Why a wool coat is a wonderful choice this winter (2024)

by Mia Melon blogger Stephanie Deline

Depending on your location, old man winter may bring rock your winter wonderland with ice and snowstorms, torrential downpours or any number of weather-related woes. But one thing you can count on in any climate is Mia Melon bringing you supreme weather protection that always looks amazing. One such example would be our WOOL COAT COLLECTION. Since introducing them, we've had tons of questions about wool and what it can do for you. With that in mind, we thought this was the perfect time to talk about our favourite natural fibre.

Why a wool coat is a wonderful choice this winter (1)


Wool has long been revered for its ability to lend ample warmth to those who wear it, but it presents a plethora of other benefits as well. In this post, we explore all the wonderful things that a wool coat can bring to its wearer. We’re answering the top three most asked questions about coats crafted with this incredible, natural and durable material.Without further ado - let’s get wooly!

Q: What happens when wool gets wet?

A: Wool does not absorb water, so unlike some fabrics, wool does not become full of water when drenched. Rather, it’s almost like a wetsuit. Because water cannot reach the interior of the fiber,

Wool can get take a soaking without any disastrous consequences. Even when it gets SOPPING wet, the air pockets inside the fiber still offer insulation, fighting to help keep you cozy and dry. It's a coveted material for outdoorsmen worldwide, loved for its ability to retain its shape and thermal abilities even after it gets wet, which is not the case for most fabrics. In other words, you can feel comfortable if you get caught in a rainstorm in your will coat.

Why a wool coat is a wonderful choice this winter (2)


We wouldn't necessarily suggest going out and intentionally getting your wool soaked, but you should feel comfortable wearing wool in wet weather, without worrying that it's going to be destroyed. Wool can actually absorb roughly half its weight in water without feeling wet or suffering detrimental damage.

So, to sum it up- can you wear wool coats in the rain? The answer is a resounding YES! And now that we've told you what happens when wool gets wet, we hope you feel inspired to get your own wool coat this season. Mia Melon wool coats go the extra mile by incorporating our breathable membrane and special waterproof and windproof technology, so you're covered no matter what the elements throw at you!

Q: What are the benefits of wool?

A: There are many benefits to be enjoyed from wearing wool. Among them:

  • Wool is extremely insulative.

  • Wool is wrinkle resistant.

  • Wool retains its shape.

  • Wool is flame resistant.

  • Wool is very strong and durable.

  • Wool is comfortable in all seasons.

  • Wool is luxurious and aesthetically pleasing.

  • Wool repels moisture and sheds water.

Q: Is wool sustainable?

A: YES! One of the most wonderful things about wool is that it is very sustainable. Wool is recyclable and renewable, since all wool coated animals produce a new fleece annually. Any old wool that cannot be recycled can be composted since the diners decompose and become fertilizer. This means wool has no place in a landfill and that's great news for the environment. Being a natural fiber as opposed to an oil-based synthetic also wins wool some major sustainability points. In short, wool is one of the most sustainable materials you can buy!

On the hunt for a new wool coat to get you through the winter? Check out our stunning, versatile and protective waterproof and windproof WOOL BLEND COATSand you'll never look back! We have a style for everyone on your list, with coats that boast fine details such as fleece lined pockets and interiors, adjustable hoods, and endless styling options. Our selection of minimalistic, warm wool blend coats adheres to our main philosophy: fashion and function working together to create stylish, modern outerwear with superior weather protection for all! Our high tech breathable membrane makes for a lighter coat for superior comfort without comprising warmth and weather protection.

Why a wool coat is a wonderful choice this winter (2024)


Why is wool good for a winter coat? ›

Still, if you want to be warm, wool will do the trick. It's lightweight, durable and water-resistant, which means you'll stay dry if you're caught in the rain or a snowstorm.

Why is wool good for coats? ›

The cortex of the fiber absorbs moisture, while the epicuticle scales on the outside of the fiber are hydrophobic. This allows wool to simultaneously absorb moisture from your skin while resisting external moisture like rain or snow.

When should you wear a wool coat? ›

A wool coat to look stylish on warmer days, when it's 35 degrees Fahrenheit or above. For when it's not quite as cold and windy, a wool coat is the best option. There are multiple options, including car coats, toggle coats, and peacoats (though these edge toward the warmer side).

Is it OK to wear wool coat in snow? ›

Though not fully waterproof, wool is water-resistant because of its natural lanolin content. Because of this, most wool coats can be worn in light snow and even a light or misty rain and still keep you warm and dry.

What is the warmest type of winter coat? ›

Goose down fill is the gold standard in thermal insulation, so down-filled jackets will definitely keep you warm. Some down-filled jackets are warmer than others, though, and this is determined by the fill power and the total amount of down used in the jacket – the higher the number, the warmer the jacket.

Why is wool so awesome? ›

As wool fibres are packed together, tiny pockets of air form allowing the material to absorb and release moisture. This could be moisture in the atmosphere, or perspiration from the wearer. This makes wool an extremely breathable material and helps you avoid any clamminess when you head inside from the colder outdoors.

Why is wool so popular? ›

To this day, most wool produced is used for clothing. But it's also used for so much more. It's flexibility and durability, combined with its odour and fire-resistant properties, make it suitable for innumerable purposes, both decorative and functional.

Is wool best for cold weather? ›

One of the most popular natural materials for winter clothing, wool will keep you warm in the coldest of weather. There's a reason so many sweaters are made of wool—it's both toasty and comfortable. For winter activewear, wool is a great choice.

What temperature is a wool coat good for? ›

Suitable for Temps:

0°C to 15°C. 32°F to 59°F. This is my go-to coat for chilly spring days and breezy fall days alike. It's also great traveling because it's lightweight but still keeps the chill out thanks to the wool and cotton layers.

Is it OK to wear a wool coat in the rain? ›

Wool can actually absorb roughly half its weight in water without feeling wet or suffering detrimental damage. So, to sum it up- can you wear wool coats in the rain? The answer is a resounding YES!

Can you wear wool coat in 60 degree? ›

What materials should I wear in 60 degrees? Wear light to medium weight fabrics such as cotton, rayon, silk, or merino wool.

Is a 100% wool coat warm? ›

Wool is a much warmer alternative to cotton, and good quality wool makes a great coat for use in cold climates. Learn even more about why wool coats are ideal for winter.

How much should a wool coat cost? ›

Classic Wool Coat:

The simple classic knee-length black coat can cost you around $100-$700 or even more.

How thick should a wool coat be? ›

Most start closer to 500g or 18oz, which is more like it. Personally, I'd say someone buying a first good coat should be looking at 600-700g, or 20-25oz. That would cover most weather in most temperate countries.

What coats are in fashion for winter 2022? ›

What winter coats are in for 2022? Wool coats, waterproof coats, shearling styles and faux fur coats are where you should set your sights for winter. These four are particularly suited to the current forecasts.

Which jacket is best for heavy winter? ›

The warmest winter jackets for snow are:
  • Fleece jacket.
  • Puffer jacket.
  • Parka jacket.
  • Waterproof jacket.
  • Hardshell jacket.
Jun 24, 2022

What is the warmest thinnest winter coat? ›

Made of goose or duck plumage, down is the warmest, lightest, and most compressible type of insulation on the planet. Most of the insulated jackets on this list are made with down. The other option is synthetic or a blend of the two.

Are wool coats warmer than down? ›

If you can't decide between a wool coat and down coat, it may help to know which one is warmer. Down coats often provide more warmth than wool coats, but you should always check the warmth rating of the coats you're considering.

How do I choose a wool coat? ›

Look for coats made from high-quality wool fabrics, such as merino wool or cashmere, which will give your outfit a luxurious feel. Avoid low-quality materials, such as polyester, which can feel stiff and scratchy against the skin. Warmth: Make sure to choose a coat that will keep you warm on winter days.

What to look for when buying a winter coat? ›

Consider the material

If it's cold, look for wool, or feather down etc. Or, if it's wet and windy look for water resistant and windproof fabrics. Don't purchase coats that won't work for your climate -- they might be lovely, but you'll never get the wear out of them and you'll likely regret it.

Why do we love wool? ›

Benefits of Wool

It wicks sweat away from the body as it can absorb 30% of its weight before it feels wet. Therefore it insulates even when it is wet. Wool doesn't absorb odors and thus you don't have to wash so often. And because of its natural lanolin (wool fat) content, it is also naturally stain-resistant.

Which is the most valued wool and why? ›

Vicuña wool is the finest and rarest wool in the world. It comes from the vicuña, a small llama-like animal native to the Andes Mountains in Peru.

Why does wool make us warm? ›

Holds heat

Wool has a natural layer of keratin, a protein all animal hair contains which helps maintain body temperature. On top of that, wool hair fibres act as an insulator to trap the air inside the cloth, which helps stabilise your body temperature.

When did wool become popular? ›

The use of wool spread rapidly across Europe in the Bronze Age (2300–800 BCE). The oldest wool cloth fragments discovered on the continent were found in a Danish swamp – they date to around 1500 BCE. In the Bronze Age, wool production began to prevail over the processing of plant-based fibers.

Which fabric is warmest in winter? ›

Our research found that the warmest material is wool, with thicker Icelandic wool being even better, and a wool-acrylic blend being somewhere in the middle. The warmest clothing for you will be dictated by the number of layers you can use, and the thickness of the materials you are wearing.

Why is it better to wear wool in the winter than cotton? ›

In the winter, wool keeps you warmer than cotton because wool fibers trap air pockets, helping to insulate you from the cold.

How long do wool coats last? ›

The average good quality wool coat will last 3 to 5 years if you treat it well. Sometimes a coat will last a lot longer.

How do you care for a 100% wool coat? ›

To wash your coat, turn it inside out, to help prevent pilling and damage. If your washing machine has a wool cycle, use it. If not, use the gentle or delicate cycle on cold. Never wash wool on hot—it will weaken the fibers and shrink the fabric.

How should a wool coat fit a woman? ›

The sleeves should be long enough to cover your wrists, and the shoulders should be wide enough that you can hug yourself comfortably, even with an extra layer underneath. The back of the jacket should gently follow the curve of your back.

Is wool ruined if it gets wet? ›

Even after adsorbing that much moisture, wool fabrics still won't feel clammy or wet to the touch. This fantastic quality of wool clothing gives you extra assurance that you'll stay comfortable no matter what conditions you encounter—rain, snow, falling into a puddle, you name it.

Does wool get ruined in the wash? ›

No, not if the washing process is done correctly. As long as you are taking care to use cold water and a wool-specific detergent, your woolens will not be ruined. It's also important to always air dry wool for a professional finish on fabrics.

Can you machine wash wool? ›

Wool garments should be washed on the wool setting (usually gentle action at 40°C). If your washing machine does not have a wool cycle, use the cold water wash or wash cycle for delicates. Use a neutral, mild detergent that is preferably Woolmark recommended (look for the Woolmark symbol on the packet).

Is 66 degrees cold enough for a coat? ›

Winter jacket: Less than 25 degrees. Light to medium coat: 25 to 44 degrees. Fleece: 45 to 64 degrees. Short sleeves: 65 to 79 degrees.

What temperature do you not need a coat? ›

20 degrees or warmer

When you step outside in 20+ degree weather, the warm air should feel like a nice warm blanket around you. Perfect weather to go jacket-free if you ask us.

What temperature should you not wear a coat? ›

It is not advisable to wear a winter jacket outside when the temperature is below 25 degrees Fahrenheit. The coat should have a temperature range of 25 to 44 degrees Fahrenheit. Fleece has a temperature range of 45 to 64 degrees Fahrenheit.

What percent wool should a winter coat be? ›

The key is to focus on the fabric percentages. If it's a wool-blend coat, aim for the composition to be 50 percent wool or more, so you can get the bang for your buck without sacrificing your limbs to the cold.

How long do 100% wool coats last? ›

Wool coats should last a lifetime, whereas parkas should last three to five years in good condition. The down (also known as duck or goose feathers) is a natural insulation material that can withstand higher temperatures than almost any other organic material.

How often should you wash wool coats? ›

Fabric and Frequency of Use

Wool coats, leather jackets and down jackets: Try to clean them once a season if you have worn them less often. If you wear them regularly, try to clean them twice a season. Fleece jackets: Clean them after wearing 6 to 7 times. Blazers and suits: Wash them after wearing 4 to 5 times.

Are wool coats a good investment? ›

Good coats can come in a huge range of costs, and if you're in love with wool and wondering how much wool coats are, let me preface the answer by saying a wool coat is definitely an investment. They don't come cheap, but when taken care of properly, can last for years and years!

How often should you dry clean a wool coat? ›

If your coat is wool, gently brush it after you wear it to remove surface dirt that may have settled. Wool coats that are labeled dry clean only should be cleaned two times per year. Never hang your coat in the closet if wet or even damp.

Is a wool coat warm enough for winter? ›

Still, if you want to be warm, wool will do the trick. It's lightweight, durable and water-resistant, which means you'll stay dry if you're caught in the rain or a snowstorm.

Should a winter coat be tight or loose? ›

A winter coat fit shouldn't be too roomy, or it won't insulate as efficiently as a coat that fits just right. All the open, empty space is like the water cooler hangout at the office: the cold air hangs out there and keeps your coat from being productive and efficiently keeping you warm.

Should coats be tight or loose? ›

Look at how much space is between you and the jacket. There should be just enough room for the layers you would normally wear underneath your coat; it should not look baggy or too loose on your body. Keep in mind that a coat that's too tight performs differently, too.

Does wool keep you warm in winter? ›

In wool blankets, keratin acts as insulation for your body. Wool also continues to keep you warm even if it gets wet. Wool can sock up to 30% of its weight in moisture without feeling damp. This means that wool can keep you warm even in the harshest climates.

How does wool protect us from cold? ›

(C) Wool is a bad conductor of heat.
  1. Wool is a type of animal fabric that has several layers.
  2. Wool is a bad conductor of heat, so it does not allow the body heat to escape into the surroundings.
  3. Warm air can be trapped between the layers for a long time.

Why are wool coats warm? ›

It is naturally water resistant, thanks to the lanolin it contains. Wool is also an excellent insulator, and a coat made of wool will keep you warm when other fibers might not." If you know you're gonna be surrounded by snow this winter, investing in a wool coat might be a wise option.

Is 100% wool good for winter? ›

Wool is extremely durable, resistant to tearing, and breathable. It's also naturally wrinkle-resistant, which makes packing it in a travel bag wrinkle-free. Wool is a much warmer alternative to cotton, and good quality wool makes a great coat for use in cold climates.

Will rain ruin a wool coat? ›

A: Wool does not absorb water, so unlike some fabrics, wool does not become full of water when drenched. Rather, it's almost like a wetsuit. Because water cannot reach the interior of the fiber, Wool can get take a soaking without any disastrous consequences.

What are the disadvantages of wearing wool? ›

  • Wool is a very expensive material. ...
  • Fiber Distortion – Wool is very prone to distortion by excess agitations such as jet streaks and wand marks. ...
  • Stains Easily – Due to its absorbency and ease of dyeing, wool is also easily stained by wine, Kool-Aid and other acid dyestuffs.

What are the pros and cons of wool fabric? ›

ADVANTAGES: It holds moisture without feeling wet, plus it is a great thermal insulator. DISADVANTAGES: It can be scratchy and uncomfortable to wear, and heat and moisture can cause it to felt. Soak wool in cold water, and then gently rub out anywhere that needs extra cleaning.

What lasts longer wool or cotton? ›

Wool Is Durable.

Wool fibers (and comparable synthetics) can bend over 20,000 times before they break, whereas cotton can bend only 3,000 times—a clear benefit in performance socks, for example. But its durability doesn't apply just to punishing use: Wool's fibers are springy and resilient, helping it keep its shape.

Why is wool so important? ›

So it helps you stay warm when the weather is cold, and cool when the weather is hot. In contrast to synthetics, Merino wool can absorb moisture vapour which means less sweat on your body. Merino wool even absorbs the odour molecules from sweat, which are only released upon washing.

Is wool good to wear in winter? ›

Wool. One of the most popular natural materials for winter clothing, wool will keep you warm in the coldest of weather. There's a reason so many sweaters are made of wool—it's both toasty and comfortable. For winter activewear, wool is a great choice.

What healing properties does wool have? ›

Health Benefits of Wool
  • Lower Heart Rate. Wool also keeps your heart rate low. ...
  • Hypoallergenic. Wool Is mostly non-allergenic. ...
  • Mold and Mildew Resistant. Wool has a natural resistance to mildew. ...
  • Temperature Regulating. ...
  • Non-Toxic. ...
  • Arthritis. ...
  • Allergies and Asthma. ...
  • Fibromyalgia.

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Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.