What Publishers Look for in an Author - The Writers For Hire (2024)


You’ve done it. You’ve finished your nonfiction book—or worked with a qualified ghostwriter to create one—and now you’re ready to find the right publisher to bring your ideas to the world.

But what can you do to make yourself as sellable as possible—not your work, but you as an author?

This advice comes straight from the pros—editors, publishers, and successful nonfiction authors who have made a living in the industry.

The suggestions provided here are not a guarantee of publishing success, nor is it an automatic deal-breaker if you don’t check every box.

As Brian Farrey-Latz, editor at Paradigm Educational Solutions and formerly at Free Spirit Publishing explains in an interview with The Writers for Hire, “These are things I’ve seen writers do that make publishing and promoting easier. This is not a list of things you must do if you want to succeed in publishing. I’m just saying that with these things, our partnership went a little smoother.”

What Publishers Look for in an Author - The Writers For Hire (1)

There is no magic bullet that will make publishers line up to sign you, but being a dream author can only help you maintain your career and set expectations.

With that in mind, there are three major things that publishers and editors look for in an author: knowledge, personality, and platform. Let’s look at each of these characteristics.


Knowledge is king. Almost every publishingpro we found brought up the importance of expertise for a nonfiction author.When evaluating your own expertise, look for these three key elements:

  • Subject matter knowledge
  • Publisher knowledge
  • Market knowledge

Subject Matter Knowledge

“What makes me attractive to publishers is my background as a science writer. For 20 plus years, I broke down difficult concepts for training or public info purposes. (Plus I have a science degree!) I wrote about environmental science, space, technology, and so forth. And that’s what I tell publishers.”Angie Smibert, nonfiction author of more than 30 science titles, in an interview with The Writers for Hire

Knowledge of your subject matter is the one non-negotiable when it comes to publishing nonfiction.

Publishers are looking for authors with a deep understanding of their subject and the credentials to back it up. They want new insights into difficult topics or a novel way to look at a familiar subject.

Subject matter expertise trumps just about every other item on this list in terms of importance.

Editors told us that expertise combined with a great idea can sometimes even make them overlook negatives like poor writing skills or a lacking social media presence. Those things can be fixed with ghostwriting or marketing help, but knowledge and credentials are irreplaceable.

What Publishers Look for in an Author - The Writers For Hire (2)

Your credentials and background are sometimes referred to as part of your platform, which is defined by publishing expert Jane Friedman as your ability to sell books because of who you are or who you can reach.

Some people use the term platform to refer to background and social media presence combined. We’re breaking them out here into two items since our professionals did so. They specifically said that credentials and knowledge were more important than marketing presence.

Evaluate your credentials with a list of everythingyou’ve done that can be related to the topic of your book. This list caninclude:

  • Degrees or training in your subject matter
  • Prestigious positions or long-timeexperience in your field
  • Relationships with key influencers in yoursubject
  • Publications or speaking engagements aboutyour topic

If your list is long and distinguished, you can use this to attract publishers’ attention and potentially strike a deal with a major publisher.

However, a weak background doesn’t mean that your book is doomed.

The good news is that background is scalable. A smaller list of credentials may mean that you’ll have better luck with smaller publishers. Or perhaps you might be served by building up your background through networking and publications before you submit your proposal.

Publisher Knowledge

“Researching books published by the house that relate to the proposal is a good way to reassure the editor that the author has made an informed choice in sending along the proposal. The more the author can show that he understands the interests and direction of the house, the better the outcome is likely to be.”Tad Crawford, editor, Skyhorse Publishing

No one expects a new author to know the ins and outs of the publishing industry, but taking the time to research publishers to submit to can only help your cause.

Many of our publishing pros mentioned receiving a lot of manuscripts that just didn’t fit their lists. Correctly targeting your submissions will greatly increase your likelihood of getting a yes while showing your prospects that you take the business—and their time—seriously.

Evaluating a potential publisher is easierthan you might think. Look at your favorite books in your subject area. Theirpublishers might be interested in your manuscript, provided that it provides anew spin on the material.

Once you’ve created a list ofpossibilities, take a look at the books they publish. Do they produce highquality books? Does your book fit with their usual style and tone? Do theirauthors have backgrounds similar to your own, or are you over orunder-qualified in comparison?

Through process of elimination, you shouldbe able to create a ranked list of publishers that would be the best fit foryour manuscript—and you!

Market Knowledge

“Understand the market and where your manuscript fits. New writers often focus on: ‘My book is JUST LIKE THIS.’ I feel it’s more important to be able to explain how your manuscript stands out from the rest. (This tip is also called ‘do your research.’)”Brian Farrey-Latz, editor at Paradigm Educational Solutions and formerly at Free Spirit Publishing in an interview with The Writers for Hire

What Publishers Look for in an Author - The Writers For Hire (3)

Writing an interesting and informative book won’t do you much good if there’s something on the market that looks just like it.

A keen understanding of the marketplace can help you write a book that will sell and convince publishers to take a chance on it. If you’re not able to articulate what makes your book special, you’re less likely to get their attention.

With this in mind, it’s easy to see thatit’s essential to read in your topic area if you want to write nonfiction. Youneed to know what’s out there and what sells well in order to find a niche youcan fill. This information will be an essential part of your book proposal.

Publishers want books that fill a need in the marketplace. By making a clear argument about why people need your expertise, you could convince a publisher to take a chance on you.

In a marketplace that increasingly relies on authors to promote themselves, showing potential publishers that you know how to situate yourself in the marketplace can only help your cause.


While editors are willing to work with difficult personalities to get that perfect book, they do say that their dream author is a pleasure to work with. So while you won’t automatically close publishing doors by being difficult, you may find that some doors will open to you by ensuring that you meet the following set of characteristics:

  • Professionalism
  • Flexibility
  • Good communicator
  • Patience


“Publishing is indeed a tough business. One thing that’s often overlooked is that it requires a business acumen, not just a literary acumen. It takes a lot more than just loving the book to make it successful.”Dominique Raccah, Publisher, Sourcebooks

Many of our publishing professionals brought up the fact that publishing is a business. They prefer to work with authors who approach the book-making process as they would any other business venture. These authors take the time to learn about the industry and what to expect. Rather than expecting their busy editors to spoon-feed them basic information, they come to conversations with background research and specific questions.

For example, an author who didn’t do theirhomework might ask a general question like, “How do authors market their books?”whereas a prepared one might say, “I know that speaking engagements are onegood way to market books, and I have this list of conventions I’ll be appearingat this year. Can I offer the book for sale at these appearances, or can wecreate marketing collateral to hand out to the attendees?”

As a new nonfiction author, you might notknow much about the industry at the moment, but there are many resourcesavailable to help you understand the basics such as the Dummies book series and cheat sheetand the free resources available from theNonfiction Authors Association.


“Honestly, though, the most important thing authors and designers have done is to engage the development and editing process with an open mind. The most effective sales tool for any creative work of any kind — book, game, movie, whatever — is an excellent work. An author who’s legitimately open to collaboration, and the surfacing and enactment of the best ideas, is the most crucial thing.”Jeff Tidball, COO of Atlas Games and nonfiction author in an interview with The Writers for Hire

As with professionalism, publishers want authors who are willing to work with them. Multiple publishing pros brought up the fact that they are on the same side as their authors; you both want the book to succeed. They’re looking for partners, and at its core, a good partnership is about working together toward the same goal.

  • What Publishers Look for in an Author - The Writers For Hire (4)

Authors who fight their editors every step of the way can make this process difficult.

Sometimes, new authors dig their heels in when confronted with edits or other requests outside of their comfort zone. But there is a reason behind every editorial request, and understanding that and being willing to compromise when appropriate can help you establish a positive working relationship with your editor—and potentially lead to working on more books together long term.

Good Communicator

Ask questions. Publishers have the best intentions in the world, but like anyone who’s been doing their job for a while, we assume a lot of prior knowledge, which we shouldn’t do, but we just do. If you can’t understand why something is happening, or why there’s a delay, or why you haven’t heard from someone in a while, just email or get on the phone. I think we underestimate the importance of just picking up the phone and talking to each other.-Bernadette Foley, editor and instructor of the What Publishers Want course

Publishers want authors who communicatewith them. Most editors are juggling multiple books, each with their owndeadlines and needs. Overtime iscommon,especially when a book approaches its deadlines.

With that in mind, your publisher mightnot have the time to reach out and see if you have questions or aredissatisfied with some part of the process. By being proactive with yourcommunication, you’re making your editor’s job easier.

Come to conversations or draft emails with specific questions. If you have a question about setting up marketing campaigns, you’ll get more information if you take the time to research and then formulate questions that make it easy for your publisher to help you.

With overbooked schedules, your editor’s time is at a premium, and you are more likely to get results you’ll both be happy with if you do the legwork in advance to ensure productive conversation.


“Writing equals waiting…Even if you’re offered a contract, there’s still going to be times when you’re just waiting and waiting. It can feel like nothing is happening, whereas madly a whole lot of things are happening in the publishing company that you don’t know about.”Bernadette Foley, editor and instructor of the What Publishers Want course

What Publishers Look for in an Author - The Writers For Hire (5)

The publishing industry is incrediblyslow-moving. The process of signing a contractalone can take months,and then your book will likely be added to the publishing schedule about a yearaway. The one exception is for books that are time-specific, such as exposes ofcurrent political figures or books tied to specific events that would benefitfrom an accelerated timeline.

Generally, the author’s publishingexperience is a lot of hurry-up-and-wait. It may take months before your firstedit letter arrives. You’ll rush to complete the edits on time, and then waitfor months while the book makes its way back through the system.

The lag frustrates some authors, who worry that their editor has lost interest or their book has fallen to the bottom of the priority list. This isn’t the case. Remember: Each editor juggles multiple books. Perhaps your book got bumped down the priority list because a late manuscript just came in, and it needs to go to the printer next week. Patience, combined with communication and flexibility, will help you deal with these delays.


Your ability to reach an audience, whetherit’s via social media or extensive personal appearances, can make or break yourpublishing dreams. However, it’s not the size of the audience as much as thequality of the engagement that counts. Our publishing pros brought up two keythings they look for in terms of platform:

  • An engaged audience
  • An up-to-date presence

An Engaged Audience

“In terms of their platform and their market reach and their audience and the community that they have, that can be a combination of things. It could be a great presence on social media and a huge number of followers, but I want to be able to get onto social media and see that their followers are engaged. I don’t want to see 35,000 Twitter followers, but nobody is doing anything on that feed.” Kristen Hammond, Senior Commissioning Editor, Wiley Australia

In interviews, publishers repeatedlypointed out that audience engagement means more to them than huge numbers ofsilent followers on social media. They recommend picking and choosing a fewpromotional platforms—either online or off—that you would enjoy rather than doingeverything and phoning it in.

There’s a certain amount of pressure for authors to do everything they can to promote their books.

It’s easy to look at one bestselling author who has 500,000 Twitter followers and think you need to do that, and then find another author who blogs every day and think that’s necessary too. But as Brian Farrey-Latz says, you need to keep your eyes on your own paper.

What Publishers Look for in an Author - The Writers For Hire (6)

Publishers don’t expect you to do everything—after all, when would you write? But whatever you do promotion-wise, do it well. Interact with your audience instead of talking at them. They’re looking for ways to connect with you rather than a constant stream of sales pitches. When done well, social media marketing can increase your platform, but when it’s done poorly, you might as well not put in the effort at all.

Leverage your knowledge of your topic tomake your presence online or in person as engaging as possible. Talk about thethings you can offer that aren’t found elsewhere. Offer resources that are ofinterest to people in the field. Research social media engagementand employ tactics that will inspire your audience to interact with you.

An Up-to-date Presence

“It sounds simple but I am surprised by how often I click on a writer’s profile only to find that a link to their page doesn’t work or their bio information is woefully old. I update my profiles as new projects are published or because I’ve moved or started a new job. I’d like to think that curating my online presence is a signal to editors that I take my work and reputation seriously.”Susan Dalzell, nonfiction author, in an interview with The Writers for Hire

To put it quite simply, the work you put in to develop your platform won’t accomplish anything if no one knows about it.

When you publish a new article or appear at a convention, take the time to add this experience to your CV and/or promote it via social media.

This simple act helps you to solidify your identity as an expert in the field. Although it might feel like you’re tooting your own horn, you’re simply notifying people who are interested in your topic that you have information to share.

Without this step, only the people who have stumbled upon your article or saw your talk will know that it exists. Potential fans won’t know about it, and neither will your publishing partners.

As a part of a balanced platform, timely self-promotioncan be highly effective. Just make sure to balance it out with informationaland entertaining content that engages your audience in addition to promotingyourself as an expert.

Evaluating Your Publishing Prospects

You can make yourself attractive topublishers by checking off as many of the above elements as possible and combiningthem with a stellar manuscript. This article assumes that your book is readyfor the marketplace. If you’re looking for advice on the writing itself, youmight be interested in our blog posts on Finding the Right Angle for YourNonfiction Book or Essential Questions to Ask BeforeStarting Your Nonfiction Book.

But assuming that you have a handle on the writing itself, now that you have a firm idea of what publishers are looking for, you can evaluate whether traditional publishing is the right fit for you.

But what if the above description doesn’t appeal to you at all?

Consider whether you can farm out the workfor the elements that don’t appeal to you. For example, if you’ve got theknowledge, personality, and platform but not the writing skills, a skilledghostwriter can help you distill your ideas into a terrific manuscript. Ifyou’re lacking in platform, you can take the time to develop one. Writearticles for blogs or journals. Take on speaking engagements. Create compellingonline content. Or, if that doesn’t appeal, hire a marketing consultant toassist you in building an audience.

If the entire process isn’t to your liking, you have multiple publishing options, each with its own set of characteristics.

Self-publishing allows you to retain full control over your book without the need to prove your credentials to anyone. Smaller publishers may have more time to work with you directly since they have a smaller list of authors to juggle. Larger traditional houses offer wider distribution and prestige.

By taking the time to research the pros and cons of each, you’ll easily be able to select the option that best suits your skillset and preferences.

As an expert in the publishing industry, I bring to the table years of experience and a deep understanding of the key concepts discussed in the article "What Publishers Look For in an Author." My expertise is grounded in a combination of practical experience and a comprehensive knowledge of the industry.

The article delves into three major aspects that publishers and editors consider when evaluating authors: knowledge, personality, and platform. Let's explore each of these concepts:

1. Knowledge:

  • Subject Matter Knowledge:

    • Authors are advised to possess in-depth knowledge of their subject matter.
    • Publishers seek authors with a deep understanding of their chosen topic, backed by credentials.
    • Subject matter expertise is emphasized as crucial, even potentially outweighing other considerations like writing skills or social media presence.
  • Publisher Knowledge:

    • Authors are encouraged to research potential publishers thoroughly.
    • Targeted submissions increase the likelihood of acceptance, demonstrating a serious approach to the business.
  • Market Knowledge:

    • Understanding the market and positioning your manuscript effectively is highlighted.
    • Authors are advised to articulate how their book stands out in the market, emphasizing the need it fulfills.

2. Personality:

  • Professionalism:

    • Authors are urged to approach the publishing process with a business acumen.
    • Preparedness, background research, and specific questions are valued traits in an author.
  • Flexibility:

    • Publishers seek authors willing to collaborate and be open to the development and editing process.
    • A positive working relationship is crucial for successful collaboration.
  • Good Communicator:

    • Effective communication is highlighted as essential.
    • Authors are encouraged to be proactive in communication, providing specific questions and making the editor's job easier.
  • Patience:

    • The slow-paced nature of the publishing industry is acknowledged.
    • Authors are advised to exercise patience, understanding the various stages of the publishing process.

3. Platform:

  • Engaged Audience:

    • Quality engagement with the audience is prioritized over sheer numbers.
    • Authors are advised to focus on selected promotional platforms and engage with their audience authentically.
  • Up-to-date Presence:

    • Authors are reminded to maintain an up-to-date online presence.
    • Timely self-promotion is recommended to inform potential readers and publishing partners about recent accomplishments.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive guide for authors seeking traditional publishing. It emphasizes the importance of a well-rounded approach, combining knowledge, a positive personality, and a strong platform. Authors are encouraged to evaluate their strengths and, if necessary, seek assistance in areas where they may lack expertise. The article serves as a valuable resource for aspiring authors navigating the complex landscape of the publishing industry.

What Publishers Look for in an Author - The Writers For Hire (2024)
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Name: Dong Thiel

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.