What is the Best Prom Dress Color for My Skin Tone (2024)

What is the Best Prom Dress Color for My Skin Tone (1)

What is the Best Prom Dress Color for My Skin Tone (2)

Feb 28, 2019

Best prom dress colors for skin tones

Many people want to look their best at prom, so they consider a look that will pair well with their natural features, like their skin tone.

What colors look good on me?

To choose the prom dress that’s right for you, consider your skin tone:

Dark Skin

  • Any bright jewel tone or pastel color will complement dark skin tones and make a dark complexion pop. Rich shades, like gold and copper, also work well with deep skin tones. Colors that work best include ruby and amethyst.
  • Stay away from shades of brown and black, as these can completely wash out dark skin tones. Other colors like blues, silvers, and grays should be avoided, as cool colors appear harsher on dark skin. Even neutrals like gray can make dark skin look fatigued, so stick to colors that pop.

Medium Skin

  • Jewel colors compliment medium skin tones and bring out skin’s warm undertones. Anything in the blue or green family looks great on medium skin, specifically emerald and turquoise. Other jewel colors for medium skin tones include ruby, sapphire, and amethyst.
  • It’s best to stay away from shades of brown, beige, and orange, as these colors can wipe out your complexion. Also avoid wearing pastels, as these colors tend to bring out gray undertones in your skin.

Olive Skin

  • Olive skin tones have it made and can wear almost any color. Bright shades of pink and coral look best on this skin tone, as these hues pick up on the subtle hints of red in olive skin. If you’re looking to bring out the brown undertones of olive skin, wear any shade of green. Shades of orange and vibrant reds also compliment olive skin complexions.
  • Be careful about wearing neutral colors like beige or tan. These colors don’t work as well as vibrant colors and can make the skin appear dull.

Warm Light Skin:

  • If you fall into the warm undertone fair skin category (red or blonde hair, hint of rosiness in the cheeks) opt for earthy tones, like browns and greens. Neutral colors like beige, navy, and gray will also work well with warm, fair skin.
  • Stay away from brightly colored garments, particularly neon colors. It’s also a good idea to stay away from drastic colors like black and white. Black can look too harsh on fair skin and white can wash fair skin out.

Cool Light Skin:

  • If you fall into the cool undertone fair skin category (dark hair, no color in the cheeks) opt for shades of red and pink. Peachy hues work best, but jewel tones also work well with fair skin.
  • Avoid metallic colors as they can wash out fair skin. If you’re set on metallic, opt for gold over silver. Pale shades of yellow and purple can wash out the skin, so steer clear of these colors.

What color prom dress looks good on pale skin?

If your pale skin has warm undertones, opt for dresses in earthy tones like tan, beige, brown, and green. Neutrals also work, including colors like navy and gray.

If your pale skin has cool undertones, wear silver or pastel hues of your favorite color. These lighter hues help compliment your skin tone without washing you out.

Pale skin tones should steer clear of stark colors like red, black, or white.

What is the Best Prom Dress Color for My Skin Tone (2024)


What is the Best Prom Dress Color for My Skin Tone? ›

Bold colors like turquoise make dark skin pop, pastels like periwinkle complement pale skin, and earth tones like forest green look great on medium skin tones. Warm, earthy colors like reds, yellows, and browns pair well with warm undertones, while blues, purples, and greens look best on cool undertones.

How to know what color prom dress suits you? ›

The colour of your dress is an essential factor to consider when choosing the perfect prom dress. Choose a colour that complements your skin tone and hair colour. If you're unsure, classic colours like black, navy, and red are always a safe choice.

What color prom dress looks best on fair skin? ›

Cool colors like blues, greens, and purples tend to flatter gals with fair skin tones, blue eyes, and blonde, black, or red hair. Warm shades including red, yellow or gold flatter ladies with honey-blonde or brown hair and green, hazel, or brown eyes.

What is the most popular prom dress color? ›

Red Prom Dresses: The Most Popular and Timeless Choice for Prom Night. The most popular prom dress color is undoubtedly red.

What color dress goes with fair skin female? ›

Dressing for Fair Skin

Instead of wearing white or beige shades that can wash out fair skin, try pairing cool-toned pieces like jade green or emerald with warm hues like amber or caramel. For olive skin undertones, earthy tones, blush pink, and light teal work best.

Which color suits on a dark skin girl? ›

Best colors to wear with a dark skin tone.

Your skin looks great with a variety of colors including: white, khaki, dark purple or plum, red, gray, light blue, orange, gold, or pink. Gold jewelry is your best look!

How do I choose my dress color according to my skin tone? ›

The best colors for warm skin tones often include colors like green, brown, mustard yellow and warm reds. Other warm skin tone colors that you can work with are peach, coral, amber and gold. If you want to use cool colors with your outfit, choose ones that are warmer, such as olive, orchid, violet-red and moss.

What is the most attractive dress color? ›

In addition to size and body shape, clothing colour has also been found to be important in attractiveness ratings, with several studies suggesting that red clothing makes women appear more attractive to men, possibly because of its association with love and passion.

What dress colors are universally flattering? ›

Different people differ about specific colors, but these are the colors I've found most often cited.
  • Most often cited as universal colors by most analysts.
  • Periwinkle & Purple. I'm putting Periwinkle and Purple together because they are quite similar. ...
  • Teal. I do love Teal. ...
  • Green. ...
  • Red. ...
  • Blush Pink.

How can I look prettiest at prom? ›

We all feel stressed getting ready for any big occasion, so take care of a few things early and prep a week ahead of time.
  1. Get glowing skin. ...
  2. Whiten your smile. ...
  3. Clean up your brows. ...
  4. Hydrate your hair. ...
  5. Use a good deodorant or antiperspirant product. ...
  6. Add a pop of color to the eyes. ...
  7. Change up your hair.
Apr 17, 2014

Is black a bad prom dress color? ›

It's one of the most popular colors for prom dresses and can be accessorized with pops of color, metallics, or neutral elements. Black dresses never go out of style and can easily be worn again to a variety of occasions.

What is the 2024 prom color? ›

Soft pastel shades continue to enchant prom-goers in 2024, exuding an air of tenderness. Blush blues, powder rose, and lavender hues dominate the scene, casting a soft, dreamy look on wearers.

What color compliments most skin tones? ›

The general rule of thumb is that skin with cool undertones look best with greys, browns, blues, greens and purples. Skin with warm undertones look best with either bright or light colors. And skin with neutral undertones looks great in bold, bright colors.

What colors make a fair skin tone? ›

Mixing Skin tones

Adjust the color by adding more red to create warmer skin tones, or more yellow to create cooler skin tones. To create darker skin tones, mix in a small amount of ultramarine blue or burnt sienna. To create lighter skin tones, add more white to the mixture.

What is the most attractive skin color on a woman? ›

According to a study called “Shades of beauty,” light brown skin tones are often the most physically attractive skin color (Frisby et al., 2006). They used four models for that study. They did not change the skin tone, but they imaged each model to three different skin tones: light, medium, and dark.

How do you check if a dress suits you? ›

Understanding your body type is the first step to determining best clothes for you. Usually, it means measuring your shoulder, bust, waist, hip etc. and placing yourself in a category ( for women - pear, hourglass, rectangle, triangle, inverted triangle, apple or oval ).

What do prom dress colors mean? ›

Neutral Colors – Black, White, Grey, Brown

Black – This color represents power, elegance and mystery. Wear a black prom dress to protect emotions and communicate authority. White – White symbolizes purity, peace and strength. Wear a white prom dress to convey a well-balanced, optimistic outlook.

Do you have to match colors with your prom date? ›

The answer? Totally up to the couple! Since both sides want to look and feel their best, talk it out. For guys who are matching their date's dress, traditionally they pick a black (sometimes grey or navy) suit or tux and then match the ties, vest or suspenders, and other accessories to the dress color.

What color prom dress looks best on a blonde? ›

Blondes. Cool blondes have more fun in pastel prom dresses like lavender and mint. If you're a warm blonde, kick up the color in red, orange and purple jewel tones like this TC exclusive prom dress that will have your date drooling.

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