Why do 74% of independent coffee shops fail in the first five years (2024)

When coffee shops fail, it’s not because of their coffee, in my view, it’s the people.

Let me explain this with a brief story that’s going to conclude with number 1 reason to why most independent coffee shops fail in the very first year. Shall we begin?

Why do 74% of independent coffee shops fail in the first five years (1)

While going to work, I’d pass a tiny independent coffee shop, named Sam’s Den, bustling with people every day. It seemed like a popular place amongst locals and for an entrepreneur-mind like me, I often thought that the owner must be making good business out of this tumult.

To my surprise, just last week, I noticed the “Closed” sign and on speaking to a couple of people around, I discovered that the owner had to shut the business because of a prolonged period of negative cash flow due to low sales. Apparently, he had to call it quits just after 18 months of beginning operations. Surprising, heh!

At the outset, Sam’s Den looked like a fun, profitable business. What I didn’t realize is that often independent coffee shops become a “hangout place”, where a lot of people spend a great amount of time with their friends, meeting their business associates, or perhaps, working on their computers — all day — with just one drink.

Based on what I’ve seen lately, people treat coffee shops like their living room, study hall or office, and don’t realize that these businesses make money from a constant flow of sales.

The math is simple — If you’re occupying a table or even a booth in a small, humble cafe, you’re potentially driving away the customer who would want to come in and have coffee, sandwiches, probably, a cake and a lot of conversations. They might have to look out for another place because someone had been sitting with a laptop for three hours sipping a cup of latte.

According to me, this could be just one of the many reasons that I fathom that the majority of small establishments simply don’t survive, and only a select few make it past the first year.

A recent survey conducted in April 2019 on 232 coffee shops in the U.S. observed that 50% — 74% of independent coffee shops fail in the first five years.

Sad, but true!

So what’s the fix?

To begin with, having a warning sign with house rules like, “this ain’t no place for freeloaders”. At least, that’s what I would have done, but in a discreet way. I’m thinking, wall art, a really badass one.

But if that’s not your way, there are plenty of ways to increase sales and prevent your name from getting listed under the “failed coffee businesses” category.

Basics, very important and non-negligible!

A few years back anyone could have opened a cafe without having a basic sense of customer satisfaction and retention. Even with terrible customer service, the untrained staff at the counter, no parking and absolutely no idea about the difference between a latte and a cappuccino, you’d succeed.

But today, with giant chains like Starbucks, taking over the world with their impeccable coffee and phenomenal customer service, customers expect special handling even from small, independent coffee shops. They no longer want to or have to endure bad business to get good coffee. If you won’t give them what they need, they’ll turn to your competition and never look back.

Many new coffee shop owners tend to skip out on understanding this basic element of business handling that would better position them for success.

In short, you have to offer a lot more than just good coffee.

Being the third place between home and work, a coffee shop should embolden a warm and inviting setting, where people can be themselves and unwind without running into hassles.

Ample parking space, great customer service, and high visibility are just a few points to start with. Acquiring new customers and encouraging the existing ones to visit your cafe over and over again is a whole new ball game. Click here to read tips on customer retention.

Unleash the power of emotional connection

A piece of advice I got from my mentor when I was starting my consulting business and I feel that it holds true for all kinds of businesses. Knowing how to connect with your customers is half the battle won. I also feel that owners need to be involved with creating an atmosphere that people want to be a part of.

To successfully run a coffee shop, one must possess genuine passion and enthusiasm to make excellent coffee as well as meet AND serve (REAL) people.

How about storytelling sessions at the cafe every Friday? Tell them how you came up with the idea of having your own cafe and what encouraged you to take the leap? Your regulars would be really happy to know your story and would be encouraged to share their experiences.

Connecting with customers on an emotional level will ensure that they ALWAYS choose your coffee house over others. Apart from this, be open-minded and take feedback seriously. Let them know that they are valued and if necessary, go the extra mile to keep them happy and satisfied with your services.

Online ordering is a norm, not a choice!

Yup, if you’re still thinking whether you should or should not take your business online, then you’re preparing it for insurmountable failure. How? Because, 67% of online users are placing their orders online and often due to lack of time, prefer to have their coffee, food and even milkshake delivered at their chosen location without delays.

In order to succeed in today’s fast-paced, digitally equipped world, being online is the secret sauce to keep the business moving. Implementing an online and mobile ordering solution allows your customers to browse the menu, place their order and pay — without the pressure of waiting in line.

A website and/or mobile app with a simple, attractive interface can adopt your brand image, as well as give your coffee shop greater visibility, that may or may not be possible with the uni-channel approach. Want to learn more about online ordering? Read here

Keep it Original and Consistent

When it comes to visiting coffee shops, people like predictability. They don’t like surprises. Opening late on a few occasions or tweaking the menu every season would only put off your customers. Having said that, originality and consistency are critical to your survival.

If Starbucks’ Avocado Latte is making a buzz in the industry, there’s no reason for you to tweak your menu. People coming to you every single day are looking for simple, classic and original coffee that can help them kickstart the day. So you have got to be consistent.

Apart from this, everything you make must have a standard recipe so that your coffees are 100 percent perfect every single time, regardless of whether they are being made by a head barista or an intern. Having a standard recipe also make the food cost predictable and foreseeable that help restaurant meets its financial goal. It is because all the quantities and qualities of ingredients that are going to be used will be the same every time.

So here you are! If you have been struggling to keep your business afloat, these tips should help you start selling in the right direction. Treat your coffee shop as a serious business and soon you’ll realize the potential of profitability. Remember, we all need at least a cup of coffee every day, sometimes twice a day, so if you provide your customers the ease of online ordering, exemplary service quality, and impeccable coffee, running a coffee shop can be the most rewarding experience.

Why do 74% of independent coffee shops fail in the first five years (2024)


What causes coffee shops to fail? ›

Coffee shops fail for reasons that vary from poor management, lack of sales to cover costs, bad employees and service, and having too much debt.

What are the problems in a coffee shop business? ›

4 Problems Coffee Shop Owners Face (and How You Can Prevent Them)
  • Problem #1: Lack of identity and a dull competitive edge.
  • Problem #3: Inventory and pricing snafus.
  • Problem #4: Overall management and customer service headaches.

Can an independent coffee shop be profitable? ›

Owners of small to medium-sized coffee shops can make anywhere from $60,000-$160,000 annually . Usually, the owner's salary is between 2% and 6% of the restaurant's sales. In a small operation, your salary may be a higher percentage of the profits, relative to how much labor you put in.

How much does a coffee shop make in its first year? ›

As a baseline, if you have 100 transactions per day and the average sales receipt is $5, you make $500 per day and about $15,000 each month, assuming you are open every day. In one year, you would bring in $180,000 in gross revenue. For many shops, sales often double within three to five years.

What are the Top 5 reasons businesses fail? ›

What are the Top Reasons Why Businesses Fail?
  • They Don't Have Enough Money. Many businesses fail because they don't have enough capital to cover expenses. ...
  • They Don't Complete a Competitive Analysis. ...
  • They Don't Listen to What the Customers Want. ...
  • They Don't Hire the Right People. ...
  • They Don't Have a Marketing Strategy.

What are 7 reasons businesses fail? ›

Top seven reasons businesses fail
  • Failure to plan before startup. ...
  • Failure to monitor financial position. ...
  • Failure to know the difference between price, value and cost. ...
  • Failure to manage cash flow. ...
  • Failure to manage growth. ...
  • Failure to borrow properly. ...
  • Failure in business transition.

What is lacking in the coffee industry? ›

One of the biggest challenges facing the coffee industry is a lack of uniformity in quality. This is a result of the vast array of different types of coffee beans that are grown all over the world. Another challenge facing the coffee industry is sustainability.

What problem does the coffee industry face? ›

Coffee and climate change

Over half of the world's suitable land for growing coffee is at risk of being lost or destroyed due to climate change by 2050. Latin America is one of the hotbeds for coffee production, producing roughly 60% of the global commercial demand.

What is the secret to a successful coffee shop? ›

Atmosphere, great customer service and high quality products create an experience the customer wants to have over and over again. Engagement is the key! Customer service is something that we never compromise. Also cleanliness of the brewing equipment really makes difference!

How much profit does a small coffee shop make? ›

Tip. The average profit for a small cafe is about 2.5 percent, but large coffee operations tend to earn much higher profits. Direct costs average about 15 percent, so most of a small coffee shop's expenditures go toward overhead expenses. Building sales volume makes a small cafe more profitable.

What percentage of coffee shops are successful? ›

A recent survey conducted in April 2019 on 232 coffee shops in the U.S. observed that 50% — 74% of independent coffee shops fail in the first five years.

What is the profit margin on a coffee shop? ›

💸 The average profit for a cafe ranges between 2.5% (Chron estimate) and 6.8% (Specialty Coffee Association study), depending on where you're getting your data from. For coffee shops that also roast their own coffee, the SCA study puts them at an 8.79% profit margin—a meaningful increase.

What percentage of cafes fail? ›

The statistics for success rates when starting your own business are not the greatest, and “if it were easy, everyone would be doing it!” In general, an average of 80% of all new businesses fail within the first two year of being open. More specifically, in the restaurant industry this failure rate climbs to 95%.

Is starting a coffee business worth it? ›

Coffee shops are incredibly profitable thanks to their high-profit margin and low cost of stock. With effective cost management, you can ensure your coffee shop will be a success!

Is starting a coffee brand profitable? ›

Selling coffee can be very profitable with the right marketing plan and a strong brand. Coffee is a widely available product with a lot of competition, but don't let that scare you away from the industry. Consider the advantages of a high-commodity product like coffee: A high volume of customers.

Why do most businesses fail in the first 5 years? ›

According to a U.S. Bank study, 82% of business failures are due to poor cash flow. When a customer doesn't pay on time, or your sales projections end up being lower than anticipated, that can significantly strain your ability to cover day-to-day expenses.

What percentage of businesses fail in the first 5 years? ›

18.4% of private sector businesses in the U.S. fail within the first year. After five years, 49.7% have faltered, while after 10 years, 65.5% of businesses have failed.

What is the #1 reason that most new businesses fail? ›

The most common reasons small businesses fail include a lack of capital or funding, retaining an inadequate management team, a faulty infrastructure or business model, and unsuccessful marketing initiatives.

What are the top 10 reasons small businesses fail? ›

Let's explore the top 10 reasons why businesses fail – plus one important bonus tip.
  • Complacency. ...
  • Not prioritizing sustainability. ...
  • Not putting customers first. ...
  • Not relentlessly innovating. ...
  • Not thinking of themselves as tech companies. ...
  • Not treating data as a key business asset. ...
  • Failing to attract and keep talent.
Aug 29, 2022

What are 8 reasons businesses fail? ›

Here are eight of them.
  • Not doing enough market research. ...
  • Not having enough money. ...
  • Putting together the wrong team. ...
  • Disagreements among partners. ...
  • Not focusing on marketing. ...
  • Relying too heavily on one customer. ...
  • Getting beaten by competition. ...
  • Picking the wrong location.

Is it true that 90% of businesses fail? ›

About 90% of startups fail. 10% of startups fail within the first year. Across all industries, startup failure rates seem to be close to the same. Failure is most common for startups during years two through five, with 70% falling into this category.

What are the two biggest enemies of coffee? ›

Your beans' greatest enemies are air, moisture, heat, and light. To preserve your beans' fresh roasted flavor as long as possible, store them in an opaque, air-tight container at room temperature. Coffee beans can be beautiful, but avoid clear canisters which will allow light to compromise the taste of your coffee.

What are 3 factors that can affect quality of coffee? ›

8 factors that can affect the quality of your coffee
  • Freshness of the coffee beans. One of the most important aspects of a good coffee is the bean itself. ...
  • Freshness of the grind. ...
  • Coffee grind size. ...
  • Gram throw. ...
  • Water quality. ...
  • Pressure in the coffee machine. ...
  • Soft or not tamping. ...
  • Cleanliness of your coffee machine.
May 1, 2019

What factors that affect the demand of the coffee shop? ›

First is the price of the coffee and its substitutes such as tea. When coffee increases in price and substitutes decrease in price, there will be a decrease in the demand for coffee. Secondly is an increase in a population whereby an increase in population results in an increase in coffee demand.

What caused the coffee crisis? ›

The cause of the coffee crisis is oversupply, so the high prices Fair Trade offers induce farmers who would otherwise seek other alternatives to stay in coffee production, exacerbating the current situation.

Why is the coffee industry unsustainable? ›

Coffee cup waste generates a yearly carbon footprint of 152,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide. Using coffee filters also creates waste in the environment. It is also an unsustainable use of resources as we use filters once and discard them. Coffee pods also generate waste as the empty shells are not recyclable.

What are the golden rules of making coffee? ›

A general rule of thumb or the golden ratio is one to two tablespoons of ground coffee for every six ounces of water. Adjust this ratio per your taste preference. You can buy a measuring cup for more accurate measurement. Without question, coffee is best when used within days of being roasted.

How can I improve my coffee shop business? ›

Grow the sales of your coffee business with these 7 tips:
  1. Build a culture of quality. ...
  2. Optimize your menu. ...
  3. Hire the right people. ...
  4. Get closer to the customer. ...
  5. Promote up-selling and cross-selling. ...
  6. Gather your data. ...
  7. Make your customers walk out your door with a smile.

How do you attract more people to a cafe? ›

11 ways to attract more customers to your coffee shop
  1. Look at your pricing. ...
  2. Start a loyalty card scheme. ...
  3. Get active on social media. ...
  4. The good old A-board. ...
  5. Run a competition – particularly if you can get the local press to give you coverage.
  6. Tap up your suppliers for marketing materials. ...
  7. Consider branded takeaway cups.
May 23, 2017

How many sales does a coffee shop make per day? ›

According to Limini Coffee, a typical receipt in the UK is £4.50. At a 75% margin, you'd make £3.38 gross profit from that. Say you have 12 customers an hour, that works out as 144 customers in a 12-hour day, equalling £487 gross profit a day.

What is the most profitable business? ›

Most Profitable Business Ideas
  • Business Consulting. If you're an expert in your industry and have been working at it for years, you should consider consulting. ...
  • IT Support, Technology Consulting, and Repair. ...
  • Cleaning Services. ...
  • Accounting and Tax Preparation. ...
  • Auto Repair. ...
  • Real Estate. ...
  • Online courses. ...
  • Marketing and PR Services.

How much capital is needed for a coffee shop? ›

A sit-down coffee shop typically costs between $80,000 and $275,000 to set up. 1. A large drive-through shop can cost between $80,000 and $200,000. A small kiosk may cost between $60,000 and $100,000.

Are coffee shops profitable in 2022? ›

While income varies per coffee shop, an owner can make between $50,000 and $175,000 yearly. That is a big swing, but as you'll soon see your annual income all depends on several key factors. In 2022, the global coffee industry was estimated to be valued at $433 billion dollars, according to Statista.

Who is the number 1 coffee shop in the world? ›

By almost any metric you can think of, Starbucks is at the top of the list of successful coffee companies, and they have nearly 30,000 locations around the globe.

Is the coffee industry growing or declining? ›

How Fast Is The Coffee Industry Growing? In 2022, the coffee segment will earn $85.16 billion in revenue. For the next four years, the market is expected to grow by 63.16% (CAGR 2022-2025). The United States (US$85,1600.00m) is expected to generate the vast majority of revenue in the coming years.

How long does it take for a cafe to turn a profit? ›

Profitability depends on many factors including the size and type of restaurant, as well as economic ones. It takes an average of two years for a new restaurant to turn a profit.

What is the average markup on coffee? ›

Coffee has some of the biggest markup in the hospitality industry, with a markup of 80% or higher for every drink.

How many restaurants fail in the first 5 years? ›

Around 60 percent of new restaurants fail within the first year. And nearly 80 percent shutter before their fifth anniversary. Often, the No. 1 reason is simply location — and the general lack of self-awareness that you have no business actually being in that location.

What is the #1 reason that restaurants fail? ›

1. Lack of vision. According to the Cornell University study “Why Restaurants Fail,” restaurants close because their leadership lacks a clear vision for the restaurant. A restaurant's mission statement and vision and are more than just its concept and menu—they should be at the center of every business decision.

What are 5 reasons why restaurants fail? ›

Based on that experience, here are five reasons restaurants fail:
  • Poor leadership.
  • Toxic culture.
  • Poor hiring and training.
  • Forgettable food.
  • Struggling with logistics, including food costs and all other overhead.
May 27, 2020

Is it hard to run a coffee shop? ›

Running a successful cafe doesn't need to be difficult, but with so many things seemingly stacked against you from the start – busy and bustling workdays, long hours, and steep competition from other coffee shops, to name a few – it can seem almost impossible to get a new cafe business up and running.

Who is the target market for coffee shops? ›

The target market of coffee shops is anyone who drinks coffee, but each subcategory can be broken down and marketed to separately — whether that's with products, innovative technology, locations, or the usual marketing campaigns.

Is it hard to open your own coffee shop? ›

Starting an independent coffee shop is hard work, but that doesn't mean it has to be a long-term struggle. If you focus on establishing these core pieces while developing your coffee shop business plan, you'll set yourself up for success early on.

Is the coffee market oversaturated? ›

P: Why coffee? Some would say it's a saturated market. L: Coffee is a totally saturated market - In the United States, there are well over 2000 roasting companies, and new ones launching with every passing week.

How much does it cost to start your own coffee brand? ›

Average startup costs for a coffee brand range from $5,000 to $10,000. However, there are ways to reduce these costs. For example, you could start by roasting your own beans or partnering with a local cafe. Additionally, consider ways to differentiate your brand to stand out in a competitive market.

What are the 4 main reasons why companies fail? ›

  • Financing Hurdles.
  • Inadequate Management.
  • Ineffective Business Planning.
  • Marketing Mishaps.

What are the top 10 reasons businesses fail? ›

Let's explore the top 10 reasons why businesses fail – plus one important bonus tip.
  • Complacency. ...
  • Not prioritizing sustainability. ...
  • Not putting customers first. ...
  • Not relentlessly innovating. ...
  • Not thinking of themselves as tech companies. ...
  • Not treating data as a key business asset. ...
  • Failing to attract and keep talent.
Aug 29, 2022

What is the potential risk of coffee Shop? ›

Heat from cookers, kettles and coffee machines. Other potentially hazardous kitchen equipment, like knives. Accessibility of entrances and exits, such as narrow walkways, tables and steps. Trip hazards throughout the café, such as changes in floor levels or the likelihood of spillages.

Do 90% of restaurants fail? ›

The National Restaurant Association estimates a 20% success rate for all restaurants. About 60% of restaurants fail in their first year of operation, and 80% fail within 5 years of opening.

What are the top 5 reasons that new businesses fail before 5 years of operations? ›

  • No business plan or poor planning. This reason is especially true for brand new small business owners. ...
  • Failure to understand customer behavior today. ...
  • Inventory mismanagement. ...
  • Unsustainable growth. ...
  • Lack of sales. ...
  • Trying to do it all. ...
  • Underestimating administrative tasks. ...
  • Refusal to pivot.
Mar 15, 2021

Why do small businesses fail 2022? ›

The top reason small businesses fail is that they experience cash flow problems. 82% of small businesses that fail experience cash flow problems, while 42% find an insufficient need for their product or service. 29% run out of cash, 23% don't have the right team, and 19% are out-competed.

Why 85% of businesses are failing during the first years list four reasons? ›

Other reasons why businesses fail in their early years include: poor business location, poor customer service, unqualified/untrained employees, fraud, lack of a proper business plan, and failure to seek outside professional advice.

Do 90% of businesses fail? ›

Startup Failure Rates

About 90% of startups fail. 10% of startups fail within the first year. Across all industries, startup failure rates seem to be close to the same. Failure is most common for startups during years two through five, with 70% falling into this category.

What do you think the 3 biggest risks are for small businesses? ›

6 Biggest Risks for Small Businesses
  • Financial risk. The biggest risks facing many small organizations are actually financial. ...
  • Strategic risk. It can be hard to know what steps to take when your organization is brand new. ...
  • Reputation risk. ...
  • Liability risk. ...
  • Business interruption risk. ...
  • Security risk.
Nov 11, 2020

What are 5 potential risks? ›

Examples of Potential Risks to Subjects
  • Physical risks. Physical risks include physical discomfort, pain, injury, illness or disease brought about by the methods and procedures of the research. ...
  • Psychological risks. ...
  • Social/Economic risks. ...
  • Loss of Confidentiality. ...
  • Legal risks.

What are 3 risks of opening your own business? ›

What risks do entrepreneurs take? There are five kinds of risk that entrepreneurs take as they begin starting their business. Those risks are: founder risk, product risk, market risk, competition risk, and sales execution risk.

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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

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Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.