What's a Linux container? (2024)

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  • Understanding Linux containers
  • What's a Linux container?

Published May 11, 2022

What's a Linux container? (1)

Red Hat named a Leader in the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™

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A Linux® container is a set of 1 or more processes that are isolated from the rest of the system. All the files necessary to run them are provided from a distinct image, meaning Linux containers are portable and consistent as they move from development, to testing, and finally to production. This makes them much quicker to use than development pipelines that rely on replicating traditional testing environments. Because of their popularity and ease of use containers are also an important part of IT security.

Start using Linux containers for free

Why use Linux containers?

Imagine you’re developing an application. You do your work on a laptop and your environment has a specific configuration. Other developers may have slightly different configurations. The application you’re developing relies on that configuration and is dependent on specific libraries, dependencies, and files. Meanwhile, your business has development and production environments that are standardized with their own configurations and their own sets of supporting files. You want to emulate those environments as much as possible locally, but without all the overhead of recreating the server environments. So, how do you make your app work across these environments, pass quality assurance, and get your app deployed without massive headaches, rewriting, and break-fixing? The answer: containers.

The container that holds your application has the necessary libraries, dependencies, and files so you can move it through production without nasty side effects. In fact, the contents of a container image—created using an open-source tool like Buildah—can be thought of as an installation of a Linux distribution because it comes complete with RPM packages, configuration files, etc. But, container image distribution is a lot easier than installing new copies of operating systems. Crisis averted—everyone’s happy.

That’s a common example, but Linux containers can be applied to many different problems where portability, configurability, and isolation is needed. The point of Linux containers is to develop faster and meet business needs as they arise. In some cases, such as real-time data streaming with Apache Kafka, containers are essential because they're the only way to provide the scalability an application needs. No matter the infrastructure—on-premise, in the cloud, or a hybrid of the two—containers meet the demand. Of course, choosing the right container platform is just as important as the containers themselves.

Red Hat® OpenShift® includes everything needed for hybrid cloud, enterprise container, and Kubernetes development and deployments. OpenShift is available as a cloud service with major cloud providers, or you canmanage OpenShift yourself for greater flexibility and customization.

Deliver containerized apps with Red Hat OpenShiftIcon-Red_Hat-Directional-A-Black-RGB

Isn’t this just virtualization?

Not exactly. Think of them more as complementary of one another. Here’s an easy way to think about the 2:

  • Virtualization lets your operating systems (Windows or Linux) run simultaneously on a single hardware system.
  • Containers share the same operating system kernel and isolate the application processes from the rest of the system. For example: ARM Linux systems run ARM Linux containers, x86 Linux systems run x86 Linux containers, x86 Windows systems run x86 Windows containers. Linux containers are extremely portable, but they must be compatible with the underlying system.

What does this mean? For starters, virtualization uses a hypervisor to emulate hardware, which allows multiple operating systems to run side by side. This isn’t as lightweight as using containers. When you have finite resources with finite capabilities, you need lightweight apps that can be densely deployed. Linux containers run natively on the operating system, sharing it across all of your containers, so your apps and services stay lightweight and run swiftly in parallel.

Linux containers are another evolutionary leap in how we develop, deploy, and manage applications. Linux container images provide portability and version control, helping ensure that what works on a developer’s laptop also works in production. A special type of container image called a golden image creates a consistent, reliable baseline for system configuration. Compared to virtual machines, a running Linux container is less resource-intensive, has a standard interface (start, stop, environment variables, etc.), retains application isolation, and is more easily managed as part of a larger application (multiple containers). Plus, those multi-container applications can be orchestrated across multiple clouds.

There are even tools that combine container orchestration and virtual machine management. Learn more about that in this Red Hat Summit 2020 track, which includes a breakout session on just such a tool.

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What is LXC?

The Linux Containers project (LXC) is an open source container platform that provides a set of tools, templates, libraries, and language bindings. LXC has a simple command line interface that improves the user experience when starting containers.

LXC offers an operating-system level virtualization environment that is available to be installed on many Linux-based systems. Your Linux distribution may have it available through its package repository.

A brief history of containers

The idea of what we now call container technology first appeared in 2000 as FreeBSD jails, a technology that allows the partitioning of a FreeBSD system into multiple subsystems, or jails. Jails were developed as safe environments that a system administrator could share with multiple users inside or outside of an organization.

In 2001, an implementation of an isolated environment made its way into Linux, by way of Jacques Gélinas’ VServer project. Once this foundation was set for multiple controlled userspaces in Linux, pieces began to fall into place to form what is today’s Linux container.

Very quickly, more technologies combined to make this isolated approach a reality. Control groups (cgroups) is a kernel feature that controls and limits resource usage for a process or groups of processes. And systemd, an initialization system that sets up the userspace and manages their processes, is used by cgroups to provide greater control over these isolated processes. Both of these technologies, while adding overall control for Linux, were the framework for how environments could be successful in staying separated.

Enter Docker

In 2008, Docker came onto the scene (by way of dotCloud) with their eponymous container technology. The docker technology added a lot of new concepts and tools—a simple command line interface for running and building new layered images, a server daemon, a library of pre-built container images, and the concept of a registry server. Combined, these technologies allowed users to quickly build new layered containers and easily share them with others.

There are 3 major standards to ensure interoperability of container technologies—the OCI Image, Distribution, and Runtime specifications. Combined these specifications allow community projects, commercial products, and cloud providers to build interoperable container technologies (think pushing your custom built images into a cloud provider’s registry server - you need that to work). Today Red Hat and Docker, among many others, are members of the Open Container Initiative (OCI)—are enabling an open, industry standardization of container technologies.

What's DockerIcon-Red_Hat-Directional-A-Black-RGB

What about container security?

Containers are popular, but how safe are they? There are a lot of moving parts to container security—you need to protect the container pipeline and application; the deployment environment(s) and infrastructure, and you need a plan for integrating with enterprise security tools and policies. You need a plan. We can help.

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Why choose Red Hat for Linux containers?

Red Hat has a long history of working in the open source community to make technologies–like containers–secure, stable, and reliable. It’s what we do. Then we support those technologies. So if you need help, we’re there.

Red Hat’s technologies take all of the guesswork out of doing containers the right way. Whether it’s getting your development teams on a platform built with containers in mind, running your container infrastructure on a best-in-class operating system, or providing storage solutions for the massive data generated by containers, Red Hat’s solutions have you covered.

See why you should trust us with your containersIcon-Red_Hat-Directional-A-Black-RGB

What's a Linux container? (2024)


What are Linux containers used for? ›

Linux containers, in short, contain applications in a way that keep them isolated from the host system that they run on. Containers allow a developer to package up an application with all of the parts it needs, such as libraries and other dependencies, and ship it all out as one package.

What is an example of a Linux container? ›

Examples of container runtimes include Docker Engine, containers, and cri-o. Namespace and Cgroups: Linux namespaces and control groups (groups) are kernel features that provide process isolation and resource management for containers.

Is Docker a Linux container? ›

Docker developed a Linux container technology – one that is portable, flexible and easy to deploy. Docker open sourced libcontainer and partnered with a worldwide community of contributors to further its development.

What is a container in simple terms? ›

Containers sound so simple. We know what the word means: It's something that you use to hold stuff. Just do a Google image search: The top visual explainer is a shipping container.

Why do we need a container? ›

Containers make it easy to share CPU, memory, storage, and network resources at the operating systems level and offer a logical packaging mechanism in which applications can be abstracted from the environment in which they actually run.

How does a container work? ›

The container image is compiled from file system layers to form a starting image. This is usually accomplished using the relevant build command on a containerization platform. Compiling the file system layers results in the reuse of various components.

Can a Linux container run on Windows? ›

You can run both Linux and Windows programs and executables in Docker containers. The Docker platform runs natively on Linux (on x86-64, ARM and many other CPU architectures) and on Windows (x86-64). Docker Inc. builds products that let you build and run containers on Linux, Windows and macOS.

Is Kubernetes a Linux container? ›

Kubernetes is an open source platform that automates Linux container operations. It eliminates many of the manual processes involved in deploying and scaling containerized applications. Kubernetes gives you the platform to schedule and run containers on clusters of physical or virtual machines.

What is the difference between a container and a Docker? ›

A Docker container is a self-contained, runnable software application or service. On the other hand, a Docker image is the template loaded onto the container to run it, like a set of instructions. You store images for sharing and reuse, but you create and destroy containers over an application's lifecycle.

What are two examples of a container? ›

  • Boxes.
  • Crates, a box or rectilinear exoskeleton, designed for hoisting or loading.
  • Wooden boxes.
  • Lift-vans.
  • Corf.
  • Certain waste containers.

What are containers for dummies? ›

Containers are lightweight virtual environments. They package everything you need to run an application or microservice, including: Code. Configuration files.

What is a container vs VM? ›

Containers and virtual machines are both technologies that can be used to run software applications. However, they have different approaches. Containers have a smaller footprint than virtual machines. This is because containers share the host operating system's kernel, while virtual machines each have their own kernel.

What is the purpose of application containers? ›

Containerized applications are applications run in isolated packages of code called containers. Containers include all the dependencies that an application might need to run on any host operating system, such as libraries, binaries, configuration files, and frameworks, into a single lightweight executable.

Why are containers better than VM? ›

Containers have a number of benefits over traditional virtualization methods. As they are more lightweight and portable than VMs, containers support decomposition of a monolith into microservices. Containers are faster to manage and deploy than VMs, which can save time and money with application deployment.

What are Docker containers useful for? ›

Docker streamlines the development lifecycle by allowing developers to work in standardized environments using local containers which provide your applications and services. Containers are great for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) workflows.

What is the difference between Linux container and Linux VM? ›

A container is a software code package containing an application's code, its libraries, and other dependencies. Containerization makes your applications portable so that the same code can run on any device. A virtual machine is a digital copy of a physical machine.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.