Which Grade is the best and healthiest for Maple Syrup? (2024)

Which Grade is the best and healthiest for Maple Syrup? (1)

Best grade of maple syrup.....

What grade maple syrup is healthiest?

Whether it’s for use in a master cleanse or as a topping for your pancakes, Grade A Dark will be better for you. It has more antioxidants and mineral content than the lighter colors.

With anORAC valueof 590, how much antioxidants there are in regular maple syrup – such as golden or amber – is comparable to green peas (600), leeks (569), and celery (552). It may seem impressive to see them ranked next to those healthy vegetables, yet these are all low relatively amounts when compared to superfoods likeamla berryandcamu camu.

Most importantly, ORAC is a measure of antioxidants by weight. Obviously you can pig out on all the peas and celery you want, while this sugary liquid is something you can only consume sparingly.

Japanese researchers at Tokyo Kasei-Gakuin University published a fascinating study which evaluated the different grades of maple syrup for antioxidant activity. They didn’t use the United States or Canadian government’s official grading however their categories are analogous; ordering them from extra light to dark.

Grade A Dark or Very Dark have up to 300% more antioxidants than light.

Which Grade is the best and healthiest for Maple Syrup? (2024)
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