What to buy as a souvenir in Paris? Cosmetics! - Culture tourist (2024)

One of the advantages of travelling is having access to different brands and local products.

Of course, with the world becoming a globalvillage and an on line shopping being more and more popular, you can easily get those products delivered to your home, as well! But, there is something special in visitingcosmetic stores, finding some local brands you’ve never heard of before and smelling thenew season’s fragrances.

And it’s even more special if all that’s happening in Paris!

Paris has always been a center of fashion, beauty and those worldwide known brands like Dior, Channel or Givenchy. Accordingly, they have a wider range of their products there and some of the special edition products that can be bought in Parisian cosmetic stores only.

And although it may come with a surprise, the fact is that many French brands are much cheaper in France. That’s why I always have an extra budget for cosmetics when in Paris.

What to buy as a souvenir in Paris? Cosmetics! - Culture tourist (1)


Sephora is one pretty awesome store with a great choice of their own products, but also brands that can not be found in many other places.

A huge Sephora store on Champs-Élysées was usually my favourite place to go but lately, it just became so crowded and, well, I have to say it, touristic. Luckily, they have many stores around Paris which have a wide choice and are not as crowded. Duringmy last visit to Paris, I’ve found the one next to the La Fayette department store and really liked it.

*Address:21-23 Boulevard Haussmann, 75009 Paris, France

# – Makeup brushes

In Sephora, I especially love those cute travel size products. So, the last time I was there I bought some makeup brushes, which are so handy when I’m travelling. They would fit even into the smallest cosmetic bag.

What to buy as a souvenir in Paris? Cosmetics! - Culture tourist (2)

# – Eyeshadow palette

It’s also nice to have more options with your makeup when you’re travelling. Something lighter for aday and something nicer for the evening. Well, that eyeshadow palette was a great catch for me and I love having it with me when I travel. It’s compact so I have all the eyeshadows in one place and the quality is just perfect!

What to buy as a souvenir in Paris? Cosmetics! - Culture tourist (3)

French cosmetic brands

# – Avene

I’m using Avene products for my facial care already for years now! And am always surprised that they are almost a 50 % cheaper in France than in the Netherlands and the other European countries. So, whenever I’m there I’m buying a whole bunch of them.

Local pharmacies are the best place to look for Avene products, and although they are on every corner in Paris, since I’m usually staying in the Saint-Germain neighbourhood I have my favourite place to go there (#feelingalmostlikealocal).

*Address: Pharmacie Bader,10-12 Boulevard Saint-Michel, 75006 Paris, France

What to buy as a souvenir in Paris? Cosmetics! - Culture tourist (4)

# – Nuxe

The other French brand I’m completely in love with is Nuxe. Their Huile Prodigieuse oil smells so divineI can’t think of something more perfect. Their products are also around 50 % cheaper in France, so leave some extra space in your suitcase for them too! I’m buying them in pharmacies there as well!

*Address: Pharmacie Bader,10-12 Boulevard Saint-Michel, 75006 Paris, France

What to buy as a souvenir in Paris? Cosmetics! - Culture tourist (5)

What to buy as a souvenir in Paris? Cosmetics! - Culture tourist (6)

Cosmetics and makeup are my absolutely favourite souvenirs from Paris! And since I strongly believe we should always buy local products as souvenirs when travelling, I can’t really think of a better thing than paying a visit to a cosmetic store when in Paris!

OK, and to buy some macarons on the way there!

Cosmetics, Lifestyle, paris, Shopping

What to buy as a souvenir in Paris? Cosmetics! - Culture tourist (2024)


What to buy in Paris that you can't get in us? ›

11 Things You Can Only Buy in Paris
  • Angelina chocolate. Angelina is well known for its chocolate / | © Garden Photo World / Alamy Stock Photo.
  • Buly soap. ...
  • Bouquins of Paris. ...
  • Bellota-Bellota hams. ...
  • Parisian tea. ...
  • Parisian chocolate. ...
  • Thoïonade. ...
  • Rive Gauche, Rive Droite tote bags.
Apr 12, 2022

What is the most popular souvenir? ›

What is the most bought souvenir? Fridge magnets are apparently the most bought travel souvenir idea worldwide. They're the quintessential impulse buy at any tourist shop – small, affordable, and easy to pack.

Which Paris Major 2023 souvenir package best to choose? ›

Which Souvenir Package Should I Open? Long story short, the best option is Mirage. This souvenir case is filled with cool and expensive skins, starring AWP Desert Hydra as the most valuable skin from the collection. Moreover, it is one of the most expensive AWP skins in the game!

What do people buy the most in France? ›

As of January 2023, fashion was the leading e-commerce category in France, purchased by nearly 56 percent of online shoppers. Accommodation ranked second, with 43 percent.

What products to buy from France? ›

Top 10 must-have things to buy in France
  • Breton striped shirts. ...
  • Lavender. ...
  • The Little Prince. ...
  • Earthenware. ...
  • Pétanque balls. ...
  • Le Grand Comptoir. ...
  • Beret. ...
  • Copper cookware.
May 10, 2023

Is Chanel cheaper in Paris? ›

Fortunately, both brands have stores in Paris, France – and yes, Chanel and Louis Vuitton bags are much cheaper there than they are in the US. That's because of the VAT (Value Added Tax) refund that you can get when you shop in Paris.

What can I bring back from France to the US? ›

You may take home vacuum-packed cheeses; dried herbs, spices, or mushrooms; and canned fruits or vegetables, including jams and vegetable spreads. Baked goods, candy, chocolate, oil, vinegar, mustard, and honey are OK. Fresh fruits and vegetables (even that banana from your airplane breakfast) are not permitted.

What to wear in Paris to not look American? ›

Opt for elevated basics: a white button-down shirt, straight-leg jeans or wide-leg trousers, and a neutral-toned blazer. If you are choosing to wear a T-shirt, avoid anything with a logo or abrasive design. Think comfortable business casual when packing for France.

Should I bring U.S. dollars to Paris? ›

Currency: Can I pay in U.S. dollars, or should I use Euros? The currency of France is the Euro. US dollars are not accepted. Please be sure to have the correct currency on hand or be prepared to exchange your dollars for Euros upon arrival.

Are perfumes cheap in Paris? ›

As a consequence, Paris is definitely the best place to buy Perfume in the world, and at a much reasonable price than elsewhere in the world.

Are French brands cheaper in Paris? ›

As a rule of thumb, you should shop for brands that are headquartered in Europe. They tend to be cheaper because they don't have to cover fees like import or transportation taxes. Just by shopping in Paris, you can save up to a few hundred dollars on the same product compared to buying it in Tokyo or New York.

What to bring as gift from France? ›

Must-haves to bring back from France
  • Each of France's regions abounds with unique kinds of know-how. ...
  • An emblematic perfume: Chanel Nº5 (External link) . ...
  • A beret. ...
  • Some espadrilles. ...
  • Ladurée macarons. ...
  • Laguiole (External link) knife.
Jan 4, 2023

What are the best things to buy from France? ›

Top 10 must-have things to buy in France
  • Breton striped shirts. ...
  • Lavender. ...
  • The Little Prince. ...
  • Earthenware. ...
  • Pétanque balls. ...
  • Le Grand Comptoir. ...
  • Beret. ...
  • Copper cookware.
May 10, 2023

What can you get in us but not France? ›

There are a lot more American food items you can't buy in France, so this is just the short list. Some others are: Canned pumpkin, refried beans, PAM cooking spray, Reese's peanut butter cups, and regular Cheerios.

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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.