Why do I see the wall studs right through the drywall? (2024)

Last Updated: Monday, December 9th, 2019, Created: Sunday, September 30th, 2001

Why do I see the wall studs right through the drywall? (1)

Tim lives in a 13 year old house and is rather disturbed by the fact that he can see the studs and ceiling joists as if they were coming right through the wall.

Don't panic Tim, this is unfortunately very common. It relates to a poor job of insulation in a cold climate.

Why do I see the wall studs right through the drywall? (2)You see, the wood used to frame the house is about 1/3 as effective as fiberglass in stopping the cold. So the cold will come through where the studs are, more than anywhere else.

If the humidity is fairly high in the house, but not necessarily bad enough to get wet all over the windows, the cold parts of the wall in front of the studs will attract the moisture. This in turn will attract and trap more dust than the rest of the wall, and hence what we call Ghosting.

It does look like the studs are coming right through the wall. Thicker walls, or better yet, insulated sheathing over one side or the other of the wall will stop the problem.

Why do I see the wall studs right through the drywall? (3)

So if you are building new, or residing, make sure to add about 1-1/2 inches of foam insulation board over the whole wall. That gives great insulation over the insulated part of the wall, and at least the minimum necessary to stop the ghosting over the stud areas.

If you are refinishing a room, or a cathedral ceiling, even as little as 1/2 inch of foam over the existing drywall and then new drywall will make a difference. One inch would be much better. Click on the video above to see the whole story.

Keywords: Condensation, Walls, Mystery, Cathedral Ceiling, Thermal Bridging, Cleaning, Video - Included, Insulation

Article 1323

Why do I see the wall studs right through the drywall? (2024)


What is stud ghosting? ›

Stud shadowing or ghosting is the discoloration of walls that have spacing consistent with stud locations. Discoloration from shadowing can occur at interior and exterior wall surfaces alike, and sometimes for different reasons.

How do you fix ghosting on interior walls? ›

The first step you need to take to stop ghosting on walls is to eliminate indoor air particles. Stop burning candles, firewood, or incense. The next step is to monitor the relative humidity inside the house.

What causes ghosting on walls? ›

What are they? Ghost spots or thermal ghosting are caused by a combination of moisture, condensation, cold spots, static electricity, air currents, and a good supply of dust, soot, and other particles drifting in the air.

Are studs right behind drywall? ›

Studs are vertical 2 by 4 inch beams that support the frame of your home. You can find them behind your drywall, usually spaced 16 or 24 inches apart. Since studs are made of thick and sturdy wood or metal, they can securely hold screws better than wall materials like drywall.

How do you fix ghosting in drywall? ›

This condensation attracts dust, soot, etc. and causes the visible ghosting. Instead of lowering your heat, focus on lowering the humidity in the home. In most cases this will eliminate the ghosting.

What does ghosting look like? ›

Ghosting is a relatively new colloquial dating term that refers to abruptly cutting off contact with someone without giving that person any warning or explanation for doing so. Even when the person being ghosted reaches out to re-initiate contact or gain closure, they're met with silence.

What is ghosting smearing? ›

Blurring (not illustrated), another form of ghosting, is the loss of boundary definition due to slow modulation of the signal throughout data acquisition. Smearing (also not illustrated) occurs when signal is acutely disturbed during acquisition of the center lines of k-space.

What is optical ghosting? ›

Commonly regarded as a type of flare, the phenomenon known as ghosting occurs when light repeatedly reflects off the surface of the lens and is seen in the image. Reflections occurring in front of and behind the lens' aperture give the ghost the same shape as the aperture.

How do you fix shadowing on walls? ›

Ghost Busting Remedies
  1. Be sure gas or wood stoves are properly adjusted and vented.
  2. Keep the indoor relative humidity below 55% in the winter. ...
  3. Replace furnace filters often.
  4. Seal around doors and windows to eliminate cold air drafts.
  5. Stop burning candles, incense, and wood-burning fireplaces.
Mar 16, 2018

Why do nails show through drywall? ›

The cause of nail pops in walls is the expansion and contraction of the wood frame behind drywall. Homes are built with wood framing you attach drywall to. As the seasons and humidity change, the wood framing expands and contracts. As this happens, the wood loses its grip on the nail or screw.

How do I fix ghosting? ›

Tips on Fixing Monitor Ghosting
  1. Open your monitor's display menu.
  2. Find the overdrive setting.
  3. Turn on the overdrive to customise the level.
  4. Slowly change the level and check the monitor ghosting test.
  5. Find the optimal overdrive result.
Nov 4, 2022

How much of a gap is OK in drywall? ›

Always leave a 1/2-inch gap at the floor. This allows for floor and wall expansion without cracking the drywall. It also helps prevents moisture wicking if the floor floods.

How far behind drywall is the stud? ›

The most common, and standard distance between wall studs is 16-inches. So if you don't know how to space your studs then space them at 16-inches.

Does drywall have to fit perfectly? ›

There's no reason to measure and cut drywall for an exact fit. It'll usually just cause trouble. Jamming in a piece that's too tight will crumble the edge or break out a corner (left). And removing a piece to shave a too-tight edge is messy and time consuming.

Why can I see the outline of the studs through my painted drywall? ›

If the humidity is fairly high in the house, but not necessarily bad enough to get wet all over the windows, the cold parts of the wall in front of the studs will attract the moisture. This in turn will attract and trap more dust than the rest of the wall, and hence what we call Ghosting.

Can you remove ghosting? ›

Adjust your monitor settings. Because monitor ghosting is not necessarily a physical problem with your device, changing these settings may do the trick. In particular, take a look at settings with the names Perfect Clear, Dynamic Contrast, Motion Smoothing, and Noise Reduction.

What is silent ghosting? ›

Definition: A psychological abuse tactic utilized by individuals with narcissistic tendencies to halt communication with a romantic partner, friend, family member, or business partner.

How long before you know its ghosting? ›

While every relationship is different, three days is enough time to consider yourself ghosted. Sure, everyone has emergencies or can come up with a valid excuse for not responding, but letting things linger for three days or longer is enough to categorise it as a ghosted situation.

What is inverse ghosting? ›

Inverse ghosting is when the overdrive in the monitor is working too aggressively causing image overshoot. The ama in this monitor is its overdrive feature causing this effect. Now you can turn ama off but that will result in regular ghosting.

Why ghosting is so damaging? ›

Ghosting hurts; it's a cruel rejection. It is particularly painful because you are left with no rationale, no guidelines for how to proceed, and often a heap of emotions to sort through on your own. If you suffer from any abandonment or self-esteem issues, being ghosted may bring them to the forefront.

Is ghosting considered toxic? ›

A person ghosting typically has little acknowledgment of how it will make the other person feel. Ghosting is associated with negative mental health effects on the person on the receiving end and has been described by some mental health professionals as a passive-aggressive form of emotional abuse or cruelty.

Can Magic Eraser clean walls? ›

Use the Magic Eraser to remove scuffs, dust and grime from the surface of your walls. In just a few firm swipes, you should be able to see the Magic Eraser work its magic. When you're done, your walls will be clean, prepped, and ready for your new paint.

Does Magic Eraser work on painted walls? ›

If the paint is too thin or of a lower quality it may start to take a little paint off. We also recommend wiping over with a damp cloth after as sometimes the magic sponge can leave a white residue on the wall but this is easily removed. But on the whole, a magic sponge works fantastic on emulsion and gloss paintwork.

Why can I see joists through ceiling? ›

The basic cause is moisture that collects along the underside of ceiling joists or trusses, and sometimes along wall studs. The moisture is condensation that collects, usually in winter, because the joist areas have less insulation than the cavities surrounding them.

What is LCD ghosting? ›

Monitor ghosting occurs when an image artifact appears as a pixel trail or as ghosts behind fast-moving objects. Visual ghosting is common when playing a first-person shooter or a fast-paced sports game. It may deteriorate over time, creating the appearance that irrevocable damage has occurred.

Why do I see ghost images? ›

Ghost images are a type of double vision that is a sign of a binocular vision dysfunction. There are two different types of double vision (diplopia): monocular and binocular.

Does astigmatism cause ghost images? ›

A frequent cause of ghosting is astigmatism, but it can also come from abnormalities of the lens. As you note it can be improved somewhat by refraction (glasses), but not always.

How do you fix a Unstraight wall? ›

How to Fix Uneven Walls
  1. Cover it With Paint. If your freshly painted wall is slightly uneven, painting over the low areas might be all you need to smooth things out. ...
  2. Sand Down the High Spots. ...
  3. Plaster Over the Low Spots. ...
  4. Apply Elastomeric Wall Coating. ...
  5. Replace or Add Drywall. ...
  6. Adjust the Framing.

What is shadow effect on a wall? ›

What you're seeing in the shadows on the ceilings and walls in your mom's home is primarily caused by small particles in the air plating out on the interior of the walls and ceilings. These particles may be common dust and dirt, but are often soot associated with fireplaces, candles or cigarette smoke.

How do you Unscuff a wall? ›

  1. Step 1: Mix Baking Soda and Water. Mix a few tablespoons of baking soda with warm water until a paste forms.
  2. Step 2: Apply Mixture to Stain. Gently work the formula into the wall stain. Wipe away any residue with a clean, damp cloth. ...
  3. Step 3: Dry Walls. Wipe walls with a dry microfiber cloth. How to Clean Crayon Off Walls.
Aug 31, 2022

Why are my nails suddenly see through? ›

Why are the tips of my nails clear? Your nails are transparent underneath the nail bed, and they may grow away from the nail bed with a clear color. This isn't necessarily a concern, but it may also be related to: environmental factors like chemical exposure, weather, and frequent handwashing.

Should my nails be see through? ›

Yep, the healthy nail plate is supposed to be semi-transparent. The pink area you see on your nails is actually the life-nourishing, nail bed BELOW the nail plate. The nail bed provides a constant flow of moisture and oil through the nail plate.

Can see nails in drywall? ›

A Few Nail Pops All Over the House

What if your nail pops are only somewhat common, but they're coming up all over your home? If you're seeing nail pops all across your home, it's more likely that you're dealing with a structural problem. Alternately, the nails behind your drywall may be improperly positioned.

How common is ghosting? ›

Research shows that 13% to 23% of people have been ghosted in the United States. There are many reasons why being ghosted may have happened to you, but chances are that you weren't talking to a cruel, uncaring person — they simply lacked the skills to be upfront.

Does ghosting last forever? ›

So when you ghost, you end the relationship at withdrawing — permanently.

How do I get rid of ghost monitor? ›

Right-click and remove any excess generic PnP monitors from Devices and Printers in Control Panel. Right-click and uninstall any Generic PnP monitor(s) appearing in Device Manager. Install the latest video drivers (for either the onboard Intel graphics card, or the add-on NVIDIA or AMD graphics card) from Dell.

How do you tell if you nailed into a stud? ›

Make a fist and knock on the wall with your knuckles. In some places, you'll hear a hollow sound. Other areas will sound more “solid.” The “solid” sound indicates you have knocked on a stud. Studs are located about 16 to 24-inches apart.

How do you know if you missed a stud? ›

Before you screw into the wall, give it a knock. The wall should sound solid if you're on a stud – a hollow sound indicates you've missed the mark. You may also pierce the drywall with a small nail to make sure you're in the right spot.

What is trickle ghosting? ›

Trickle Ghosting got its name on a Reddit thread, and describes the situation when you think everything is going great, but the person in question slowly and gently retreats.

What is semi ghosting? ›

As Preston Ni, author of Communication Success with Four Personality Types and How to Communicate Effectively and Handle Difficult People writes for Psychology Today, “semi-ghosting” describes when a formerly close relationship is still superficially in place, but the frequency and depth of contact are so lacking that ...

How far behind drywall are studs? ›

The most common, and standard distance between wall studs is 16-inches. So if you don't know how to space your studs then space them at 16-inches.

Can a stud finder be wrong? ›

Even though your tool indicated that it located a stud right where you need it, a stud finder can signal false positives when there is metal piping or flashing or brackets within the wall.

Are you supposed to hammer into a stud? ›

In fact, you SHOULD nail into a stud when you have a chance! Driving nails into a stud makes them really secure. This concept also applies exactly to screws. You technically *can* put a screw through hollow drywall and hang something from it, but that ain't gonna last you long.

Can I use my iPhone as a stud finder? ›

With the evolution of technology, you can find stud finding apps for both iPhone and Android smartphones. They use the phone's magnetometer (the sensor that drives the compass) to detect metal nails or screws behind the drywall.

How heavy is too heavy to hang on drywall? ›

Fifteen to twenty pounds is probably the maximum amount, no matter the type of hardware used. This isn't because of the hardware or the wall, but due to gravity. This weight limit is equal to a small ceiling fan, hanging a plant, or heavier ceiling fan unless blocking is used.

Can you hang a TV without hitting a stud? ›

Mounting a tv with drywall anchors or bolts is a great option if you can't drill into a stud. You'll need to use a hollow wall anchor that looks similar to a regular screw, with a butterfly toggle at the end. Once they're placed in the wall, they'll attach to the back.

What is Paperclipping in dating? ›

a situation where someone you have dated suddenly sends you a message after a long period of time, then disappears again. "'Paperclipping' is the latest dating trend to be given an official name, following the likes of 'Kondo-ing', 'Masturdating' and 'Fishing'.

What is cookie jarring in dating? ›

Cookie-jarring is where you find yourself being left on the shelf as an option instead of the main choice. Relationships expert Annabelle Knight told Metro that cookie-jarring is: 'The act of leading someone to believe that the connection they share will lead to a relationship while knowing that it will not.

What is roaching in dating? ›

Yes, this term actually refers to co*ckroaches. According to Glamour, the term was coined by AskMen and describes a partner still sleeping around with other people, which generally happens at the beginning of the relationship.

What is passive ghosting? ›

I recently read an article about “passive ghosting,” aka when someone who is not interested in dating a person still responds and shows slight interest, leaving that person in a constant state of confusion.

What is Breadcrumbing in dating? ›

Breadcrumbing is the act of sending out flirtatious, but non-committal social signals (i.e. "breadcrumbs") in order to lure a romantic partner in without expending much effort. In other words, it's leading someone on.

What is a soft ghost? ›

Soft ghosting refers to someone 'liking' your last message or latest comment on their post on platforms like Facebook and Instagram where it's possible to react to an interaction, but not actually replying and continuing the conversation. So, although they're not ignoring you, they're also offering no genuine response.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

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Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.