What Modeling Agencies Look For In New Models - Orange Model Management Inc. (2024)

So, you decided to kick-off your journey into this fabulous industry and want to work with a modeling agency to help you fulfill your dream. However, you realized that the modeling industry is tougher and more competitive than you thought. Don’t be upset! As a modeling agency in Toronto, we will guide you by explaining everything modeling agencies look for in new models.

1. Social media presence for models

Modeling agencies sometimes look for new talent on social media platforms (mostly Instagram). Therefore, if you are not active on this platform, it’s time to update it with pictures of yourself in different postures—close-up pictures also work. Spend some time researching trending and related hashtags so that modeling agencies can find you easier. Make sure that your grid looks amazing and catchy to get their attention.

2. Your photos

What Modeling Agencies Look For In New Models - Orange Model Management Inc. (1)

Many new models don’t know about this, but modeling agencies want you to be as natural as possible in your photos. What does that mean? It means that you don’t need to use filters or photo editing software to change your real look. Just let your natural beauty photo shine in your photos as that’s what modeling agencies look for.

3. Professionalism

It’s important to look confident during your first meeting with a modeling agency. Do research about them prior to it, making sure that you know what type of models they are looking for. Approach it professionally like a job interview. Moreover, don’t be afraid to ask questions to clarify what you need to know. Since you are new in the industry, modeling agencies are open to answering your questions.

3. Natural beauty

What Modeling Agencies Look For In New Models - Orange Model Management Inc. (2)

As mentioned before, you need to ensure that modeling agencies can see features on your face. Therefore, new models should wear light makeup and wear their hair down when meeting a modeling agency. It’s recommended that you wear a simple solid colored blouse or sweater. No miniskirts, and no torn or faded jeans.

4. Punctuality

Make sure that you come early or on time to make a good impression for the first time. In the modeling industry, agencies and clients expect you to always be on time for your photoshoots or events. Therefore, showing you are punctual is a great advantage that they look for.

Normally, you can jump into a modeling career even if you are short or plus sized. The modeling industry has changed a lot, so modeling agencies and clients nowadays are open to all types of sizes, shapes, heights, and beauty as well. However, depending on the model type, there are some specific details that a modeling agency is going to look at.

Promotional modeling

As a promotional model, you need to advertise a product at a trade show or event. Therefore, a modeling agency usually looks for a model who is friendly, outgoing, and confident to talk about the product to customers. Appearance is not a big factor for this modeling type; however, they do look for someone who is attractive and friendly.

Runway modeling

What Modeling Agencies Look For In New Models - Orange Model Management Inc. (3)

Runway modeling has high standards in regards to appearance and body figure. To impress a modeling agency as a runway model, you need to be at least 5’9 with a petite build. A striking facial structure is desirable. In summary, a runway model is a full package of great appearance with a well-proportioned body.

Editorial modeling

Similar to a runway model, an editorial model needs to have a good appearance and body figure to get signed with a modeling agency. Since editorial models work with high end fashion designers and magazines, it is important to have a well-proportioned figure to make the clothes stand out. Unlike catwalk modeling, editorial models don’t need to have excellent catwalk skills; however, it’s a requirement to be able to make different postures.

Print modeling

What Modeling Agencies Look For In New Models - Orange Model Management Inc. (4)

Print models are people who take photoshoots to be in publications such as magazines and newspapers. Brands also use them for billboard campaigns as well. There are no strict requirements for this modeling type; you only need to have a look that aligns to the client’s target audience. However, a model who has glowing skin and a great smile is usually preferred.

Swimwear modeling

There are no specific height and measurement requirements for this type of modeling. However, modeling agencies look for a model who has a standard sized figure, confident with their body and comfortable with showing their curves in front of the camera.

About ORANGE Model Management

What Modeling Agencies Look For In New Models - Orange Model Management Inc. (5)

Established in 2006, Orange Models is now a leader in the industry and has quickly grown to become one of Canada’s largest and most diverse modeling and acting agencies with a vision to find and represent the very best models and talents. With offices in Toronto and Montreal, Orange Model Management is an international agency that works with clients from varied industries in countries all around the world, which will help you to boost your career not only in Canada but also internationally.

Orange Model Management has an unimpeachable and responsible attitude towards every aspect of its business and in the discovery, development, and welfare of its model/talent(s). We not only manage talent, but we also build careers and relationships by providing a wide spectrum of model/talent(s) services including Fashion, Print, Commercial, Promotional, Kids, Music Videos, Infomercials, TV promo, Fitness, and Film & Television.

Let's break down the concepts mentioned in the article about what modeling agencies seek in new models:

  1. Social Media Presence: Agencies often scout talent on platforms like Instagram. They look for a well-curated grid with diverse, high-quality images. Researching and using relevant hashtags can enhance visibility.

  2. Natural Photos: Agencies prefer unfiltered, natural-looking images that showcase your authentic beauty.

  3. Professionalism: Treat meetings as job interviews. Research the agency, appear confident, and ask relevant questions. This demonstrates your commitment and interest.

  4. Natural Beauty: Opt for light makeup and wear your hair down. Dress in simple, solid-colored attire to highlight your features without distraction.

  5. Punctuality: Being on time or early for meetings and shoots is crucial in the industry. Punctuality signifies professionalism and reliability.

Regarding different modeling types:

  • Promotional Modeling: Requires a friendly, outgoing personality rather than a specific appearance. Confidence in product promotion is key.

  • Runway Modeling: Typically demands taller heights (at least 5’9'') and a specific body build. A striking facial structure is also desirable.

  • Editorial Modeling: Similar appearance standards to runway modeling, emphasizing well-proportioned figures. Focuses on high-end fashion shoots but doesn't require catwalk skills.

  • Print Modeling: No strict requirements in appearance; suitability is based on the client's target audience. A glowing complexion and a captivating smile are often preferred.

  • Swimwear Modeling: No height specifics but seeks models comfortable and confident in showcasing their body and curves.

As for Orange Model Management:

  • Establishment: Founded in 2006, Orange Models is a prominent agency in Canada, representing models and talents across various industries.

  • Services Offered: They provide a wide range of services including Fashion, Print, Commercial, Promotional, Kids, Music Videos, Infomercials, TV promo, Fitness, and Film & Television.

  • International Reach: Orange operates in Toronto and Montreal, working internationally with clients across different countries, offering opportunities beyond Canada.

  • Ethical Approach: They emphasize responsible management, career development, and the overall well-being of their models and talents.

By aligning with these criteria and understanding the nuances of different modeling types, individuals seeking representation can enhance their chances with modeling agencies like Orange Model Management.

What Modeling Agencies Look For In New Models - Orange Model Management Inc. (2024)
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