What sells the most on Vinted? - Fashionisties (2024)

Would you like to get more sales on Vinted by having the top selling items in your dressing room? Or are you just curious about what buyers are looking for most on the platform?

Anyway, the following information may be of interest to you as we present in this article which items are selling the most on Vinted.


  • 1 Top selling items on Vinted by category
    • 1.1 In the Women's category
    • 1.2 In the Men's category
    • 1.3 In the Children category
    • 1.4 In the Home category
  • 2 Top selling items on Vinted by season
  • 3 The best-selling articles on Vinted, a story of algorithm?
  • 4 The dress, the most essential element of your wardrobe

Top selling items on Vinted by category

On the Vinted platform, the articles are separated into different categories, and then into subcategories, with a total of more than a hundred of them.

In each category, the best-selling items are obviously not the same. That's why we've decided to make a small list of the best-selling items on Vinted according to their category:

In the Women's category

What sells the most on Vinted? - Fashionisties (1)

The best-selling item in the Women's category and subcategory Clothing is the dress, surpassing all other items by far. There are many offers for this type of clothing, but also many requests. As for the other clothes that sell well in this sub-category, shorts, skirts and sweaters are also very popular with buyers. Still among the clothes, lingerie is part of the kind of items that are also much sought after.

The sub-category "Beauty products and Cosmetics" is also very popular on Vinted. Indeed, the items must be new, and they are very successful, partly because of their good quality. Perfumes and skincare products are among the most purchased.

Among the accessories, handbags are clearly the most sought after and also the most sold items. But very quickly followed by jewelry of all types, scarves, belts and sunglasses.

When it comes to women's shoes, boots, sandals and slippers top the list and sell more easily than other types of shoes.

In the Men's category

For men, we find that the most popular items in the Clothing sub-category are suits, jackets, sportswear and coats. Pants, sweaters or underwear and socks are also very popular with men.

As for clothing, when it comes to shoes, sports shoes or more elegant ones such as loafers are sold more easily and are more sought after than others.

And as for men's accessories, in the most sold items we find belts, hats, sunglasses and also watches.

In the Children category

Since it was added to Vinted, the Kids category has been a huge success. By far the most popular items sold are girls' and boys' clothing and toys of all kinds.

It should be taken into account that for children, many toys or clothes will have a very limited use and can therefore be kept and sold in very good condition.
You can find an incredible amount of baby clothes for example, often in sets, even if it must be admitted that these are not the most purchased items in general on Vinted.

In the Home category

Among the home items that can be found on Vinted, books and decorative items are very popular.

We also find in this category objects that can be considered as collector's items and are therefore very sought after. For example, vinyl records, CDs or antique objects.

Top selling items on Vinted by season

What sells the most on Vinted? - Fashionisties (2)

Looking a little deeper into the information we currently have on the type of items that sell best on Vinted, we notice that there is a lot of seasonality involved.

This is because buyers buy different things in the summer than in the winter. If during the coldest time of the year, the best selling items tend to be warm clothes like coats, in the hotter times of the year, you will sell a lot more light clothes like dresses, shorts or sandals.

So it's unlikely that you'll be selling beach accessories in the middle of winter or a ski suit in the middle of summer, although nothing is impossible.

We recommend you to use this information to choose when to publish your items in your dressing room and increase your chances of selling something.

The best-selling articles on Vinted, a story of algorithm?

Based on your searches on the site, Vinted's algorithm will suggest items that are likely to appeal to you.
For example, if you are a woman and you regularly look for jewelry or clothing of a specific brand, these types of items will be proposed by Vinted in your news feed. The buyer profiles you consult are also taken into account by Vinted's algorithm.

The dress, the most essential element of your wardrobe

After conducting our little research, we can announce with certainty that the item that is most sought after and sold the most on Vinted is the dress.

We're sorry for the gentlemen who don't have one in their closets, but it's clearly the most popular product among Vinted users, both buyers and sellers, regardless of the season.

Whether it's short, long, winter or summer, whether it's a little light dress or a beautiful evening dress, this garment seems to be the signature item of the Vinted platform.

So if you have dresses in your closet that you no longer wear, you know what to do! We guarantee that they won't be available in your Vinted dressing room for long.

What sells the most on Vinted? - Fashionisties (2024)
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Name: Arielle Torp

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Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.