is in printed material like a magazine, you can find the name with a scanned image. Once you have a digital image, you can upload the image to a website like WhatTheFont. WhatTheFont 'reads' the font in your image and compares it to thousands it holds in its database.

What is the smallest font size that is readable? ›

Anything smaller than 5 pt will be extremely difficult to read, unless it's all capitalized. Even then, 4 pt font is about the smallest you can go. Keep in mind that some typefaces have thinner or lighter font weights, so just because one font is legible in 5 pt doesn't necessarily mean another one will be.

What does font size 200% mean? ›

%: 100% is equivalent to the current font size, so 200% is twice as large. ex: 1ex is equivalent to the height of the letter 'x' in the current font.

How many font sizes should you use? ›

Keep The Number of Fonts Used At a Minimum

Using more than 3 different fonts makes a website look unstructured and unprofessional. Keep in mind that too many type sizes and styles at once can also wreck any layout.

How do I measure font size? ›

A font is typically measured in a point (pt) size, which is the vertical measurement of the lettering. There are approximately 72 (72.272) points in one inch or 2.54 cm.

Is 12 point font too big? ›

The point size of your text can be smaller than you think. The optimal point size for body text in printed documents is 10–12 point. While courts often require text to be set at 12 point—and sometimes larger—it's not the most comfortable size for reading.

How tall is 24 point font? ›

6pt-1/16"8pt - 5/64"
14pt - 5/32"18pt - 3/16"
24pt - 1/4"36pt - 3/8"
48pt - 1/2"60pt - 5/8"
72pt - 3/4"96pt - 1"
1 more row

Where do I find my fonts? ›

Fonts Tool

Go to Settings > Personalization > Fonts. Windows displays all your fonts already in preview mode.

What font is Google font? ›

Open Sans Condensed is a highly legible font commissioned by Google and inspired by its predecessor Droid Sans. Google uses Open Sans on some of its websites and its print and web ads.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.