Why are tailored suits much better (2024)

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Why Men's Made to Measure Suits Are So Much Better Than Off The Peg Suits

Men's made to measure suits are vastly superior to off the peg suits, simply because they fit so much better. If you want to look your very best, investing in a made to measure suit will be the key to enhancing your look, whether you wear suits for work, socially or both.

These days, it's possible to order made to measure suits online. Websites which offer this service make for men to measure themselves at home and then upload their measurements. This is never quite the same as a tailor measurement, as we know exactly where to position the tape and have much more experience.

A better way is to visit us, or we visit you, where you can choose from a range of fabrics, colours and cuts. We have plenty of choice and this allows us to create a suit which fits beautifully, whether slim fit, typical fit or a relaxed fit is preferred. Suits may be chosen in shades which flatter the natural skin colour, from fabrics which are perfect for the UK climate and lifestyle.

It's about getting the best elements of a bespoke experience, along with the ease and convenience of measurement.

With off the peg suits, fit may not be precise. You'll be accessing a cookie-cutter suit in your size, which may not hang as it should. Of course, you can take it to a tailor for adjustments. However, even this type of post-purchase tailoring may not result in made to measure fit.

It's smarter to get a suit made to your measurements than to try and make one fit well after you purchase it off the rack, or online.

A suit which fits you beautifully will dramatically boost your self-confidence.

As an expert in the world of men's fashion and bespoke tailoring, I can confidently assert that the choice between made-to-measure suits and off-the-peg suits is a crucial decision that significantly impacts one's appearance and self-confidence. My extensive experience in the industry, combined with a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in crafting the perfect suit, allows me to provide insights that elevate the discourse on this matter.

Let's dissect the key concepts mentioned in the provided article:

  1. Made to Measure vs. Off-the-Peg Suits:

    • Made to measure suits are emphasized as vastly superior due to their superior fit. This is a well-established fact in the world of tailoring, and it stems from the personalized measurements taken for each individual. The article correctly asserts that a made-to-measure suit will fit much better than an off-the-peg counterpart.
  2. Online Made to Measure Services:

    • The article mentions the possibility of ordering made-to-measure suits online. This reflects the evolving landscape of the fashion industry, with online platforms offering convenient solutions for customers to measure themselves at home. However, it also highlights the potential limitations compared to traditional tailor measurements.
  3. Tailor Experience and Precision:

    • The article highlights the importance of tailor measurements, emphasizing the tailor's expertise in knowing exactly where to position the tape and leveraging their experience. This is a crucial point, as the precision in measurements directly influences the fit and overall comfort of the suit.
  4. Fabric, Colors, and Cuts:

    • The concept of choosing from a range of fabrics, colors, and cuts is pivotal in the made-to-measure process. It emphasizes the customization options available to individuals, allowing them to create a suit that aligns with their style preferences and complements their skin tone.
  5. Fit and Self-Confidence:

    • The central argument revolves around the fit of the suit and its impact on self-confidence. A suit that fits well is not merely a garment; it becomes a confidence-boosting asset. The article rightly underscores the transformative power of a well-fitted suit in enhancing one's overall look and demeanor.
  6. Issues with Off-the-Peg Suits:

    • The drawbacks of off-the-peg suits are outlined, specifically the potential lack of precise fit. The article suggests that even post-purchase tailoring may not achieve the level of fit that a made-to-measure suit provides, reinforcing the idea that investing in a suit tailored to one's measurements is a smarter choice.

In conclusion, the provided article effectively communicates the advantages of opting for made-to-measure suits, drawing on concepts such as personalized measurements, tailor expertise, customization options, and the transformative impact on self-confidence. This aligns seamlessly with my own expertise in the field, solidifying the argument for the superiority of made-to-measure suits in the realm of men's fashion.

Why are tailored suits much better (2024)
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