Who is the richest star on 'RHONJ'? Rumored net worth and salary explored (2024)

Bravo is soon returning with a new season of RHONJ, aka Real Housewives of New Jersey. It will feature the same set of housewives that viewers have been watching for the past four seasons.

As per the teaser, Season 12 is going to be more dramatic and crazier than the previous one. The housewives who will grace the upcoming installment include Melissa Gorga, Teresa Giudice, Dolores Catania, Jennifer Aydin, Margaret Josephs and Jackie Goldschneider.

The aforementioned ladies are not just popular, but also affluent. Reportedly, the show's cast members have different salaries from each other. Bravo’s pay ranges from $60,000 to a million dollars.

Let’s check out who is the richest housewife on the reality show.

Margaret Josephs is the wealthiest housewife

1) Margaret Josephs: $50 million

Fashion designer Margaret Josephs has the highest net worth among her fellow RHONJ cast. Born in Elizabeth, New Jersey, she is the owner, founder and designer of lifestyle brand, Macbeth Collection. The successful entrepreneur was also named Country Living's Entrepreneur of the Year in 2007.

Josephs has featured in several TV series as well, like RHONJ (from 2017), Strahan & Sara, Watch What Happens: Life, Celebrity Page and Wendy: The Wendy Williams Show. She and her husband went through two lawsuits, but that didn’t affect her net worth.

2) Jennifer Aydin: $11 million

Jennifer Aydin is entertaining RHONJ’s fans since Season 9. She is the second richest housewife on the show with a reported net worth of $11 million. Most of her wealth came after her marriage to Bill Aydin.

Although she had her family’s successful jewelry business, the housewife launched her own cooking show on YouTube and has also appeared in New Money.

When she got married, Bill was doing his residency and thus, the couple didn’t reportedly have a lot of money. Now Bill runs his own practice at Aydin Center for Plastic Surgery and the couple’s combined net worth is much higher than $11 million. They live in a luxury mansion worth $3million and Aydin’s rumored salary is $100,000.

3) Dolores Catania: $4 million

Dolores Catania is a TV actress, reality TV star and businesswoman. She owns multiple fitness centers, making her the third wealthiest housewife on the Bravo show. With $60,000 as reported salary, Catania has an estimated net worth of $4 million.

She also has experience working as a surgical technician and corrections officer. Prior to becoming a TV star, Catania was a realtor.

In personal life, she was married to Frank Catania and had two kids together. The couple got divorced 15 years ago.

Apart from these three ladies, the other housewives’ net worth are as follows:

  • Melissa Gorga: $3 million with rumored salary of $750,000 per season
  • Jackie Goldschneider: $2 million (her RHONJ pay is not known)
  • Teresa Giudice: $500,000 with rumored salary of $100,000 per season

When will ‘RHONJ’ Season 12 premiere?

Who is the richest star on 'RHONJ'? Rumored net worth and salary explored (1)

RHONJ is bringing a new summer on Bravo next month. The official synopsis reads:

“It's summer in New Jersey, and things are getting HOT! Family tensions can't be ignored, rivalries boil over, and a trip to Nashville gets more intense than a mechanical bull ride.”

Viewers can tune in to Bravo on Tuesday, February 1, at 8.00 pm ET to catch the premiere of the highly anticipated series.

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Edited by Sijo Samuel Paul


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Who is the richest star on 'RHONJ'? Rumored net worth and salary explored (2024)
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