What to do with wallaby - InDaily (2024)

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What to do with wallaby - InDaily (2)


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What to do with wallaby - InDaily (3)

While kangaroo meat is now a familiar item on supermarket shelves and restaurant menus, wallaby is a rarer beast. Richard Gunner, whoseSomething Wild shop at Adelaide Central Market has recently started selling the meat, shares some ideas for cooking wallaby at home.

Where and how do you source wallaby meat?

We source the wallaby from Flinders Island in Tasmania; they roam wild all across the area. Qualified hunters are hired and no stress is caused to the animal.

How does the flavour and texture of wallaby meat differ from kangaroo?

The flavour of the wallaby is quite unique. It lacks the “gamey” taste of kangaroo, which customers find very appealing, and the texture is also much finer. It’s almost similar to veal.

What can buyers expect to pay for wallaby meat?

The price of wallaby meat varies with each particular cut, but it is not that much more than kangaroo – only about 25 per cent more. For instance, boneless wallaby steaks retail for $17.99kg.

What to do with wallaby - InDaily (4)

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How would you prepare and cook it? Do you have a favourite wallaby dish?

Cooking wallaby is very similar to cooking any meat dish.. The main tip is to not over-cook it, as it can turn tough and flavourless, and it must be served hot. Wallaby shanks make a perfect stew and the steaks are fantastic lightly marinated and grilled on the barbecue.

Something Wild also stocks emu, camel and crocodile – can you offer tips for cooking these?

Emu has a similar taste to turkey leg meat and the fillet is just beautiful on the barbecue with a plum marinade. Cook medium-rare. Camel is much better as a slow-cooking meat and perfect for a slow-cooked casserole. Crocodile is very versatile and can be used as a substitute for chicken or Fish. If overcooked. it can turn quite tough, but when cooked to a perfect medium it’s a lovely meat.

You’ll find recipes for all these meats on the Something Wild website.

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What to do with wallaby - InDaily (2024)


What to do with wallaby - InDaily? ›

Cooking wallaby is very similar to cooking any meat dish.. The main tip is to not over-cook it, as it can turn tough and flavourless, and it must be served hot. Wallaby shanks make a perfect stew and the steaks are fantastic lightly marinated and grilled on the barbecue.

What are the benefits of wallaby meat? ›

Nutritionally wallaby is a high protein, low fat meat. Its low fat status makes it fantastic to cook with and it offers many nutritional benefits including building lean muscle, reducing muscle loss and helping to maintain a healthy weight.

What does wallaby taste like? ›

Tasmanian wallaby is harvested from Tasmanian grasslands and has a very mild and sweet taste. It's not at all gamey, in fact many people say that the flavor reminds them of beef. You can use it just like you would any other regular meat that you are familiar with.

Where do wallabies sleep? ›

Wallabies and Kangaroos like to sleep for short periods of time throughout the day and night. They will make use of rest areas which are protected from bad weather but also enjoy laying on soft substrates such as sand or grass out in open areas.

How do wallabies protect themselves? ›

Wallabies defend themselves against predators by hitting them with their powerful tails. Wallabies live about 9 years in the wild. Wallabies are threatened by habit loss, vehicle collisions, culling and animal agriculture. Many wallaby species are endangered.

Why is kangaroo meat not commonly eaten? ›

As with other meats, kangaroo meat is known to harbor a number of parasites and pathogens; toxoplasmosis and salmonellosis are two infections with public health significance related to the handling, processing and consumption of kangaroo meat.

Can you eat raw wallaby? ›

Infection levels of toxoplasmosis in Tasmanian wallaby are less than 10%, much lower than the approximately 80% level recorded in mature sheep and 30% in lambs. So, whilst the toxo risk from eating raw wallaby meat is low (and much lower than for other red meats), there is nonetheless a risk.

How to best cook wallaby? ›

Heat a grill pan or BBQ to med-high and then rub oil over both sides of your fillets. Cook for 3 minutes either side. DO NOT OVERCOOK. Even if you prefer your meat cooked more, kangaroo and wallaby must be served med-rare.

Is wallaby nice to eat? ›

Wallaby is uniquely Tasmanian and it's the only place in Australia where it's legal. It produces a much milder and sweeter meat than it mainland counterparts aka larger roos. We knew this and were excited to be the first people to offer this great meat to restaurants and home cooks.

Who eats wallabies? ›

Wallabies have a few natural predators: Dingoes, Wedge-tailed Eagles and Tasmanian Devils. But the introduction of feral predators – foxes, cats and dogs – has been disastrous for many species, pushing some to the brink of extinction.

What is the lifespan of a wallaby? ›

Range & Habitat:

forests near open grassy areas in Tasmania and South-eastern Australia. Lifespan: up to 15 years in captivity, 15 years in the wild. Special Adaptations: The wallaby has a long, heavy tail to help them maintain their balance while hopping and for support when standing upright.

Can you potty train a wallaby? ›

These smaller relatives of kangaroos are not easily domesticated and cannot be house-trained. If allowed to roam around inside your house, a wallaby will not only urinate and defecate, it may also jump erratically, endangering itself (and your furniture).

What is a wallaby's favorite food? ›

Wallabies are herbivores and eat primarily grasses and leafy plants. In the wild, they may eat roots if they cannot find enough water. While our wallabies have received sweet potatoes as part of their diet, they generally prefer browse (leafy branches) and macropod pellets.

What disease do wallabies carry? ›

Toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis in wallabies has been shown to produce a number of ocular lesions.

Are wallabies friendly? ›

With regular feeding, a kangaroo or wallaby learns to approach people for food. Even without feeding, kangaroos and wallabies readily accept our presence if we show no aggression towards them. But, if we get too close, they may see us as a threat.

Why are wallabies always pregnant? ›

The swamp wallaby is the only mammal that is permanently pregnant throughout its life according to new research about the reproductive habits of marsupials. Unlike humans, kangaroos and wallabies have two uteri. The new embryo formed at the end of pregnancy develops in the second, 'unused' uterus.

What is the healthiest animal meat in the world? ›

Poultry and fish are considered the best animal proteins you can load your diet with, Laster said. Fish is hailed for its omega-3 fatty acids, which can protect against cardiovascular disease. Fish is also rich in vitamin D, selenium and protein.

Which animal meat is the healthiest? ›

White-meat poultry, such as chicken or turkey breasts. Fish, especially fatty fish like salmon, lake trout, mackerel, herring, sardines and tuna. Pork tenderloin. Lean or extra-lean cuts of beef such as sirloin or round cuts, greater than 93% lean ground beef.

Why do people eat wallaby? ›

Yes, they're cute, but they're also a far more environmentally friendly source of meat compared to beef and lamb. Discerning carnivorous consumers have learned that wallaby is not only lean and delicious, but also an ethically responsible choice.

What is the most beneficial meat to eat? ›

While meat can be a part of a healthy diet, not all sources are created equal. The leanest and healthiest meats to eat include poultry, pork, fish, and seafood. Eating a balanced diet is one of the keys to a healthy lifestyle, which means choosing various foods from different food groups, like proteins.

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