What Should the Best Man Wear? (2024)

What Should the Best Man Wear? (1)

Weddings are about the couple at the altar.

The bride’s flowing gown, the groom’s dapper suit. Few consider the groomsmen, those steadfast mates among who the best man is the most stalwart of all. Entrusted not only with holding the ring but also making sure the groom shows up, doesn’t faint and is armed with a speech at the reception afterwards, the best man is one of the most important members of the wedding party.

As such he should look, well, his best. To that end, we’ve got a few tips for what the best man should wear:

Wedding party attire is dictated by a variety of factors. The type of wedding (formal, semi formal, casual, beach); the location (indoors, outdoors, in a church or a hall) and time of day (morning, afternoon, evening). Find out first when/where and what exactly in terms of attire before planning your suit.

What Should the Best Man Wear? (2)

The best man is the leader of the groom’s men. He is the right hand of the groom and the date for the maid of honor.

His outfit should complement the groom’s without matching exactly and without overwhelming the groom’s. The groom and the best man typically chose their suits (or tuxedos) on the same day and from the same tailor. If that’s not possible, the best man should find out what the groom is wearing and have his tailor work with that.

What Should the Best Man Wear? (3)

Think of it like this. The best man’s suit or tuxedo is one step removed from the groom. If the groom is wearing a white dinner jacket, the best man should wear black. If the groom is wearing a double breasted coat, the best man should wear a single breasted. If the groom wears a red rose, the best man should wear a white one.

The key is continuity.

The best man’s outfit should be a younger sibling of the groom’s and should also match – though with differing details – all the groomsmen’s suits.

Knot Standard excels in custom made men’s wedding party attire. Check out our Pinterest boardfor a gallery of men’s wedding party looks. Then ask a Knot Standard bespoke advisor for help planning your wedding party’s ensemble.

What Should the Best Man Wear? (4)

What Should the Best Man Wear? (2024)
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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.