What's the Actual Difference Between Modern and Contemporary Design? (2024)

No, it's not synonymous with contemporary.

By Sienna Livermore and Kelly Allen
What's the Actual Difference Between Modern and Contemporary Design? (1)

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Modern design is often used interchangeably with contemporary design, so if you often get them confused, you're not alone. But in reality, these are two different design styles and periods. To set the record straight, we're laying out all of the defining elements of modern design—and how exactly it's different from contemporary design so that the two aren't forever doomed to be conflated.

What is modern design?

Modern design comes from a designated time period that includes the early to the mid-20th century. The style originated at the turn of the century with a move toward industrialization and gained popularity throughout the first half of the century. Both midcentury modern (popular in the '40s through '60s) and post-modern design (from '70s onward) evolved from modern design. "Modernism was the future in the early midcentury. It harnessed the capability of machinery to offer affordable housing and furniture solutions to the masses. This informed architecture, interiors, furnishings, and art," says Los Angeles-based interior designer Natalie Myers.

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What's the Actual Difference Between Modern and Contemporary Design? (2)

What are the defining elements of modern design?

  • Clean lines: The design styles preceding modern design were Gothic, Renaissance, and Victorian styles. They incorporated heavy textures, ornamentation, and plenty of dark and dramatic elements. Modern design rejected these aspects in favor of clean, straight lines, uncluttered spaces, and an overall lack of fussiness.
  • Neutral colors: Whites, beiges, and even some shades of black make up the main color palette for modern design (with a few exceptions). While it can incorporate colors as accents, those colors mostly lean toward earth tones. Since modern design puts a large emphasis on natural materials, keeping things in a more neutral color palette is key. "Clean lines over curves. Neutral colors and natural materials over bold hues, synthetic materials, and patterns," says Myers.
  • Natural materials: The modern design era ushered in new materials from which to construct furniture. Steel, molded plywood, and plastic were all used both instead of or alongside wood. For modern designers, the goal was to strike a balance between pure function and aesthetics. Furniture needed to be practical but still appealing. Materials did differ by region, though. As designers Charles and Ray Eames experimented with plastic in America (and created the iconic midcentury modern Eames lounge chair) and Marcel Breuer used steel in Germany to create the iconic Wassily chair in 1925, modernists in Brazil, for example, kept to local, natural woods in much of their furniture.
  • Low and long furniture: Modern furniture boasts a low, long profile. The Eames lounge chair is a prime example. Made of molded plywood and leather in 1956, it was inspired by the English club chair and the worn comfort of a baseball mitt. Furniture was also simplified, like Eero Saarinen's Tulip chair. As one of the most popular modern furniture pieces today, the chair featured only one leg in the center, made of fiberglass-reinforced resin. Saarinen's aim with the design was to clean up the "ugly confusing world" caused by traditional chair legs. His solution was a streamlined take that came to define the era.
  • The open concept floor plan: Modern design prefers as few walls as possible. Furniture, instead, differentiates spaces, like a kitchen counter providing a visual distinction from a living or dining room.
  • Natural light: Abundant natural light is also necessary to help a space feel more airy and open, so windows are kept unadorned.
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What's the Actual Difference Between Modern and Contemporary Design? (3)

What's the difference between modern and contemporary design?

Contemporary design refers to the style of the present day. It's impossible to pin down as a specific era because contemporary design is constantly evolving. It's a reflection of the now and will likely look very different 50 years from now than it does today. "What may be considered contemporary now could be a fleeting trend or may make a lasting impression that will transcend this era," says interior designer Katie Hodges.

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What's the Actual Difference Between Modern and Contemporary Design? (13)

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What's the Actual Difference Between Modern and Contemporary Design? (2024)
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