What is the highest-paying job? Spoiler: It's in medicine. (2024)

  • The highest paying jobs in the U.S. are all in medicine, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • Chief executives and airline pilots are also among the highest paid professions.

They say money doesn't buy happiness, but in the workplace it just might. CNBC reported in 2019 that pay is the most critical factor in workplace satisfaction, with 68% of workers making over $150,000 a year reporting they were “very satisfied” with their job, while only 40% of workers making below $50,000 said the same.

So which profession makes the most money? Doctors.

What is the highest-paying job?

The jobs with the highest average pay in the United States are all in medicine. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the jobs thatreceive wages equal to or greater than $208,000 per year on average in alphabetical order.

  • Anesthesiologists
  • Cardiologists
  • Dermatologists
  • Emergency medicine physicians
  • Family medicine physicians
  • General internal medicine physicians
  • Neurologists
  • Obstetricians and gynecologists
  • Ophthalmologists, except pediatric
  • Orthodontists
  • Pathologists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Radiologists
  • Surgeons
  • Other physicians

It's important to notethat these are average wages. Skilled workers in other industriescan still make more than $208,000 if they are paid above average in their field.

Are there recession proof jobs?These occupations tend to be least impacted

How much do nurses make?A breakdown of salaries by nursing career.

Worst wages:What are the 25 lowest paying jobs in the US? Women usually hold them

What is the highest-paying job? Spoiler: It's in medicine. (1)

What are the highest-paying jobs outside of medicine?

If taking hours and hours of pre-med credits in college isn’t for you, that doesn't mean you can't earn a big paycheck. Here are the highest-paying jobs outside of medicine and their salaries, according to Business Insider:

  • Chief executives - $148,400 per year
  • Airline pilots, copilots and flight engineers - $195,580 per year
  • Computer and information systems managers - $157,290 per year
  • Architectural and engineering managers - $177,220 per year
  • Biological science teachers (postsecondary) - $159,310
  • Health specialtyteachers (postsecondary) - $163,160
  • Health services managers - $130,930 per year
  • Financial managers - $162,270 per year

Minimum wage:Highest and lowest hourly earnings in each state

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What is the highest-paying job? Spoiler: It's in medicine. (2024)
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