When Is The Right Time To Show Up To A Party? (2024)

A guide on what “fashionably late” actually means

When Is The Right Time To Show Up To A Party? (1)



Published in

Towards Data Science


9 min read


Aug 24, 2018


When Is The Right Time To Show Up To A Party? (3)

If you dislike me you won’t talk to me. If you hate me you’ll invite me to your party.

Aside from needing to talk to people at a party, one of the other problems with parties is deciding when to show up. I’m a punctual person. Being “fashionably late” conflicts with the core of my being.

Yet I have been to enough parties to realize that punctuality is not always appreciated. I remember going to a party thrown by a friend of a friend. The Facebook invite had a 9 PM start time. My friends and I showed up at 9:05 PM.

We were the only ones there.

One of the hosts, not even completely dressed, said she didn’t expect anyone this early. I was confused, weren’t we on time?

So if being on time is a faux-paus, what is the right time to show up? Like many questions I face in life, I turned to the internet. I conducted an online survey to determine the ideal time to show up to a party. Afterwards, I also interviewed my more socially adept friends to figure out what different party arrival times says about you.

I recruited 71 people and presented them with three parties:

  • Regular House Party — A house party with 20 to 50 people and an official start time of 10PM
  • Small House Party — A house party with 10 to 20 people and an official start time of 10PM
  • Early House Party — A house party with 20 to 50 people with an official start time of 8PM

For each hypothetical party, I asked participants three questions:

  1. When is the earliest you would like your guests to start arriving?
  2. When is the latest you would like your guests to arrive by?
  3. What is the ideal time you would like your average guest to arrive?

This is what I found:


When Is The Right Time To Show Up To A Party? (4)

Over 50% of people wanted guests to arrive on time to 15 minutes late.This was especially true for smaller parties: 68% of people said that that was ideal time frame to show up.

For larger parties, close to a third of people wanted guests to arrive more than 15 minutes later than the official start time. So if you’re a punctual person, get in another episode of The Office in before leaving for your shindig.


More than 50% of people were okay with guests arriving earlier than the official start time for all three parties. However, don’t arrive too early. Few people found it acceptable for guests to arrive more than 15 minutes early. If you’re in danger showing up prematurely, take some extra laps around the neighborhood before knocking on the door.

When Is The Right Time To Show Up To A Party? (5)


People varied in how late they found it acceptable for guests to show up.

For smaller parties, 78% of people said that guests shouldn’t arrive more than an hour late. For larger parties, 75% of people were okay with guests arriving up to 1.5 hours late. 7% of people also fell in the “I don’t give a F&CK” category and didn’t care when guests showed up.

When Is The Right Time To Show Up To A Party? (6)

4. JUST BECAUSE A PARTY STARTS EARLIER IN THE NIGHT DOESN’T MEAN YOU CAN SHOW UP LATER. In fact, the smaller the party, the more on time you should be.

I thought that the party start time would affect people’s expectations about when guests should arrive. I was wrong. The data suggests that regardless if the party starts at 8PM or 10PM, you should still arrive on time or slightly late.

Party size had the bigger effect on expectations for timeliness — the smaller the party, the more on time you should be.

The data told me when to show up to a party. But what do people actually think when you arrive to a party 30 minutes early or 2 hours late? I recruited some of my more socially-adept friends (read: the cool kids in high-school) and interviewed them about party arrival times. What I discovered is that when you show up to a party says a lot about you — your personality, your relationship to the host, and your goals for the night.


When Is The Right Time To Show Up To A Party? (7)

If you show up early, you are undoubtedly the first one to arrive. You probably caught the host in the middle of setting up or getting dressed. Expect a few comments about “not expecting anyone this early.”


  1. Are best friends with the host
  2. Mistakenly believe people appreciate your early arrival.
  3. Didn’t know how long it would take to get to the party

If you are best friends with the host, all is forgiven. You may have even been expected. Your presence means you can help the host set-up or better yet, pregame.

If you are 2), consider this your awakening. Hopefully the data has convinced you that those exclamations of “You’re Early!” were not because the host was excited to see you.

Most likely you are 3). You weren’t sure how long it would take to get to the party so you arrived earlier than anticipated. Rather than circle the block a few times, you decided to just ring the doorbell — what’s the worst that could happen? As you take in the look of confusion and judgement across your host’s face, you immediately regret your decision. Next time you arrive early, you’ll just patiently wait in your car like a normal person.


When Is The Right Time To Show Up To A Party? (8)

You’re likely still the first person to arrive unless there’s that odd guy who showed up early. I mean who does that, even you have more social tact than that.

Depending on how prepared your host is, one of two emotions is crossing their mind. If they’re set up, they’re relieved that people have actually come to the party. You’ll also make the party look more popular for when other guests show up.

If your host is still setting up, they’re cursing your existence. They know the invite technically said 9 PM, but who actually shows up at 9 PM? Now they have to continue getting ready while feeling obligated to make small talk.

So why did you show up on time? You are either…

  1. Punctual
  2. Bored

One option is that you like being on time. Your college nickname was “Punctual”. You have a stopwatch tattooed on your wrist. The Facebook invite said 10 PM so doggone it, you’re going to show up at 10 PM.

The other option is that this party is the pinnacle of your night. There are only so many True Detective episodes you can watch in one day. Literally — there are only two seasons right now and you’ve watched them all today. So you arrive on time because you would rather do anything else than spend another more minute at your place.


When Is The Right Time To Show Up To A Party? (9)

People are starting to trickle in and everyone is standing in a large circle. You can actually hear other people speak.

You either:

  1. Hate large crowds.
  2. Have somewhere else to be.

Maybe you prefer chatting in smaller groups but don’t want to make one-on-one small talk with the host. Arriving relatively early is a good strategy if you don’t know many people at the party. While the party is small, you can actually meet everyone there. As people trickle in, people will also gravitate toward the social circle you’re in and introduce themselves to you.

Showing up at this time can also mean this party isn’t your final destination for the night. You felt socially obligated to make an appearance but you’re really just waiting for the acceptable amount of time to pass before you can leave for your true destination. In the meantime, you’re not going to turn down the wine being passed around.


When Is The Right Time To Show Up To A Party? (10)

The party is picking up, the drinking games have come out, people aren’t drunk but they are certainly drinking.

If you arrive at this time, you are normal.

As you enter the room, you mentally pat yourself on the back for being fashionably late. Nevermind that you were watching cat videos for the last two hours just so you wouldn’t arrive early.

Every decision is planned. You brought a 6 pack — just enough beer to show that you’re not a moocher but not enough beer for people to think you’re desperate for friends. Your wardrobe is put-together enough to look good but not too put together to look like this party is a big deal. The fact that you tried on five different outfits before landing on the one you have on is besides the point.


When Is The Right Time To Show Up To A Party? (11)

The party is in full swing. Conversations consist of yelling into each other’s ears. Like an invasive species, red Solo cups are spreading across the room. The beer pong table has a waiting list.


  1. Do not know the host.
  2. Are coming from somewhere else

You’ve never met the host. In fact, you didn’t know this party existed until 10 minutes ago when your friend shepherded your friend group here. You’re only here because the first party ran out of alcohol and this was the best option anyone could think of. This was not before receiving several texts confirming that this party was indeed “poppin”.

Or this is the second or third stop of the night. You were at the “coolest bar before this” and make it clear to anyone you meet. Now you have to match your level of intoxication to the level of the party. If your level is too low, you take some shots to catch up. If your level is too high, you still take some shots to bury the awkwardness.


When Is The Right Time To Show Up To A Party? (12)

You are drunk.

You have no idea how you got here. As you look around, you don’t recognize a single person in the room. People glance your way and whisper to their friends but you’re in no state to decipher what it all means. You would call your friends but you lost your phone two destinations ago. Now you’re just sitting on a couch with a cup of water in hand, or is it a cup of beer? You’re just going to rest your eyes for a brief second…

So hopefully you now know when to show up to your next party — yay. If you’re not convinced you actually want to show up I have an article for you. But for now, I have to take a shot, grab my jacket, put on a smile, and head out the door…ugh.

If you liked this article, visit LateNightFroyo.com to read about topics that spark conversations around love, life, and more.

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When Is The Right Time To Show Up To A Party? (2024)


When Is The Right Time To Show Up To A Party? ›

1. SHOW UP ON TIME TO 15 MINUTES LATE. Over 50% of people wanted guests to arrive on time to 15 minutes late. This was especially true for smaller parties: 68% of people said that that was ideal time frame to show up.

How early should you show up for a party? ›

You should generally plan on arriving within 15 minutes of the start time. It's a huge help to your hosts if you're on time if they have a schedule of events and activities, and you don't want to leave your host wondering where you are.

Is showing up to a party early rude? ›

While you might think that arriving on time is a punctual courtesy, it's actually considered a little rude. “A thoughtful guest will arrive exactly 10 minutes after the start time,” Musson says, “and arriving early is unacceptable; your host may still be getting ready.”

How late is too late to go to a party? ›

"To be late is disrespectful. However, arriving late for a seated function is going to cause more discomfort to the host and the other guests than a standing function." Roden says it is appropriate to arrive five to 10 minutes after the start time of a party or dinner party.

What is the 38 minute rule? ›

It's called the “38-Minute Rule.” A political reporter in D.C. named Sam Brodey came up with it. He tries to show up exactly 38 minutes late to parties because that's the sweet spot. It usually means you won't be the first one there . . . but won't come in awkwardly after things are really rolling.

Is it better to show up early or late? ›

Extra Time to Catch Up – Many people think that arriving early will take too much time out of their day. Yet, arriving early actually gives you time back in your day. You will more than recoup the ten minutes you arrive early in the productivity you gain by being able to catch up and prepare.

How long is it polite to stay at a party? ›

A good rule of thumb: If it's a party with a guest of honor, such as a shower or birthday, stay until after cake is served. For larger scale, less personal events—think co*cktail party, New Year's Eve blowout or other big bash—it's acceptable to make an appearance, then jet after an hour.

Is it rude to show up 15 minutes early? ›

(And it's rude to arrive early; you might surprise the host and find him in his bathrobe vacuuming.) Even if your lunch or dinner mate is easygoing, it's disrespectful arrive more than five minutes late. Aim to arrive at least five or ten minutes before the curtain goes up.

Is it rude to show up 10 minutes early? ›

It is actually smart to show up 5–10 minutes early for an interview. It shows that you plan ahead for possible setbacks or emergencies, a quality most employers find valuable.

Why is it good to show up early? ›

Benefits of arriving early

Shows the hiring manager that you're eager and reliable. Allows you time to perform relaxation exercises. Prepares you to enter the interview in a relaxed state of mind.

Can you party at 30? ›

Your age doesn't determine if it's too late to enjoy an evening at a nightclub. No matter how old you are, you're free to do whatever you want in your spare time, and if you want to hit the club, by all means, hit the club.

Is it OK to show up late to a party? ›

In short, it is okay to show up late. We already give ourselves too many reasons not to show up. Let's get rid of the antiquated etiquette rules that keep us from connecting. It's better to show up late than not at all — just keep the hostess in the loop!

What is considered fashionably late to a party? ›

In some areas, particularly rural parts of the country, you're expected to be prompt, while in a number of cities arriving between 15 minutes and a half hour after the party starts is merely considered “fashionably late.” Showing up later than that isn't good form, though-you don't want to interfere with the host's ...

What is the 4 minute rule? ›

The principle behind the four-minute rule is that the first 4 minutes of every interaction are the most important. Okay, from a teaching point of view, the whole lesson matters but it is definitely the case that the first few minutes decide what level of engagement and interest follows.

What is a 15-minute rule? ›

Follow the “15-minute rule”

This is where the 15-minute rule comes in: Take 15 minutes to solve the problem any way you can. If you don't have an answer after 15 minutes, you must ask someone.

Is the 15-minute rule a thing? ›

Overview: 15-minute rule

Chunk the work down into a 15-minute task and give yourself permission to stop after 15 minutes if you want to. Nine times out of ten you will just continue what you've started.

How many minutes late is acceptable? ›

A typical grace period is five to seven minutes, but employees should still report their lateness. If an employee is five to seven minutes late every day, you may need to speak with them to understand why.

Why is showing up late bad? ›

Tardiness has a direct impact on relationships, and consequently, on self-esteem, since, for example, people become less trustworthy to their peers; they are objects of complaints, ridicule and are even put aside by this recurrent trait of behavior. This isolates and segregates them.

When you're not 10 minutes early you're late? ›

Coach Quotes on Twitter: "If you're 5 minutes early, you're already 10 minutes late. – Vince Lombardi #LombardiTime" / Twitter.

Is it rude to leave a party without saying goodbye? ›

At a Party? Don't Leave Without Saying Goodbye. Tempting though this may be, especially when your hosts are surrounded on all sides, it's essential to say thank you to your hosts on the way out the door. If they are speaking with other guests, wait until you see a pause in the conversation, and then say your farewells.

Is it rude to leave in the middle of a party? ›

While etiquette experts are less than fond of leaving a party without saying goodbye to the host, this practice can actually be mutually beneficial. If your host or hostess is in the middle of another task or conversation, you won't have to interrupt them or awkwardly mill about until they're free before you part.

How do you politely end a party? ›

Be polite and appreciative, thank them for coming, and say something like this: “It was so great to see you. I need to wrap this party up now so I can tidy up and get my beauty rest. I'd love to catch up later.

How early is too early to call out? ›

Anytime you need to call out you should give your supervisor as much notice as possible before your shift begins, when possible you should contact your employer at least 2 hours before your shift so that they can plan and prepare for your absence.

How many minutes should you be early? ›

While arriving a few minutes early is great for building a productive team spirit, making others feel pressured into working significantly longer hours will have the opposite effect. Secondly, if you're consistently more than 15-30 minutes early, you risk being taken for granted by your manager or employer.

Is being 10 minutes early good? ›

It's early enough where you are able to show promptness and diligence, but not enough were you are inconveniencing anyone. It allows the perfect amount of time to introduce yourself to the front desk, get offered water, sit down for 5 minutes and then get greeted by your Interviewer to get things underway!

Is it rude to show up unannounced? ›

It shows you have no respect for others' time. You're also putting someone in an awkward position (as you say you often are): even if you are busy, it feels very rude to turn someone away if they're already at your door.

Is showing up on time important? ›

Arriving to work early or on time can highlight your trustworthiness and reliability as an employee. Consistently being punctual can also help show that you meet standards of professionalism, which can increase your value as an employee and help you advance your career.

What time should I show up on my first day? ›

You should always try to get to work on time, especially on your first day. If you want to make an especially good impression, aim to arrive 10 to 15 minutes early.

Why are you up too early? ›

There are many reasons why you might be waking up too early. They include external factors, such as environmental disturbances like temperature, light, and noise. They also include internal factors, like your circadian rhythm, sleep disorders like sleep apnea, and/or medical issues, like heartburn.

Are you more successful if you wake up early? ›

That's just crazy! Many successful people wake up early so that they are able to use undisturbed time to do stuff for themselves. Waking up early is great for getting organized, strategic thinking, and planning. Additionally, getting to the office first means fewer distractions from colleagues.

Are you happier if you wake up early? ›

Research shows that rising early can boost mood, lead to greater life satisfaction, and minimize mental health problems. There is also a link between greater well-being in older people who get up early.

What age do most people stop partying? ›

Related stories:: The results of the survey concluded that 31 is the average age at which people tend to stop hitting the nightlife and that it was considered “tragic” to still be clubbing at 37.

What age do people party the most? ›

The absolute peak partying age in the U.S. was 22, according to 1,000 Americans.

Is 30 people alot for a house party? ›

The first thing to consider is how big you want your gathering to be; for smaller ones, perhaps opt for a group of around 15 – 20 guests; for larger ones, and depending on the size of your abode, around 40 – 50 attendees should suffice.

Is it rude to invite someone to a party last minute? ›

HELEN'S ANSWER: It depends on the person. If the invitee is easy-going, understanding and not easily offended, invite her. If she might get her feelings hurt because she is a last-minute choice, then don't extend the invitation. Usually, people invite a couple of extra people in case someone cannot get there.

How do you apologize for being late to a party? ›

My sincerest apology for not making it to the meeting on time. I deeply apologise for my behaviour yesterday at the party. I am sorry for keeping you waiting for such a long time. Please forgive me for being so late, I had a long meeting after work.

How late is too late for a first date? ›

But most of us are willing to give our lovers a bit of leeway — the general consensus is that it's okay to be up to 30 minutes late for a date. That's a pretty reasonable timeframe.

How do you have a good time at a party? ›

7 Ways To Have Fun At A Party
  1. Create a Fake Persona. If you don't know many people at the party, you can choose to become a completely different person. ...
  2. Learn Some Popular Dances. ...
  3. Be the Bartender. ...
  4. Crack Some Jokes. ...
  5. Play Casino Games. ...
  6. Drink Champagne and Play Drinking Games. ...
  7. Eat.
Jan 2, 2019

What is the 1000 minute rule? ›

If you are constantly thinking you that will use your time productively in the future, then you are always in a present where it doesn't get done. Don't wait for tomorrow anymore, see every day as valuable and every 1000 minutes you don't use to further your life as time you have wasted, because that's what it is.

What is the 50 minute rule? ›

The 50/10 Rule mandates that you stay on task when studying during the 50 minutes, then go on a multitasking, multimedia bender during your 10-minute break. Mix and repeat.

What is the 96 minute rule? ›

The 96-minute rule says that one should dedicatedly work for 96 minutes on the most important task - without any multitasking and refraining from any kind of interruptions. When followed diligently, it can increase the overall performance and focus throughout the day.

What is the 1 4 hour rule for sleep? ›

The Quarter-Hour Rule

If you are not asleep in about a quarter of an hour then get up, go into a different room and do something quiet until feeling sleepy, then try again. Whatever you do, make sure it isn't going to wake you up more than you already are.

What does the 7 minute rule mean? ›

The “7-minute Rule” says that an employer cannot round down if an employee has worked more than 7 minutes. If an employee works between 7 minutes and 8 minutes (such as for 7 minutes and 35 seconds), the employer can round down. Once the employee has worked for 8 minutes, the increment must be rounded up.

What is the 7 minute time rule? ›

The 7 – minute rounding rule is often the most common rule companies will use and aligns with the DOL guidelines. The 7 – minute rule is named for the fact that you round back your time in the first 7 minutes of a 15-minute interval, and in the following 7 minutes, you round forward.

What is the 2 minute habit rule? ›

The two-minute rule aims to banish procrastination and help people accomplish small tasks. Here's what the rule says: if you can do an action in two minutes or less, tackle it at the moment — and don't delay. This has the potential to deliver long-term benefits.

What is the 5 minute rule in life? ›

The five-minute rule is a cognitive-behavioral technique that is designed to help you overcome procrastination to become more productive. Essentially, all you need to do is commit to spending just five minutes on whatever it is you're procrastinating, after which you're free to stop if you want.

What is the 10 minute rule in life? ›

What is the 10-minute rule? In order to beat procrastination, this rule dictates that you should start working immediately, preferably on an easy task that can be finished in at least 10 minutes. If it's easier for you, set aside a timer and work for exactly 10 minutes.

Is it good to show up early? ›

When it comes to making a good impression in an interview, showing up early is key. Arriving on time is a given, but when you arrive a few minutes before the scheduled time, you can demonstrate that you're genuinely interested and excited about the opportunity.

What percentage of guests show up to a party? ›

On average, 60% of invited guests will show up at your event. And here's the best case scenario: If you invite your closest friends and family only, you can expect about 75% to show up.

What percentage of people show up to a party? ›

O n average, 60 percent of invited guests will show up to a party. If you invite closer friends only, about 75 percent will come. Men tend to show up less than women, so invite more guys if you want the sexes to be evenly represented.

How soon is too soon to leave a party? ›

Don't Leave a Party Too Soon

If it's a drop-in that lasts just two hours or so, a 30-45 minute pop-in is perfectly acceptable; it's long enough to chat with the hosts and celebrate the occasion. If an event has a start and end time listed on the invitation, you should expect to stay for the whole thing.

Is Getting up early good or bad for you? ›

Balance your mental health- Research has proven that those who wake up early have shown better mental health symptoms. They are optimistic, satisfied and feel positive about situations. It also lowers the chance of mental illnesses which is usually found in those who go to sleep late and wake up late.

How many RSVPs actually show up? ›

Anecdotally, you'll often hear wedding pros say to expect around 80 percent of your total invited guests to RSVP “yes” to a wedding that doesn't involve major travel for the majority of guests. So, if you invite 100 people, 80 percent will accept the invitation.

How many people is a good size party? ›

Research suggests the best group size is from five to nine. How many times have you had friends over for dinner but either the party was just too quiet or too hectic? Did you know that you can make your parties feel more alive by having the right number of guests?

How many people are normally at a party? ›

Two's a company, three's a crowd — and according to a recent study, 10 is a party (unless you're a baby boomer). For Gen Z, millennials and Gen X, 10 is the threshold, while baby boomers have a more conservative limit of eight people before they deem it a party.

Which age group hosts most parties? ›

Party Host Age
Party Host YearsPercentages
40+ years7%
30-40 years5%
20-30 years40%
Sep 9, 2022

What is considered a small party? ›

Small House Party — A house party with 10 to 20 people and an official start time of 10PM. Early House Party — A house party with 20 to 50 people with an official start time of 8PM.

How do you get noticed at a party? ›

Stand up straight and smile when you enter a social gathering or party. Avoid looking down, slumping, or fidgeting, which can make you seem annoyed or nervous. Even if you feel uncomfortable, fake being at ease until you actually begin to feel that way. Bring a gift for the host.

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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.