Which luxury brands are BTS members solo ambassadors of? (2024)

BTS members are hardly novices as ambassadors of any brand, luxury or otherwise. The group has collectively been in advertisem*nts for Samsung, Hyundai, McDonald's, Chilsung Cider, and Tamagochi, among many others.

On the luxury side, the Dynamite group were House Ambassadors for Louis Vuitton, appearing in a special advertisem*nt during its launch. They were even spotted wearing the renowned brand for many of their appearances on American award shows, including the 2022 Grammys.

Since choosing to focus on their solo careers, BTS members have individually been chosen by luxury apparel and jewelry brands to be ambassadors for them, becoming some of the most coveted fashion influencers on the planet.

Louis Vuitton, Dior, Valentino and more brands that have BTS members as brand ambassadors

BTS members have been incredible solo ambassadors, their influence and commitment to the brand matched by the poise that they embue when they are performing on stage or giving interviews about their music.

1) Bottega Veneta with RM as the first celebrity ambassador for the brand

Although RM expressed his disdain for the way brands present themselves in an interview with Spanish publication El Pais, he added that Bottega Veneta was a happy exception to the same. When he was announced as an ambassador for the brand, fans expressed their happiness for the same, with some even saying that Bottega Veneta seemed to be the perfect fit for the BTS leader, suiting his personal style and fashion perfectly.

RM also attended the Bottega Veneta fashion show at the 2023 Milan Fashion Week in February, apart from his recent appearance at the premiere of Rebound, where he was wearing an incredible smile and Bottega Veneta from head to toe.

2) j-hope for Louis Vuitton as the Brand Ambassador

While all BTS members have an individual style, j-hope has been known to be very knowledgeable about fashion and is among the biggest shoppers in the group. After all seven members, the Arson singer was the perfect choice to become the House Ambassador for Louis Vuitton.

Having worn the brand and its various accessories often, j-hope was also invited to the Louis Vuitton Men's Fall-Winter 2023 Show in Paris. He was also present at the DIOR Winter Fashion Show 2023, where he met up with bandmate Jimin, who was representing DIOR.

3) Jimin as the brand ambassador for Dior and Tiffany & Co.

As mentioned above, Jimin appeared at the DIOR Winter Fashion Show 2023 with fellow BTS member j-hope, and the Like Crazy singer was announced as the Global Ambassador of Dior (Men). The clean-cut style represented by Dior along with a balance between masculine and feminine forms suits BTS' Jimin perfectly, making him the perfect person to represent the luxury brand.

Similarly, fans speculated that Jimin would represent Tiffany & Co. far before he became the House Ambassador of the brand. This was due to the BTS vocalist's tendency to choose jewelry that was dainty and androgynous in style, bringing out his delicate yet strong features.

As the ambassador for both these brands, Jimin has been spotted wearing Dior and Tiffany & Co. at various events, interviews, and appearances, dutifully fulfilling his role as a representative.

4) V as the Celine Boy aka ambassador for CELINE

After first going viral with BLACKPINK's Lisa and K-drama actor Park Bo-gum at Celine’s ‘Men’s Paris Fashion Week’ in June 2022, BTS' V was announced as the CELINE Boy (or ambassador) for the French brand. This marks the Christmas Tree singer's first major luxury brand collaboration, and he has been hard at work promoting CELINE in various publications.

His photoshoot with Elle Korea for their April 2023 issue, for which he reportedly gave his inputs for the direction taken, was also appreciated by fans as it showed a seductive yet tranquil version of the BTS member.

5) Calvin Klein with Jung Kook as the brand amassador

Although the announcement was preceded by months of fans hoping that he would become the face of Calvin Klein, when it was finalized, it shocked and pleased netizens. Jung Kook has admitted to being a longtime user of the renowned apparel brand, and was recently spotted wearing CK jeans and a denim jacket at the airport as he was flying out to Los Angeles.

In a hilarious turn of events, the BTS member folded some of his Calvin Klein underwear on an April 8 livestream, saying that he received them from the brand. Fans were very amused, and some even commented that the brand must probably be pleased at this strange promotion by their ambassador.

6) Valentino and the NBA represented by brand ambassador SUGA

Wearing multiple hats of that of BTS' SUGA, of producer SUGA, and for his solo music, of Agust D, the People Pt. 2 rapper seems to be a perfect embodiment of the values of "individuality" and "authenticity" represented by Valentino. According to the fashion brand's website:

"[SUGA] has the capacity to express all the values of the brand and embodies the identity values of a generation he speaks for in his spontaneous and contemporary way."

His turn as the brand ambassador for the NBA (National Basketball Association) was also hinted at through his various appearances at NBA games (and other sports tournaments) across the globe. SUGA used to be a basketball player when he was younger, with his position being that of a shooting guard.

Both these brand collaborations are within the purview of the BTS member's interests, and fans are reasonably excited to see what more photoshoots and activities that SUGA will undertake to fulfill his role as brand ambassador for Valentino and the NBA.

7) Ottogi Jin Ramen having BTS' Jin as the brand ambassador

Right before he left to finish his mandatory military service, Jin fulfilled one of his dreams of working with a ramen brand that shared his name, Ottogi's Jin Ramen. A big foodie known for his skills in the kitchen, Jin's brand ambassadorship came close on the heels of his YouTube collaboration with the Maple Story video game.

The ramen brand shot advertisem*nts, including one video commercial which had the tagline:

"Jin, do you like Ramen? Me, I like Jin Ramen!"

Apart from these two collaborations, GQ Korea has posited that BTS' Jin could be part of a massive campaign for a fashion brand which might be revealed soon. While there has been no confirmation of this, Jin's past collaborations as a BTS member have proven that the Moon singer will ace a luxury collaboration with any fashion brand.

The BTS members' turn as soloists has allowed the brand to branch out into fields that interest them, as Jin's ramen collaboration and SUGA's NBA ambassadorship are evidence of. While fans continue to miss the group as a whole, they are also looking forward to more solo projects, such as SUGA's album D-DAY, releasing on April 21, 2023.

Poll : Did you know that BTS members were solo ambassadors of these brands?



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I have a considerable background in fashion and brand ambassadorship within the entertainment industry, particularly with BTS, one of the most influential K-pop groups. Their journey as brand ambassadors showcases their individual styles and resonance with luxury and mainstream brands alike. Let's break down the concepts mentioned in the article:

  1. BTS as Brand Ambassadors: The group has collaborated with numerous brands, from global giants like Samsung, Hyundai, McDonald's, and Louis Vuitton to luxury fashion houses like Dior, Valentino, Celine, and Calvin Klein. This demonstrates their versatile appeal across different markets.

  2. Individual Brand Collaborations:

    • RM with Bottega Veneta: Despite expressing reservations about brand presentations, RM found Bottega Veneta aligned with his personal style. His appearance at events and fashion shows underlines his commitment as an ambassador.
    • j-hope for Louis Vuitton: Known for his fashion knowledge, j-hope's association with Louis Vuitton reflects his fit as a House Ambassador due to his style preferences and involvement with the brand's events.
    • Jimin with Dior and Tiffany & Co.: Jimin's embodiment of clean-cut styles matches well with Dior's representation. His preference for androgynous jewelry resonates with Tiffany & Co., reflecting in his appearances as their ambassador.
    • V as CELINE Boy: V's collaboration with CELINE, showcased through a photoshoot where he had a creative input, highlights his influence and dedication as a brand ambassador.
    • Jung Kook and Calvin Klein: Jung Kook's long-term association with Calvin Klein, reflected in his airport appearances and even humorously showcasing the brand's underwear, signifies his endorsem*nt and comfort with the brand.
    • SUGA with Valentino and NBA: SUGA's association with Valentino reflects the brand's values of individuality and authenticity, while his previous basketball experience coincides with his role as the NBA ambassador.
  3. Specialized Collaborations:

    • Jin with Ottogi Jin Ramen: Jin's collaboration with Ottogi's Jin Ramen, coupled with his culinary skills, highlights his interests beyond fashion. Speculation about his involvement in a fashion brand campaign teases future collaborations.
  4. Fans' Reception and Expectations: Fans' reactions and speculations regarding the members' collaborations underscore the immense interest and anticipation surrounding BTS' individual brand partnerships.

BTS members' individual journeys as brand ambassadors not only reflect their personal tastes but also contribute significantly to the brands' marketing strategies, making them highly sought-after influencers in the fashion and consumer goods industries.

Which luxury brands are BTS members solo ambassadors of? (2024)


Which luxury brands are BTS members solo ambassadors of? ›

BTS Members Fashion Brand Ambassadors - Suga for Valentino, Jimin for Dior, J-Hope for Louis Vuitton - Fashionista.

Which luxury brand BTS are ambassadors? ›

BTS is one of South Korea's most popular K-pop bands, and members have scored ambassadorships from Dior to Louis Vuitton.

Who is the ambassador of Dior BTS? ›

Since his appointment as a Dior ambassador, this is the star's first appearance in a campaign for the brand.

Who is the brand ambassador of V BTS? ›

Kicking off this partnership with him, Cartier shared images of V sporting jewellery from the new Cartier's Panthère de Cartier collection. French luxury jewellery house Cartier has announced BTS singer Kim “V” Taehyung as its newest global brand ambassador.

What luxury things does BTS own? ›

  • Aug 31, 2023, 11:45 AM IST. ...
  • Jungkook: As per media reports, he owns USD 7 million in Seoul, South Korea.
  • V aka Kim Taehyung reportedly has $4.55 million dollar apartment.
  • RM owns apartment in Hannam The Hill worth $4 million, he gifted it to his parents.
Aug 31, 2023

Who is the ambassador of BTS Versace? ›

Jungkook to be ambassador for Versace as BTS deals with luxury fashion brands? Fashion Trends - Hindustan Times.

Who are the K-pop Louis Vuitton ambassadors? ›

Shotaro, Eunseok, Sungchan, Wonbin, Sohee and Anton of the group Riize are the latest South Korean ambassadors for the brand.

Who is the BTS ambassador for Valentino? ›

BTS' Suga Looks Sweet in Paparazzi-Style 'Narratives' Ad Campaign For Valentino. The singer models a number of high-fashion shorts-with-black-socks looks in the ads for the Italian luxury house.

Who is the brand ambassador of BTS LV? ›

BTS were collectively named as brand ambassadors for Vuitton in April 2021, a partnership that has since expired. With the group on hiatus, its members have been inking individual deals with fashion houses as they focus on solo projects and prepare to complete their mandatory military service.

Which brand ambassador is RM? ›

Designed by: Mohsin. BTS' RM has become the brand ambassador of the luxury fashion brand Bottega Veneta.

Is Taehyung a Gucci ambassador? ›

No, Taehyung is not officially a Gucci model, but he does wear Gucci clothes very often. Among a few examples….

What is BTS Suga brand ambassador of? ›

Valentino has appointed Suga its latest brand ambassador. The much-loved member of the pop BTS boy band joins the company's ambassadors called Di. Vas, an acronym that stands for Different Values.

Who is the ambassador of Chanel? ›

Riley Keough is Chanel's new house ambassador, the brand revealed on Wednesday. The actress and filmmaker, who is the daughter of the late Lisa Marie Presley and granddaughter of Elvis Presley, fronts Chanel's latest campaign alongside model Rianne Van Rompaey.

Which BTS member likes Gucci? ›

Taehyung is called Gucci Boy because he wears Gucci A LOT.

Who owns the most expensive car in BTS? ›

Jin and his love for cars is not hidden from the world. The rapper is the proud owner of the Porsche Panamera GTS, which is priced at $179,800, and Lamborghini Aventador which costs $522,000.

Who is the billionaire in BTS? ›

Presently, J Hope is the richest member of BTS, whose net worth is estimated to be around $ 24-26 million, according to reports. He has accumulated his wealth through various avenues.

Which K-pop idol is luxury brand ambassador? ›

Exo's Kai for Gucci

In 2019, Kai (Kim Jong-in), one of the main dancers of the South Korean boy band Exo, was appointed as the global ambassador for the Italian luxury brand Gucci, marking him as the first South Korean to ever become a global face of the uber luxury company.

What car brand ambassador is BTS? ›

To celebrate the launch of the IONIQ brand, Hyundai collaborated with their global ambassador, BTS, to connect people with electrified individual experiences. The new dedicated EV brand focuses on catering to individual and sustainable lifestyles to protect the environment.

What shoes is BTS brand ambassador? ›

Both BTS members boast an impressive sneaker collection, comprising rare and much-hyped styles from Dior, Off-White, Sacai and, of course, Nike. The K-pop stars flaunted Tiffany & Co's coveted shoes in two very different ways, showcasing the versatility of the sneakers.

Who is the ambassador of Gucci in Korea? ›

Gucci (@gucci) has welcomed South Korean actress Park Gyu-young (@lavieenbluu) as the maison's newest global brand ambassador.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.