What to do when your child ignores you (2024)

Why does my preschooler ignore me?

Basically, your preschooler ignores you because she doesn’t like what she’s hearing! If you tell her to do something she doesn’t want to do, she’ll pretend she hasn’t heard.

It’s happening because she’s starting to develop her own priorities. Things that are important to you, such as staying safe, making sure the day runs smoothly, and keeping mess under control, aren’t at the top of her list.

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Don’t be surprised if your child seems to listen selectively. She may jump up when it’s time to go out for an ice-cream, but act like you haven’t said anything when you ask her to wash her hands.

At age three to four, your child isn’t trying to be rude by ignoring you. Instead, she’s just testing her boundaries, to see what happens if she doesn’t obey you straight away. This is an important part of learning to be independent, so try not to be too discouraged when it happens.

What should I do when my child ignores me?

Be realistic

When you ask your child to do something, make sure it’s a task that she can understand and is able to complete. If she’s confused or daunted by your request, she may tune it out.

"Tidy your room," may not mean much to her at this age. But, "Please put your shoes in the wardrobe," lets her know exactly what you want her to do.

At age three to four, your preschooler can probably only manage tasks with two or three simple steps, such as, "Please go upstairs, find your shoes and socks, and bring them back down." To make sure she’s heard you and understood what’s expected of her, you could ask her to repeat your instruction.

Consider her feelings

When your child ignores you, think about how she may be feeling at the time. Even adults sometimes miss things when they’re tired, frustrated, distracted or excited. And preschoolers can feel these emotions just as strongly, so it’s understandable if your little one can’t always give you her full attention.

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You may find that your child’s hard to talk to after a long day at nursery, when she’s tired and wants time to herself. Or you may notice that she starts ignoring you during play dates, when she’s excited about being with her friends. If you know that it’s going to be difficult for her to listen to you, try not to make a lot of requests.

Follow through

When it’s time to leave the play park, give your preschooler a few minutes’ warning before gently guiding her to the exit. Likewise, when you ask her to get off the table and she ignores you, lift her down yourself.

Try to do this in a calm way, telling your child why you are lifting her down so that she knows you’re not doing it because you are angry, but because you need her to come down. This lets her know that ignoring you doesn’t work, and when something needs to happen, it will happen anyway.

Praise her for listening

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Your preschooler loves it when you’re pleased with her, so compliments and encouragement will make her more likely to listen to your requests: "I’m so proud of you for getting your shoes on quickly!" or, "You’re such a good listener!"

Giving her an incentive may help, but resist the temptation to bribe her. Instead, let her see that listening has positive consequences: "When you put the puzzle pieces back in the box, we can go to the park."

Using the word "when", rather than "if", shows your child that good times are a natural consequence of good behaviour rather than a bribe that you have chosen to give.

Give her advance warning Your preschooler may sometimes ignore you as a way of saying, "I’m not ready to do this yet." You won’t always have time to cajole her into the car, or persuade her to part with the tablet. But whenever possible, give her notice before it’s time for the next activity.

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Try saying something like, "We’re leaving in a few minutes, so try to finish your game." Then follow up with, "One more minute left, then it’ll be time to go." Your child may be more willing to listen if the request isn’t a surprise.

Find alternatives to "no" It’s easy to get into the habit of saying "no" when you have a stubborn preschooler on your hands. But if you say it too often, she may start to ignore it. So look for alternative ways to steer her away from behaviour you don’t want.

Try to frame your request positively rather than negatively. So, instead of saying, "No! Don’t kick the ball in the kitchen," say, "Let’s go outside to play with the ball."

Make a point of saying "yes" whenever you can. If your child wants to try climbing a little higher on the climbing frame, why not stand underneath in case she needs help, and tell her to go for it?

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Reserve "no" for times when her safety or wellbeing is at stake. When she knows that you don’t say it lightly, she’s more likely to listen.

Should I be worried about my preschooler ignoring me?

Ignoring is almost always a normal part of a child’s development, rather than a sign that something’s wrong. But in rare cases it could be a sign of a learning or hearing problem.

Ask your GP or health visitor for advice if your preschooler:

  • Ignores you more often than she listens to you.
  • Responds only to very loud noises.
  • Doesn’t seem to hear sounds that are going on around her.
  • Makes unusual sounds without realising.
  • Regularly ignores other children.

Rest assured that your child will most likely grow out of ignoring you on her own, as her empathy skills and ability to cooperate develop.

Find out more about what to do when your preschooler won’t listen to you.

What to do when your child ignores you (2024)


What to do when your child ignores you? ›

This can happen for many reasons including: your child may not have heard you, he may not have understood the question, he may be processing your question and needs more wait time, he may not be able to access the words to answer your question, or he may even feel overwhelmed and not want to answer your question.

What to do when a child completely ignores you? ›

What to do when your child ignores you
  1. Be clear and realistic. Make sure your requests are specific and doable. ...
  2. Simplify your requests. ...
  3. Follow through. ...
  4. Motivate your 2-year-old. ...
  5. Use alternatives to "no." If your child ignores you when you tell her no, maybe it's because she hears it too often. ...
  6. Try to be understanding.

What to do when your grown child ignores you? ›

How to deal with ignoring and estrangement
  1. telling the child they love them.
  2. offering to talk about what they can do to fix things.
  3. taking responsibility for past actions.
  4. emphasizing that, if they still choose not to respond, the caregiver will respect their decision.
Oct 4, 2023

Why does my child not answer me? ›

This can happen for many reasons including: your child may not have heard you, he may not have understood the question, he may be processing your question and needs more wait time, he may not be able to access the words to answer your question, or he may even feel overwhelmed and not want to answer your question.

What to do when your child keeps answering back? ›

Define the behavior and set boundaries.

Regardless of why your child is lashing out and talking back, it's important to clarify what about their words upset you and define clear boundaries for moving forward. Saying “That was rude” or “That was sassy” is too vague and can escalate the situation.

Why is my child not responding to me? ›

A child may be ignoring you when you call his name for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, it is just because the child isn't tuned in to what's going on around them. Sometimes, it is because they aren't developing social skills as we would expect.

Why do my kids ignore everything I say? ›

Your preschooler could be ignoring you because she doesn't understand what you're asking her to do. At this age, kids respond best to instructions with no more than two or three steps. ("Please go upstairs, find your shoes and socks, and bring them back down" or "Please bring Mommy the washcloth from the bathroom.")

How do you deal with a disrespectful grown child? ›

Receiving disrespect from an adult child can be frustrating and difficult to deal with, but there are ways you can address it in healthy ways. Seek support, set boundaries, and stop enabling the behavior. This can make all the difference in maintaining and building a positive relationship with your child.

How do you react when a child rejects you? ›

10 Things to Do for a Child Who Has Rejected You
  1. Analyze it. Take a step back and look at the entire picture. ...
  2. Take action. ...
  3. Break the ice. ...
  4. Focus on common ground. ...
  5. Change your demeanor. ...
  6. Be respectful. ...
  7. Be patient and understanding. ...
  8. Take a personal inventory.

Why is my child rejecting me? ›

A child's rejection of a parent is a complicated emotional issue caused by many factors. Whether it's the stress of family upheaval, the malicious and manipulative behaviour of the co-parent(s), or the lingering effects of emotional trauma, there are many reasons why a child may choose to reject a parent.

What is stonewalling in children? ›

When a child refuses to talk to a parent because he or she is not getting his or her way, the child may be acting oppositional. The refusal to talk to the parent feels like stonewalling or pouting.

What is Einstein's syndrome? ›

Einstein syndrome is when a child develops language skills later than typically expected, yet is gifted in other areas, such as musical talent or analytical skills. The term “Einstein syndrome” was developed in 1993 by American economist Thomas Sowell.

What to do when your child stops speaking to you? ›

What to do:
  1. Don't lecture your child or tell them how hurt you feel.
  2. Try to have positive interactions with them.
  3. Engage them in activities you've enjoyed doing together.
  4. Sit down to meals with them.
  5. Don't pump them for information.
Oct 30, 2023

What are signs of a disrespectful child? ›

A disrespectful child is a child who shows a lack of respect or consideration towards their parents, siblings, or other authority figures. This can include behaviors such as talking back, ignoring, or disregarding rules and boundaries, and using rude or inappropriate language.

How to punish a child for talking back? ›

Simply say, “I feel hurt by the way you're talking to me. When I hear that tone of voice, I'm going to walk away. We can talk again when you can speak respectfully to me.” Then walk away. Next time it happens, there's no need for even a warning–simply leave the room.

What to do when your child refuses to talk to you? ›

How do I get my child to talk to me?
  1. Take care of your own mental health.
  2. Don't go empty-handed.
  3. Set enough time aside.
  4. Allow your child to feel in control of your time together.
  5. Ease off on the questions.
  6. Be real.
  7. Praise them, thank them and be grateful.

What to do when your child is giving you the silent treatment? ›

Give your child a clear message when he gives you the silent treatment. You should say: “Not responding to me is not going to solve your problem. When you're ready to talk about it, I'll be here.”

Why my child is ignoring me? ›

It's happening because she's starting to develop her own priorities. Things that are important to you, such as staying safe, making sure the day runs smoothly, and keeping mess under control, aren't at the top of her list. Don't be surprised if your child seems to listen selectively.

How to discipline a child who doesn't listen? ›

Here are some tips to discipline preschoolers who don't listen:
  1. Make eye contact. Get on their level and look them in the eye. ...
  2. Never ask something more than twice. ...
  3. Pick your battles. ...
  4. Know your child's triggers. ...
  5. Practice prevention. ...
  6. Be consistent. ...
  7. Don't get emotional. ...
  8. Listen and repeat.

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Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.