Why Are Scandinavians So Tall And How Do You Measure up? (2024)

Human height is a complicated concept.Most of us associate being tall with having good genes. Height is attractive to many cultures, and a sign of strength for some.

It’s also an indication of various health factors, with some scientists saying your height could correlate with life expectancy.

So, why is it some parts of the world have slightly shorter locals than others? Why do people in China have an average height of 5 foot 6.7”, while the Swedes were ranked the tallest people in 1914?

What’s more, what causes heights in different regions to change over time?

Today, we’re answering the question why are Scandinavians so tall?

The height of a specific nation, like Scandinavia depends on multiple factors, including genes, evolution, and even dietary choices.

Issues with healthcare and access to certain foods has caused stunted growth in various parts of Asia, while Scandinavian locals have access to excellent quality of life, health support, and foods.

But, precisely why are Scandinavians are so tall? Let’s find out…

Why Are Scandinavians So Tall And How Do You Measure up? (1)

Why Scandinavians are so tall

To answer the question, “why are Scandinavians so tall?” we need to understand which factors contribute to human height in the first place. The study of height, known as Auxology, tells us the primary reason for a person to be tall, is genetics.

Studies have shown that Danes, in particular, have been gaining height at a rapid rate over the last century.

The research indicates that Danes are currently the tallest people in the Nordic countries, and they’re also the fifth tallest people in the world. This suggests good Danish genetics are consistent within the country.

However, researchers also believe environmental factors have an impact beyond the influence of DNA. On the other hand, Swedish men, and women, who were once the tallest in the world, have tumbled down in the rankings.

According to scientists examining human height, genes are a valuable component in understanding the potential height of a person. In Scandinavia, many people are descendants of Vikings, who were quite tall (averaging around 5 foot 7) for the time.

Genes, however, can’t account for the changes in height throughout Scandinavia that we’ve seen over time.

Height is very inheritable, and it’s something that undoubtedly comes from genes to a certain extent. Breeding throughout the years has impacted the average height of virtually every community, as many locations around the world agree height is an attractive factor for a mate to have.

Although there’s more to tallness than just who your parents are.

Environmental factors and average Scandinavian height

Experts believe while a third of height might be attributed to genetics, the rest aligns with environmental factors, like access to the right nutrition and healthcare.

Scandinavia, with its concepts of things like hygge, and its ranking among the happiest regions in the world, is well-situated to deliver the kind of environment people need to grow.

Everything from pollution, to the chemicals in the food we eat can change our height. Scandinavian’s focus on green living and healthy eating could be the key to growing taller.

According to the Imperial College of London, one major component of tallness is intake of animal proteins.

Milk has a direct influence on height development and finding the right balance between plant and animal proteins could be a crucial component in developing good human health.

On top of that, it’s worth noting the Scandinavian region has access to far more solutions for good health than many other parts of the world, including wide open spaces for exercise, and shorter workdays.

With less stress to way these locals down, and more healthy experiences to enjoy, it’s easy to see why height is common in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden.

Notably, the Scandinavians aren’t the tallest people in the world right now. Although both Swedes and Danes have tried to reach the top in the past, the Dutch and Latvians stand out as the tallest people in the world.

Why Are Scandinavians So Tall And How Do You Measure up? (2)

Let’s take a look at some of the countries with the tallest residents:

  • The Netherlands: Average height of 175.62cm, or 5 feet 7.96 inches.
  • Latvia: Average height of 175.61cm, or 5 feet and 9.13 inches.
  • Estonia: Average height of 175.13cm, or 5 feet and 8.94 inches.
  • Denmark: Average height of 174.29cm or 5 feet and 8.61 inches.
  • Czech Republic: Average height of 174.28cm or 5 feet and 8.61 inches.
  • Serbia: Average height of 174.13cm or 5 feet and 8.55 inches.
  • Iceland: Average height of 173.21cm or 5 feet and 8.19 inches.
  • Finland: Average height of 172.74 cm or 5 feet and 8 inches.

Why are Danes so tall?

As mentioned above, the Danes are the tallest people in Scandinavia, with an average height of around 5 foot 11 inches for men, and 5 foot 6 inches for women. Interestingly, Danes are even growing taller at a more rapid race than people in the rest of the world.

The researchers looking into the average height of Danes believe the reason comes down to a combination of access to excellent healthcare, and healthy living.

  • Average height of Danes: 5 feet 8.61 inches.
  • Average height of Danish male: 5 feet 11.4 inches.
  • Average height of Danish female: 5 feet 5.83 inches.

See also


Nordic vs. Scandinavian: What’s the difference?

Why are Swedes so tall?

Swedes used to be the tallest people in the world. Although researchers previously assumed the height of Swedish people had levelled off, the truth is these locals are continuing to grow.

Swedish men and women have been growing taller at a much faster rate than other people in the rest of the world. Experts say the reason is improved living standards.

  • Average height of Swedes: 5 feet 7.99 inches.
  • Average height of Swedish male: 5 feet 10.76 inches.
  • Average height of Swedish female: 5 feet 5.23 inches.

Why are Norwegians so tall?

Norwegians are often ranked among some of the tallest people in the world. Experts say natural selection, combined with a good animal protein diet, makes these Nordic locals taller than their counterparts elsewhere in the world.

The Norwegians, like some of the other tallest people in the world have some great genetic backgrounds.

  • Average height of Norwegians: 5 feet 7.97 inches.
  • Average height of Norwegian male: 5 feet 10.76 inches.
  • Average height of Norwegian female: 5 feet 5.18 inches.
Why Are Scandinavians So Tall And How Do You Measure up? (4)

Why are Scandinavians so tall?

The local residents of Scandinavia certainly have a lot going for them, from stunning locations to explore in the natural landscape, to some of the happiest countries on earth.

People across Scandinavia benefit from everything from better healthcare, to some of the most delicious food in the world, so it’s no wonder they grow up big and strong.

For the most part, however, the research into Scandinavians and their height is still ongoing. Right now, we don’t know for sure how much weight should be given to genetics when determining how tall a person might be.

At the same time, the evidence is mounting up it’s the environment that has more of an impact on a person’s growth than anything else. After all, the breeding of taller Scandi locals over the years is doubtlessly more likely to deliver a taller community of people.

However, as we explore the different regions of the world, we also note quality of life does have an effect.

Less exposure to dangerous chemicals and toxins might stunt growth, combined with more access to beautiful scenery for walks, excellent nutrition and good health, puts the Scandis in the perfect position to grow some of the tallest people on the planet.

Next time you visit Norway, Denmark, or Sweden, make sure you pay attention to how tall the residents really are.

Scandification: Discovering Scandinavia.

Why Are Scandinavians So Tall And How Do You Measure up? (2024)


What is considered tall in Scandinavia? ›

As mentioned above, the Danes are the tallest people in Scandinavia, with an average height of around 5 foot 11 inches for men, and 5 foot 6 inches for women. Interestingly, Danes are even growing taller at a more rapid race than people in the rest of the world.

How are Scandinavians so fit? ›

The Scandi diet is big on reducing starchy carbs and replacing those calories with heaping servings of healthy proteins, such as locally-sourced, cold-water fish, and organic vegetables. Just as importantly, Scandinavians believe it's not just what you eat that counts, it's how you prepare it that matters too.

What is the tallest race in the world? ›

The Dutch are the world's tallest people.

What is the average height of Nordic people? ›

How tall are you? The average Swedish man is 180.0 cm (5 feet 10.8 inches), making Swedish men number 8 on the list of the tallest in the world - which is topped by the Dutch. The average Swedish woman is 166.9 cm (5 feet 5.7 inches).

Were Viking people tall? ›

The average height of Vikings as found by researchers and scholars, varied depending on a number of factors, including their age and gender. Typically, the average male Viking would usually be between 5 foot 7 and 5 foot 9, while the average female would be between 5 foot 1 and 5 foot 3.

Who are the tallest nation in the world? ›

The ten tallest countries, with the first one being the country with the tallest average human height in the world, include:
  • The Netherlands 72.36 inches.
  • Montenegro 72.13 inches.
  • Denmark 71.89 inches.
  • Norway 71.81 inches.
  • Serbia 71.65 inches.
  • Germany 71.26 inches.
  • Croatia 71.06 inches.
  • The Czech Republic 70.97 inches.

What are Scandinavian common features? ›

The supposed physical traits of the Nordics included light eyes, light skin, tall stature, and dolichocephalic skull; their psychological traits were deemed to be truthfulness, equitability, a competitive spirit, naivete, reservedness, and individualism.

Do Scandinavians age well? ›

According to UN data, the average life expectancy for someone born today in the United States stands at 79.1 years. Scandinavian countries Sweden (83.3), Norway (82.9) and Denmark (81.4) all rank higher, as do Nordic nations Iceland (83.5) and Finland (82.5).

What ethnicity are the tallest people? ›

Dutch men and Latvian women are the tallest on the planet, according to the largest ever study of height around the world.

What are the 3 biggest races in the world? ›

The world population can be divided into 4 major races, namely white/Caucasian, Mongoloid/Asian, Negroid/Black, and Australoid. This is based on a racial classification made by Carleton S.

Why are the Dutch so tall? ›

The Netherlands is officially the tallest country on planet Earth. For the most part, scientists believed this was due to wealth, a rich diet and quality health care. But a new study suggests that the overall height of Dutch people may actually be human evolution in action.

What country has the tallest humans? ›

Ever wondered where the tallest men and women live in the world? Well, the answer is Netherlands. Also called a land of giants, the Netherlands is home to men with an average height of a Dutch man is 182.5 cm (about 6 feet).

How big were Vikings height? ›

"The examination of skeletons from different localities in Scandinavia reveals that the average height of the Vikings was a little less than that of today: men were about 5 ft 7-3/4 in. tall and women 5 ft 2-1/2 in.

How tall is the average Scandinavian girl? ›

If you look at Sweden, the average height is 172.71cm (5 feet 7.99 inches) tall, with Swedish men being 179.73cm (5 feet 10.76 inches) tall on average, while Swedish women are 165.6cm (5 feet 5.23 inches) tall.

What was the average lifespan of a Viking? ›

The Vikings typically lived to be around 40-50 years old. But there are also examples of upper class Vikings who lived longer – for instance Harald Fairhair, who was King of Norway for more than 60 years.

Why were Vikings so physically strong? ›

Vikings worked long hours, carrying, and using heavy equipment which contributed to the formation of muscles, even from an early age. Another reason for the significant strength of the Vikings was their diet. Vikings were mostly hunters, not gatherers, due to their cold, harsh environment.

What are Viking facial features? ›

The faces of men and women in the Viking Age were more alike than they are today. The women's faces were more masculine than women's today, with prominent brow ridges. On the other hand, the Viking man's appearance was more feminine than that of men today, with a less prominent jaw and brow ridges.

Why are northern European so tall? ›

In a paper published in Nature, the researchers show that northern Europeans seem to have a stronger genetic link to a particularly tall nomadic population from the Eurasian steppe who came to Europe around 4,500 years ago. Because of these genes, northern Europeans are still tall compared to others on the continent.

How tall is the average German man? ›

5 ft 10.8 in

How tall is the average Chinese man? ›

The report says the average height of 19-year-old Chinese males is 175.7 cm, and that of Chinese females is 163.5 cm.

How tall is the average Scandinavian man? ›

The average Dane is 174.29cm (5 feet 8.61 inches) tall. The average Danish man is 181.38cm (5 feet 11.40 inches) tall. The average Danish woman is 167.21cm (5 feet 5.83 inches) tall.

Is 5 10 short in Norway? ›

In Norway, the average height is 172.65cm (5 feet 7.97 inches) tall. The average height of Norwegian men is 179.74cm (just over five feet ten inches) tall, while Norwegian women are, on average, 165.56cm (just over five feet five inches) tall.

What height is considered tall in Denmark? ›

Measured and self-reported figures
Country / regionAverage male heightAverage female height
Czech Republic177.7 cm (5 ft 10 in)164.4 cm (5 ft 4+1⁄2 in)
Czech Republic180.3 cm (5 ft 11 in)167.2 cm (5 ft 6 in)
Denmark180.4 cm (5 ft 11 in)167.2 cm (5 ft 6 in)
Dinaric Alps185.6 cm (6 ft 1 in)171.8 cm (5 ft 7+1⁄2 in)
51 more rows

What was the average height of a Viking man? ›

How tall were the Vikings? The average Viking was 8-10 cm (3-4 inches) shorter than we are today. The skeletons that the archaeologists have found, reveals, that a man was around 172 cm tall (5.6 ft), and a woman had an average height of 158 cm (5,1 ft).

What color eyes do Norwegians have? ›

Since most Norwegians — 55 percent — have blue eyes, it is possible that the results would differ in other populations, the researchers acknowledged.

What country has the tallest men? ›

Ever wondered where the tallest men and women live in the world? Well, the answer is Netherlands. Also called a land of giants, the Netherlands is home to men with an average height of a Dutch man is 182.5 cm (about 6 feet).

What country has the tallest average male height? ›

According to the report, the Netherlands is still the world's tallest nation with the average height in the country for men 183.78 cm, or 6 foot, and 170.36 cm, or 5 foot 7 inches for women.

Why are Scandinavians so strong? ›

It probably comes down to genetics as most physical attributes do, and to the fact that living in a sparsely populated harsh climate, as many others have mentioned, necessitates hard physical labor done alone. Still, genetics is the likely underpinning of that strength.

What is the shortest Scandinavian country? ›

On these pages you can find information about Denmark, Danish culture and society. Denmark is situated in Northern Europe and is the smallest of the Scandinavian countries. The Faroe Islands and Greenland are part of the Kingdom of Denmark.

What country has the shortest height? ›

1. Timor-Leste — 155.47cm (5 feet 1.28 inches) People on the Southeast Asian island of Timor are an average 155.47cm (5 feet 1.28 inches) tall.

What height do guys like for a girl? ›

A study on women's and men's height preferences found that women are most satisfied when their partner was 8 inches (21cm) taller. Men are most satisfied when they are 3 inches (8cm) taller than their partners. Another study found that among men, 13.5 percent prefer to date only women shorter than them.

Which country has the tallest females? ›

The Netherlands is renowned for its tall population and unsurprisingly the nation has the tallest average height on Earth. The average 19-year-old man stands at 183 cm, while women of the same age are typically 172 cm.

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.