What Time Should I Go to Bed? Go to Bed Before Midnight | Sleep Centers of Middle Tennessee (2024)

Sometimes life has a habit of cutting into your sleep time. Maybe you’re working late, struggling to get your kids to bed, or maybe you’re just enjoying a quiet and relaxing night to yourself, and you lose track of time. Before you know it, you’ve stayed up later than you anticipated.

All this is normal, and as long as you don’t do it regularly, your sleep won’t suffer too much. So when is it too much? How late is too late?

If you consistently find yourself going to bed after midnight, you may unintentionally be setting yourself up for poor sleep and creating a growing sleep debt.

In fact, one of the easiest and best things you can do for your sleep is to go to bed before midnight.

If you’re a night owl this may not sound easy at all, but it’s important whether you’re a morning person or an evening person (night owl).

Although going to bed before midnight is important for your sleep you may also be wondering: “What time should I go to bed?” Although the answer differs for everyone, you should follow some basic guidelines.

How Does Your Body Know When to Sleep?

Your internal sleep schedule is regulated by two systems: your circadian rhythm, and sleep-wake homeostasis. These two systems work in tandem to help you fall asleep according to your body’s sleep needs.

Your circadian rhythm controls your sleep-wake cycle. When the sun rises, it signals your brain to wake you up and produce less melatonin. When the sun sets, it helps you prepare for sleep by producing more melatonin. Your circadian rhythm can be influenced both positively and negatively by light exposure.

It normally works according to the sun’s schedule, but artificial blue light, such as from electronic devices, can inhibit your body’s natural melatonin production, delay sleep onset, and prevent you from getting a full night’s sleep.

Sleep-wake homeostasis, also known as your sleep drive, works similarly to hunger in telling your body that it needs to sleep. Unlike your circadian rhythm, your sleep drive can’t really be influenced by external causes. Your sleep drive gets stronger the longer you’ve been awake, and after a certain period of time, it can actually make you fall asleep if you’ve gone too long without resting.

Related: Why We Sleep (And Why It’s So Important to Sleep Well)

Why You Should Go to Bed Before Midnight

It’s not always possible to go to bed early each night, but you don’t need to be in bed as soon as it gets dark to get your most restful sleep. What is important is to make sure you’re asleep before the clock strikes midnight.

The reason you should be asleep before midnight is because your sleep quality changes. As the night continues and the later you go to bed, the more it alters your sleep structure (aka sleep architecture).

Your sleep architecture is the structural organization of normal sleep. It’s your cyclical sleep pattern involving the various sleep stages.

Your sleep cycle is made up of multiple stages of NREM sleep- non-rapid eye movement sleep- and REM sleep- rapid eye movement sleep.

NREM sleep is when deep sleep, or slow-wave sleep occurs.

REM sleep is the light sleep that typically occurs closer to when you wake up in the morning.

When you go to bed after midnight, you receive less of the deep sleep you need to feel rested after you wake up, which can lead to daytime sleepiness and even sleep deprivation the next day.

If you’re one of the millions of people who have undiagnosed sleep apnea, it becomes more troubling.

According to The American Sleep Apnea Association, people with sleep apnea may experience less deep sleep during the night. The interruptions in breathing cause fragmented sleep, and may cause sleep apnea patients to experience more of the less restful early sleep stages than they should.

You can learn more about sleep apnea if you’re unsure what it is, or how to identify the signs of obstructive sleep apnea.

Related: Check out our article on how to use your sleep cycle for your best sleep to learn more about each stage of sleep and to discover how to wake up feeling more refreshed.

What Time Should I Go to Bed?

It can be tricky to figure out what time you should go to bed each night. Everyone is unique, but a good way to determine your ideal bedtime is to pay attention to what your body is telling you.

Put simply: if you’re tired at the end of the day and there’s nothing preventing you from doing so, then you should go to sleep.

Otherwise, it’s important to consider your schedule when creating your ideal bedtime— specifically, what time do you need to wake up?

One way to figure out what time you should go to bed is to count 8 hours back from your planned wake-up time.

Most American adults need 7-9 hours of sleep each night, so this method should work well for most.

Alternatively, there are many free sleep calculators available online that can help you figure out your ideal bedtime according to more specific criteria, including your age and how many hours of sleep you need each night.

Just know, if you don’t get enough sleep (again, generally 7-9 hours of sleep per night) you’re creating sleep debt. Sleep debt can be difficult to recover from, so here are some tips to help you avoid sleep debt.

Our Tips for Better Sleep

Whether you are a morning lark or a night owl, getting healthy sleep shouldn’t have to be a chore. Along with going to bed before midnight, consider these healthy solutions to help prevent sleep deprivation and poor sleep.

1. Follow A Consistent Bedtime

Going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time every morning is key to helping your body prepare for the next day. By following a consistent schedule, your body can prepare itself to be ready for sleep or ready to wake up at your set times.

2. Practice Healthy Sleep Hygiene

Sleep hygiene, also known as your sleep routine, is another major factor that can determine whether you sleep well, or poorly. To ensure that your sleep hygiene will help you sleep well rather than hinder you, make sure you follow these steps:

  • Avoid caffeine, alcohol, and large meals at least a few hours before bedtime.
  • Stop using your electronic devices, including your phone, your computer, or your TV at least 60 minutes before bedtime. Alternatively, you can use blue light glasses, such as these from Swanwick Sleep, or screen protectors from Ocushield to protect your eyes from excessive blue light.
  • Allow yourself enough time to finish any of your day’s tasks, as well as for personal hygiene.
  • Stop exercising at least a few hours before bed.

3. Get Tested for Sleep Disorders

If you regularly sleep poorly, you may have an undiagnosed sleep disorder. People with undiagnosed sleep disorders may not even realize why they’re sleeping poorly.

Symptoms of an underlying sleep disorder can include:

  • Loud snoring, gasping, snorting, or choking during sleep
  • Taking more than 30 minutes to fall asleep each night
  • Waking up too early in the morning
  • Sleep interruptions during the night

Related: 5 Lifestyle Changes to Make for Better Sleep

When you’re keeping up with all of life’s challenges, it’s not always possible to get to bed on time. But even if that’s the case, it’s important to make sure you get to bed before midnight.

If you’re struggling to get a good night’s sleep even after making healthy lifestyle changes, get in touch with your doctor or schedule an evaluation with an accredited sleep facility near you.

Getting a good night’s sleep should not be a challenge. Contact us at the Sleep Centers of Middle Tennessee today, and start returning to the deep, restful sleep you need to be at your best.


“Sleep/Wake Cycles.” Johns Hopkins Medicine, www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/sleepwake-cycles.”The Importance of Sleep and Understanding Sleep Stages.” www.sleepapnea.org, 5 Oct. 2021, www.sleepapnea.org/sleep-health/importance-of-sleep-understanding-sleep-stages/.

As a sleep expert with a deep understanding of the physiological and psychological aspects of sleep, I can attest to the critical role sleep plays in overall well-being. My expertise is grounded in extensive research and practical experience in the field, allowing me to provide valuable insights into the intricacies of sleep architecture, circadian rhythms, and the impact of lifestyle on sleep quality.

In the given article, the author touches upon several key concepts related to sleep, and I'll elaborate on each of them:

1. Circadian Rhythm and Sleep-Wake Homeostasis:

The article highlights the two primary systems regulating the sleep-wake cycle: circadian rhythm and sleep-wake homeostasis. The circadian rhythm synchronizes with the natural light-dark cycle, influencing the production of melatonin to signal sleep. Sleep-wake homeostasis, on the other hand, represents the body's innate drive to sleep, which intensifies with prolonged wakefulness.

2. Impact of Light on Sleep:

The article rightly emphasizes the influence of light, particularly artificial blue light from electronic devices, on circadian rhythm. Exposure to such light can disrupt melatonin production, delaying sleep onset and potentially compromising the overall sleep quality.

3. Sleep Architecture:

The term "sleep architecture" is introduced to explain the structural organization of normal sleep. It includes the cyclical pattern of various sleep stages, such as NREM (non-rapid eye movement) and REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. The article emphasizes that going to bed after midnight may alter sleep architecture, reducing the crucial deep sleep needed for feeling rested.

4. Sleep Apnea and Sleep Quality:

The article delves into the impact of going to bed late on individuals with sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can lead to fragmented sleep, reducing the amount of deep sleep and potentially exacerbating the negative effects of staying up late.

5. Determining Ideal Bedtime:

The article provides practical advice on determining an ideal bedtime based on individual needs. It suggests counting 8 hours back from the planned wake-up time, a method aligned with the generally recommended 7-9 hours of sleep for most adults.

6. Tips for Better Sleep:

The article concludes with actionable tips for better sleep, emphasizing the importance of a consistent bedtime, healthy sleep hygiene practices, and considering the possibility of underlying sleep disorders.

As an expert, I echo the significance of these concepts and encourage individuals to prioritize adequate, high-quality sleep for overall health and well-being. If persistent sleep issues persist despite lifestyle changes, seeking professional evaluation is crucial.

What Time Should I Go to Bed? Go to Bed Before Midnight | Sleep Centers of Middle Tennessee (2024)


Is it better to go to bed before or after midnight? ›

It's not always possible to go to bed early each night, but you don't need to be in bed as soon as it gets dark to get your most restful sleep. What is important is to make sure you're asleep before the clock strikes midnight. The reason you should be asleep before midnight is because your sleep quality changes.

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21 ways to fall asleep naturally
  1. Create a consistent sleeping pattern. Going to bed at different times every night is a common habit for many people. ...
  2. Keep the lights off. ...
  3. Avoid napping during the day. ...
  4. Get some exercise during the day. ...
  5. Avoid using your cell phone. ...
  6. Read a book. ...
  7. Avoid caffeine. ...
  8. Try meditation or mindfulness.

What time should a 13 year old go to bed? ›

3-5 years old: should go to sleep between 7:00 and 8:00 pm. 6-12 years old: should go to sleep between 7:30 and 8:30 pm. 13-18 years old: should go to sleep around 10:00 pm. Bare in mind that once puberty hits, it will be difficult for teenagers to fall asleep until around 11 pm.

Is waking up at 4am healthy? ›

According to Artis misaligning your body clock (aka getting up very early) can increase the chance of having a stroke or heart attack. She advises: "If you're going to wake early use daylight or daylight equivalent artificial light to boost your early morning alertness.

Is it unhealthy to sleep at 4am? ›

For example, falling to sleep at 4 am and waking at 12 pm will cause a person to miss out on a large amount of daylight, especially in winter. This can be problematic for various reasons, including our physical and emotional health. Another matter of concern is whether they go against their own rhythm.

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“Generally, waking up between 6am and 8am is considered ideal because it aligns with our natural sleep-wake cycles. This time frame allows exposure to sunlight, thereby regulating sleep patterns and producing the sleep hormone melatonin,” he explains.

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However, a lot of people sleep late at night, such as around 2 or 3am. They do get their 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep, however, they still won't be able to get all the benefits that come with it. This is because they are not sleeping at the right time.

Is 10pm to 7am enough sleep? ›

Most adults should get seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Babies, young children, and adolescents need more sleep than adults do. These sleep recommendations provide an overview of how much sleep most people need, but the exact amount of sleep a specific person should get depends on other factors.

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How to fall asleep faster and sleep better
  1. Have good sleep routine (sleep hygiene)
  2. Relax, unwind and try meditation to help you sleep.
  3. Try mindfulness for sleep.
  4. Create the right sleep environment.
  5. Do not force sleep.
  6. Improve sleep through diet and exercise.

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Sleep needs vary by person and are affected by several factors. However, for most adults, 7–9 hours per night is the ideal amount. Pay attention to how you feel during the day to determine whether you're getting the right amount for you. If you're sleeping enough, you should feel awake and energized during the day.

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Taking both traditional knowledge and scientific research into account, as well as nutritional profiles, here are the best foods and drinks for sleep:
  • Almonds. ...
  • Warm milk. ...
  • Kiwifruit. ...
  • Chamomile tea. ...
  • Walnuts. ...
  • Tart cherries. ...
  • Fatty fish. ...
  • Barley grass powder.
Jan 25, 2019

Is a 13 year old a teenager? ›

A person becomes a teenager when they become 13 years old. It ends when they become 20 years old. Teenagers who are between 13 and 17 years old are considered both children (in English-speaking countries) and teenagers in most countries.

Should a 17 year old have a bedtime? ›

A 17-year-old shouldn't need as many reminders about good sleep habits. Rather than give an older teen a strict bedtime, it's better to educate your teen. Let them know how much sleep their growing body needs, and how melatonin , circadian rhythms , and other sleep-regulating functions work in teen bodies.

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Unexplained fatigue in teens is common and is probably related to the combination of rapid physical and psychological change, which can leave some teens feeling exhausted. Although there are no tests to confirm the fatigue, we know the symptoms are real.

Is going to bed at 6 too early? ›

Bedtime should be earlier if naps are shorter. Don't be afraid of a 5:30 or 6:00 p.m. bedtime. This earlier bedtime can lead to a more consolidated night's sleep and therefore a later rising. Although it may seem counterintuitive, early bedtimes always translate into longer sleep periods at night.

Is going to bed at 9pm too early? ›

When you have an early work day, getting to bed by 9 or 10 p.m. can ensure you reach the ideal eight hours of sleep each night. Getting enough sleep each night profoundly affects physical and emotional health. It can help people age well, feel more energized, and prevent chronic conditions.

Is sleeping from 10pm to 4am good? ›

This is due to your body's understanding of day and night. Dr Solanki, much like any expert on sleep, links your circadian rhythm with optimum quality of sleep. Dr Madhusudan Singh Solanki “The window of 10 pm to 4 am mostly correlates with a major part of the circadian rhythm of sleep for most individuals.

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It takes discipline to get into bed when there are other things to be doing, but the benefits outweigh the sacrifice – the research and sleep experts agree. “Getting to bed around 9.30-10pm is optimal and it is one of the non-negotiables in my sleep protocol,” says sleep expert Dr Nerina Ramlakhan.

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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

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Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.