What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (2024)

jeb on July 13, 2010 | parent | context | favorite | on: Guide to where your cofounders should live in the ...

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of getting stabbed by a crackhead girlfriend and your kidneys being harvested if you roll down your windows, where would you live?

Also, does one need to show some type of credit report or can one just come in with a bunch of cash and wave it around and get a place?

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (1)

dillydally on July 13, 2010 | next [–]

The Tenderloin is not that dangerous, contrary to what others here are saying. It has a very visible homeless population which makes people unaccustomed to that uneasy.

East Palo Alto is probably more dangerous than the Tenderloin.

The most dangerous parts of SF are Bayview / Hunter's Point and the eastern half of the western addition (near Jefferson Square Park).

Within the last month, for example, there was a stabbing at Laguna and Fell (which is highly unusual) and a shooting around Laguna and Turk (less unusual).

In 2007-2008 I believe the area around Jackson Square Park wad THE most dangerous place in SF.

This is juxtaposed with Hayes Valley immediately to the south, which is filled with lots of 20-something professionals.

Edit: Why am I being down voted? Everything I said was accurate.

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (2)

sliverstorm on July 13, 2010 | parent | next [–]

> In 2007-2008 I believe the area around Jackson Square Park wad THE most dangerous place in SF.

>This is juxtaposed with Hayes Valley immediately to the south, which is filled with lots of 20-something professionals.

Accurate? Orly.

Let me tell you, 20-something professionals are a dangerous f'in lot. Stab ya fer yer VC soon as lookit ya.

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (3)

dillydally on July 13, 2010 | root | parent | next [–]

Never trust a person in skinny jeans, I say.

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (4)

pz on July 13, 2010 | prev | next [–]

tenderloin probably has the highest density of crackheads. if you want to get your kidneys harvested i'd go to chinatown or the sunset because i just assume that the chinese are the only ones sophisticated enough to steal and then sell organs. (crackheads just don't have the resources to pull something like that off)

i lived in the tenderloin for a year and some change and i kind of liked it. there's good night life on polk street and good cheap eats there. i had four indian restaurants within a block of my apartment and could walk to the great american music hall or BART. but it takes a certain kind of person to live amongst that kind of drudgery for so long.

if you want true danger, head down to bayview and hunters point. even the tenderloin has its share of wine bars and quaint coffee shops. the 'view is like another world.

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (5)

kolya3 on July 13, 2010 | parent | next [–]

I have met a seasoned cop who refuses to go into Hunter's point as hired security.

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (6)

dillydally on July 13, 2010 | root | parent | next [–]

Huh. I canvassed there during the 2008 election. I didn't even get funny looks, which has happened to me more than once when I went into the "wrong" neighborhood in Chicago.

In fact, I once pulled over into a gas station only to have the attendant tell me I needed to get into my car and drive off.

I've never once had an experience like that in SF.

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (7)

dillydally on July 13, 2010 | root | parent | next [–]

In Chicago, not SF. Nothing like that has ever happened to me in SF, even as a white guy going door to door in Bayview.

Also, I wouldn't call it a "decent neighborhood," I just don't want to make it seem like you'll get shot for setting foot there, is all. I wouldn't live there.

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (8)

sliverstorm on July 13, 2010 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

> In fact, I once pulled over into a gas station only to have the attendant tell me I needed to get into my car and drive off.

How exactly does this prove it's a decent neighborhood again?

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (9)

ryanwaggoner on July 13, 2010 | root | parent | next [–]

I think he meant that happened in Chicago or elsewhere, not SF.

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (10)

kolya3 on July 13, 2010 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Maybe you got lucky? Went there on a "good" day? No idea. Either way, I like to learn from others' mistakes :)

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (11)

angelbob on July 13, 2010 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

Is it a time-of-day thing? The tenderloin seems way worse at night.

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (12)

catch23 on July 13, 2010 | parent | prev | next [–]

the danger in the tenderloin is definitely overrated. People who think the tenderloin is dangerous has obviously never lived in places like NYC, Atlanta, or St. Louis. You could get mugged in broad daylight in Atlanta and the cops won't even blink. I've seen it happen.

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (13)

rdl on July 13, 2010 | root | parent | next [–]

I lived in the loin around 2003, pretty much at the worst part (6th/Jones). It was bad enough that I got hassled on the streets by drug dealers when I stood outside (I think they assumed I was involved in the business somehow?), and female friends would be really reluctant to visit without an escort to/from BART. I had 2 guys get shot right outside my door, and the police didn't come by to take a statement from me until the next day (I happened to be looking out the window right at the time, and called it in 5 seconds after it happened).

It's definitely gotten better since the 1990s, but I still would really not want to live there and do a startup.

It's nothing compared to HP, Bayview, EPA, parts of East San Jose, or parts of Oakland, though. When in the area, I often am driving to HP at night (to go to 200 Paul Ave, one of the big datacenters on the West Coast), and I'm always relieved when the gate closes behind my car.

The mission has some bad areas too; unfortunately the area right outside Noisebridge is actually pretty sketchy.

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (14)

tlrobinson on July 13, 2010 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

My friend got punched in the face by a crackhead in the Tenderloin for no apparent reason.

Just throwing out my datapoint...

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (15)

FlemishBeeCycle on July 13, 2010 | prev | next [–]

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (16)

nhebb on July 13, 2010 | parent | next [–]

Interesting. Other than auto thefts it looks like you can draw a radius around the prostitution hubs to identify the high density areas for the other crimes.

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (17)

gojomo on July 13, 2010 | prev | next [–]

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (18)

starkfist on July 13, 2010 | prev | next [–]

The most ghetto parts of SF are Hunter's Point and Bayview. It is hard to end up in those neighborhoods unless you have a reason to go there (maybe to buy some discount siding?) so I wouldn't worry about them. If you are looking to actually live in the hood, that is where to go. Now if you have to commute to your yuppie startup job from these places, it's going to suck, because the public transit to these areas sucks.

The tenderloin is the most ghetto in the middle of the city. Personally I feel the danger in this area is overrated but it definitely seems sketchy. The 2nd sketchiest seeming part of the city is 6th and Market. It's like a zombie movie after midnight.

In the city I had more trouble from roving bands of drunks looking for fights in North Beach than I have from either crazy people or muggers.

I have been mugged in both Oakland and Berkeley near the Ashby stop. There are many more spaces where you can be walking around in the dark with nobody around in the East Bay.

You generally need a credit report but the last 2 apartments I rented in SF, the landlord did not ask for one. If it is being rented "by owner" it is up in the air. If it is a management company they will usually want a credit report. If you have no credit report (like, you're from overseas) you can often get by if you pay for a number of months up front.

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (19)

gruseom on July 14, 2010 | parent | next [–]

The 2nd sketchiest seeming part of the city is 6th and Market. It's like a zombie movie after midnight.

True. And it also has Tu Lan, Julia Childs' favorite San Francisco restaurant, as an old greasy newspaper clipping in the window used to proudly substantiate.

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (20)

CitizenKane on July 13, 2010 | prev | next [–]

I live in St.Louis and usually end up in the SF area once or twice a year. To be completely honest, most of San Francisco feels safe in comparison to St.Louis although the number of homeless people and beggars seems to be higher there.

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (21)

zephjc on July 13, 2010 | prev | next [–]

The Tenderloin I guess, and yeah, most places will probably need a credit check, even the hippie coops.

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (22)

jeb on July 13, 2010 | parent | next [–]

So how do foreigners get places to stay at?

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (23)

gojomo on July 13, 2010 | root | parent | next [–]

Proof of income and strong references, I'd guess, until they have a year or two of domestic credit history.

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (24)

hugh3 on July 13, 2010 | root | parent | next [–]

I've never had problems renting a place without a credit history.

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (25)

gojomo on July 13, 2010 | root | parent | next [–]

What part of the country? (Did the locale have rent control?) In any of the cases, were you an overseas immigrant without a rental history?

What sort of references did they ask for, and did they verify income in any way?

Are you sure they didn't run a credit report anyway (even if there was no history of borrowing on it)?

In SF, they tend to ask for a copy of your credit report or enough info (social security number) to run one themselves.

And they ask more aggressively when the market is tight -- for example, in 2000, it was wise to bring a printed credit report to the first showing of a vacancy, so your application could be considered in the batch of 10+ people that were applying on the spot. It's not nearly so tight right now.

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (26)

hugh3 on July 13, 2010 | root | parent | next [–]

What part of the country? (Did the locale have rent control?) In any of the cases, were you an overseas immigrant without a rental history?

Sacramento and the East Bay. No rent control. I was only an overseas immigrant without a rental history the first time.

What sort of references did they ask for, and did they verify income in any way?

I think the most recent one did call my boss to verify my income.

Are you sure they didn't run a credit report anyway (even if there was no history of borrowing on it)?

They always run credit reports, even though I tell them "It'll come back blank". The last one did express some surprise that I still had a blank credit report after three years in the US, but nobody ever thought I was a bad risk.

That was in the East Bay, not in the city itself. Still, I have plenty of friends who have got straight off flights from overseas and rented apartments in San Francisco proper with no dramas. As long as you have a steady job and an adequate income I don't think they care about a blank credit report, just as long as you don't have a bad credit report.

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (27)

shaddi on July 13, 2010 | root | parent | prev | next [–]

I was apartment hunting in Berkeley a few weeks ago and only one of the eight places I looked at wanted to do a credit check.

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (28)

defen on July 13, 2010 | prev [–]

Bayview-Hunters Point is also pretty rough, but you can't beat the Tenderloin for the official San Francisco experience.

What is the most ghetto part of SF? Like if you had absolutely no fear of gettin... (2024)


What is the ghetto part of San Francisco? ›

The Tenderloin District is the most dangerous neighborhood in San Francisco. Located in Downtown San Francisco, the area has a population of 39,000 and an extremely high violent crime rate, which is over 270% higher than the national average. The Tenderloin has more violent crimes, such as robberies and assaults.

Where not to walk sf? ›

Places to Avoid in San Francisco
  • The Tenderloin. The downtown area of San Francisco, also known as the Tenderloin, is commonly ranked as one of the most dangerous areas in San Francisco. ...
  • The Mission. The Mission is a very popular place to visit in San Francisco. ...
  • SoMa (South of Market St) ...
  • Golden Gate Park.
Feb 10, 2023

What is the poor neighborhood in San Francisco? ›

Part of the western extent of the Tenderloin, Larkin and Hyde Streets between Turk and O'Farrell, was officially named "Little Saigon" by the City of San Francisco. The area has a reputation for crime and has among the highest levels of homelessness and crime in the city.

What is the least safe part of San Francisco? ›

The Tenderloin District

Located in the downtown area, Tenderloin faces higher crime rates. This includes drug-related offenses, property crime, and homelessness issues. As a tourist, I recommend you to not wonder off into the Tenderloin District.

What is the most common crime in San Francisco? ›

Making up more than 70 percent of all property crimes, larceny is by far the most common property crime in San Francisco. Following the drop in 2020, larceny had steadily climbed back up in 2021 and 2022.

Why is it called the tenderloin? ›

The Tenderloin Museum says the district got its name from 1876 New York and a bribe-loving police captain named Alexander “Clubber” Williams, whose encouragement of police corruption contributed to a neighborhood filled with vice. (Cops taking bribes could afford "tenderloin," a better cut of meat.)

Where is homelessness the worst in San Francisco? ›

The zoning policies created divisions within SF districts, widening the income inequality gap and polarizing resource accessibility and socioeconomic demographics, seen especially in the Tenderloin District, which currently experiences the highest rates of homelessness.

What is the safest area to stay in San Francisco? ›

Which parts of San Francisco are the safest? The safest areas to stay are mentioned above: Union Square, Nob Hill, Pacific Heights, North Beach, The Castro, The Presidio, and Japantown.

Where do the richest people in San Francisco live? ›

The analysis showed Seacliff is likely the highest-income San Francisco neighborhood, boasting a median household income of more than $250,000 a year. Seacliff was followed by other waterfront neighborhoods like the Presidio, Marina and Mission Bay, which all had median household incomes of more than $200,000.

Does Fisherman's Wharf have homeless people? ›

I really think this place is attractive to homeless people. There are so many of them, tourists might just avoid it completely. This review is the subjective opinion of a Tripadvisor member and not of Tripadvisor LLC. Tripadvisor performs checks on reviews as part of our industry-leading trust & safety standards.

Is Chinatown, SF safe at night? ›

Lam said he's afraid to go out at night these days, even though merchants and residents deem Chinatown a relatively safe neighborhood. It scored 3.3 out of 6 points in the controller's survey, with a better-than-average B- grade.

Is San Francisco safer than New York city? ›

The crime rate is higher in San Francisco than in New York, according to bestplaces.net, which uses FBI data to create an index for violent and property crimes. It assigned San Francisco a violent crime index of 39.6 compared to New York's 28.2, with both above the national index figure of 22.7.

What area of San Francisco has the most homeless? ›

The zoning policies created divisions within SF districts, widening the income inequality gap and polarizing resource accessibility and socioeconomic demographics, seen especially in the Tenderloin District, which currently experiences the highest rates of homelessness.

What is the upper class area of San Francisco? ›

Nob Hill. To this day, Nob Hill in San Francisco is known for being one of the wealthiest and most desirable areas to call home. Known for its luxurious hotels, beautiful parks, art galleries, restaurants, and boutiques, Nob Hill is historically known to be the go-to place for the upper class.

Is Lower Haight San Francisco safe? ›

There is crime, especially in package stealing and car related things, but overall I feel pretty safe. The weather is great, the architecture is beautiful and the people are nice. It feels like a homey community and you can easily reach the rest of the city in decent time.

What is the crime rate in the tenderloin area? ›

San Francisco's Tenderloin district has the highest crime rate, with a rate of 70.91 per 1,000 residents. In 2020, San Francisco reported 48 murders, a 48% increase from the previous year.

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Name: Reed Wilderman

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Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.